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Commit b0a03238 authored by Cameron T Saul's avatar Cameron T Saul
Browse files

Sensitive Fields 2.0 (preprocessing implementation)

parent eef59f5a
No related merge requests found
with 338 additions and 74 deletions
......@@ -229,12 +229,6 @@ DatabasesControllers.controller('DatabaseTables', ['$scope', '$routeParams', '$l
Metabase.db_tables({ 'dbId': $routeParams.databaseId }).$promise
.then(function(tables) {
$scope.tables = tables;
return $q.all( {
return Metabase.table_query_metadata({ 'tableId': }).$promise
.then(function(result) {
$scope.tableFields[] = result;
......@@ -261,7 +255,8 @@ DatabasesControllers.controller('DatabaseTable', ['$scope', '$routeParams', '$lo
function loadData() {
'tableId': $routeParams.tableId
'tableId': $routeParams.tableId,
'include_sensitive_fields': true
}, function(result) {
$scope.table = result;
......@@ -456,6 +456,9 @@ CorvusServices.service('CorvusCore', ['$resource', 'User', function($resource, U
}, {
'id': 'dimension',
'name': 'Dimension'
}, {
'id': 'sensitive',
'name': 'Sensitive Information'
this.boolean_types = [{
......@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
[symb value :nillable]
(try (Integer/parseInt value)
(catch java.lang.NumberFormatException _
(format "Invalid value '%s' for '%s': cannot parse as an integer." value symb))))
(format "Invalid value '%s' for '%s': cannot parse as an integer." value symb)))) ; TODO - why aren't we re-throwing these exceptions ?
(defannotation String->Dict
"Param is converted from a JSON string to a dictionary."
......@@ -347,6 +347,15 @@
(catch java.lang.Exception _
(format "Invalid value '%s' for '%s': cannot parse as json." value symb))))
(defannotation String->Boolean
"Param is converted from `\"true\"` or `\"false\"` to the corresponding boolean."
[symb value :nillable]
(= value "true") true
(= value "false") false
(nil? value) nil
:else (throw (ApiFieldValidationException. (name symb) (format "'%s' is not a valid boolean." value)))))
(defannotation Integer
"Param must be an integer (this does *not* cast the param)."
[symb value :nillable]
......@@ -54,15 +54,25 @@
"Get all `Fields` for `Table` with ID."
(read-check Table id)
(sel :many Field :table_id id :active true (order :name :ASC)))
(sel :many Field :table_id id, :active true, :field_type [not= "sensitive"], (order :name :ASC)))
(defendpoint GET "/:id/query_metadata"
"Get metadata about a `Table` useful for running queries.
Returns DB, fields, field FKs, and field values."
Returns DB, fields, field FKs, and field values.
By passing `include_sensitive_fields=true`, information *about* sensitive `Fields` will be returned; in no case
will any of its corresponding values be returned. (This option is provided for use in the Admin Edit Metadata page)."
[id include_sensitive_fields]
{include_sensitive_fields String->Boolean}
(->404 (sel :one Table :id id)
(hydrate :db [:fields [:target]] :field_values)))
(hydrate :db [:fields [:target]] :field_values)
(update-in [:fields] (if include_sensitive_fields
;; If someone passes include_sensitive_fields return hydrated :fields as-is
;; Otherwise filter out all :sensitive fields
(partial filter (fn [{:keys [field_type]}]
(not= (keyword field_type) :sensitive)))))))
(defendpoint GET "/:id/fks"
"Get all `ForeignKeys` whose destination is a `Field` that belongs to this `Table`."
......@@ -61,10 +61,11 @@
(def ^:const field-types
"Not sure what this is for"
"Possible values for `Field.field_type`."
#{:metric ; A number that can be added, graphed, etc.
:dimension ; A high or low-cardinality numerical string value that is meant to be used as a grouping
:info ; Non-numerical value that is not meant to be used
:sensitive}) ; A Fields that should *never* be shown *anywhere*
(defentity Field
(table :metabase_field)
......@@ -118,8 +119,9 @@
(defmethod post-update Field [_ {:keys [id] :as field}]
;; if base_type or special_type were affected then we should asynchronously create corresponding FieldValues objects if need be
(when (or (contains? field :base_type)
(contains? field :field_type)
(contains? field :special_type))
(future (create-field-values-if-needed (sel :one [Field :id :table_id :base_type :special_type] :id id)))))
(future (create-field-values-if-needed (sel :one [Field :id :table_id :base_type :special_type :field_type] :id id)))))
(defmethod pre-cascade-delete Field [_ {:keys [id]}]
(cascade-delete ForeignKey (where (or (= :origin_id id)
......@@ -29,11 +29,13 @@
(defn field-should-have-field-values?
"Should this `Field` be backed by a corresponding `FieldValues` object?"
{:arglists '([field])}
[{:keys [base_type special_type] :as field}]
{:pre [(contains? field :base_type)
[{:keys [base_type special_type field_type] :as field}]
{:pre [field_type
(contains? field :base_type)
(contains? field :special_type)]}
(or (contains? #{:category :city :state :country} (keyword special_type))
(= (keyword base_type) :BooleanField)))
(and (not= (keyword field_type) :sensitive)
(or (contains? #{:category :city :state :country} (keyword special_type))
(= (keyword base_type) :BooleanField))))
(def ^:private field-distinct-values
(u/runtime-resolved-fn 'metabase.db.metadata-queries 'field-distinct-values))
......@@ -28,9 +28,7 @@
:active true
(order :position :asc)
(order :name :asc))]
(->> (sel :many FieldValues :field_id [in field-ids])
(map (fn [{:keys [field_id values]}] {field_id values}))
(apply merge))))
(sel :many :field->field [FieldValues :field_id :values] :field_id [in field-ids])))
:description (u/jdbc-clob->str description)
:pk_field (delay (:id (sel :one :fields [Field :id] :table_id id (where {:special_type "id"}))))
:can_read (delay @(:can_read @(:db <>)))
......@@ -144,6 +144,193 @@
((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "meta/table/%d/query_metadata" (table->id :categories))))
;;; GET api/meta/table/:id/query_metadata?include_sensitive_fields
;;; Make sure that getting the User table *does* include info about the password field, but not actual values themselves
(match-$ (sel :one Table :id (table->id :users))
{:description nil
:entity_type nil
:db (match-$ @test-db
{:created_at $
:engine "h2"
:id $
:details $
:updated_at $
:name "Test Database"
:organization_id @org-id
:description nil})
:name "USERS"
:fields [(match-$ (sel :one Field :id (field->id :users :id))
{:description nil
:table_id (table->id :users)
:special_type "id"
:name "ID"
:updated_at $
:active true
:id $
:field_type "info"
:position 0
:target nil
:preview_display true
:created_at $
:base_type "BigIntegerField"})
(match-$ (sel :one Field :id (field->id :users :last_login))
{:description nil
:table_id (table->id :users)
:special_type "category"
:name "LAST_LOGIN"
:updated_at $
:active true
:id $
:field_type "info"
:position 0
:target nil
:preview_display true
:created_at $
:base_type "DateTimeField"})
(match-$ (sel :one Field :id (field->id :users :name))
{:description nil
:table_id (table->id :users)
:special_type "category"
:name "NAME"
:updated_at $
:active true
:id $
:field_type "info"
:position 0
:target nil
:preview_display true
:created_at $
:base_type "TextField"})
(match-$ (sel :one Field :table_id (table->id :users) :name "PASSWORD")
{:description nil
:table_id (table->id :users)
:special_type "category"
:name "PASSWORD"
:updated_at $
:active true
:id $
:field_type "sensitive"
:position 0
:target nil
:preview_display true
:created_at $
:base_type "TextField"})]
:rows 15
:updated_at $
:entity_name nil
:active true
:id (table->id :users)
:db_id @db-id
:field_values {(keyword (str (field->id :users :last_login)))
(keyword (str (field->id :users :name)))
["Broen Olujimi"
"Conchúr Tihomir"
"Dwight Gresham"
"Felipinho Asklepios"
"Frans Hevel"
"Kaneonuskatew Eiran"
"Kfir Caj"
"Nils Gotam"
"Plato Yeshua"
"Quentin Sören"
"Rüstem Hebel"
"Shad Ferdynand"
"Simcha Yan"
"Spiros Teofil"
"Szymon Theutrich"]}
:created_at $})
((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "meta/table/%d/query_metadata?include_sensitive_fields=true" (table->id :users))))
;;; GET api/meta/table/:id/query_metadata
;;; Make sure that getting the User table does *not* include password info
(match-$ (sel :one Table :id (table->id :users))
{:description nil
:entity_type nil
:db (match-$ @test-db
{:created_at $
:engine "h2"
:id $
:details $
:updated_at $
:name "Test Database"
:organization_id @org-id
:description nil})
:name "USERS"
:fields [(match-$ (sel :one Field :id (field->id :users :id))
{:description nil
:table_id (table->id :users)
:special_type "id"
:name "ID"
:updated_at $
:active true
:id $
:field_type "info"
:position 0
:target nil
:preview_display true
:created_at $
:base_type "BigIntegerField"})
(match-$ (sel :one Field :id (field->id :users :last_login))
{:description nil
:table_id (table->id :users)
:special_type "category"
:name "LAST_LOGIN"
:updated_at $
:active true
:id $
:field_type "info"
:position 0
:target nil
:preview_display true
:created_at $
:base_type "DateTimeField"})
(match-$ (sel :one Field :id (field->id :users :name))
{:description nil
:table_id (table->id :users)
:special_type "category"
:name "NAME"
:updated_at $
:active true
:id $
:field_type "info"
:position 0
:target nil
:preview_display true
:created_at $
:base_type "TextField"})]
:rows 15
:updated_at $
:entity_name nil
:active true
:id (table->id :users)
:db_id @db-id
:field_values {(keyword (str (field->id :users :last_login)))
(keyword (str (field->id :users :name)))
["Broen Olujimi"
"Conchúr Tihomir"
"Dwight Gresham"
"Felipinho Asklepios"
"Frans Hevel"
"Kaneonuskatew Eiran"
"Kfir Caj"
"Nils Gotam"
"Plato Yeshua"
"Quentin Sören"
"Rüstem Hebel"
"Shad Ferdynand"
"Simcha Yan"
"Spiros Teofil"
"Szymon Theutrich"]}
:created_at $})
((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "meta/table/%d/query_metadata" (table->id :users))))
;; ## PUT /api/meta/table/:id
(match-$ (let [table (sel :one Table :id (table->id :users))]
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
[ :as data]))
(declare load-data
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
(log/info (color/cyan "Loading Mongo test data..."))
(driver/sync-database! db)
(log/info (color/cyan "Done."))
(assert (and (map? db)
......@@ -135,13 +135,17 @@
(catch com.mongodb.MongoException$DuplicateKey _)))
(log/info (color/cyan (format "Loaded data for collection '%s'." (name collection))))))))
(defn- set-field-special-types! []
(defn- set-field-types! []
(doseq [[collection-name {fields :fields}] data/test-data]
(doseq [{:keys [special-type] :as field} fields]
(when special-type
(doseq [{:keys [special-type field-type] :as field} fields]
(when (or field-type special-type)
(let [table-id (sel :one :id Table :name (name collection-name))
_ (assert (integer? table-id))
field-id (sel :one :id Field :table_id table-id :name (name (:name field)))
_ (assert (integer? table-id))]
(log/info (format "SET SPECIAL TYPE %s.%s -> %s..." collection-name (:name field) special-type))
(upd Field field-id :special_type special-type))))))
(when special-type
(log/info (format "SET SPECIAL TYPE %s.%s -> %s..." collection-name (:name field) special-type))
(upd Field field-id :special_type special-type))
(when field-type
(log/info (format "SET FIELD TYPE %s.%s -> %s..." collection-name (:name field) field-type))
(upd Field field-id :field_type field-type)))))))
......@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
;; ### table->column-names
[#{:_id :name}
#{:_id :date :venue_id :user_id}
#{:_id :name :last_login}
#{:_id :name :longitude :latitude :price :category_id}]
[#{:_id :name} ; categories
#{:_id :date :venue_id :user_id} ; checkins
#{:_id :name :last_login :password} ; users
#{:_id :name :longitude :latitude :price :category_id}] ; venues
(->> table-names
(map table-name->fake-table)
(map table->column-names)))
......@@ -149,10 +149,10 @@
;; ### active-column-names->type
[{"_id" :IntegerField, "name" :TextField}
{"_id" :IntegerField, "date" :DateField, "venue_id" :IntegerField, "user_id" :IntegerField}
{"_id" :IntegerField, "name" :TextField, "last_login" :DateField}
{"_id" :IntegerField, "name" :TextField, "longitude" :FloatField, "latitude" :FloatField, "price" :IntegerField, "category_id" :IntegerField}]
[{"_id" :IntegerField, "name" :TextField} ; categories
{"_id" :IntegerField, "date" :DateField, "venue_id" :IntegerField, "user_id" :IntegerField} ; checkins
{"_id" :IntegerField, "password" :TextField, "name" :TextField, "last_login" :DateField} ; users
{"_id" :IntegerField, "name" :TextField, "longitude" :FloatField, "latitude" :FloatField, "price" :IntegerField, "category_id" :IntegerField}] ; venues
(->> table-names
(map table-name->fake-table)
(mapv (partial i/active-column-names->type mongo/driver))))
......@@ -169,29 +169,33 @@
;; Test that Tables got synced correctly, and row counts are correct
[{:rows 75, :active true, :name "categories"}
[{:rows 75, :active true, :name "categories"}
{:rows 1000, :active true, :name "checkins"}
{:rows 15, :active true, :name "users"}
{:rows 100, :active true, :name "venues"}]
{:rows 15, :active true, :name "users"}
{:rows 100, :active true, :name "venues"}]
(sel :many :fields [Table :name :active :rows] :db_id @mongo-test-db-id (k/order :name)))
;; Test that Fields got synced correctly, and types are correct
[[{:special_type :id, :base_type :IntegerField, :name "_id"}
{:special_type :category, :base_type :DateField, :name "last_login"}
{:special_type :category, :base_type :TextField, :name "name"}]
[{:special_type :id, :base_type :IntegerField, :name "_id"}
{:special_type :category, :base_type :DateField, :name "last_login"}
{:special_type :category, :base_type :TextField, :name "name"}]
[{:special_type :id, :base_type :IntegerField, :name "_id"}
{:special_type :category, :base_type :DateField, :name "last_login"}
{:special_type :category, :base_type :TextField, :name "name"}]
[{:special_type :id, :base_type :IntegerField, :name "_id"}
{:special_type :category, :base_type :DateField, :name "last_login"}
{:special_type :category, :base_type :TextField, :name "name"}]]
[[{:special_type :id, :base_type :IntegerField, :name "_id"}
{:special_type :name, :base_type :TextField, :name "name"}]
[{:special_type :id, :base_type :IntegerField, :name "_id"}
{:special_type nil, :base_type :DateField, :name "date"}
{:special_type :category, :base_type :IntegerField, :name "user_id"}
{:special_type nil, :base_type :IntegerField, :name "venue_id"}]
[{:special_type :id, :base_type :IntegerField, :name "_id"}
{:special_type :category, :base_type :DateField, :name "last_login"}
{:special_type :category, :base_type :TextField, :name "name"}
{:special_type :category, :base_type :TextField, :name "password"}]
[{:special_type :id, :base_type :IntegerField, :name "_id"}
{:special_type :category, :base_type :IntegerField, :name "category_id"}
{:special_type :latitude, :base_type :FloatField, :name "latitude"}
{:special_type :longitude, :base_type :FloatField, :name "longitude"}
{:special_type :name, :base_type :TextField, :name "name"}
{:special_type :category, :base_type :IntegerField, :name "price"}]]
(let [table->fields (fn [table-name]
(sel :many :fields [Field :name :base_type :special_type]
:active true
:table_id (table-name->id :users)
:table_id (sel :one :id Table :db_id @mongo-test-db-id, :name (name table-name))
(k/order :name)))]
(map table->fields table-names)))
......@@ -726,8 +726,8 @@
:breakout [(id :venues :price)]
:order_by [[["aggregation" 0] "descending"]]})
;;; ### make sure that rows where preview_display = false don't get displayed
;;; ### make sure that rows where preview_display = false don't get displayed
[(set (->columns "category_id" "name" "latitude" "id" "longitude" "price"))
(set (->columns "category_id" "name" "latitude" "id" "longitude"))
......@@ -746,3 +746,32 @@
(do (upd Field (id :venues :price) :preview_display true)
;;; ## :sensitive fields
;;; Make sure :sensitive information fields are never returned by the QP
{:columns (->columns "id"
:cols [(users-col :id)
(users-col :last_login)
(users-col :name)]
:rows [[ 1 #inst "2014-04-01T08:30:00.000000000-00:00" "Plato Yeshua"]
[ 2 #inst "2014-12-05T15:15:00.000000000-00:00" "Felipinho Asklepios"]
[ 3 #inst "2014-11-06T16:15:00.000000000-00:00" "Kaneonuskatew Eiran"]
[ 4 #inst "2014-01-01T08:30:00.000000000-00:00" "Simcha Yan"]
[ 5 #inst "2014-10-03T17:30:00.000000000-00:00" "Quentin Sören"]
[ 6 #inst "2014-08-02T12:30:00.000000000-00:00" "Shad Ferdynand"]
[ 7 #inst "2014-08-02T09:30:00.000000000-00:00" "Conchúr Tihomir"]
[ 8 #inst "2014-02-01T10:15:00.000000000-00:00" "Szymon Theutrich"]
[ 9 #inst "2014-04-03T09:30:00.000000000-00:00" "Nils Gotam"]
[10 #inst "2014-07-03T19:30:00.000000000-00:00" "Frans Hevel"]
[11 #inst "2014-11-01T07:00:00.000000000-00:00" "Spiros Teofil"]
[12 #inst "2014-07-03T01:30:00.000000000-00:00" "Kfir Caj"]
[13 #inst "2014-08-01T10:30:00.000000000-00:00" "Dwight Gresham"]
[14 #inst "2014-10-03T13:45:00.000000000-00:00" "Broen Olujimi"]
[15 #inst "2014-08-01T12:45:00.000000000-00:00" "Rüstem Hebel"]]}
{:source_table (id :users)
:aggregation ["rows"]
:order_by [[(id :users :id) "ascending"]]})
......@@ -6,16 +6,25 @@
(expect true
(field-should-have-field-values? {:special_type :category
:field_type :info
:base_type :TextField}))
(expect false
(field-should-have-field-values? {:special_type :category
:field_type :sensitive
:base_type :TextField}))
(expect false
(field-should-have-field-values? {:special_type nil
:field_type :info
:base_type :TextField}))
(expect true
(field-should-have-field-values? {:special_type "country"
:field_type :info
:base_type :TextField}))
(expect true
(field-should-have-field-values? {:special_type nil
:field_type :info
:base_type "BooleanField"}))
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
;; * id
;; * name
;; * last_login
;; * password (sensitive)
;; * categories - 75 rows
;; * id
;; * name
......@@ -12,21 +12,21 @@
;; [name last_login]
(defonce ^:private users
[["Plato Yeshua" (timestamp 2014 4 1 1 30)]
["Felipinho Asklepios" (timestamp 2014 12 5 7 15)]
["Kaneonuskatew Eiran" (timestamp 2014 11 6 8 15)]
["Simcha Yan" (timestamp 2014 1 1 0 30)]
["Quentin Sören" (timestamp 2014 10 3 10 30)]
["Shad Ferdynand" (timestamp 2014 8 2 5 30)]
["Conchúr Tihomir" (timestamp 2014 8 2 2 30)]
["Szymon Theutrich" (timestamp 2014 2 1 2 15)]
["Nils Gotam" (timestamp 2014 4 3 2 30)]
["Frans Hevel" (timestamp 2014 7 3 12 30)]
["Spiros Teofil" (timestamp 2014 11 1)]
["Kfir Caj" (timestamp 2014 7 2 18 30)]
["Dwight Gresham" (timestamp 2014 8 1 3 30)]
["Broen Olujimi" (timestamp 2014 10 3 6 45)]
["Rüstem Hebel" (timestamp 2014 8 1 5 45)]])
[["Plato Yeshua" #inst "2014-04-01T08:30:00.000000000-00:00"]
["Felipinho Asklepios" #inst "2014-12-05T15:15:00.000000000-00:00"]
["Kaneonuskatew Eiran" #inst "2014-11-06T16:15:00.000000000-00:00"]
["Simcha Yan" #inst "2014-01-01T08:30:00.000000000-00:00"]
["Quentin Sören" #inst "2014-10-03T17:30:00.000000000-00:00"]
["Shad Ferdynand" #inst "2014-08-02T12:30:00.000000000-00:00"]
["Conchúr Tihomir" #inst "2014-08-02T09:30:00.000000000-00:00"]
["Szymon Theutrich" #inst "2014-02-01T10:15:00.000000000-00:00"]
["Nils Gotam" #inst "2014-04-03T09:30:00.000000000-00:00"]
["Frans Hevel" #inst "2014-07-03T19:30:00.000000000-00:00"]
["Spiros Teofil" #inst "2014-11-01T07:00:00.000000000-00:00"]
["Kfir Caj" #inst "2014-07-03T01:30:00.000000000-00:00"]
["Dwight Gresham" #inst "2014-08-01T10:30:00.000000000-00:00"]
["Broen Olujimi" #inst "2014-10-03T13:45:00.000000000-00:00"]
["Rüstem Hebel" #inst "2014-08-01T12:45:00.000000000-00:00"]])
;; name
(defonce ^:private categories
......@@ -1216,7 +1216,10 @@
{:users {:fields [{:name :name
:type "VARCHAR(254)"}
{:name :last_login
:type "TIMESTAMP"}]
:type "TIMESTAMP"}
{:name :password
:type "VARCHAR(254)"
:field-type :sensitive}]
:rows users}
:categories {:fields [{:name :name
:type "VARCHAR(254)"}]
......@@ -158,15 +158,23 @@
(def ^:private table->id (u/runtime-resolved-fn 'metabase.test-data 'table->id))
(def ^:private field->id (u/runtime-resolved-fn 'metabase.test-data 'field->id))
(defn- set-special-type! [table-kw {field-kw :name special-type :special-type}]
(defn- set-types! [table-kw {field-kw :name special-type :special-type, field-type :field-type}]
{:post [(true? %)]}
(if-not special-type true
(do (log/info "SET SPECIAL TYPE" table-kw field-kw "->" special-type)
(upd Field (field->id table-kw field-kw) :special_type (name special-type)))))
(defn- set-types! [table-kw {field-kw :name, special-type :special-type, field-type :field-type}]
(when special-type
(log/info "SET SPECIAL TYPE" table-kw field-kw "->" special-type)
(upd Field (field->id table-kw field-kw) :special_type (name special-type)))
(when field-type
(log/info "SET FIELD TYPE" table-kw field-kw "->" field-type)
(upd Field (field->id table-kw field-kw) :field_type (name field-type))))
(defn- add-metadata! []
(map (fn [[table-kw {:keys [fields]}]]
(dorun (map (partial set-special-type! table-kw)
(dorun (map (partial set-types! table-kw)
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