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Unverified Commit b0dbb38e authored by bryan's avatar bryan Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Static embed dashboard and question endpoints (#47270)

* entity id translation + tests

* add api level test

* simplify definition of eid-table->model + add test

* update tests to take keywords

* improve comment

* generate the eid-table->model map

* delete now-obsolete test

* make it work in oss

* put the resulting response into a key, so we can add more information later

* formatting

* use model names without the model/ prefix as keys

* Creates list of `api/model->db-model`

- update keys for util/entity_id request
- update shape of util/entity_id response
- add test for not-found eids

* formatting

* Respond to code review feedback

* entity-ids work on /embed/{card,dashboard}* routes

* make entity id translation work for all tokens

* Merge branch 'static-embed-dashboard-and-question-endpoints' of into static-embed-dashboard-and-question-endpoints

* massage schema. add tons of tests

* decode more eids

* test alignment

* don't require ns inside of itself :think:

* make the test functions to create tokens better

* bring back `dashboard-url`


Co-authored-by: default avatarOisin Coveney <>
parent b644dcca
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......@@ -29,11 +29,39 @@
[metabase.query-processor.pivot :as qp.pivot]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.embed :as embed]
[metabase.util.malli :as mu]
[metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]
[toucan2.core :as t2]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(def ^:private ResourceId [:or ms/PositiveInt ms/NanoIdString])
(def ^:private Token [:map
[:resource [:map
[:question {:optional true} ResourceId]
[:dashboard {:optional true} ResourceId]]]
[:params :any]])
(defn- conditional-update-in
"If there's a value at `path`, apply `f`, otherwise return `m`."
[m path f]
(if-let [value (get-in m path)]
(assoc-in m path (f value))
(mu/defn translate-token-ids :- Token
"Translate `entity_id` keys to `card_id` and `dashboard_id` respectively."
[unsigned :- Token]
(-> unsigned
(conditional-update-in [:resource :question] #(api.embed.common/->id :model/Card %))
(conditional-update-in [:resource :dashboard] #(api.embed.common/->id :model/Dashboard %))))
(defn unsign-and-translate-ids
"Unsign a JWT and translate `entity_id` keys to `card_id` and `dashboard_id` respectively. If they are already
sequential ids, they are left as is."
(translate-token-ids (embed/unsign message)))
;;; ------------------------------------------- /api/embed/card endpoints --------------------------------------------
(api/defendpoint GET "/card/:token"
......@@ -43,7 +71,7 @@
{:resource {:question <card-id>}}"
(let [unsigned (embed/unsign token)]
(let [unsigned (unsign-and-translate-ids token)]
(api.embed.common/check-embedding-enabled-for-card (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned [:resource :question]))
(u/prog1 (api.embed.common/card-for-unsigned-token unsigned, :constraints [:enable_embedding true])
(events/publish-event! :event/card-read {:object-id (:id <>), :user-id api/*current-user-id*, :context :question}))))
......@@ -75,7 +103,7 @@
{:resource {:question <card-id>}
:params <parameters>}"
[token & query-params]
(run-query-for-unsigned-token-async (embed/unsign token) :api (api.embed.common/parse-query-params query-params)))
(run-query-for-unsigned-token-async (unsign-and-translate-ids token) :api (api.embed.common/parse-query-params query-params)))
(api/defendpoint GET ["/card/:token/query/:export-format", :export-format api.dataset/export-format-regex]
"Like `GET /api/embed/card/query`, but returns the results as a file in the specified format."
......@@ -83,7 +111,7 @@
{export-format (into [:enum] api.dataset/export-formats)
format_rows [:maybe :boolean]}
(embed/unsign token)
(unsign-and-translate-ids token)
(api.embed.common/parse-query-params (dissoc (m/map-keys keyword query-params) :format_rows))
:constraints nil
......@@ -100,7 +128,7 @@
{:resource {:dashboard <dashboard-id>}}"
(let [unsigned (embed/unsign token)]
(let [unsigned (unsign-and-translate-ids token)]
(api.embed.common/check-embedding-enabled-for-dashboard (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned [:resource :dashboard]))
(u/prog1 (api.embed.common/dashboard-for-unsigned-token unsigned, :constraints [:enable_embedding true])
(events/publish-event! :event/dashboard-read {:object-id (:id <>), :user-id api/*current-user-id*}))))
......@@ -109,7 +137,7 @@
"Fetch the results of running a Card belonging to a Dashboard using a JSON Web Token signed with the
Token should have the following format:
[[Token]] should have the following format:
{:resource {:dashboard <dashboard-id>}
:params <parameters>}
......@@ -121,7 +149,7 @@
& {:keys [constraints qp middleware]
:or {constraints (qp.constraints/default-query-constraints)
qp qp.card/process-query-for-card-default-qp}}]
(let [unsigned-token (embed/unsign token)
(let [unsigned-token (unsign-and-translate-ids token)
dashboard-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:resource :dashboard])]
(api.embed.common/check-embedding-enabled-for-dashboard dashboard-id)
......@@ -156,7 +184,7 @@
"Fetch FieldValues for a Field that is referenced by an embedded Card."
[token field-id]
{field-id ms/PositiveInt}
(let [unsigned-token (embed/unsign token)
(let [unsigned-token (unsign-and-translate-ids token)
card-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:resource :question])]
(api.embed.common/check-embedding-enabled-for-card card-id)
(api.public/card-and-field-id->values card-id field-id)))
......@@ -165,7 +193,7 @@
"Fetch FieldValues for a Field that is used as a param in an embedded Dashboard."
[token field-id]
{field-id ms/PositiveInt}
(let [unsigned-token (embed/unsign token)
(let [unsigned-token (unsign-and-translate-ids token)
dashboard-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:resource :dashboard])]
(api.embed.common/check-embedding-enabled-for-dashboard dashboard-id)
(api.public/dashboard-and-field-id->values dashboard-id field-id)))
......@@ -179,7 +207,7 @@
search-field-id ms/PositiveInt
value ms/NonBlankString
limit [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]}
(let [unsigned-token (embed/unsign token)
(let [unsigned-token (unsign-and-translate-ids token)
card-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:resource :question])]
(api.embed.common/check-embedding-enabled-for-card card-id)
(api.public/search-card-fields card-id field-id search-field-id value (when limit (Integer/parseInt limit)))))
......@@ -191,7 +219,7 @@
search-field-id ms/PositiveInt
value ms/NonBlankString
limit [:maybe ms/PositiveInt]}
(let [unsigned-token (embed/unsign token)
(let [unsigned-token (unsign-and-translate-ids token)
dashboard-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:resource :dashboard])]
(api.embed.common/check-embedding-enabled-for-dashboard dashboard-id)
(api.public/search-dashboard-fields dashboard-id field-id search-field-id value (when limit
......@@ -206,7 +234,7 @@
{field-id ms/PositiveInt
remapped-id ms/PositiveInt
value ms/NonBlankString}
(let [unsigned-token (embed/unsign token)
(let [unsigned-token (unsign-and-translate-ids token)
card-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:resource :question])]
(api.embed.common/check-embedding-enabled-for-card card-id)
(api.public/card-field-remapped-values card-id field-id remapped-id value)))
......@@ -218,7 +246,7 @@
{field-id ms/PositiveInt
remapped-id ms/PositiveInt
value ms/NonBlankString}
(let [unsigned-token (embed/unsign token)
(let [unsigned-token (unsign-and-translate-ids token)
dashboard-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:resource :dashboard])]
(api.embed.common/check-embedding-enabled-for-dashboard dashboard-id)
(api.public/dashboard-field-remapped-values dashboard-id field-id remapped-id value)))
......@@ -265,7 +293,7 @@
(api/defendpoint GET "/card/:token/params/:param-key/values"
"Embedded version of api.card filter values endpoint."
[token param-key]
(let [unsigned (embed/unsign token)
(let [unsigned (unsign-and-translate-ids token)
card-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned [:resource :question])
card (t2/select-one Card :id card-id)]
(api.embed.common/check-embedding-enabled-for-card card-id)
......@@ -276,7 +304,7 @@
(api/defendpoint GET "/card/:token/params/:param-key/search/:prefix"
"Embedded version of chain filter search endpoint."
[token param-key prefix]
(let [unsigned (embed/unsign token)
(let [unsigned (unsign-and-translate-ids token)
card-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned [:resource :question])
card (t2/select-one Card :id card-id)]
(api.embed.common/check-embedding-enabled-for-card card-id)
......@@ -293,7 +321,7 @@
{:resource {:question <card-id>}
:params <parameters>}"
[token & query-params]
(run-query-for-unsigned-token-async (embed/unsign token)
(run-query-for-unsigned-token-async (unsign-and-translate-ids token)
:api (api.embed.common/parse-query-params query-params)
:qp qp.pivot/run-pivot-query))
......@@ -274,6 +274,99 @@
(assoc (select-keys param [:type :target :slug])
:value value))))
;;; -------------------------------------- Entity ID transformation functions ------------------------------------------
(def ^:private api-models
"The models that we will service for entity-id transformations."
(->> (descendants :metabase/model)
(filter #(= (namespace %) "model"))
(filter (fn has-entity-id?
[model] (or ;; toucan1 models
(isa? model :metabase.models.interface/entity-id)
;; toucan2 models
(isa? model :hook/entity-id))))
(map keyword)
(def ^:private api-name->model
"Map of model names used on the API to their corresponding model."
(->> api/model->db-model
(map (fn [[k v]] [(keyword k) (:db-model v)]))
(filter (fn [[_ v]] (contains? api-models v)))
(into {})))
(defn- ->model
"Takes a model keyword or an api-name and returns the corresponding model keyword."
(if (contains? api-models model-or-api-name)
(api-name->model model-or-api-name)))
(def ^:private eid-api-models
"Sorted vec of api models that have an entity_id column"
(vec (sort (keys api-name->model))))
(def ^:private ApiModel (into [:enum] eid-api-models))
(def ^:private EntityId
"A Malli schema for an entity id, this is a little looser because it needs to be fast."
[:and {:description "entity_id"}
[:fn {:error/fn (fn [{:keys [value]} _]
(str "\"" value "\" should be 21 characters long, but it is " (count value)))}
(fn eid-length-good? [eid] (= 21 (count eid)))]])
(def ^:private ModelToEntityIds
"A Malli schema for a map of model names to a sequence of entity ids."
(mc/schema [:map-of ApiModel [:sequential :string]]))
(mu/defn- entity-ids->id-for-model
"Given a model and a sequence of entity ids on that model, return a pairs of entity-id, id."
[api-name eids]
(let [model (->model api-name) ;; This lookup is safe because we've already validated the api-names
eid->id (into {} (t2/select-fn->fn :entity_id :id [model :id :entity_id] :entity_id [:in eids]))]
(mapv (fn entity-id-info [entity-id]
[entity-id (if-let [id (get eid->id entity-id)]
{:id id :type api-name :status "ok"}
;; handle errors
(if (mc/validate EntityId entity-id)
{:type api-name
:status "not-found"}
{:type api-name
:status "invalid-format"
:reason (me/humanize (mc/explain EntityId entity-id))}))])
(defn model->entity-ids->ids
"Given a map of model names to a sequence of entity-ids for each, return a map from entity-id -> id."
(when-not (mc/validate ModelToEntityIds model-key->entity-ids)
(throw (ex-info "Invalid format." {:explanation (me/humanize
(mc/explain ModelToEntityIds model-key->entity-ids)))
:allowed-models (sort (keys api-name->model))
:status-code 400})))
(into {}
(fn [[model eids]] (entity-ids->id-for-model model eids))
(mu/defn ->id :- :int
"Translates a single entity_id -> id. This reuses the batched version: [[model->entity-ids->ids]].
Please use that if you have to do man lookups at once."
[pre-model id :- [:or :int :string]]
(if (string? id)
(let [model (->model pre-model)
[[_ {:keys [status] :as info}]] (entity-ids->id-for-model model [id])]
(if-not (= "ok" status)
(throw (ex-info "problem looking up id from entity_id"
{:pre-model pre-model
:model model
:id id
:status status}))
(:id info)))
;;; ---------------------------- Card Fns used by both /api/embed and /api/preview_embed -----------------------------
(defn card-for-unsigned-token
......@@ -281,7 +374,8 @@
`public-card` function that fetches the Card."
[unsigned-token & {:keys [embedding-params constraints]}]
{:pre [((some-fn empty? sequential?) constraints) (even? (count constraints))]}
(let [card-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:resource :question])
(let [pre-card-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:resource :question])
card-id (->id :model/Card pre-card-id)
token-params (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:params])]
(-> (apply api.public/public-card :id card-id, constraints)
......@@ -350,7 +444,8 @@
the `public-dashboard` function that fetches the Dashboard."
[unsigned-token & {:keys [embedding-params constraints]}]
{:pre [((some-fn empty? sequential?) constraints) (even? (count constraints))]}
(let [dashboard-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:resource :dashboard])
(let [pre-dashboard-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:resource :dashboard])
dashboard-id (->id :model/Dashboard pre-dashboard-id)
embedding-params (or embedding-params
(t2/select-one-fn :embedding_params :model/Dashboard, :id dashboard-id))
token-params (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:params])]
......@@ -443,7 +538,8 @@
[token searched-param-id prefix id-query-params
& {:keys [preview] :or {preview false}}]
(let [unsigned-token (embed/unsign token)
dashboard-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:resource :dashboard])
pre-dashboard-id (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:resource :dashboard])
dashboard-id (->id :model/Dashboard pre-dashboard-id)
_ (when-not preview (check-embedding-enabled-for-dashboard dashboard-id))
slug-token-params (embed/get-in-unsigned-token-or-throw unsigned-token [:params])
{parameters :parameters
......@@ -490,67 +586,3 @@
(log/errorf e "Chain filter error\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str (u/all-ex-data e)))
(throw e))))))
;;; -------------------------------------- Entity ID transformation functions ------------------------------------------
(def ^:private api-models
"The models that we will service for entity-id transformations."
(->> (descendants :metabase/model)
(filter #(= (namespace %) "model"))
(filter (fn has-entity-id?
[model] (or ;; toucan1 models
(isa? model :metabase.models.interface/entity-id)
;; toucan2 models
(isa? model :hook/entity-id))))
(map keyword)
(def ^:private api-name->model
"Map of model names used on the API to their corresponding model."
(->> api/model->db-model
(map (fn [[k v]] [(keyword k) (:db-model v)]))
(filter (fn [[_ v]] (contains? api-models v)))
(into {})))
(def ^:private eid-api-models
"Sorted vec of api models that have an entity_id column"
(vec (sort (keys api-name->model))))
(def ^:private ApiModel (into [:enum] eid-api-models))
(def ^:private EntityId
"A Malli schema for an entity id, this is a little looser because it needs to be fast."
[:and {:description "entity_id"}
[:fn {:error/fn (fn [{:keys [value]} _]
(str "\"" value "\" should be 21 characters long, but it is " (count value)))}
(fn eid-length-good? [eid] (= 21 (count eid)))]])
(def ^:private ModelToEntityIds
"A Malli schema for a map of model names to a sequence of entity ids."
(mc/schema [:map-of ApiModel [:sequential EntityId]]))
(mu/defn- entity-ids->id-for-model
"Given a model and a sequence of entity ids on that model, return a pairs of entity-id, id."
[api-name eids]
(let [model (api-name->model api-name) ;; This lookup is safe because we've already validated the api-names
eid->id (into {} (t2/select-fn->fn :entity_id :id [model :id :entity_id] :entity_id [:in eids]))]
(mapv (fn [entity-id]
[entity-id (if-let [id (get eid->id entity-id)]
{:id id :type api-name}
{:type api-name :status "not-found"})])
(defn model->entity-ids->ids
"Given a map of model names to a sequence of entity-ids for each, return a map from entity-id -> id."
(when-not (mc/validate ModelToEntityIds model-key->entity-ids)
(throw (ex-info "Invalid format." {:explanation (me/humanize
(mc/explain ModelToEntityIds model-key->entity-ids)))
:allowed-models (sort (keys api-name->model))
:status-code 400})))
(into {}
(fn [[model eids]] (entity-ids->id-for-model model eids))
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
(deftest entity-id-translation-test
(mt/with-temp [:model/Card {card-id :id card-eid :entity_id} {}]
(is (= {card-eid {:id card-id :type "card"}}
(is (= {card-eid {:id card-id :type "card" :status "ok"}}
(-> (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :post 200
{:entity_ids {"card" [card-eid]}})
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