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Unverified Commit 90732e7d authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Merge pull request #12087 from metabase/merge-release-0.34.x-into-master

Merge release-0.34.x into master
parents ef1e3969 5c781747
No related merge requests found
with 862 additions and 640 deletions
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ jobs:
- run:
name: Generate checksums of all backend source files to use as Uberjar cache key
command: >
for file in `find ./src -type f -name '*.clj' | sort`;
for file in `find ./src ./backend -type f -name '*.clj' | sort`;
do echo `md5sum $file` >> backend-checksums.txt;
echo `md5sum project.clj` >> backend-checksums.txt
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
......@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
{:paths ["./"]
{org.clojure/data.xml {:mvn/version "0.0.8"}
cheshire {:mvn/version "5.8.1"}
clj-http {:mvn/version "3.9.1"}
clj-tagsoup {:mvn/version "0.3.0"}
commons-io/commons-io {:mvn/version "2.6"}
colorize {:mvn/version "0.1.1"}
environ {:mvn/version "1.1.0"}
hiccup {:mvn/version "1.0.5"}
org.flatland/ordered {:mvn/version "1.5.7"}}}
(ns macos-release
(:require [colorize.core :as colorize]
[ :as ordered-map]
[build :as build]
[codesign :as codesign]
[common :as c]
[create-dmg :as create-dmg]
[notarize :as notarize]
[sparkle-artifacts :as sparkle-artifacts]
[upload :as upload]]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(def ^:private steps*
:build build/build!
:codesign codesign/codesign!
:generate-sparkle-artifacts sparkle-artifacts/generate-sparkle-artifacts!
:create-dmg create-dmg/create-dmg!
:notarize notarize/notarize!
:upload upload/upload!))
(defn- do-step! [step-name]
(let [thunk (or (get steps* (keyword step-name))
(throw (ex-info (format "Invalid step name: %s" step-name)
{:found (set (keys steps*))})))]
(println (colorize/magenta (format "Running step %s..." step-name)))
(defn- do-steps! [steps]
(c/announce "Running steps: %s" steps)
(doseq [step-name steps]
(do-step! step-name))
(c/announce "Success."))
(defn -main [& steps]
(let [steps (or (seq steps)
(keys steps*))]
(do-steps! steps)
(catch Throwable e
(println (colorize/red (pr-str e)))
(System/exit -1))))
(System/exit 0))
tell application "Finder"
tell disk "Metabase"
set current view of container window to icon view
set toolbar visible of container window to false
set statusbar visible of container window to false
set the bounds of container window to {400, 100, 885, 430}
set theViewOptions to the icon view options of container window
set arrangement of theViewOptions to not arranged
set icon size of theViewOptions to 72
make new alias file at container window to POSIX file "/Applications" with properties {name:"Applications"}
set position of item "" of container window to {100, 100}
set position of item "Applications" of container window to {375, 100}
update without registering applications
delay 5
end tell
end tell
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[macos-release.common :as c]))
(def ^String info-plist-file
(c/assert-file-exists (str c/macos-source-dir "/Metabase/Metabase-Info.plist")))
(def ^String export-options-plist-file
(c/assert-file-exists (str c/macos-source-dir "/exportOptions.plist")))
(def ^String xcode-project-file
(c/assert-file-exists (str c/macos-source-dir "/Metabase.xcodeproj")))
(defn- plist-buddy
"Run a `PlistBuddy` command."
[plist-file command]
(let [[out] (c/sh (c/assert-file-exists "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy")
"-c" (str command)
(c/assert-file-exists plist-file))]
(some-> out str/trim)))
(defn- plist-value
"Fetch value `k` from a Plist file.
(plist-value config/info-plist-file \"CFBundleVersion\") ; -> \"\""
[plist-filename k]
(plist-buddy plist-filename (format "Print %s" (str k))))
(defn- set-plist-value!
"Set value of `k` in a Plist file. Verifies version is set correctly."
[plist-filename k v]
(plist-buddy plist-filename (format "Set %s %s" (str k) (str v)))
(assert (= (plist-value plist-filename k) v))
(defn- xcode-build [& args]
(apply c/sh "xcodebuild" "-UseNewBuildSystem=NO" args))
(defn- set-version! []
(c/step (format "Bump version from %s -> %s" (plist-value info-plist-file "CFBundleVersion") (c/version))
(set-plist-value! info-plist-file "CFBundleVersion" (c/version))
(set-plist-value! info-plist-file "CFBundleShortVersionString" (c/version))))
(defn- clean! []
(c/step "Clean XCode build artifacts"
(xcode-build "-project" xcode-project-file "clean")
(c/delete-file! c/artifacts-directory)))
(defn- build-xcarchive! []
(let [filename (c/artifact "Metabase.xcarchive")]
(c/delete-file! filename)
(c/step (format "Build %s" filename)
(xcode-build "-project" xcode-project-file
"-scheme" "Metabase"
"-configuration" "Release"
"-archivePath" filename
(c/assert-file-exists filename))))
(defn- build-app! []
(let [filename (c/artifact "")]
(c/delete-file! filename)
(c/step (format "Create %s" filename)
(xcode-build "-exportArchive"
"-exportOptionsPlist" export-options-plist-file
"-archivePath" (c/assert-file-exists (c/artifact "Metabase.xcarchive"))
"-exportPath" c/artifacts-directory)
(c/assert-file-exists filename))))
(defn build! []
(c/step "Build artifacts"
(c/assert-file-exists (str c/macos-source-dir "/Metabase/jre/bin/java")
"Make sure you copy the JRE it before building Mac App (see build instructions)")
(c/announce " built sucessfully.")))
(ns macos-release.codesign
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[macos-release.common :as c]))
(def ^:private codesigning-identity "Developer ID Application: Metabase, Inc")
(defn- entitlements-file []
(c/assert-file-exists (str c/macos-source-dir "/Metabase/Metabase.entitlements")))
(defn- codesign-file! [filename]
(c/step (format "Code sign %s" filename)
(c/sh "codesign" "--force" "--verify"
"--sign" codesigning-identity
"-r=designated => anchor trusted"
"--options" "runtime"
"--entitlements" (entitlements-file)
(c/assert-file-exists filename))
(c/announce "Codesigned %s." filename)))
(defn verify-codesign [filename]
(c/step (format "Verify code signature of %s" filename)
(c/sh "codesign" "--verify" "--deep"
(c/assert-file-exists filename))
;; double
(c/step "Check codesigning status with the System Policy Security Tool"
(c/sh "spctl" "--assess"
"--type" "exec"
(when (str/ends-with? filename "")
(doseq [file ["/Contents/MacOS/Metabase"
(verify-codesign (str filename file))))
(c/announce "Codesign for %s is valid." filename)))
(defn codesign! []
(c/step "Codesign"
(let [app (c/assert-file-exists (c/artifact ""))
sparkle-app (c/assert-file-exists (str app "/Contents/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/"))]
(doseq [file [sparkle-app app]]
(codesign-file! file)
(verify-codesign file)))))
(ns macos-release.common
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[colorize.core :as colorize]
[environ.core :as env])
(:import [ BufferedReader File InputStreamReader]
(def ^String macos-source-dir
"e.g. /Users/cam/metabase/OSX"
(env/env :user-dir))
(assert (str/ends-with? macos-source-dir "/OSX")
"Please switch to the /OSX directory before running macos_release.clj")
(def ^String root-directory
"e.g. /Users/cam/metabase"
(.getParent (File. macos-source-dir)))
(def ^String artifacts-directory
"e.g. /Users/cam/metabase/osx-artifacts"
(str root-directory "/osx-artifacts"))
;;; ---------------------------------------------------- Util Fns ----------------------------------------------------
(def ^:dynamic *steps* [])
(def ^:private step-indent (str/join (repeat 2 \space)))
(defn- steps-indent []
(str/join (repeat (count *steps*) step-indent)))
(defn safe-println [& args]
(locking println
(print (steps-indent))
(apply println args)))
(defn announce
"Like `println` + `format`, but outputs text in green. Use this for printing messages such as when starting build
(safe-println (colorize/magenta s)))
([format-string & args]
(announce (apply format (str format-string) args))))
(defn do-step [step thunk]
(safe-println (colorize/green (str step)))
(binding [*steps* (conj *steps* step)]
(catch Throwable e
(throw (ex-info (str step) {} e))))))
(defmacro step {:style/indent 1} [step & body]
`(do-step ~step (fn [] ~@body)))
(defn exists? [^String filename]
(when filename
(.exists (File. filename))))
(defn assert-file-exists
"If file with `filename` exists, return `filename` as is; otherwise, throw Exception."
^String [filename & [message]]
(when-not (exists? filename)
(throw (ex-info (format "File %s does not exist. %s" (pr-str filename) (or message "")) {:filename filename})))
(str filename))
(defn create-directory-unless-exists! [^String dir]
(when-not (exists? dir)
(step (format "Creating directory %s..." dir)
(.mkdirs (File. dir))))
(defn artifact
"Return the full path of a file in the build artifacts directory."
^String [filename]
(create-directory-unless-exists! artifacts-directory)
(str artifacts-directory "/" filename))
(defn delete-file!
"Delete a file or directory if it exists."
([^String filename]
(step (format "Deleting %s..." filename)
(if (exists? filename)
(let [file (File. filename)]
(if (.isDirectory file)
(FileUtils/deleteDirectory file)
(.delete file))
(safe-println (format "Deleted %s." filename)))
(safe-println (format "Don't need to delete %s, file does not exist." filename)))
(assert (not (exists? filename)))))
([file & more]
(dorun (map delete-file! (cons file more)))))
(declare sh)
(defn copy-file! [^String source ^String dest]
(let [source-file (File. (assert-file-exists source))
dest-file (File. dest)]
;; Use native `cp` rather than FileUtils or the like because codesigning is broken when you use those because they
;; don't preserve symlinks or something like that.
(if (.isDirectory source-file)
(step (format "Copying directory %s -> %s" source dest)
(sh "cp" "-R" source dest))
(step (format "Copying file %s -> %s" source dest)
(sh "cp" source dest))))
(assert-file-exists dest))
(defn- read-lines [^ reader {:keys [quiet? err?]}]
(loop [lines []]
(if-let [line (.readLine reader)]
(when-not quiet?
(safe-println (if err? (colorize/red line) line)))
(recur (conj lines line)))
(defn- deref-with-timeout [dereffable timeout-ms]
(let [result (deref dereffable timeout-ms ::timed-out)]
(when (= result ::timed-out)
(throw (ex-info (format "Timed out after %d ms." timeout-ms) {})))
(def ^:private command-timeout-ms (* 5 60 1000)) ; 5 minutes
(defn sh*
"Run a shell command. Like ``, but prints output to stdout/stderr and returns results as a vector
of lines."
{:arglists '([cmd & args] [{:keys [dir quiet?]} cmd & args])}
[& args]
(step (colorize/blue (str "$ " (str/join " " (map (comp pr-str str) args))))
(let [[opts & args] (if (map? (first args))
(cons nil args))
{:keys [dir]} opts
cmd-array (into-array (map str args))
proc (.exec (Runtime/getRuntime) ^"[Ljava.lang.String;" cmd-array nil ^File (when dir (File. ^String dir)))]
(with-open [out-reader (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. (.getInputStream proc)))
err-reader (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. (.getErrorStream proc)))]
(let [exit-code (future (.waitFor proc))
out (future (read-lines out-reader opts))
err (future (read-lines err-reader (assoc opts :err? true)))]
{:exit (deref-with-timeout exit-code command-timeout-ms)
:out (deref-with-timeout out command-timeout-ms)
:err (deref-with-timeout err command-timeout-ms)})))))
(defn sh
"Run a shell command, returning its output if it returns zero or throwning an Exception if it returns non-zero."
{:arglists '([cmd & args] [{:keys [dir quiet?]} cmd & args])}
[& args]
(let [{:keys [exit out err], :as response} (apply sh* args)]
(if (zero? exit)
(concat out err)
(throw (ex-info (str/join "\n" (concat out err)) response)))))
(defn- version* []
(let [[out] (sh (assert-file-exists (str root-directory "/bin/version")))
[_ version] (re-find #"^v([\d.]+)" out)]
(when-not (seq version)
(throw (ex-info "Error parsing version." {:out out})))
(def ^{:arglists '([])} version
"Currently tagged Metabase version. e.g. `0.34.3`"
(partial deref (delay (version*))))
(defn uploaded-artifact-url [artifact]
(format "" (version) artifact))
(ns macos-release.create-dmg
(:require [macos-release
[codesign :as codesign]
[common :as c]]))
(def ^:private dmg (c/artifact "Metabase.dmg"))
(def ^:private temp-dmg "/tmp/Metabase.dmg")
(def ^:private source-dir "/tmp/Metabase.dmg.source")
(def ^:private mounted-dmg "/Volumes/Metabase")
(defn- copy-app-to-source-dir! []
(c/step "Copy app to source dir"
(c/delete-file! source-dir)
(c/create-directory-unless-exists! source-dir)
(let [source-app (c/assert-file-exists (c/artifact ""))
dest-app (str source-dir "/")]
(c/copy-file! source-app dest-app)
(c/assert-file-exists dest-app)
(codesign/verify-codesign dest-app))))
(defn- create-dmg-from-source-dir! []
(c/delete-file! temp-dmg)
(c/step (format "Create DMG %s from source dir %s" temp-dmg source-dir)
(c/sh "hdiutil" "create"
"-srcfolder" (str (c/assert-file-exists source-dir) "/")
"-volname" "Metabase"
"-fs" "HFS+"
"-fsargs" "-c c=64,a=16,e=16"
"-format" "UDRW"
;; has to be big enough to hold everything uncompressed, but doesn't matter if there's extra
;; space -- compression slims it down
"-size" "512MB"
(c/announce "Created %s." temp-dmg)))
(defn- mount-dmg! [dmg {:keys [readonly?]
:or {readonly? false}}]
(c/step (format "Mount %s -> %s" (c/assert-file-exists dmg) mounted-dmg)
(let [[out] (c/sh "hdiutil" "attach"
(if readonly? "-readonly" "-readwrite")
"-noautoopen" dmg)
[_ device] (re-find #"(/dev/disk\d+)" out)]
(defn- unmount-dmg! [device]
(c/step (format "Unmount device %s" device)
(letfn [(unmount! []
;; force completion of any pending disk writes
(c/sh "sync")
(c/sh "sync")
(c/sh "hdiutil" "detach" device))]
(catch Throwable _
;; if the unmount fails at first because the device is "busy" wait a few seconds and try again
(c/announce "Wait a bit for DMG to stop being 'busy'")
(Thread/sleep 5000)
(defn- do-with-mounted-dmg [dmg options f]
(c/step (format "Mount %s" dmg)
(let [device (mount-dmg! dmg options)]
(f device)
(unmount-dmg! device))))))
(defmacro ^:private with-mounted-dmg [[device-binding dmg options] & body]
`(do-with-mounted-dmg ~dmg ~options (fn [~device-binding] ~@body)))
(defn- add-applications-shortcut! []
(c/assert-file-exists mounted-dmg)
(c/sh "osascript" (c/assert-file-exists (str c/macos-source-dir "/macos_release/addShortcut.scpt"))))
(defn- delete-temporary-files-in-dmg!
"Delete any temporary files that might have creeped in."
(c/assert-file-exists mounted-dmg)
(c/delete-file! (str mounted-dmg "/.Trashes")
(str mounted-dmg "/.fseventsd")))
(defn- set-dmg-permissions! []
(c/sh "chmod" "-Rf" "go-w" (c/assert-file-exists mounted-dmg)))
(defn- verify-dmg-codesign! []
(codesign/verify-codesign (str mounted-dmg "/")))
(defn- compress-and-copy-dmg!
(c/delete-file! dmg)
(c/step (format "Compress DMG %s -> %s" (c/assert-file-exists temp-dmg) dmg)
(c/sh "hdiutil" "convert" temp-dmg
"-format" "UDZO"
"-imagekey" "zlib-level-9"
"-o" dmg)
(c/assert-file-exists dmg)))
(defn- delete-temp-files! []
(c/step "Delete temp files"
(c/delete-file! temp-dmg source-dir)))
(defn create-dmg! []
(c/step (format "Create %s" dmg)
(c/delete-file! dmg temp-dmg source-dir)
(with-mounted-dmg [_ temp-dmg]
(with-mounted-dmg [_ dmg {:readonly? true}]
(c/announce "Successfully created %s." dmg)))
(ns macos-release.notarize
(:require [cheshire.core :as json]
[clj-http.client :as http]
[clojure.string :as str]
[environ.core :as env]
[macos-release.common :as c]))
(def ^:private asc-provider "BR27ZJK7WW")
(defn- apple-id []
(or (env/env :metabase-mac-app-build-apple-id)
(throw (ex-info "Please set the METABASE_MAC_APP_BUILD_APPLE_ID env var." {}))))
(def ^:private keychain-password "@keychain:METABASE_MAC_APP_BUILD_PASSWORD")
(defn- notarize-file!
"Returns request UUID."
(c/step (format "Notarize %s" (c/assert-file-exists filename))
(let [lines (c/sh "xcrun" "altool" "--notarize-app"
"--primary-bundle-id" "com.metabase.Metabase"
"--username" (apple-id)
"--password" keychain-password
"--asc-provider" asc-provider
"--file" filename)]
(some (fn [line]
(when-let [[_ uuid] (re-matches #"RequestUUID = ([\w-]+)" line)]
(defn- notarization-status
"Returns a map with string keys like `LogFileURL` and `Status`."
(reduce (fn [m line]
(if-let [[_ k v] (re-matches #"^(.+):\s+(.+)$" line)]
(assoc m (str/trim k) (str/trim v))
(c/sh "xcrun" "altool" "--notarization-info" uuid
"-u" (apple-id)
"-p" keychain-password
"-asc-provider" asc-provider)))
(def ^:private notarization-timeout-ms (* 5 60 1000)) ; five minutes
(defn notarization-log-info
"Comes back as a map."
(-> (http/get url)
(json/parse-string true)))
(defn- wait-for-notarization [uuid]
(c/step (format "Wait for notarization for %s" uuid)
(let [start-time (System/currentTimeMillis)]
(loop []
(let [duration (- (System/currentTimeMillis) start-time)]
(when (> duration notarization-timeout-ms)
(throw (ex-info "Notarization timed out." {}))))
(let [{status "Status", log-url "LogFileURL", :as status-map} (notarization-status uuid)]
(condp = status
"in progress"
(do (Thread/sleep 5000)
(c/announce "Notarization successful.")
(let [error-info (try
(some-> log-url notarization-log-info)
(catch Throwable e
(locking println (println "Error fetching log info:" e))
(some->> log-url (c/sh "open"))
(catch Throwable _))
(throw (ex-info "Notarization error."
{:uuid uuid
:status status-map
:log-info error-info})))))))))
(defn- staple-notarization! [filename]
(c/step (format "Staple notarization to %s" (c/assert-file-exists filename))
(c/sh "xcrun" "stapler" "staple" "-v" filename)
(c/announce "Notarization stapled successfully.")))
(defn- verify-notarization
"Verify that an app is Signed & Notarized correctly. See"
(c/step (format "Verify notarization for %s" (c/assert-file-exists filename))
(let [source (some (fn [line]
(when-let [[_ source] (re-matches #"^source=(.+)$" line)]
(str/trim source)))
(c/sh "spctl" "-a" "-v" filename))]
(assert (= source "Notarized Developer ID") (format "Unexpected source: %s" (pr-str source))))
(c/announce "Verification successful.")))
(defn notarize! []
(c/step "Notarize"
(let [dmg-request-uuid (notarize-file! (c/artifact "Metabase.dmg"))
zip-request-uuid (notarize-file! (c/artifact ""))]
(wait-for-notarization dmg-request-uuid)
(wait-for-notarization zip-request-uuid))
(staple-notarization! (c/artifact "Metabase.dmg"))
(verify-notarization (c/artifact ""))))
(defn- notarization-history
"Provided primarily for REPL usage."
(c/sh "xcrun" "altool"
"--notarization-history" "0"
"-u" (apple-id)
"-p" keychain-password
"--asc-provider" asc-provider))
(ns macos-release.sparkle-artifacts
(:require [ :as xml]
[ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str]
[hiccup.core :as h]
[codesign :as codesign]
[common :as c]]
[pl.danieljanus.tagsoup :as tagsoup])
(:import [ File FileOutputStream OutputStreamWriter]
(def ^:private ^String appcast-file (c/artifact "appcast.xml"))
(def ^:private ^String release-notes-file (c/artifact "release-notes.html"))
(def ^:private ^String zip-file (c/artifact ""))
(defn- verify-zip-codesign []
(c/step (format "Verify code signature of archived in %s" zip-file)
(let [temp-file "/tmp/"]
(c/delete-file! temp-file)
(c/sh {:quiet? true}
"unzip" (c/assert-file-exists zip-file)
"-d" temp-file)
(c/assert-file-exists temp-file)
(let [unzipped-app-file (c/assert-file-exists (str temp-file "/"))]
(codesign/verify-codesign unzipped-app-file)))))
(defn- create-zip-archive! []
(c/delete-file! zip-file)
(c/step (format "Create ZIP file %s" zip-file)
(c/assert-file-exists (c/artifact ""))
;; Use ditto instead of zip to preserve the codesigning -- see
(c/sh {:dir c/artifacts-directory}
"ditto" "-c" "-k" "--sequesterRsrc"
"--keepParent" "" "")
(c/assert-file-exists zip-file)
(defn- generate-file-signature [filename]
(c/step (format "Generate signature for %s" filename)
(let [private-key (c/assert-file-exists (str c/macos-source-dir "/dsa_priv.pem"))
script (c/assert-file-exists (str c/root-directory "/bin/lib/sign_update.rb"))
[out] (c/sh script (c/assert-file-exists filename) private-key)
signature (str/trim out)]
(assert (seq signature))
(defn- handle-namespaced-keyword [k]
(if (namespace k)
(str (namespace k) ":" (name k))
(defn- xml [form]
(if (and (sequential? form)
(keyword? (first form)))
(let [[element & more] form
[attrs & body] (if (map? (first more))
(cons {} more))
attrs (into {} (for [[k v] attrs]
[(handle-namespaced-keyword k) v]))
element (handle-namespaced-keyword element)]
(apply xml/element element attrs (map xml body)))
(defn- appcast-xml
(appcast-xml (.length (File. (c/assert-file-exists zip-file)))
(generate-file-signature zip-file)))
([length signature]
{:version "2.0"
:xmlns/sparkle ""
:xmlns/dc ""}
[:title "Metabase ChangeLog"]
[:link (c/uploaded-artifact-url "appcast.xml")]
[:language "en"]
[:title (format "Version %s" (c/version))]
[:sparkle/releaseNotesLink (c/uploaded-artifact-url "release-notes.html")]
{:url (c/uploaded-artifact-url "")
:sparkle/version (c/version)
:length length
:type "application/octet-stream"
:sparkle/dsaSignature signature}]]]])))
(defn- generate-appcast! []
(c/delete-file! appcast-file)
(c/step (format "Generate appcast %s" appcast-file)
(with-open [os (FileOutputStream. (File. appcast-file))
w (OutputStreamWriter. os StandardCharsets/UTF_8)]
(xml/indent (appcast-xml) w))
(c/assert-file-exists appcast-file)))
(defn- release-notes-body []
(let [url (format "" (c/version))]
(letfn [(find-body [x]
(when (sequential? x)
(let [[element {klass :class} & body] x]
(if (and (= element :div)
(= klass "markdown-body"))
(some find-body body)))))]
(->> (tagsoup/parse url)
(catch Throwable e
(throw (ex-info (format "Error parsing release notes at %s: are you sure they exists?" url) {} e))))))
(defn- release-notes []
[:head [:title "Metabase Release Notes"]]
[:body (release-notes-body)]])
(defn- generate-release-notes! []
(c/delete-file! release-notes-file)
(c/step (format "Generate release notes %s" release-notes-file)
(let [notes (release-notes)]
(with-open [w (io/writer release-notes-file)]
(.write w (h/html notes))))))
(defn generate-sparkle-artifacts! []
(c/step "Generate Sparkle artifacts"
(c/announce "Sparkle artifacts generated successfully.")))
(ns macos-release.upload
(:require [macos-release.common :as c]))
(def ^:private aws-profile "metabase")
(def ^:private s3-bucket "")
(def ^:private cloudfront-distribution-id "E35CJLWZIZVG7K")
(def ^:private upload-dir (c/artifact "upload"))
(defn- copy-files-to-upload-dir! []
(c/delete-file! upload-dir)
(c/step (format "Copy files to %s" upload-dir)
(c/step "Copy top-level files"
(c/create-directory-unless-exists! upload-dir)
(c/copy-file! (c/assert-file-exists (c/artifact "appcast.xml")) (str upload-dir "/appcast.xml")))
(let [version-upload-dir (str upload-dir "/v" (c/version))]
(c/step (format "Copy files to %s" version-upload-dir)
(c/create-directory-unless-exists! version-upload-dir)
(doseq [file ["" "Metabase.dmg" "release-notes.html"]]
(c/copy-file! (c/assert-file-exists (c/artifact file)) (str version-upload-dir "/" file)))))))
(defn- upload-artifacts! []
(c/step "Upload artifacts to"
(c/sh "aws" "--recursive"
"--profile" aws-profile
"--region" "us-east-1"
"s3" "cp" upload-dir
(format "s3://%s" s3-bucket))
(c/announce "All files uploaded.")))
(defn- create-cloudfront-invalidation! []
(c/step "Create CloudFront invalidation"
(c/step "Enable CloudFront CLI"
(c/sh "aws" "configure" "set" "preview.cloudfront" "true"))
(c/step "Invalidate /appcast.xml"
(c/sh "aws" "cloudfront" "create-invalidation"
"--profile" aws-profile
"--distribution-id" cloudfront-distribution-id
"--paths" "/appcast.xml"))
(c/announce "Invalidation created successfully.")))
(defn upload! []
(c/step "Upload artifacts"
use strict;
use warnings;
package Metabase::Util;
use Cwd 'getcwd';
use Exporter;
use JSON;
use Readonly;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(config
Readonly my $config_file => getcwd() . '/bin/config.json';
warn "Missing config file: $config_file\n" .
"Please copy $config_file.template, and edit it as needed.\n"
unless (-e $config_file);
Readonly my $config => from_json(`cat $config_file`) if -e $config_file;
sub config {
return $config ? $config->{ $_[0] } : '';
sub config_or_die {
my ($configKey) = @_;
return config($configKey) or die "Missing config.json property '$configKey'";
sub announce {
print "\n\n" . GREEN . $_[0] . RESET . "\n\n";
sub print_giant_success_banner {
print "\n\n". BLUE .
'+----------------------------------------------------------------------+' . "\n" .
'| |' . "\n" .
'| _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _ |' . "\n" .
'| ( ____ \|\ /|( ____ \( ____ \( ____ \( ____ \( ____ \( ) |' . "\n" .
'| | ( \/| ) ( || ( \/| ( \/| ( \/| ( \/| ( \/| | |' . "\n" .
'| | (_____ | | | || | | | | (__ | (_____ | (_____ | | |' . "\n" .
'| (_____ )| | | || | | | | __) (_____ )(_____ )| | |' . "\n" .
'| ) || | | || | | | | ( ) | ) |(_) |' . "\n" .
'| /\____) || (___) || (____/\| (____/\| (____/\/\____) |/\____) | _ |' . "\n" .
'| \_______)(_______)(_______/(_______/(_______/\_______)\_______)(_) |' . "\n" .
'| |' . "\n" .
'| |' . "\n" .
'+----------------------------------------------------------------------+' . RESET . "\n\n";
# Check if a file exists, or die.
# If file path is relative, qualify it by prepending the current dir.
# Return the fully-qualified file path.
sub get_file_or_die {
my ($filename) = @_;
$filename = (getcwd() . '/' . $filename) if $filename !~ /^\//;
die "Error: $filename does not exist.\n" unless -e $filename;
return $filename;
# Run a PlistBuddy command against Metabase-Info.plist
sub plist_buddy_exec {
my $info_plist = get_file_or_die('OSX/Metabase/Metabase-Info.plist');
return `/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c '@_' "$info_plist"`;
use constant OSX_ARTIFACTS_DIR => getcwd() . '/osx-artifacts';
sub artifact {
# Make the artifacts directory if needed
system('mkdir', OSX_ARTIFACTS_DIR) if ! -d OSX_ARTIFACTS_DIR;
return OSX_ARTIFACTS_DIR . "/$_[0]";
"codesigningIdentity": "Developer ID Application: Metabase, Inc",
"appStoreConnectProviderShortName": "BR27ZJK7WW",
"awsProfile": "metabase",
"awsBucket": "",
"cloudFrontDistributionID": "E35CJLWZIZVG7K"
#! /usr/bin/env perl -I./bin
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd 'getcwd';
use File::Copy 'copy';
use File::Copy::Recursive 'rcopy'; # CPAN
use File::Path 'remove_tree';
use File::stat 'stat';
use Readonly; # CPAN
use String::Util 'trim'; # CPAN
use Text::Caml; # CPAN
use Metabase::Util;
Readonly my $app => artifact('');
Readonly my $zipfile => artifact('');
Readonly my $appcast => artifact('appcast.xml');
Readonly my $release_notes => artifact('release-notes.html');
Readonly my $dmg => artifact('Metabase.dmg');
Readonly my $xcode_project => get_file_or_die('OSX/Metabase.xcodeproj');
Readonly my $export_options => get_file_or_die('OSX/exportOptions.plist');
# Get the version saved in the CFBundle, e.g. ''
sub version {
return trim(plist_buddy_exec('Print', 'CFBundleVersion'));
# Get the tag saved in, e.g. '0.12.0'
sub version_from_props_file {
open(FILE, get_file_or_die('resources/')) or die $!;
while (<FILE>) { m/^tag/ && s/^tag=v([0-9.]+)[^0-9.]*$/$1/ && (return trim($_)); };
# This is the name of the subdirectory on s3, e.g. 'v.0.12.0'
sub upload_subdir {
return 'v' . version_from_props_file();
# Next version after version(), e.g. ''
sub next_version {
my ($old_version_tag, $old_version_point_release) = (version() =~ /^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)$/);
Readonly my $tag_from_props_file => version_from_props_file();
# Now calculate the new version, which is ($tag.$point_release)
# Check and see if tag has changed in; if so, new version is the first "point release" of that tag.
return $old_version_tag eq $tag_from_props_file ? ($old_version_tag . '.' . ($old_version_point_release + 1)) : "$tag_from_props_file.0";
sub bump_version {
Readonly my $new_version => next_version();
announce 'Bumping version: ' . version() . " -> $new_version";
plist_buddy_exec('Set', ':CFBundleVersion', $new_version);
plist_buddy_exec('Set', ':CFBundleShortVersionString', $new_version);
sub clean {
system('xcodebuild', '-UseNewBuildSystem=NO', 'clean', '-project', $xcode_project) == 0 or die $!;
# Build
sub build {
announce "Building $app...";
Readonly my $xcarchive => artifact('Metabase.xcarchive');
# remove old artifacts if they exist
remove_tree($xcarchive, $app);
# Build the project and generate Metabase.xcarchive
'-project', $xcode_project,
'-scheme', 'Metabase',
'-configuration', 'Release',
'-archivePath', $xcarchive,
'archive') == 0 or die $!;
# Ok, now create the artifact
'-exportOptionsPlist', $export_options,
'-archivePath', $xcarchive,
'-exportPath', OSX_ARTIFACTS_DIR) == 0 or die $!;
# Ok, we can remove the .xcarchive file now
sub codesign_file {
my ($filename) = @_;
Readonly my $codesigning_cert_name => config_or_die('codesigningIdentity');
Readonly my $entitlements_file => get_file_or_die('OSX/Metabase/Metabase.entitlements');
announce "Codesigning $filename...";
system('codesign', '--force', '--verify',
'--sign', $codesigning_cert_name,
'-r=designated => anchor trusted',
'--options', 'runtime',
'--entitlements', $entitlements_file,
'--deep', get_file_or_die($filename)) == 0 or die "Code signing failed: $!\n";
# Codesign
sub codesign {
codesign_file($app) or die $1;
sub verify_file_codesign {
my ($filename) = @_;
announce "Verifying codesigning for $filename...";
system('codesign', '--verify', '--deep',
get_file_or_die($filename)) == 0 or die "Code signing verification failed: $!\n";
announce "codesign --verify $filename successful";
# Double-check with System Policy Security tool
system('spctl', '--assess', '--verbose=4', get_file_or_die($filename)) == 0 or die "Codesigning verification (spctl) failed: $!\n";
announce "spctl --assess $filename successful";
# Verify that was signed correctly
sub verify_codesign {
verify_file_codesign($app) or die $!;
# ------------------------------------------------------------ PACKAGING FOR SPARKLE ------------------------------------------------------------
sub verify_zip_codesign {
system('unzip', get_file_or_die($zipfile),
'-d', '/tmp/');
verify_file_codesign('/tmp/') or die $!;
# Create ZIP containing
sub archive {
announce "Creating $zipfile...";
# Use ditto instead of zip to preserve the codesigning -- see
system('cd ' . OSX_ARTIFACTS_DIR . ' && ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc --keepParent') == 0 or die $!;
sub generate_signature {
Readonly my $private_key_file => getcwd() . '/OSX/dsa_priv.pem';
unless (-e $private_key_file) {
warn "Missing private key file: $private_key_file\n";
Readonly my $sign_update_script => get_file_or_die('bin/lib/sign_update.rb');
return trim(`$sign_update_script "$zipfile" "$private_key_file"`);
# Generate the appcast.xml RSS feed file that Sparkle reads to check for updates
sub generate_appcast {
announce "Generating $appcast...";
Readonly my $aws_bucket => config_or_die('awsBucket');
Readonly my $signature => generate_signature() or die 'Failed to generate appcast signature';
open(my $out, '>', $appcast) or die "Unable to write to $appcast: $!";
print $out Text::Caml->new->render_file(get_file_or_die('bin/templates/appcast.xml.template'), {
VERSION => version(),
SIGNATURE => $signature,
LENGTH => stat(get_file_or_die($zipfile))->size,
S3_BUCKET => $aws_bucket,
S3_SUBDIR => upload_subdir()
close $out;
sub edit_release_notes {
copy(get_file_or_die('bin/templates/release-notes.html.template'), $release_notes) or die $!;
system('nano', get_file_or_die($release_notes)) == 0 or die $!;
# ------------------------------------------------------------ CREATING DMG ------------------------------------------------------------
sub create_dmg_from_source_dir {
my ($source_dir, $dmg_filename) = @_;
announce "Creating DMG: $dmg_filename from source $source_dir...";
system('hdiutil', 'create',
'-srcfolder', $source_dir,
'-volname', 'Metabase',
'-fs', 'HFS+',
'-fsargs', '-c c=64,a=16,e=16',
'-format', 'UDRW',
'-size', '512MB', # has to be big enough to hold everything uncompressed, but doesn't matter if there's extra space -- compression slims it down
$dmg_filename) == 0 or die $!;
announce "$dmg_filename created.";
# Mount the disk image, return the device name
sub mount_dmg {
my ($dmg_filename) = @_;
announce "Mounting DMG...";
my $device = `hdiutil attach -readwrite -noverify -noautoopen $dmg_filename`;
# Find the device name: the part of the output looks like /dev/disk11
for my $token (split(/\s+/, $device)) {
if ($token =~ m|^/dev/|) {
$device = $token;
announce "Mounted $dmg_filename at $device";
return $device;
sub dmg_add_applications_shortcut {
announce "Adding shortcut to /Applications...";
system('osascript', '-e',
'tell application "Finder"
tell disk "Metabase"
set current view of container window to icon view
set toolbar visible of container window to false
set statusbar visible of container window to false
set the bounds of container window to {400, 100, 885, 430}
set theViewOptions to the icon view options of container window
set arrangement of theViewOptions to not arranged
set icon size of theViewOptions to 72
make new alias file at container window to POSIX file "/Applications" with properties {name:"Applications"}
set position of item "" of container window to {100, 100}
set position of item "Applications" of container window to {375, 100}
update without registering applications
delay 5
end tell
end tell') == 0 or die $!;
sub finalize_dmg {
my ($device, $dmg_filename) = @_;
announce "Finalizing DMG...";
# Remove any hidden files that creeped into the DMG
# Set DMG permissions, force completion of pending disk writes
system('chmod', '-Rf', 'go-w', '/Volumes/Metabase') == 0 or warn $!; # this might issue warnings about not being able to affect .Trashes
# wait a few seconds for the sync to complete so DMG isn't "busy" when we try to unmount it
system('sleep', '5');
# unmount the temp DMG
announce "Unmounting $device...";
system('hdiutil', 'detach', $device) == 0 or die $!;
# compress the DMG
announce "Compressing DMG...";
system('hdiutil', 'convert', $dmg_filename,
'-format', 'UDZO',
'-imagekey', 'zlib-level-9',
'-o', $dmg) == 0 or die $!;
sub create_dmg {
announce "Preparing DMG files...";
# detach any existing Metabase DMGs
system('hdiutil', 'detach', '/Volumes/Metabase') if -d '/Volumes/Metabase';
Readonly my $temp_dmg => artifact('Metabase.temp.dmg');
Readonly my $dmg_source_dir => artifact('dmg');
# Clean up old artifacts
remove_tree($dmg_source_dir, $temp_dmg, $dmg);
mkdir $dmg_source_dir or die $!;
# Copy into the source dir
rcopy(get_file_or_die($app), $dmg_source_dir . '/') or die $!;
# Ok, now proceed with the steps to create the DMG
create_dmg_from_source_dir($dmg_source_dir, $temp_dmg);
Readonly my $device => mount_dmg($temp_dmg);
finalize_dmg($device, $temp_dmg);
announce "DMG created successfully: $dmg";
# Cleanup: remove temp file & temp dir
remove_tree($temp_dmg, $dmg_source_dir);
# ------------------------------------------------------------ NOTORIZATION ------------------------------------------------------------
sub getAppleID {
return $ENV{'METABASE_MAC_APP_BUILD_APPLE_ID'} or die 'Make sure you export the env var METABASE_MAC_APP_BUILD_APPLE_ID';
sub getAscProvider {
return config_or_die('appStoreConnectProviderShortName');
sub notarize_file {
my ($filename) = @_;
announce "Notarizing $filename...";
Readonly my $appleID => getAppleID;
Readonly my $ascProvider => getAscProvider;
system('xcrun', 'altool', '--notarize-app',
'--primary-bundle-id', 'com.metabase.Metabase',
'--username', $appleID,
'--password', '@keychain:METABASE_MAC_APP_BUILD_PASSWORD',
'--asc-provider', $ascProvider,
'--file', $filename
) == 0 or die $!;
print 'You can keep an eye on the notarization status (and get the LogFileURL) with the command:' . "\n\n";
print ' xcrun altool --notarization-info <RequestUUID> -u "$METABASE_MAC_APP_BUILD_APPLE_ID" -p "@keychain:METABASE_MAC_APP_BUILD_PASSWORD"' . "\n\n";
sub wait_for_notarization {
announce "Waiting for notarization...";
Readonly my $appleID => getAppleID;
Readonly my $ascProvider => getAscProvider;
my $status = `xcrun altool --notarization-history 0 -u "$appleID" -p "\@keychain:METABASE_MAC_APP_BUILD_PASSWORD" --asc-provider $ascProvider` or die $!;
print "$status\n";
if ($status =~ m/in progress/) {
print "Notarization is still in progress, waiting a few seconds and trying again...\n";
sleep 5;
} else {
announce "Notarization successful.";
return "Done";
sub staple_notorization {
my ($filename) = @_;
announce "Stapling notarization to $filename...";
system('xcrun', 'stapler', 'staple',
'-v', $filename) == 0 or die $!;
announce "Notarization stapled successfully.";
# Verify that an app is Signed & Notarized correctly. See
sub verify_notarization {
# e.g. /Applications/
my ($appFile) = @_;
announce "Verifying that $appFile is notarized correctly...";
system('spctl', '-a', '-v', $appFile) == 0 or die $!;
announce "Verification successful.";
sub notarize_files {
# ------------------------------------------------------------ UPLOADING ------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload artifacts to AWS
# Make sure to run `aws configure --profile metabase` first to set up your ~/.aws/config file correctly
sub upload {
Readonly my $aws_profile => config_or_die('awsProfile');
Readonly my $aws_bucket => config_or_die('awsBucket');
# Make a folder that contains the files we want to upload
Readonly my $upload_dir => artifact('upload');
remove_tree($upload_dir) if -d $upload_dir;
mkdir $upload_dir or die $!;
# appcast.xml goes in the root directory
copy(get_file_or_die($appcast), $upload_dir) or die $!;
# zipfile, release notes, and DMG go in a dir like v0.12.0
Readonly my $upload_subdir => $upload_dir . '/' . upload_subdir();
mkdir $upload_subdir or die $!;
for my $file ($zipfile, $release_notes, $dmg) {
copy(get_file_or_die($file), $upload_subdir) or die $!;
announce "Uploading files to $aws_bucket...";
system('aws', '--recursive',
'--profile', $aws_profile,
'--region', 'us-east-1',
's3', 'cp', $upload_dir,
"s3://$aws_bucket") == 0 or die "Upload failed: $!\n";
announce "Upload finished."
sub create_cloudfront_invalidation {
announce "Creating CloudFront invalidation...";
system ('aws', 'configure',
'set', 'preview.cloudfront', 'true') == 0 or die $!;
system ('aws', 'cloudfront', 'create-invalidation',
'--profile', config_or_die('awsProfile'),
'--distribution-id', config_or_die('cloudFrontDistributionID'),
'--paths', '/appcast.xml') == 0 or die $!;
announce "CloudFront invalidation created successfully.";
# ------------------------------------------------------------ RUN ALL ------------------------------------------------------------
sub all {
# Run all the commands specified in command line args, otherwise default to running 'all'
@ARGV = ('all') unless @ARGV;
no strict 'refs';
map { $_->(); } @ARGV;
......@@ -36,104 +36,90 @@ The following steps need to be done before building the Mac App:
Assuming the OpenJDK folks have resolved this issue going forward, you are fine to use whatever the latest JRE version available is. I have been using the HotSpot JRE instead of the
OpenJ9 one but it ultimately shouldn't make a difference.
1. Copy Metabase uberjar to OSX resources dir
1) Copy Metabase uberjar to OSX resources dir
cp /path/to/metabase.jar OSX/Resources/metabase.jar
Every time you want to build a new version of the Mac App, you can simple update the bundled uberjar the same way.
At this point, you should try opening up the Xcode project and building the Mac App in Xcode by clicking the run button. The app should build and launch at this point. If it doesn't, ask Cam for help!
### Releasing
The following steps are prereqs for releasing the Mac App:
1. Install XCode command-line tools. In `Xcode` > `Preferences` > `Locations` select your current Xcode version in the `Command Line Tools` drop-down.
1. Install CPAN modules
sudo cpan
install force File::Copy::Recursive Readonly String::Util Text::Caml JSON
You can install [PerlBrew]( if you want to install CPAN modules without having to use `sudo`.
Normally you shouldn't have to use `install force` to install the modules above, but `File::Copy::Recursive` seems fussy lately and has a failing test that prevents it from installing normally.
1. Install AWS command-line client (if needed)
1) Install AWS command-line client (if needed)
brew install awscli
1. Configure AWS Credentials for `metabase` profile (used to upload artifacts to S3)
1) Configure AWS Credentials for `metabase` profile (used to upload artifacts to S3)
You'll need credentials that give you permission to write the metabase-osx-releases S3 bucket.
You just need the access key ID and secret key; use the defaults for locale and other options.
aws configure --profile metabase
1. Obtain a copy of the private key for signing app updates (ask Cam) and put a copy of it at `OSX/dsa_priv.pem`
1) Obtain a copy of the private key for signing app updates (ask Cam) and put a copy of it at `OSX/dsa_priv.pem`
cp /path/to/private/key.pem OSX/dsa_priv.pem
1. Add `Apple Developer ID Application Certificate` to your computer's keychain.
1) Add `Apple Developer ID Application Certificate` to your computer's keychain.
You'll need to generate a Certificate Signing Request from Keychain Access, and have Sameer go to [the Apple Developer Site]( and generate one for you, then load the file on your computer.
1. Export your Apple ID for building the app as `METABASE_MAC_APP_BUILD_APPLE_ID`. (This Apple ID must be part of the Metabase org in the Apple developer site. Ask Cam or Sameer to add you if it isn't.)
1) Export your Apple ID for building the app as `METABASE_MAC_APP_BUILD_APPLE_ID`. (This Apple ID must be part of the Metabase org in the Apple developer site. Ask Cam or Sameer to add you if it isn't.)
# Add this to .zshrc or .bashrc
1. Create an App-Specific password for the Apple ID in the previous step
1) Create an App-Specific password for the Apple ID in the previous step
Go to then `Security` > `App-Specific Passwords` > `Generate Password`
Go to then `Security` > `App-Specific Passwords` > `Generate Password`
1. Store the password in Keychain
xcrun altool \
--store-password-in-keychain-item "METABASE_MAC_APP_BUILD_PASSWORD" \
-p <secret_password>
1) Install Clojure CLI
brew install clojure
## Building & Releasing the Mac App
After following the configuration steps above, to build and release the app you can use the `./bin/osx-release` script:
1. Copy latest uberjar to the Mac App build directory
cp path/to/metabase.jar OSX/Resources/metabase.jar
cp path/to/metabase.jar OSX/Resources/metabase.jar
1. Bump version number (`tag`) in `./bin/` unless uberjar was built locally
The build script reads this file, which is generated by `./bin/build`; it assumes the uberjar was built locally, which is a bad assumption. This is something we should fix
1. Bundle entire app, and upload to s3
## Debugging ./bin/osx-release
1. Bundle entire app, and upload to s3
* You can run individual steps of the release script by passing in the appropriate step subroutines. e.g. `./bin/osx-release create_dmg upload`.
The entire sequence of different steps can be found at the bottom of `./bin/osx-release`.
* Generating the DMG seems to be somewhat finicky, so if it fails with a message like "Device busy" trying the step again a few times usually resolves the issue.
You can continue the build process from the DMG creation step by running `./bin/osx-release create_dmg upload`.
cd OSX
clojure -m macos-release
......@@ -206,6 +206,10 @@ export function getParameterMappingOptions(
card: Card,
): ParameterMappingUIOption[] {
const options = [];
if (card.display === "text") {
// text cards don't have parameters
return [];
const query = new Question(card, metadata).query();
/* @flow */
import type { CardId } from "./Card";
import type { FieldId } from "./Field";
import type { LocalFieldReference, ForeignFieldReference } from "./Query";
export type ParameterId = string;
......@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ export type Parameter = {
type: ParameterType,
slug: string,
default?: string,
field_ids?: FieldId[],
target?: ParameterTarget,
/* @flow */
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import StaticParameterWidget from "./ParameterWidget";
import Icon from "metabase/components/Icon";
import { color } from "metabase/lib/colors";
import { getMetadata } from "metabase/selectors/metadata";
import querystring from "querystring";
import cx from "classnames";
......@@ -14,9 +17,12 @@ import type {
} from "metabase/meta/types/Parameter";
import type { DashboardWithCards } from "metabase/meta/types/Dashboard";
import type Field from "metabase-lib/lib/metadata/Field";
import type Metadata from "metabase-lib/lib/metadata/Metadata";
type Props = {
className?: string,
......@@ -33,6 +39,7 @@ type Props = {
vertical?: boolean,
commitImmediately?: boolean,
metadata?: Metadata,
query?: QueryParams,
setParameterName?: (parameterId: ParameterId, name: string) => void,
......@@ -46,6 +53,7 @@ type Props = {
setEditingParameter?: (parameterId: ParameterId) => void,
@connect(state => ({ metadata: getMetadata(state) }))
export default class Parameters extends Component {
props: Props;
......@@ -57,13 +65,17 @@ export default class Parameters extends Component {
componentWillMount() {
// sync parameters from URL query string
const { parameters, setParameterValue, query } = this.props;
const { parameters, setParameterValue, query, metadata } = this.props;
if (setParameterValue) {
for (const parameter of parameters) {
if (query && query[parameter.slug] != null) {
setParameterValue(, query[parameter.slug]);
} else if (parameter.default != null) {
setParameterValue(, parameter.default);
const queryParam = query && query[parameter.slug];
if (queryParam != null || parameter.default != null) {
const value = queryParam != null ? queryParam : parameter.default;
const fieldIds = parameter.field_ids || [];
// $FlowFixMe
const fields = => metadata.field(id));
// $FlowFixMe
setParameterValue(, parseQueryParam(value, fields));
......@@ -231,3 +243,22 @@ const SortableParameterWidget = SortableElement(StaticParameterWidget);
const SortableParameterWidgetList = SortableContainer(
export function parseQueryParam(
value: ParameterValueOrArray,
fields: Field[],
): any {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return => parseQueryParam(v, fields));
// [].every is always true, so only check if there are some fields
if (fields.length > 0) {
if (fields.every(f => f.isNumeric())) {
return parseFloat(value);
if (fields.every(f => f.isBoolean())) {
return value === "true" ? true : value === "false" ? false : value;
return value;
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