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Unverified Commit a1bcd74a authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
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Log userland query processor exceptions (#12325)

parent a381842f
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......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
[reducible :as qp.reducible]]
[metabase.query-processor.middleware.permissions :as perms]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs]]
(:import clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
......@@ -83,6 +84,8 @@
(assoc ((get-method format-exception Throwable) e)
:state (.getSQLState e)))
;; TODO -- some of this logic duplicates the functionality of `clojure.core/Throwable->map`, we should consider
;; whether we can use that more extensively and remove some of this logic
(defn- cause [^Throwable e]
(let [cause (.getCause e)]
(when-not (= cause e)
......@@ -131,7 +134,9 @@
(defn- query-execution-info [query-execution]
(dissoc query-execution :result_rows :hash :executor_id :card_id :dashboard_id :pulse_id :native :start_time_millis))
(defn- format-exception* [query ^Throwable e extra-info]
(defn- format-exception*
"Format a `Throwable` into the usual userland error-response format."
[query ^Throwable e extra-info]
(if-let [query-execution (:query-execution (ex-data e))]
(merge (query-execution-info query-execution)
......@@ -147,7 +152,6 @@
"Middleware for catching exceptions thrown by the query processor and returning them in a 'normal' format. Forwards
exceptions to the `result-chan`."
(fn [query rff {:keys [preprocessedf nativef raisef], :as context}]
(let [extra-info (atom nil)]
(letfn [(preprocessedf* [query context]
......@@ -157,11 +161,15 @@
(swap! extra-info assoc :native query)
(nativef query context))
(raisef* [e context]
;; if the exception is the special quit-early exception, forward this to our parent `raisef` exception
;; handler, which has logic for handling that case
(if (qp.reducible/quit-result e)
(raisef e context)
(log/tracef "raisef* got %s, returning formatted exception" (class e))
(context/resultf (format-exception* query e @extra-info) context))))]
;; otherwise format the Exception and return it
(let [formatted-exception (format-exception* query e @extra-info)]
(log/error (str (trs "Error processing query: {0}" (:error format-exception))
"\n" (u/pprint-to-str formatted-exception)))
(context/resultf formatted-exception context))))]
(qp query rff (assoc context
:preprocessedf preprocessedf*
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
(defn quit
"Create a special Exception that, when thrown or raised in the QP, will cause `result` to be returned directly.
Similar in concept to using `reduced` to stip reduction early.
(context/raisef (qp.reducible/quit :my-result) context)"
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
(let [e1 (ex-info "1" {:level 1})
e2 (ex-info "2" {:level 2, :type error-type/qp} e1)
e3 (ex-info "3" {:level 3} e2)]
(is (= {:status :failed,
(is (= {:status :failed
:class clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
:error "1"
:stacktrace true
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