sql(format"SELECT setval('%s', COALESCE((SELECT MAX(id) FROM %s), 1), true) as val"seq-nametable-name)]]
"Transfer data from existing H2 database to the newly created (presumably MySQL or Postgres) DB specified by env vars.
Intended as a tool for upgrading from H2 to a 'real' Database.
Defaults to using `@metabase.db/db-file` as the connection string."
h2-db(kdb/create-db(db/jdbc-details{:type:h2,:db(strfilename";IFEXISTS=TRUE")}))]; TODO - would be nice to add `ACCESS_MODE_DATA=r` but it doesn't work with `AUTO_SERVER=TRUE`
(print(u/format-color'blue"Transfering %d instances of %s..."(countobjs)(:namee)))