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Unverified Commit 99ad6c05 authored by Noah Moss's avatar Noah Moss Committed by GitHub
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Optional blocks in Markdown cards (#24491)

parent a2de3c7c
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(ns metabase.shared.parameters.parameters
"Util functions for dealing with parameters"
"Util functions for dealing with parameters. Primarily used for substituting parameters into variables in Markdown
dashboard cards."
[(:require [clojure.string :as str]
......@@ -113,36 +114,92 @@
(str/replace text escaped-chars-regex #(str \\ %)))
(defn- replacement
[tag->param locale match]
(let [tag-name (second match)
param (get tag->param tag-name)
(defn- value
[tag-name tag->param locale]
(let [param (get tag->param tag-name)
value (:value param)
tyype (:type param)]
(if value
(when value
(try (-> (formatted-value tyype value locale)
(catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs js/Error) _
;; If we got an exception (most likely during date parsing/formatting), fallback to the default
;; implementation of formatted-value
(formatted-value :default value locale)))
;; If this parameter has no value, return the original {{tag}} so that no substitution is done.
(first match))))
(defn- normalize-parameter
"Normalize a single parameter by calling [[mbql.normalize/normalize-fragment]] on it, and converting all string keys
to keywords."
(->> (mbql.normalize/normalize-fragment [:parameters] [parameter])
(reduce-kv (fn [acc k v] (assoc acc (keyword k) v)) {})))
(formatted-value :default value locale))))))
(def ^:private template-tag-regex
"A regex to find template tags in a text card on a dashboard. This should mirror the regex used to find template
tags in native queries, with the exception of snippets and card ID references (see the metabase-lib function
`recognizeTemplateTags` for that regex)."
`recognizeTemplateTags` for that regex).
If you modify this, also modify `template-tag-splitting-regex` below."
;; Represents a variable parsed out of a text card. `tag` contains the tag name alone, as a string. `source` contains
;; the full original syntax for the parameter)
(defrecord ^:private TextParam [tag source]
(or (:value x) source)))
(defn- TextParam?
(instance? TextParam x))
(def ^:private template-tag-splitting-regex
(let [base "\\{\\{\\s*[A-Za-z0-9_\\.]+?\\s*\\}\\}"]
;; Use lookahead and lookbehind to retain matches in split
(re-pattern (str "(?<=" base ")|(?=" base ")"))))
(defn- split-on-tags
"Given the text of a Markdown card, splits it into a sequence of alternating strings and TextParam records."
(let [split-text (str/split text template-tag-splitting-regex)]
(map (fn [text]
(if-let [[_, match] (re-matches template-tag-regex text)]
(->TextParam match text)
(defn- join-consecutive-strings
"Given a vector of strings and/or TextParam, concatenate consecutive strings and TextParams without values."
(->> strs-or-vars
(partition-by (fn [str-or-var]
(or (string? str-or-var)
(not (:value str-or-var)))))
(mapcat (fn [strs-or-var]
(if (string? (first strs-or-var))
[(str/join strs-or-var)]
(defn- add-values-to-variables
"Given `split-text`, containing a list of alternating strings and TextParam, add a :value key to any TextParams
with a corresponding value in `tag->normalized-param`."
[tag->normalized-param locale split-text]
(fn [maybe-variable]
(if (TextParam? maybe-variable)
(assoc maybe-variable :value (value (:tag maybe-variable) tag->normalized-param locale))
(def ^:private optional-block-regex
(def ^:private non-optional-block-regex
(defn- strip-optional-blocks
"Removes any [[optional]] blocks from individual strings in `split-text`, which are blocks that have no parameters
with values. Then, concatenates the full string and removes the brackets from any remaining optional blocks."
(let [s (->> split-text
(map #(if (TextParam? %) % (str/replace % optional-block-regex "")))
(str/replace s non-optional-block-regex second)))
(defn ^:export tag_names
"Given the content of a text dashboard card, return a set of the unique names of template tags in the text."
......@@ -152,6 +209,14 @@
#?(:clj tag-names
:cljs (clj->js tag-names))))
(defn- normalize-parameter
"Normalize a single parameter by calling [[mbql.normalize/normalize-fragment]] on it, and converting all string keys
to keywords."
(->> (mbql.normalize/normalize-fragment [:parameters] [parameter])
(reduce-kv (fn [acc k v] (assoc acc (keyword k) v)) {})))
(defn ^:export substitute_tags
"Given the context of a text dashboard card, replace all template tags in the text with their corresponding values,
formatted and escaped appropriately."
......@@ -165,4 +230,17 @@
(assoc acc tag (normalize-parameter param)))
(str/replace text template-tag-regex (partial replacement tag->normalized-param locale))))))
;; Most of the functions in this pipeline are relating to handling optional blocks in the text which use
;; the [[ ]] syntax.
;; For example, given an input "[[a {{b}}]] [[{{c}}]]", where `b` has no value and `c` = 3:
;; 1. `split-on-tags` =>
;; ("[[a " {:tag "b" :source "{{b}}"} "]] [[" {:tag "c" :source "{{c}}"} "]]")
;; 2. `add-values-to-variables` =>
;; ("[[a " {:tag "b" :source "{{b}}" :value nil} "]] [[" {:tag "c" :source "{{c}}" :value 3} "]]")
;; 3. `join-consecutive-strings` => ("[[a {{b}}]] [[" {:tag "b" :source "{{c}}" :value 3} "]])
;; 4. `strip-optional-blocks` => "3"
(->> text
(add-values-to-variables tag->normalized-param locale)
......@@ -185,3 +185,49 @@
{"foo" {:type :date/month-year :value "2019-08"}}
"agosto\\, 2019"))))
(t/deftest substitute-tags-optional-blocks-test
(t/testing "Optional blocks are removed when necessary"
(t/are [text tag->param expected] (= expected (params/substitute_tags text tag->param))
{"foo" {:type :string/= :value "bar"}}
"Customers[[ with over {{order_count}} orders]]"
{"order_count" {:type :number/= :value nil}}
"Customers[[ with over {{order_count}} orders]]"
{"order_count" {:type :number/= :value 10}}
"Customers with over 10 orders"
;; Optional block is retained when *any* parameters within are substituted
"[[{{foo}} {{baz}}]]"
{"foo" {:type :string/= :value "bar"}}
"bar {{baz}}"
;; Make sure `join-consecutive-strings` retains consecutive non-strings (this was a bug during implementation)
{"foo" {:type :string/= :value "foo"}}
"[[{{foo}}]] [[{{bar}}]]"
{"foo" {:type :string/= :value 1} "bar" {:type :string/= :value 2}}
"1 2"
{"foo" {:type :string/= :value "bar"}}
{"foo" {:type :string/= :value "bar"}}
;; Don't strip square brackets that are in parameter values
{"foo" {:type :string/= :value "[[bar]]"}}
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