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Add with-temp-env-var-value and with-temp-file test util macros (#15921)

parent 23c6f07d
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......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
[ :as sql-jdbc.tx]
[ :as execute]
[ :as load-data]
[metabase.test :as mt]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.files :as files]))
......@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@
(defmethod load-data/load-data! :vertica
[driver dbdef {:keys [rows], :as tabledef}]
(let [filename (str (files/get-path (System/getProperty "") "vertica-rows.csv"))]
(mt/with-temp-file [filename "vertica-rows.csv"]
(dump-table-rows-to-csv! tabledef filename)
(load-rows-from-csv! driver dbdef tabledef filename))
(catch Throwable e
......@@ -16,33 +16,32 @@
[metabase.test :as mt]
[ :as tx]
[metabase.util.encryption-test :as eu]
[metabase.util.files :as u.files]
[metabase.util.i18n.impl :as i18n.impl]
[toucan.db :as db]))
(deftest dump-deletes-target-db-files-tests
;; test fails when the application db is anything but H2 presently
;; TODO: make this test work with postgres / mysql / mariadb
(let [tmp-h2-db (str (u.files/get-path (System/getProperty "") "mbtest_dump.h2"))
tmp-h2-db-mv (str tmp-h2-db ".mv.db")
file-contents {tmp-h2-db "Not really an H2 DB"
tmp-h2-db-mv "Not really another H2 DB"}]
;; 1. Don't actually run the copy steps themselves
(with-redefs [copy/copy! (constantly nil)]
(doseq [[filename contents] file-contents]
(spit filename contents))
(dump-to-h2/dump-to-h2! tmp-h2-db)
(mt/with-temp-file [tmp-h2-db "mbtest_dump.h2"]
(let [tmp-h2-db-mv (str tmp-h2-db ".mv.db")
file-contents {tmp-h2-db "Not really an H2 DB"
tmp-h2-db-mv "Not really another H2 DB"}]
;; 1. Don't actually run the copy steps themselves
(with-redefs [copy/copy! (constantly nil)]
(doseq [[filename contents] file-contents]
(spit filename contents))
(dump-to-h2/dump-to-h2! tmp-h2-db)
(doseq [filename (keys file-contents)]
(testing (str filename " was deleted")
(is (false? (.exists (io/file filename))))))
(doseq [filename (keys file-contents)]
(testing (str filename " was deleted")
(is (false? (.exists (io/file filename))))))
(doseq [filename (keys file-contents)
:let [file (io/file filename)]]
(when (.exists file)
(io/delete-file file))))))))
(doseq [filename (keys file-contents)
:let [file (io/file filename)]]
(when (.exists file)
(io/delete-file file)))))))))
(deftest cmd-dump-to-h2-returns-code-from-dump-test
(with-redefs [dump-to-h2/dump-to-h2! #(throw "err")
......@@ -67,43 +66,43 @@
(deftest dump-to-h2-dump-plaintext-test
(testing "dump-to-h2 --dump-plaintext"
(let [h2-fixture-db-file @cmd.test-util/fixture-db-file-path
h2-file-plaintext (format "/tmp/out-%s.db" (mt/random-name))
h2-file-enc (format "/tmp/out-%s.db" (mt/random-name))
h2-file-default-enc (format "/tmp/out-%s.db" (mt/random-name))
db-name (str "test_" (mt/random-name))]
(mt/test-drivers #{:h2 :postgres :mysql}
(with-redefs [i18n.impl/site-locale-from-setting-fn (atom (constantly false))]
(binding [setting/*disable-cache* true
mdb.connection/*db-type* driver/*driver*
mdb.connection/*jdbc-spec* (persistent-jdbcspec driver/*driver* db-name)
db/*db-connection* (persistent-jdbcspec driver/*driver* db-name)
db/*quoting-style* driver/*driver*]
(when-not (= driver/*driver* :h2)
(tx/create-db! driver/*driver* {:database-name db-name}))
(load-from-h2/load-from-h2! h2-fixture-db-file)
(eu/with-secret-key "89ulvIGoiYw6mNELuOoEZphQafnF/zYe+3vT+v70D1A="
(db/insert! Setting {:key "my-site-admin", :value "baz"})
(db/update! Database 1 {:details "{\"db\":\"/tmp/test.db\"}"})
(dump-to-h2/dump-to-h2! h2-file-plaintext {:dump-plaintext? true})
(dump-to-h2/dump-to-h2! h2-file-enc {:dump-plaintext? false})
(dump-to-h2/dump-to-h2! h2-file-default-enc))
(mt/with-temp-file [h2-file-plaintext (format "out-%s.db" (mt/random-name))
h2-file-enc (format "out-%s.db" (mt/random-name))
h2-file-default-enc (format "out-%s.db" (mt/random-name))]
(mt/test-drivers #{:h2 :postgres :mysql}
(with-redefs [i18n.impl/site-locale-from-setting-fn (atom (constantly false))]
(binding [setting/*disable-cache* true
mdb.connection/*db-type* driver/*driver*
mdb.connection/*jdbc-spec* (persistent-jdbcspec driver/*driver* db-name)
db/*db-connection* (persistent-jdbcspec driver/*driver* db-name)
db/*quoting-style* driver/*driver*]
(when-not (= driver/*driver* :h2)
(tx/create-db! driver/*driver* {:database-name db-name}))
(load-from-h2/load-from-h2! h2-fixture-db-file)
(eu/with-secret-key "89ulvIGoiYw6mNELuOoEZphQafnF/zYe+3vT+v70D1A="
(db/insert! Setting {:key "my-site-admin", :value "baz"})
(db/update! Database 1 {:details "{\"db\":\"/tmp/test.db\"}"})
(dump-to-h2/dump-to-h2! h2-file-plaintext {:dump-plaintext? true})
(dump-to-h2/dump-to-h2! h2-file-enc {:dump-plaintext? false})
(dump-to-h2/dump-to-h2! h2-file-default-enc))
(testing "decodes settings and dashboard.details"
(jdbc/with-db-connection [target-conn (copy.h2/h2-jdbc-spec h2-file-plaintext)]
(is (= "baz" (:value (first (jdbc/query target-conn "select value from SETTING where key='my-site-admin';")))))
(is (= "{\"db\":\"/tmp/test.db\"}"
(:details (first (jdbc/query target-conn "select details from metabase_database where id=1;")))))))
(testing "decodes settings and dashboard.details"
(jdbc/with-db-connection [target-conn (copy.h2/h2-jdbc-spec h2-file-plaintext)]
(is (= "baz" (:value (first (jdbc/query target-conn "select value from SETTING where key='my-site-admin';")))))
(is (= "{\"db\":\"/tmp/test.db\"}"
(:details (first (jdbc/query target-conn "select details from metabase_database where id=1;")))))))
(testing "when flag is set to false, encrypted settings and dashboard.details are still encrypted"
(jdbc/with-db-connection [target-conn (copy.h2/h2-jdbc-spec h2-file-enc)]
(is (not (= "baz"
(:value (first (jdbc/query target-conn "select value from SETTING where key='my-site-admin';"))))))
(is (not (= "{\"db\":\"/tmp/test.db\"}"
(:details (first (jdbc/query target-conn "select details from metabase_database where id=1;"))))))))
(testing "when flag is set to false, encrypted settings and dashboard.details are still encrypted"
(jdbc/with-db-connection [target-conn (copy.h2/h2-jdbc-spec h2-file-enc)]
(is (not (= "baz"
(:value (first (jdbc/query target-conn "select value from SETTING where key='my-site-admin';"))))))
(is (not (= "{\"db\":\"/tmp/test.db\"}"
(:details (first (jdbc/query target-conn "select details from metabase_database where id=1;"))))))))
(testing "defaults to not decrypting"
(jdbc/with-db-connection [target-conn (copy.h2/h2-jdbc-spec h2-file-default-enc)]
(is (not (= "baz"
(:value (first (jdbc/query target-conn "select value from SETTING where key='my-site-admin';"))))))
(is (not (= "{\"db\":\"/tmp/test.db\"}"
(:details (first (jdbc/query target-conn "select details from metabase_database where id=1;"))))))))))))))
(testing "defaults to not decrypting"
(jdbc/with-db-connection [target-conn (copy.h2/h2-jdbc-spec h2-file-default-enc)]
(is (not (= "baz"
(:value (first (jdbc/query target-conn "select value from SETTING where key='my-site-admin';"))))))
(is (not (= "{\"db\":\"/tmp/test.db\"}"
(:details (first (jdbc/query target-conn "select details from metabase_database where id=1;")))))))))))))))
......@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
(def fixture-db-file-path
(let [original-file "frontend/test/__runner__/"]
(files/copy-file! (files/get-path original-file) (files/get-path "/tmp/"))
(files/copy-file! (files/get-path original-file) (files/get-path (System/getProperty "") ""))
(str (files/get-path (System/getProperty "") "test_db_fixture.db")))))
(ns metabase.models.login-history-test
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[environ.core :as env]
[java-time :as t]
[metabase.models :refer [LoginHistory User]]
[metabase.models.login-history :as login-history]
[metabase.models.setting.cache :as setting.cache]
[metabase.server.request.util :as request.u]
[metabase.test :as mt]
[ :as]
......@@ -81,17 +79,10 @@
(testing "don't send email if the setting is disabled by setting MB_SEND_EMAIL_ON_FIRST_LOGIN_FROM_NEW_DEVICE=FALSE"
(mt/with-temp User [{user-id :id, email :email, first-name :first_name}]
;; can't use `mt/with-temporary-setting-values` here because it's a read-only setting
(with-redefs [env/env (assoc env/env :mb-send-email-on-first-login-from-new-device "FALSE")]
;; flush the Setting cache so it picks up the env var value for the `send-email-on-first-login-from-new-device` setting
(mt/with-temp* [LoginHistory [_ {:user_id user-id, :device_id (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))}]
LoginHistory [_ {:user_id user-id, :device_id (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))}]]
(is (= {}
;; flush the cache again so the original value of `send-email-on-first-login-from-new-device` gets
;; restored
;; can't use `mt/with-temporary-setting-values` here because it's a read-only setting
(mt/with-temp-env-var-value [mb-send-email-on-first-login-from-new-device "FALSE"]
(mt/with-temp* [LoginHistory [_ {:user_id user-id, :device_id (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))}]
LoginHistory [_ {:user_id user-id, :device_id (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))}]]
(is (= {}
(ns metabase.public-settings-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[environ.core :as env]
[metabase.models.setting :as setting]
[metabase.public-settings :as public-settings]
[metabase.test :as mt]
......@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@
(deftest site-url-settings-normalize
(testing "We should normalize `site-url` when set via env var we should still normalize it (#9764)"
(with-redefs [env/env (assoc env/env :mb-site-url "localhost:3000/")]
(mt/with-temp-env-var-value [mb-site-url "localhost:3000/"]
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [site-url nil]
(is (= "localhost:3000/"
(setting/get-string :site-url)))
......@@ -69,7 +68,7 @@
(testing (str "If `site-url` is set via an env var, and it's invalid, we should return `nil` rather than having the"
" whole instance break")
(with-redefs [env/env (assoc env/env :mb-site-url "asd_12w31%$;")]
(mt/with-temp-env-var-value [mb-site-url "asd_12w31%$;"]
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [site-url nil]
(is (= "asd_12w31%$;"
(setting/get-string :site-url)))
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
:rff print-rows-rff}))
(deftest write-rows-to-file-test
(let [filename (str (u.files/get-path (System/getProperty "") "out.txt"))]
(mt/with-temp-file [filename "out.txt"]
(is (= 3
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
(str/split-lines (slurp filename))))
(.delete (io/file filename)))))))
(.delete (io/file filename)))))))
(defn- maps-rff [metadata]
(let [ks (mapv (comp keyword :name) (:cols metadata))]
......@@ -187,6 +187,8 @@
(ns metabase.test.util
"Helper functions and macros for writing unit tests."
(:require [cheshire.core :as json]
[ :as io]
[clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
......@@ -17,12 +18,15 @@
[metabase.models.permissions :as perms]
[metabase.models.permissions-group :as group]
[metabase.models.setting :as setting]
[metabase.models.setting.cache :as setting.cache]
[metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
[metabase.task :as task]
[ :as data]
[metabase.test.fixtures :as fixtures]
[metabase.test.initialize :as initialize]
[metabase.test.util.log :as tu.log]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.files :as u.files]
[potemkin :as p]
[schema.core :as s]
[toucan.db :as db]
......@@ -35,6 +39,8 @@
(comment tu.log/keep-me)
(use-fixtures :once (fixtures/initialize :db))
;; these are imported because these functions originally lived in this namespace, and some tests might still be
;; referencing them from here. We can remove the imports once everyone is using `metabase.test` instead of using this
;; namespace directly.
......@@ -297,7 +303,9 @@
works much the same way as `binding`.
(with-temporary-setting-values [google-auth-auto-create-accounts-domain \"\"]
(google-auth-auto-create-accounts-domain)) -> \"\""
(google-auth-auto-create-accounts-domain)) -> \"\"
To temporarily override the value of *read-only* env-var based Settings, use `with-temp-env-var-value`."
[[setting-k value & more :as bindings] & body]
(assert (even? (count bindings)) "mismatched setting/value pairs: is each setting name followed by a value?")
(if (empty? bindings)
......@@ -825,3 +833,160 @@
{:arglists '([rename-fn & body])}
[rename-fn & body]
`(do-with-env-keys-renamed-by ~rename-fn (fn [] ~@body)))
(defn do-with-temp-file
"Impl for `with-temp-file` macro."
[filename f]
{:pre [(or (string? filename) (nil? filename))]}
(let [filename (if (string? filename)
filename (str (u.files/get-path (System/getProperty "") filename))]
;; delete file if it already exists
(io/delete-file (io/file filename) :silently)
(f filename)
(io/delete-file (io/file filename) :silently)))))
(defmacro with-temp-file
"Execute `body` with newly created temporary file(s) in the system temporary directory. You may optionally specify the
`filename` (without directory components) to be created in the temp directory; if `filename` is nil, a random
filename will be used. The file will be deleted if it already exists, but will not be touched; use `spit` to load
something in to it.
;; create a random temp filename. File is deleted if it already exists.
(with-temp-file [filename]
;; get a temp filename ending in `parrot-list.txt`
(with-temp-file [filename \"parrot-list.txt\"]
[[filename-binding filename-or-nil & more :as bindings] & body]
{:pre [(vector? bindings) (>= (count bindings) 1)]}
(fn [~(vary-meta filename-binding assoc :tag `String)]
~@(if (seq more)
[`(with-temp-file ~(vec more) ~@body)]
(deftest with-temp-file-test
(testing "random filename"
(let [temp-filename (atom nil)]
(with-temp-file [filename]
(is (string? filename))
(is (not (.exists (io/file filename))))
(spit filename "wow")
(reset! temp-filename filename))
(testing "File should be deleted at end of macro form"
(is (not (.exists (io/file @temp-filename)))))))
(testing "explicit filename"
(with-temp-file [filename "parrot-list.txt"]
(is (string? filename))
(is (not (.exists (io/file filename))))
(is (str/ends-with? filename "parrot-list.txt"))
(spit filename "wow")
(testing "should delete existing file"
(with-temp-file [filename "parrot-list.txt"]
(is (not (.exists (io/file filename))))))))
(testing "multiple bindings"
(with-temp-file [filename nil, filename-2 "parrot-list.txt"]
(is (string? filename))
(is (string? filename-2))
(is (not (.exists (io/file filename))))
(is (not (.exists (io/file filename-2))))
(is (not (str/ends-with? filename "parrot-list.txt")))
(is (str/ends-with? filename-2 "parrot-list.txt"))))
(testing "should delete existing file"
(with-temp-file [filename "parrot-list.txt"]
(spit filename "wow")
(with-temp-file [filename "parrot-list.txt"]
(is (not (.exists (io/file filename)))))))
(testing "validation"
(are [form] (thrown?
(macroexpand form))
`(with-temp-file [])
`(with-temp-file (+ 1 2)))))
(defn- ->lisp-case-keyword [s]
(-> (name s)
(str/replace #"_" "-")
(defn do-with-temp-env-var-value
"Impl for `with-temp-env-var-value` macro."
[env-var-keyword value thunk]
(let [value (str value)]
(testing (colorize/blue (format "\nEnv var %s = %s\n" env-var-keyword (pr-str value)))
;; temporarily override the underlying environment variable value
(with-redefs [env/env (assoc env/env env-var-keyword value)]
;; flush the Setting cache so it picks up the env var value for the Setting (if applicable)
;; flush the cache again so the original value of any env var Settings get restored
(defmacro with-temp-env-var-value
"Temporarily override the value of one or more environment variables and execute `body`. Resets the Setting cache so
any env var Settings will see the updated value, and resets the cache again at the conclusion of `body` so the
original values are restored.
(with-temp-env-var-value [mb-send-email-on-first-login-from-new-device \"FALSE\"]
[[env-var value & more :as bindings] & body]
{:pre [(vector? bindings) (even? (count bindings))]}
~(->lisp-case-keyword env-var)
(fn [] ~@(if (seq more)
[`(with-temp-env-var-value ~(vec more) ~@body)]
(setting/defsetting with-temp-env-var-value-test-setting
"Setting for the `with-temp-env-var-value-test` test."
:visibility :internal
:setter :none
:default "abc")
(deftest with-temp-env-var-value-test
(is (= "abc"
(with-temp-env-var-value [mb-with-temp-env-var-value-test-setting "def"]
(testing "env var value"
(is (= "def"
(env/env :mb-with-temp-env-var-value-test-setting))))
(testing "Setting value"
(is (= "def"
(testing "original value should be restored"
(testing "env var value"
(is (= nil
(env/env :mb-with-temp-env-var-value-test-setting))))
(testing "Setting value"
(is (= "abc"
(testing "override multiple env vars"
(with-temp-env-var-value [some-fake-env-var 123, "ANOTHER_FAKE_ENV_VAR" "def"]
(testing "Should convert values to strings"
(is (= "123"
(:some-fake-env-var env/env))))
(testing "should handle CAPITALS/SNAKE_CASE"
(is (= "def"
(:another-fake-env-var env/env))))))
(testing "validation"
(are [form] (thrown?
(macroexpand form))
(list `with-temp-env-var-value '[a])
(list `with-temp-env-var-value '[a b c]))))
......@@ -11,9 +11,13 @@
;; flush the Setting cache so unencrypted values have to be fetched from the DB again
(initialize/initialize-if-needed! :db)
(with-redefs [encryption/default-secret-key (when (seq secret-key)
(encryption/secret-key->hash secret-key))]
(with-redefs [encryption/default-secret-key (when (seq secret-key)
(encryption/secret-key->hash secret-key))]
;; reset the cache again so nothing that happened during the test is persisted.
(defmacro with-secret-key
"Run `body` with the encryption secret key temporarily bound to `secret-key`. Useful for testing how functions behave
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