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Unverified Commit 96cfeb58 authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul
Browse files

Record database_id in QueryExecution; record query in Query :page_with_curl:

parent ad6d6a5e
No related merge requests found
......@@ -4989,6 +4989,38 @@ databaseChangeLog:
tableName: metabase_field
columnName: raw_column_id
# Add database_id column to query_execution
- changeSet:
id: 92
author: camsaul
comment: 'Added 0.31.0'
validCheckSum: 8:a875945f36824a0667c740888c00c37f
validCheckSum: 8:83ded48e18fe8f70d6ec09add042124d
- addColumn:
tableName: query_execution
name: database_id
type: integer
remarks: 'ID of the database this query was ran against.'
- sql:
sql: UPDATE query_execution SET database_id = (select database_id from report_card where id = query_execution.card_id);
# Start recording the actual query dictionary that's been executed
- changeSet:
id: 93
author: camsaul
comment: 'Added 0.31.0'
- addColumn:
tableName: query
name: query
type: text
remarks: 'The actual "query dictionary" for this query.'
# Create the TaskHistory table, intended to provide debugging info on our background/quartz processes
- changeSet:
id: 94
(ns metabase.models.query
"Functions related to the 'Query' model, which records stuff such as average query execution time."
(:require [metabase.db :as mdb]
(:require [cheshire.core :as json]
[db :as mdb]
[util :as u]]
[metabase.mbql.normalize :as normalize]
[metabase.util.honeysql-extensions :as hx]
......@@ -9,6 +12,11 @@
(models/defmodel Query :query)
(u/strict-extend (class Query)
(merge models/IModelDefaults
{:types (constantly {:query :json})}))
;;; Helper Fns
(defn average-execution-time-ms
......@@ -30,32 +38,43 @@
(defn- update-rolling-average-execution-time!
"Update the rolling average execution time for query with QUERY-HASH. Returns `true` if a record was updated,
or `false` if no matching records were found."
^Boolean [^bytes query-hash, ^Integer execution-time-ms]
(db/update-where! Query {:query_hash query-hash}
:average_execution_time (hx/cast (int-casting-type) (hx/round (hx/+ (hx/* 0.9 :average_execution_time)
(* 0.1 execution-time-ms))
^Boolean [query, ^bytes query-hash, ^Integer execution-time-ms]
(let [avg-execution-time (hx/cast (int-casting-type) (hx/round (hx/+ (hx/* 0.9 :average_execution_time)
(* 0.1 execution-time-ms))
;; if it DOES NOT have a query (yet) set that. In 0.31.0 we added the query.query column, and it gets set for all
;; new entries, so at some point in the future we can take this out, and save a DB call.
(db/update-where! Query {:query_hash query-hash, :query nil}
:query (json/generate-string query)
:average_execution_time avg-execution-time)
;; if query is already set then just update average_execution_time. (We're doing this separate call to avoid
;; updating query on every single UPDATE)
(db/update-where! Query {:query_hash query-hash}
:average_execution_time avg-execution-time))))
(defn- record-new-execution-time!
"Record the execution time for a query with QUERY-HASH that's not already present in the DB.
EXECUTION-TIME-MS is used as a starting point."
[^bytes query-hash, ^Integer execution-time-ms]
(defn- record-new-query-entry!
"Record a query and its execution time for a `query` with `query-hash` that's not already present in the DB.
`execution-time-ms` is used as a starting point."
[query, ^bytes query-hash, ^Integer execution-time-ms]
(db/insert! Query
:query query
:query_hash query-hash
:average_execution_time execution-time-ms))
(defn update-average-execution-time!
"Update the recorded average execution time for query with QUERY-HASH."
[^bytes query-hash, ^Integer execution-time-ms]
(defn save-query-and-update-average-execution-time!
"Update the recorded average execution time (or insert a new record if needed) for `query` with `query-hash`."
[query, ^bytes query-hash, ^Integer execution-time-ms]
{:pre [(instance? (Class/forName "[B") query-hash)]}
;; if there's already a matching Query update the rolling average
(update-rolling-average-execution-time! query-hash execution-time-ms)
(update-rolling-average-execution-time! query query-hash execution-time-ms)
;; otherwise try adding a new entry. If for some reason there was a race condition and a Query entry was added in
;; the meantime we'll try updating that existing record
(try (record-new-execution-time! query-hash execution-time-ms)
(try (record-new-query-entry! query query-hash execution-time-ms)
(catch Throwable e
(or (update-rolling-average-execution-time! query-hash execution-time-ms)
(or (update-rolling-average-execution-time! query query-hash execution-time-ms)
;; rethrow e if updating an existing average execution time failed
(throw e))))))
......@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@
......@@ -226,9 +226,9 @@
(defn- save-query-execution!
"Save a `QueryExecution` and update the average execution time for the corresponding `Query`."
[{query :json_query, :as query-execution}]
(u/prog1 query-execution
(query/update-average-execution-time! (:hash query-execution) (:running_time query-execution))
(query/save-query-and-update-average-execution-time! query (:hash query-execution) (:running_time query-execution))
(db/insert! QueryExecution (dissoc query-execution :json_query))))
(defn- save-and-return-failed-query!
......@@ -293,10 +293,14 @@
(defn- query-execution-info
"Return the info for the `QueryExecution` entry for this QUERY."
[{{:keys [executed-by query-hash query-type context card-id dashboard-id pulse-id]} :info, :as query}]
{:arglists '([query])}
[{{:keys [executed-by query-hash query-type context card-id dashboard-id pulse-id]} :info
database-id :database
:as query}]
{:pre [(instance? (Class/forName "[B") query-hash)
(string? query-type)]}
{:executor_id executed-by
{:database_id database-id
:executor_id executed-by
:card_id card-id
:dashboard_id dashboard-id
:pulse_id pulse-id
......@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@
(assoc :constraints qp/default-query-constraints))
:started_at true
:running_time true
:average_execution_time nil}
:average_execution_time nil
:database_id (id)}
;; QueryExecution record in the DB
{:hash true
:row_count 1
......@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@
:dashboard_id nil
:error nil
:id true
:database_id (id)
:started_at true
:running_time true}]
(let [result ((user->client :rasta) :post 200 "dataset" (data/mbql-query checkins
......@@ -94,7 +96,7 @@
;; Even if a query fails we still expect a 200 response from the api
[;; API call response
[ ;; API call response
{:data {:rows []
:columns []
:cols []}
......@@ -106,6 +108,7 @@
:type "native"
:native {:query "foobar"}
:constraints qp/default-query-constraints}
:database_id (id)
:started_at true
:running_time true}
;; QueryExecution entry in the DB
......@@ -115,6 +118,7 @@
:row_count 0
:context :ad-hoc
:error true
:database_id (id)
:started_at true
:running_time true
:executor_id (user->id :rasta)
......@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@
;; running via `process-query-and-save-execution!` should return similar info and a bunch of other nonsense too
{:started_at true
{:database_id (data/id)
:started_at true
:json_query (bad-query)
:native bad-query:native
:status :failed
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