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Commit a3314aef authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul
Browse files

Strip DB details from API calls for non-admins

parent cd0da5a1
No related merge requests found
......@@ -15,18 +15,13 @@
[table :as table])
[metabase.middleware.auth :as auth]))
(defn- +apikey
(def ^:private +apikey
"Wrap API-ROUTES so they may only be accessed with proper apikey credentials."
(-> api-routes
(defn- +auth
(def ^:private +auth
"Wrap API-ROUTES so they may only be accessed with proper authentiaction credentials."
(-> api-routes
(defroutes routes
(context "/card" [] (+auth card/routes))
;; -*- comment-column: 35; -*-
(ns metabase.core
(:require [ :as log]
[ :refer [browse-url]]
[colorize.core :as color]
[medley.core :as medley]
[metabase.config :as config]
[metabase.db :as db]
(metabase.middleware [auth :as auth]
[log-api-call :refer :all]
[format :refer :all])
[metabase.models.setting :refer [defsetting]]
[metabase.models.user :refer [User]]
[metabase.routes :as routes]
[metabase.setup :as setup]
[metabase.task :as task]
[ring.adapter.jetty :as ring-jetty]
(ring.middleware [cookies :refer [wrap-cookies]]
[gzip :refer [wrap-gzip]]
......@@ -21,7 +11,18 @@
[keyword-params :refer [wrap-keyword-params]]
[params :refer [wrap-params]]
[session :refer [wrap-session]])))
[session :refer [wrap-session]])
[medley.core :as medley]
(metabase [config :as config]
[db :as db]
[routes :as routes]
[setup :as setup]
[task :as task])
(metabase.middleware [auth :as auth]
[log-api-call :refer :all]
[format :refer :all])
(metabase.models [setting :refer [defsetting]]
[user :refer [User]])))
;; ## CONFIG
......@@ -32,17 +33,19 @@
"The primary entry point to the HTTP server"
(-> routes/routes
(log-api-call :request :response)
format-response ; [METABASE] Do formatting before converting to JSON so serializer doesn't barf
(wrap-json-body ; extracts json POST body and makes it avaliable on request
format-response ; [METABASE] Do formatting before converting to JSON so serializer doesn't barf
(wrap-json-body ; extracts json POST body and makes it avaliable on request
{:keywords? true})
wrap-json-response ; middleware to automatically serialize suitable objects as JSON in responses
wrap-keyword-params ; converts string keys in :params to keyword keys
wrap-params ; parses GET and POST params as :query-params/:form-params and both as :params
auth/wrap-apikey ; looks for a Metabase API Key on the request and assocs as :metabase-apikey
auth/wrap-sessionid ; looks for a Metabase sessionid and assocs as :metabase-sessionid
wrap-cookies ; Parses cookies in the request map and assocs as :cookies
wrap-session ; reads in current HTTP session and sets :session/key
wrap-gzip)) ; GZIP response if client can handle it
wrap-json-response ; middleware to automatically serialize suitable objects as JSON in responses
wrap-keyword-params ; converts string keys in :params to keyword keys
wrap-params ; parses GET and POST params as :query-params/:form-params and both as :params
auth/bind-current-user ; Binds *current-user* and *current-user-id* if :metabase-user-id is non-nil
auth/wrap-current-user-id ; looks for :metabase-session-id and sets :metabase-user-id if Session ID is valid
auth/wrap-api-key ; looks for a Metabase API Key on the request and assocs as :metabase-api-key
auth/wrap-session-id ; looks for a Metabase Session ID and assoc as :metabase-session-id
wrap-cookies ; Parses cookies in the request map and assocs as :cookies
wrap-session ; reads in current HTTP session and sets :session/key
wrap-gzip)) ; GZIP response if client can handle it
(defn- -init-create-setup-token
"Create and set a new setup token, and open the setup URL on the user's system."
......@@ -57,10 +60,7 @@
(log/info (color/green "Please use the following url to setup your Metabase installation:\n\n"
;; Attempt to browse URL on user's system; this will just fail silently if we can't do it
;(browse-url setup-url)
(defn init
(ns metabase.middleware.auth
"Middleware for dealing with authentication and session management."
(:require [korma.core :as korma]
(:require [korma.core :as k]
[metabase.config :as config]
[metabase.db :refer [sel]]
[metabase.api.common :refer [*current-user* *current-user-id*]]
......@@ -8,16 +8,16 @@
[user :refer [User current-user-fields]])))
(def metabase-session-cookie "metabase.SESSION_ID")
(def metabase-session-header "x-metabase-session")
(def metabase-apikey-header "x-metabase-apikey")
(def ^:const metabase-session-cookie "metabase.SESSION_ID")
(def ^:const metabase-session-header "x-metabase-session")
(def ^:const metabase-api-key-header "x-metabase-apikey")
(def response-unauthentic {:status 401 :body "Unauthenticated"})
(def response-forbidden {:status 403 :body "Forbidden"})
(def ^:const response-unauthentic {:status 401 :body "Unauthenticated"})
(def ^:const response-forbidden {:status 403 :body "Forbidden"})
(defn wrap-sessionid
"Middleware that sets the :metabase-sessionid keyword on the request if a session id can be found.
(defn wrap-session-id
"Middleware that sets the `:metabase-session-id` keyword on the request if a session id can be found.
We first check the request :cookies for `metabase.SESSION_ID`, then if no cookie is found we look in the
http headers for `X-METABASE-SESSION`. If neither is found then then no keyword is bound to the request."
......@@ -25,32 +25,34 @@
(fn [{:keys [cookies headers] :as request}]
(if-let [session-id (or (get-in cookies [metabase-session-cookie :value]) (headers metabase-session-header))]
;; alternatively we could always associate the keyword and just let it be nil if there is no value
(handler (assoc request :metabase-sessionid session-id))
(handler (assoc request :metabase-session-id session-id))
(handler request))))
(defn wrap-current-user-id
"Add `:metabase-user-id` to the request if a valid session token was passed."
(fn [{:keys [metabase-session-id] :as request}]
;; TODO - what kind of validations can we do on the sessionid to make sure it's safe to handle? str? alphanumeric?
(handler (or (when metabase-session-id
(when-let [session (first (k/select Session
;; NOTE: we join with the User table and ensure user.is_active = true
(k/with User (k/where {:is_active true}))
(k/fields :created_at :user_id)
(k/where {:id metabase-session-id})))]
(let [session-age-ms (- (System/currentTimeMillis) (.getTime ^java.util.Date (get session :created_at (java.util.Date. 0))))]
;; If the session exists and is not expired (max-session-age > session-age) then validation is good
(when (and session (> (config/config-int :max-session-age) (quot session-age-ms 60000)))
(assoc request :metabase-user-id (:user_id session))))))
(defn enforce-authentication
"Middleware that enforces authentication of the client, cancelling the request processing if auth fails.
Authentication is determined by validating the :metabase-sessionid on the request against the db session list.
If the session is valid then we associate a :metabase-userid on the request and carry on, but if the validation
fails then we return an HTTP 401 response indicating that the client is not authentic.
NOTE: we are purposely not associating the full current user object here so that we can be modular."
(defn enforce-authentication
"Middleware that returns a 401 response if REQUEST has no associated `:metabase-user-id`."
(fn [{:keys [metabase-sessionid] :as request}]
;; TODO - what kind of validations can we do on the sessionid to make sure it's safe to handle? str? alphanumeric?
(let [session (first (korma/select Session
;; NOTE: we join with the User table and ensure user.is_active = true
(korma/with User (korma/where {:is_active true}))
(korma/fields :created_at :user_id)
(korma/where {:id metabase-sessionid})))
session-age-ms (- (System/currentTimeMillis) (.getTime ^java.util.Date (get session :created_at (java.util.Date. 0))))]
;; If the session exists and is not expired (max-session-age > session-age) then validation is good
(if (and session (> (config/config-int :max-session-age) (quot session-age-ms 60000)))
(handler (assoc request :metabase-userid (:user_id session)))
;; default response is 401
(fn [{:keys [metabase-user-id] :as request}]
(if metabase-user-id
(handler request)
(defmacro sel-current-user [current-user-id]
......@@ -65,35 +67,35 @@
*current-user* delay that returns current user (or nil) from DB"
(fn [request]
(let [current-user-id (:metabase-userid request)]
(if-let [current-user-id (:metabase-user-id request)]
(binding [*current-user-id* current-user-id
*current-user* (if-not current-user-id (atom nil)
(delay (sel-current-user current-user-id)))]
(handler request)))))
*current-user* (delay (sel-current-user current-user-id))]
(handler request))
(handler request))))
(defn wrap-apikey
"Middleware that sets the :metabase-apikey keyword on the request if a valid API Key can be found.
(defn wrap-api-key
"Middleware that sets the :metabase-api-key keyword on the request if a valid API Key can be found.
We check the request headers for `X-METABASE-APIKEY` and if it's not found then then no keyword is bound to the request."
We check the request headers for `X-METABASE-API-KEY` and if it's not found then then no keyword is bound to the request."
(fn [{:keys [headers] :as request}]
(if-let [api-key (headers metabase-apikey-header)]
(handler (assoc request :metabase-apikey api-key))
(if-let [api-key (headers metabase-api-key-header)]
(handler (assoc request :metabase-api-key api-key))
(handler request))))
(defn enforce-apikey
(defn enforce-api-key
"Middleware that enforces validation of the client via API Key, cancelling the request processing if the check fails.
Validation is handled by first checking for the presence of the :metabase-apikey on the request. If the api key
Validation is handled by first checking for the presence of the :metabase-api-key on the request. If the api key
is available then we validate it by checking it against the configured :mb-api-key value set in our global config.
If the request :metabase-apikey matches the configured :mb-api-key value then the request continues, otherwise we
If the request :metabase-api-key matches the configured :mb-api-key value then the request continues, otherwise we
reject the request and return a 403 Forbidden response."
(fn [{:keys [metabase-apikey] :as request}]
(if (= (config/config-str :mb-api-key) metabase-apikey)
(fn [{:keys [metabase-api-key] :as request}]
(if (= (config/config-str :mb-api-key) metabase-api-key)
(handler request)
;; default response is 403
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
(cheshire factory
[generate :refer [add-encoder encode-str]])
[medley.core :refer [filter-vals map-vals]]
[metabase.models.interface :refer [api-serialize]]
[metabase.util :as util]))
(declare -format-response)
......@@ -45,11 +46,14 @@
(filter-vals #(not (or (delay? %)
(fn? %)))
;; Convert typed maps such as metabase.models.database/DatabaseInstance to plain maps because empty, which is used internally by filter-vals,
;; will fail otherwise
(into {} m)))
(defn- -format-response [obj]
(map? obj) (->> (remove-fns-and-delays obj) ; recurse over all vals in the map
(map-vals -format-response))
(coll? obj) (map -format-response obj) ; recurse over all items in the collection
(map? obj) (->> (api-serialize obj)
(map-vals -format-response)) ; recurse over all vals in the map
(coll? obj) (map -format-response obj) ; recurse over all items in the collection
:else obj))
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
[metabase.api.common :refer [*current-user* *current-user-id* check]]
[metabase.util :as u]))
(def timezones
(def ^:const timezones
......@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
(def perms-none 0)
(def perms-read 1)
(def perms-readwrite 2)
(def ^:const perms-none 0)
(def ^:const perms-read 1)
(def ^:const perms-readwrite 2)
(def permissions
(def ^:const permissions
[{:id perms-none :name "None"},
{:id perms-read :name "Read Only"},
{:id perms-readwrite :name "Read & Write"}])
......@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
(:require [korma.core :refer :all]
[metabase.api.common :refer [*current-user*]]
[metabase.db :refer :all]
[metabase.models.common :refer [assoc-permissions-sets]]))
(metabase.models [common :refer [assoc-permissions-sets]]
[interface :refer :all])))
(defentity Database
......@@ -13,33 +14,23 @@
(assoc :hydration-keys #{:database
(defmethod post-select Database [_ db]
(assoc db
:can_read (delay true)
:can_write (delay (:is_superuser @*current-user*))))
{:created_at #inst "2015-06-30T19:51:45.294000000-00:00",
:engine :h2,
:id 3,
:updated_at #inst "2015-06-30T19:51:45.294000000-00:00",
:name "Test Database",
:organization_id nil,
:description nil}
(defrecord DatabaseInstance []
;; preserve normal IFn behavior so things like ((sel :one Database) :id) work correctly
(invoke [this k]
(get this k))
{:description nil,
:organization_id nil,
:name "Test Database",
:updated_at #inst "2015-06-30T19:51:45.294000000-00:00",
:id 3,
:engine "h2",
:created_at #inst "2015-06-30T19:51:45.294000000-00:00"}
(api-serialize [this]
;; If current user isn't an admin strip out DB details which may include things like password
(cond-> this
(not (:is_superuser @*current-user*)) (dissoc :details))))
(defmethod post-select Database [_ db]
(assoc db
:can_read (delay true)
:can_write (delay (:is_superuser @*current-user*)))))
(defmethod pre-cascade-delete Database [_ {:keys [id] :as database}]
(cascade-delete 'metabase.models.table/Table :db_id id))
(ns metabase.models.interface)
(defprotocol IModelInstanceApiSerialze
(api-serialize [this]
"Called on all objects being written out by the API. Default implementations return THIS as-is, but models can provide
custom methods to strip sensitive data, from non-admins, etc."))
(extend-protocol IModelInstanceApiSerialze
(api-serialize [this]
(api-serialize [_]
......@@ -40,18 +40,31 @@
;; ## GET /api/meta/db/:id
;; regular users *should not* see DB details
(match-$ (db)
{:created_at $
:engine "h2"
:id $
:details $
:updated_at $
:name "Test Database"
{:created_at $
:engine "h2"
:id $
:updated_at $
:name "Test Database"
:organization_id nil
:description nil})
:description nil})
((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "meta/db/%d" (db-id))))
;; superusers *should* see DB details
(match-$ (db)
{:created_at $
:engine "h2"
:id $
:details $
:updated_at $
:name "Test Database"
:organization_id nil
:description nil})
((user->client :crowberto) :get 200 (format "meta/db/%d" (db-id))))
;; ## POST /api/meta/db
;; Check that we can create a Database
(let [db-name (random-name)]
......@@ -106,6 +119,7 @@
;; ## GET /api/meta/db
;; Test that we can get all the DBs for an Org, ordered by name
;; Database details *should not* come back for Rasta since she's not a superuser
(let [db-name (str "A" (random-name))] ; make sure this name comes before "Test Database"
(set (filter identity
......@@ -115,7 +129,6 @@
{:created_at $
:engine (name $engine)
:id $
:details $
:updated_at $
:name "Test Database"
:organization_id nil
......@@ -125,7 +138,6 @@
{:created_at $
:engine "postgres"
:id $
:details {:host "localhost", :port 5432, :dbname "fakedb", :user "cam"}
:updated_at $
:name $
:organization_id nil
......@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
{:created_at $
:engine "h2"
:id $
:details $
:updated_at $
:name "Test Database"
:organization_id nil
......@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@
{:created_at $
:engine "h2"
:id $
:details $
:updated_at $
:name "Test Database"
:organization_id nil
......@@ -120,7 +119,6 @@
{:created_at $
:engine "h2"
:id $
:details $
:updated_at $
:name "Test Database"
:organization_id nil
......@@ -193,7 +191,6 @@
{:created_at $
:engine "h2"
:id $
:details $
:updated_at $
:name "Test Database"
:organization_id nil
......@@ -293,7 +290,6 @@
{:created_at $
:engine "h2"
:id $
:details $
:updated_at $
:name "Test Database"
:organization_id nil
......@@ -444,8 +440,7 @@
:updated_at $,
:id $,
:engine "h2",
:created_at $
:details $})})})
:created_at $})})})
:destination (match-$ users-id-field
{:id $
:table_id $
(ns metabase.middleware.auth-test
(:require [expectations :refer :all]
[korma.core :as korma]
[korma.core :as k]
[ring.mock.request :as mock]
[metabase.api.common :refer [*current-user-id* *current-user*]]
[metabase.middleware.auth :refer :all]
[metabase.models.session :refer [Session]]
[ :refer :all]
[ :refer :all]
[metabase.util :as util]))
[metabase.util :as u]))
;; =========================== TEST wrap-sessionid middleware ===========================
;; =========================== TEST wrap-session-id middleware ===========================
;; create a simple example of our middleware wrapped around a handler that simply returns the request
;; this works in this case because the only impact our middleware has is on the request
(def wrapped-handler
(wrap-sessionid (fn [req] req)))
(def ^:private wrapped-handler
(wrap-session-id identity))
;; no sessionid in the request
;; no session-id in the request
(expect nil
(-> (wrapped-handler (mock/request :get "/anyurl") )
(select-keys [:metabase-sessionid])))
;; extract sessionid from header
{:metabase-sessionid "foobar"}
;; extract session-id from header
(expect "foobar"
(-> (wrapped-handler (mock/header (mock/request :get "/anyurl") metabase-session-header "foobar"))
(select-keys [:metabase-sessionid])))
;; extract sessionid from cookie
{:metabase-sessionid "cookie-session"}
;; extract session-id from cookie
(expect "cookie-session"
(-> (wrapped-handler (assoc (mock/request :get "/anyurl") :cookies {metabase-session-cookie {:value "cookie-session"}}))
(select-keys [:metabase-sessionid])))
;; if both header and cookie sessionids exist, then we expect the cookie to take precedence
{:metabase-sessionid "cookie-session"}
;; if both header and cookie session-ids exist, then we expect the cookie to take precedence
(expect "cookie-session"
(-> (wrapped-handler (-> (mock/header (mock/request :get "/anyurl") metabase-session-header "foobar")
(assoc :cookies {metabase-session-cookie {:value "cookie-session"}})))
(select-keys [:metabase-sessionid])))
;; =========================== TEST enforce-authentication middleware ===========================
;; create a simple example of our middleware wrapped around a handler that simply returns the request
(def auth-enforced-handler
(enforce-authentication (fn [req] req)))
(def ^:private auth-enforced-handler
(wrap-current-user-id (enforce-authentication identity)))
(defn request-with-sessionid
"Creates a mock Ring request with the given sessionid applied"
(defn- request-with-session-id
"Creates a mock Ring request with the given session-id applied"
(-> (mock/request :get "/anyurl")
(assoc :metabase-sessionid sessionid)))
(assoc :metabase-session-id session-id)))
;; no sessionid in the request
{:status (:status response-unauthentic)
:body (:body response-unauthentic)}
;; no session-id in the request
(expect response-unauthentic
(auth-enforced-handler (mock/request :get "/anyurl")))
(defn- random-session-id []
{:post [(string? %)]}
(.toString (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))
;; valid sessionid
(let [sessionid (.toString (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))]
(assert sessionid)
;; validate that we are authenticated
(expect-let [res (korma/insert Session (korma/values {:id sessionid :user_id (user->id :rasta) :created_at (util/new-sql-timestamp)}))]
{:metabase-userid (user->id :rasta)}
(-> (auth-enforced-handler (request-with-sessionid sessionid))
(select-keys [:metabase-userid]))))
;; valid session ID
(expect (user->id :rasta)
(let [session-id (random-session-id)]
(k/insert Session (k/values {:id session-id, :user_id (user->id :rasta), :created_at (u/new-sql-timestamp)}))
(-> (auth-enforced-handler (request-with-session-id session-id))
;; expired sessionid
(let [sessionid (.toString (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))]
(assert sessionid)
;; create a new session (specifically created some time in the past so it's EXPIRED)
;; should fail due to session expiration
(expect-let [res (korma/insert Session (korma/values {:id sessionid :user_id (user->id :rasta) :created_at (java.sql.Timestamp. 0)}))]
{:status (:status response-unauthentic)
:body (:body response-unauthentic)}
(auth-enforced-handler (request-with-sessionid sessionid))))
;; expired session-id
;; create a new session (specifically created some time in the past so it's EXPIRED)
;; should fail due to session expiration
(expect response-unauthentic
(let [session-id (random-session-id)]
(k/insert Session (k/values {:id session-id, :user_id (user->id :rasta), :created_at (java.sql.Timestamp. 0)}))
(auth-enforced-handler (request-with-session-id session-id))))
;; inactive user sessionid
(let [sessionid (.toString (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))]
(assert sessionid)
;; create a new session (specifically created some time in the past so it's EXPIRED)
;; should fail due to inactive user
;; NOTE that :trashbird is our INACTIVE test user
(expect-let [res (korma/insert Session (korma/values {:id sessionid :user_id (user->id :trashbird) :created_at (util/new-sql-timestamp)}))]
{:status (:status response-unauthentic)
:body (:body response-unauthentic)}
(auth-enforced-handler (request-with-sessionid sessionid))))
;; inactive user session-id
;; create a new session (specifically created some time in the past so it's EXPIRED)
;; should fail due to inactive user
;; NOTE that :trashbird is our INACTIVE test user
(expect response-unauthentic
(let [session-id (random-session-id)]
(k/insert Session (k/values {:id session-id, :user_id (user->id :trashbird), :created_at (u/new-sql-timestamp)}))
(auth-enforced-handler (request-with-session-id session-id))))
;; =========================== TEST bind-current-user middleware ===========================
;; create a simple example of our middleware wrapped around a handler that simply returns our bound variables for users
(def user-bound-handler
(bind-current-user (fn [req] {:userid *current-user-id*
:user (select-keys @*current-user* [:id :email])})))
(def ^:private user-bound-handler
(bind-current-user (fn [_] {:user-id *current-user-id*
:user (select-keys @*current-user* [:id :email])})))
(defn request-with-userid
"Creates a mock Ring request with the given userid applied"
(defn- request-with-user-id
"Creates a mock Ring request with the given user-id applied"
(-> (mock/request :get "/anyurl")
(assoc :metabase-userid userid)))
(assoc :metabase-user-id user-id)))
;; with valid user-id
{:userid (user->id :rasta)
:user {:id (user->id :rasta)
:email (:email (fetch-user :rasta))}}
(user-bound-handler (request-with-userid (user->id :rasta))))
{:user-id (user->id :rasta)
:user {:id (user->id :rasta)
:email (:email (fetch-user :rasta))}}
(user-bound-handler (request-with-user-id (user->id :rasta))))
;; with invalid user-id (not sure how this could ever happen, but lets test it anyways)
{:userid 0
:user {}}
(user-bound-handler (request-with-userid 0)))
{:user-id 0
:user {}}
(user-bound-handler (request-with-user-id 0)))
;; =========================== TEST wrap-apikey middleware ===========================
;; =========================== TEST wrap-api-key middleware ===========================
;; create a simple example of our middleware wrapped around a handler that simply returns the request
;; this works in this case because the only impact our middleware has is on the request
(def wrapped-apikey-handler
(wrap-apikey (fn [req] req)))
(def ^:private wrapped-api-key-handler
(wrap-api-key identity))
;; no apikey in the request
(-> (wrapped-apikey-handler (mock/request :get "/anyurl") )
(select-keys [:metabase-sessionid])))
(expect nil
(-> (wrapped-api-key-handler (mock/request :get "/anyurl") )
;; extract apikey from header
{:metabase-apikey "foobar"}
(-> (wrapped-apikey-handler (mock/header (mock/request :get "/anyurl") metabase-apikey-header "foobar"))
(select-keys [:metabase-apikey])))
(expect "foobar"
(-> (wrapped-api-key-handler (mock/header (mock/request :get "/anyurl") metabase-api-key-header "foobar"))
;; =========================== TEST enforce-apikey middleware ===========================
;; =========================== TEST enforce-api-key middleware ===========================
;; create a simple example of our middleware wrapped around a handler that simply returns the request
(def apikey-enforced-handler
(enforce-apikey (fn [req] {:success true})))
(def ^:private api-key-enforced-handler
(enforce-api-key (constantly {:success true})))
(defn request-with-apikey
(defn- request-with-api-key
"Creates a mock Ring request with the given apikey applied"
(-> (mock/request :get "/anyurl")
(assoc :metabase-apikey apikey)))
(assoc :metabase-api-key api-key)))
;; no apikey in the request, expect 403
{:status (:status response-forbidden)
:body (:body response-forbidden)}
(apikey-enforced-handler (mock/request :get "/anyurl")))
(expect response-forbidden
(api-key-enforced-handler (mock/request :get "/anyurl")))
;; valid apikey, expect 200
{:success true}
(apikey-enforced-handler (request-with-apikey "test-api-key")))
{:success true}
(api-key-enforced-handler (request-with-api-key "test-api-key")))
;; invalid apikey, expect 403
{:status (:status response-forbidden)
:body (:body response-forbidden)}
(apikey-enforced-handler (request-with-apikey "foobar")))
(expect response-forbidden
(api-key-enforced-handler (request-with-api-key "foobar")))
......@@ -67,16 +67,16 @@
(with-redefs [metabase.task/hourly-task-delay (constantly 100)
(with-redefs [metabase.task/hourly-task-delay (constantly 200)
metabase.task/hourly-tasks-hook mock-hourly-tasks-hook]
(add-hook! #'hourly-tasks-hook inc-task-test-atom-counter-by-system-hour)
(reset! task-test-atom-counter 0)
[@task-test-atom-counter ; should be 0, since not enough time has elaspsed for the hook to be executed
(do (Thread/sleep 150)
@task-test-atom-counter) ; should have been called once (~50ms ago)
(do (Thread/sleep 200)
(do (Thread/sleep 300)
@task-test-atom-counter) ; should have been called once (~100ms ago)
(do (Thread/sleep 400)
@task-test-atom-counter) ; should have been called two more times
(do (stop-task-runner!)
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