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Unverified Commit aa5d804b authored by metamben's avatar metamben Committed by GitHub
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Support duplicate columns hidden in cards (#34636)

parent 031fc025
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......@@ -767,10 +767,17 @@
[pk-col :- [:maybe lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]
visible-columns :- [:maybe [:sequential lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]]]
(when-let [pk-id (:id pk-col)]
(m/find-first (fn [{:keys [fk-target-field-id], :as col}]
(and (lib.types.isa/foreign-key? col)
(= fk-target-field-id pk-id)))
(let [candidates (filter (fn [{:keys [fk-target-field-id], :as col}]
(and (lib.types.isa/foreign-key? col)
(= fk-target-field-id pk-id)))
primary (first candidates)]
(if (some #(= (:id %) (:id primary)) (rest candidates))
(when (not-any? #(= (:lib/desired-column-alias %) (:lib/desired-column-alias primary)) (rest candidates))
;; there are multiple candidates but :lib/desired-column-alias disambiguates them,
;; so reference by name
(dissoc primary :id))
(mu/defn ^:private fk-column-for :- [:maybe lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]
"Given a query stage find an FK column that points to the PK `pk-col`."
......@@ -795,14 +802,14 @@
(let [joinable-col-options {:include-implicitly-joinable? false
:include-implicitly-joinable-for-source-card? false}]
(letfn [(filter-clause [x y]
(lib.filter/filter-clause (lib.filter.operator/operator-def :=) x y))]
(or (when-let [pk-col (pk-column query stage-number joinable joinable-col-options)]
(when-let [fk-col (fk-column-for query stage-number pk-col)]
(filter-clause fk-col pk-col)))
(when-let [pk-col (pk-column query stage-number (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number) nil)]
(when-let [fk-col (fk-column-for-pk-in pk-col (lib.metadata.calculation/visible-columns
query stage-number joinable joinable-col-options))]
(filter-clause pk-col fk-col))))))))
(lib.filter/filter-clause (lib.filter.operator/operator-def :=) x y))]
(or (when-let [pk-col (pk-column query stage-number joinable joinable-col-options)]
(when-let [fk-col (fk-column-for query stage-number pk-col)]
(filter-clause fk-col pk-col)))
(when-let [pk-col (pk-column query stage-number (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number) nil)]
(when-let [fk-col (fk-column-for-pk-in pk-col (lib.metadata.calculation/visible-columns
query stage-number joinable joinable-col-options))]
(filter-clause pk-col fk-col))))))))
(defn- add-join-alias-to-joinable-columns [cols a-join]
(let [join-alias (lib.join.util/current-join-alias a-join)
......@@ -71,10 +71,16 @@
(when-not (seq source-metadata)
(throw (ex-info (tru "Cannot use :fields :all in join against source query unless it has :source-metadata.")
{:join join})))
(for [{field-name :name, base-type :base_type, field-id :id} source-metadata]
(if field-id
[:field field-id {:join-alias alias}]
[:field field-name {:base-type base-type, :join-alias alias}])))
(let [duplicate-ids (into #{}
(keep (fn [[item freq]]
(when (> freq 1)
(frequencies (map :id source-metadata)))]
(for [{field-name :name, base-type :base_type, field-id :id} source-metadata]
(if (and field-id (not (contains? duplicate-ids field-id)))
;; field-id is a unique reference, use it
[:field field-id {:join-alias alias}]
[:field field-name {:base-type base-type, :join-alias alias}]))))
(mu/defn ^:private handle-all-fields :- mbql.s/Join
"Replace `:fields :all` in a join with an appropriate list of Fields."
......@@ -83,9 +89,9 @@
(when (= fields :all)
{:fields (if source-query
(source-metadata->fields join source-metadata)
(for [[_ id-or-name opts] (qp.add-implicit-clauses/sorted-implicit-fields-for-table source-table)]
[:field id-or-name (assoc opts :join-alias alias)]))})))
(source-metadata->fields join source-metadata)
(for [[_ id-or-name opts] (qp.add-implicit-clauses/sorted-implicit-fields-for-table source-table)]
[:field id-or-name (assoc opts :join-alias alias)]))})))
(mu/defn ^:private resolve-references :- Joins
[joins :- Joins]
......@@ -20,15 +20,33 @@
( ::bad-clause-warning
(log/warn (u/colorize :red message)))))
(defn- unique-reference?
"Check if the field-id and the (possibly missing) join-alias of `field-clause`
result in an unambiguous reference to one of the `columns`
The join-alias of columns is taken from their field_ref property."
[field-clause columns]
(let [[_ field-id {:keys [join-alias]}] field-clause
matches-by-id (filter #(= (:id %) field-id) columns)]
(or (nil? (next matches-by-id))
(->> matches-by-id (filter #(= (get-in % [:field-ref 2 :join-alias]) join-alias)) count (= 1)))))
(defn- fix-clause [{:keys [source-aliases field-name->field]} [_ field-name options :as field-clause]]
;; attempt to find a corresponding Field ref from the source metadata.
(let [field-ref (:field_ref (get field-name->field field-name))]
(let [field-ref (:field_ref (get field-name->field field-name))
;; the map contains duplicate columns to support lowercase lookup
columns (set (vals field-name->field))]
(mbql.u/match-one field-ref
;; If the matching Field ref is an integer `:field` clause then replace it with the corrected clause.
[:field (id :guard integer?) new-options]
[:field id (merge new-options (dissoc options :base-type))]
(let [new-clause [:field id (merge new-options (dissoc options :base-type))]]
(if (unique-reference? new-clause columns)
(u/prog1 field-clause
(format "Warning: upgrading field literal %s would result in an ambiguous reference. Not upgrading."
(pr-str field-clause))))))
;; Otherwise the Field clause in the source query uses a string Field name as well, but that name differs from
;; the one in `source-aliases`. Will this work? Not sure whether or not we need to log something about this.
......@@ -208,8 +208,13 @@
(defn- fuzzify [clause]
(mbql.u/update-field-options clause dissoc :temporal-unit :binning))
(defn- matching-field-in-source-query* [source-query field-clause & {:keys [normalize-fn]
:or {normalize-fn normalize-clause}}]
(defn- field-signature
[(second field-clause) (get-in field-clause [2 :join-alias])])
(defn- matching-field-in-source-query*
[source-query source-metadata field-clause & {:keys [normalize-fn]
:or {normalize-fn normalize-clause}}]
(let [normalized (normalize-fn field-clause)
all-exports (exports source-query)
field-exports (filter (partial mbql.u/is-clause? :field)
......@@ -238,18 +243,26 @@
(filter (partial mbql.u/is-clause? :expression) all-exports))
(m/find-first (fn [[_ _ opts :as _aggregation-options-clause]]
(= (::source-alias opts) field-name))
(filter (partial mbql.u/is-clause? :aggregation-options) all-exports)))))))
(filter (partial mbql.u/is-clause? :aggregation-options) all-exports))))
;; look for a field referenced by the name in source-metadata
(let [field-name (second field-clause)]
(when (string? field-name)
(when-let [column (m/find-first #(= (:name %) field-name) source-metadata)]
(let [signature (field-signature (:field_ref column))]
(m/find-first #(= (field-signature %) signature) field-exports))))))))
(defn- matching-field-in-join-at-this-level
"If `field-clause` is the result of a join *at this level* with a `:source-query`, return the 'source' `:field` clause
from that source query."
[inner-query [_ _ {:keys [join-alias]} :as field-clause]]
(when join-alias
(when-let [matching-join-source-query (:source-query (join-with-alias inner-query join-alias))]
:normalize-fn #(mbql.u/update-field-options (normalize-clause %) dissoc :join-alias)))))
(let [{:keys [source-query source-metadata]} (join-with-alias inner-query join-alias)]
(when source-query
:normalize-fn #(mbql.u/update-field-options (normalize-clause %) dissoc :join-alias))))))
(defn- field-alias-in-join-at-this-level
"If `field-clause` is the result of a join at this level, return the `::desired-alias` from that join (where the Field is
......@@ -259,10 +272,10 @@
(defn- matching-field-in-source-query
[{:keys [source-query], :as inner-query} field-clause]
[{:keys [source-query source-metadata], :as inner-query} field-clause]
(when (and source-query
(= (field-source-table-alias inner-query field-clause) ::source))
(matching-field-in-source-query* source-query field-clause)))
(matching-field-in-source-query* source-query source-metadata field-clause)))
(defn- field-alias-in-source-query
[inner-query field-clause]
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
[metabase.driver.sql.query-processor-test-util :as sql.qp-test-util]
[metabase.driver.util :as driver.u]
[metabase.lib.convert :as lib.convert]
[metabase.lib.core :as lib]
[metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
[metabase.lib.metadata.jvm :as lib.metadata.jvm]
[metabase.lib.test-util.mocks-31769 :as lib.tu.mocks-31769]
[metabase.query-processor :as qp]
......@@ -324,6 +326,80 @@
:order-by [[:asc $name]]
:limit 3})))))))))
;; This is a very contrived test. We create two identical cards and join them both
;; in a third card. This means that first two cards bring fields that differ only in
;; their join aliases, but these "get lost" when the third card is joined to a table.
;; Since we have multiple fields with the same ID, the IDs cannot be used to
;; unambiguously refer to the underlying fields. The only way to reference them
;; properly is by the name they have in the source metadata.
(deftest ^:parallel join-against-multiple-card-copies-test
(mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :left-join)
(testing "join against multiple copies of a card (#34227)"
(mt/dataset sample-dataset
(let [metadata-provider (qp.test-util/metadata-provider-with-cards-with-metadata-for-queries
[(mt/mbql-query orders
{:breakout [$user_id]
:aggregation [[:count]]})
(mt/mbql-query orders
{:breakout [$user_id]
:aggregation [[:count]]})
(mt/mbql-query people
{:fields [$id]
:joins [{:fields :all
:alias "ord1"
:source-table "card__1"
:condition [:= $id &ord1.orders.user_id]}
{:fields :all
:alias "ord2"
:source-table "card__2"
:condition [:= $id &ord2.orders.user_id]}]})])]
( metadata-provider
(let [top-card-query (mt/mbql-query people
{:source-table "card__3"
:limit 3})
[cid cuser-id ccount cuser-id2 ccount2] (->> top-card-query
(map :name))
cid2 (str cid "_2")
col-data-fn (juxt :id :name :source_alias)
top-card-cols [[(mt/id :people :id) cid nil]
[(mt/id :orders :user_id) cuser-id "ord1"]
[nil ccount "ord1"]
[(mt/id :orders :user_id) cuser-id2 "ord2"]
[nil ccount2 "ord2"]]]
(testing "sanity"
(is (= top-card-cols
(->> top-card-query
(map col-data-fn)))))
(when (= driver/*driver* :h2)
(testing "suggested join condition references the FK by name"
(let [query (lib/query metadata-provider (lib.metadata/table metadata-provider (mt/id :people)))
card-meta (lib.metadata/card metadata-provider 3)]
(is (=? [:= {} [:field {} (mt/id :people :id)] [:field {} cuser-id]]
(lib/suggested-join-condition query card-meta))))))
(testing "the query runs and returns correct data"
(is (= {:columns [cid cid2 cuser-id ccount cuser-id2 ccount2]
:rows [[1 1 1 11 1 11]
[2 nil nil nil nil nil]
[3 3 3 10 3 10]]}
(-> (mt/mbql-query people
{:joins [{:alias "peeps"
:source-table "card__3"
:fields :all
:condition [:= $id [:field cuser-id2 {:base-type :type/Integer
:join-alias "peeps"}]]}]
:fields [$id]
:order-by [[:asc $id]]
:limit 3})
;; Oracle is returning java.math.BigDecimal objects
(update :rows #(mt/format-rows-by [int int int int int int] %)))))))))))))
(deftest ^:parallel join-on-field-literal-test
(mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :left-join)
(testing "Can we join on a Field literal for a source query?"
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