@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ After the SDK is configured, you can embed your dashboard using the `StaticDashb
-**dashboardId**: `number` (required) – The ID of the dashboard. This is the numerical ID when accessing a dashboard link, i.e. `http://localhost:3000/dashboard/1-my-dashboard` where the ID is `1`
-**initialParameterValues**: `Record<string, string | string[]>` – Query parameters for the dashboard. For a single option, use a `string` value, and use a list of strings for multiple options.
-**withTitle**: `boolean` – Whether the dashboard should display a title.
-**withCardTitle**: `boolean` – Whether the dashboard cards should display a title.
-**withDownloads**: `boolean | null` – Whether to hide the download button.
-**hiddenParameters**: `string[] | null` – A list of parameters that will not be shown in the set of parameter filters. (More information here)[https://www.metabase.com/docs/latest/questions/sharing/public-links#filter-parameters]
@@ -296,7 +297,7 @@ With the Collection Browser, you can browse the items in your Metabase instance
-**collectionId**: `number` – The numerical ID of the collection. You can find this ID in the URL when accessing a collection in your Metabase instance. For example, the collection ID in `http://localhost:3000/collection/1-my-collection` would be `1`. If no ID is provided, the collection browser will start at the root `Our analytics` collection, which is ID = 0.
-**onClick**: `(item: CollectionItem) => void` - An optional click handler that emits the clicked entity.
-**pageSize**: `number` – The number of items to display per page. The default is 25.
-**visibleEntityTypes**: `("question" | "model" | "dashboard" | "collection")[]` – the types of entities that should be visible. If not provided, all entities will be shown.
-**visibleEntityTypes**: `("question" | "model" | "dashboard" | "collection")[]` – the types of entities that should be visible. If not provided, all entities will be shown.
@@ -386,7 +387,7 @@ const theme = {
// Limitation: this does not affect charts with custom series color
// can either be a hex code
// or a color object. tint and shade represents lighter and darker variations
// only base color is required, while tint and shade are optional
@@ -395,6 +396,27 @@ const theme = {
// Dashboard
// Background color for all dashboards
// Background color for all dashboard cards
// Apply a border color instead of shadow for dashboard cards.