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Unverified Commit b6d542f8 authored by Jeff Evans's avatar Jeff Evans Committed by GitHub
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Apply schema inclusion/exclusion filtering to sql-jdbc drivers (#19651)

* Apply schema inclusion/exclusion filtering to sql-jdbc drivers

Update `sql-jdbc` namespaces to handle schema inclusion/exclusion patterns when filtering schemas

Add new generic schema inclusion/exclusion test for sql-jdbc drivers that define the property

Update Snowflake and Redshift driver manifests to include schema filtering property

Create `db-details->schema-filter-patterns` util fn to turn DB details into the inclusion/exclusion patterns

Move schema inclusion/exclusion filtering code to new namespace (since it's not strictly used by `:sql-jdbc` derived drivers)

Move existing tests accordingly

Add schema inclusion/exclusion check to the new `filtered-syncable-schemas` multimethod (and updating docstring)

Change `:redshift` impl of `filtered-syncable-schemas` to call the `:sql-jdbc` version instead

Use new multimethod instead for `filtered-syncable-schemas`, and have default impl of `syncable-schemas` call that

Mark `syncable-schemas` as deprecated and include notes on the new method (and update driver markdown file accordingly)
parent 9c8e38ce
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 265 additions and 108 deletions
......@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ If you were manipulating Field or Table aliases, we consolidated a lot of overla
used consistently across the SQL QP code. If you need to transform generated Field aliases for any reason (such as
escaping disallowed characters), implement this method.
- `metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.interface/filtered-syncable-schemas` has been added, and will eventually replace
`metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.interface/syncable-schemas`. It serves a similar purpose, except that it's also
passed the inclusion and exclusion patterns (ex: `auth*,data*`) to further filter schemas that will be synced.
### Deprecated methods and vars
The following methods and vars are slated for removal in Metabase 0.45.0 unless otherwise noted.
......@@ -84,6 +88,10 @@ The following methods and vars are slated for removal in Metabase 0.45.0 unless
give drivers a chance to escape automatically generated aliases for joined Fields. This is no longer necessary,
because `metabase.driver/escape-alias` is called on automatically generates aliases. Implement
`metabase.driver/escape-alias` if you need to do something special.
- `metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.interface/syncable-schemas` has been deprecated in favor of
`metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.interface/filtered-syncable-schemas` (see above). The existing default implementation
of `syncable-schemas` currently calls `filtered-syncable-schemas` (with `nil` filters, i.e. the filtering operation
is actually a no-op), but it will eventually be removed.
#### Removed Methods and Vars
......@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
[metabase.driver.bigquery-cloud-sdk.common :as bigquery.common]
[metabase.driver.bigquery-cloud-sdk.params :as bigquery.params]
[metabase.driver.bigquery-cloud-sdk.query-processor :as bigquery.qp]
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.describe-database :as describe-database]
[metabase.models :refer [Database Table] :rename {Table MetabaseTable}] ; Table clashes with the class name below
[metabase.driver.sync :as driver.s]
[metabase.models :refer [Database Table] :rename {Table MetabaseTable}] ; Table clashes with the class below
[metabase.query-processor.context :as context]
[metabase.query-processor.error-type :as error-type]
[ :as]
......@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@
exclusion-patterns (when (= "exclusion" filter-type) filter-patterns)]
(apply concat (for [^Dataset dataset (.iterateAll datasets)
:let [^DatasetId dataset-id (.. dataset getDatasetId)]
:when (describe-database/include-schema? (.getDataset dataset-id)
:when (driver.s/include-schema? inclusion-patterns
(.getDataset dataset-id))]
(-> (.listTables client dataset-id (u/varargs BigQuery$TableListOption))
......@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ driver:
- dbname
- name: db
placeholder: birds_of_the_world
- name: schema-filters
type: schema-filters
display-name: Schemas
- user
- password
- cloud-ip-address-info
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.execute :as sql-jdbc.execute]
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.execute.legacy-impl :as legacy]
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync :as sql-jdbc.sync]
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.describe-database :as sync.describe-database]
[metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
[metabase.mbql.util :as mbql.u]
[metabase.public-settings :as pubset]
......@@ -271,10 +270,11 @@
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync/syncable-schemas :redshift
[driver conn metadata]
(remove (set (sql-jdbc.sync/excluded-schemas driver)))
(sync.describe-database/all-schemas metadata))))
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync/filtered-syncable-schemas :redshift
[driver conn metadata schema-inclusion-patterns schema-exclusion-patterns]
(let [parent-method (get-method sql-jdbc.sync/filtered-syncable-schemas :sql-jdbc)]
(reducible-schemas-with-usage-permissions conn (parent-method driver
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
(partial into {})
(db/select [Field :name :database_type :base_type] :table_id table-id {:order-by [:name]}))))))))))
(deftest syncable-schemas-test
(deftest filtered-syncable-schemas-test
(mt/test-driver :redshift
(testing "Should filter out schemas for which the user has no perms"
;; create a random username and random schema name, and grant the user USAGE permission for it
......@@ -224,13 +224,17 @@
(binding [redshift.test/*use-original-syncable-schemas-impl?* true]
(binding [redshift.test/*use-original-filtered-syncable-schemas-impl?* true]
(mt/with-temp Database [db {:engine :redshift, :details (assoc db-det :user temp-username :password user-pw)}]
(with-open [conn (jdbc/get-connection (sql-jdbc.conn/db->pooled-connection-spec db))]
(let [schemas (reduce conj
(sql-jdbc.sync/syncable-schemas :redshift conn (.getMetaData conn)))]
(testing "syncable-schemas for the user should contain the newly created random schema"
(sql-jdbc.sync/filtered-syncable-schemas :redshift
(.getMetaData conn)
(testing "filtered-syncable-schemas for the user should contain the newly created random schema"
(is (contains? schemas random-schema)))
(testing "should not contain the current session-schema name (since that was never granted)"
(is (not (contains? schemas redshift.test/session-schema-name))))))))
......@@ -245,7 +249,7 @@
(testing "Should filter out non-existent schemas (for which nobody has permissions)"
(let [fake-schema-name (u/qualified-name ::fake-schema)]
(binding [redshift.test/*use-original-syncable-schemas-impl?* true]
(binding [redshift.test/*use-original-filtered-syncable-schemas-impl?* true]
;; override `all-schemas` so it returns our fake schema in addition to the real ones.
(with-redefs [sync.describe-database/all-schemas (let [orig sync.describe-database/all-schemas]
(fn [metadata]
......@@ -258,7 +262,7 @@
(sql-jdbc.sync/syncable-schemas :redshift conn (.getMetaData conn))))]
(sql-jdbc.sync/filtered-syncable-schemas :redshift conn (.getMetaData conn) nil nil)))]
(testing "if schemas-with-usage-permissions is disabled, the ::fake-schema should come back"
(with-redefs [redshift/reducible-schemas-with-usage-permissions (fn [_ reducible]
......@@ -82,18 +82,19 @@
(execute! "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS %s CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA %s;" session-schema-name session-schema-name))
(defonce ^:private ^{:arglists '([driver connection metadata])} original-syncable-schemas
(get-method sql-jdbc.sync/syncable-schemas :redshift))
(defonce ^:private ^{:arglists '([driver connection metadata _ _])}
(get-method sql-jdbc.sync/filtered-syncable-schemas :redshift))
(def ^:dynamic *use-original-syncable-schemas-impl?*
"Whether to use the actual prod impl for `syncable-schemas` rather than the special test one that only syncs the test
(def ^:dynamic *use-original-filtered-syncable-schemas-impl?*
"Whether to use the actual prod impl for `filtered-syncable-schemas` rather than the special test one that only syncs
the test schema."
;; replace the impl the `metabase.driver.redshift`. Only sync the current test schema and the external "spectrum"
;; schema used for a specific test.
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync/syncable-schemas :redshift
[driver conn metadata]
(if *use-original-syncable-schemas-impl?*
(original-syncable-schemas driver conn metadata)
(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync/filtered-syncable-schemas :redshift
[driver conn metadata schema-inclusion-filters schema-exclusion-filters]
(if *use-original-filtered-syncable-schemas-impl?*
(original-filtered-syncable-schemas driver conn metadata schema-inclusion-filters schema-exclusion-filters)
#{session-schema-name "spectrum"}))
......@@ -27,10 +27,9 @@ driver:
- name: db
required: true
display-name: Database name (case sensitive)
- name: schema
display-name: Schema (optional)
helper-text: Only add tables to Metabase that come from a specific schema.
placeholder: just_crows
- name: schema-filters
type: schema-filters
display-name: Schemas
- name: role
display-name: Role (optional)
helper-text: Specify a role to override the database user’s default role.
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync :as sql-jdbc.sync]
[metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
[metabase.driver.sql.util.unprepare :as unprepare]
[metabase.driver.sync :as driver.s]
[ :as]
[metabase.query-processor.util.add-alias-info :as add]
[metabase.util :as u]
......@@ -239,14 +240,19 @@
excluded-schemas (set (sql-jdbc.sync/excluded-schemas driver))]
(! (u/the-id database))
(let [spec (sql-jdbc.conn/db->pooled-connection-spec database)
sql (format "SHOW OBJECTS IN DATABASE \"%s\"" db-name)]
(let [spec (sql-jdbc.conn/db->pooled-connection-spec database)
sql (format "SHOW OBJECTS IN DATABASE \"%s\"" db-name)
schema-patterns (driver.s/db-details->schema-filter-patterns "schema-filters" database)
[inclusion-patterns exclusion-patterns] schema-patterns]
(log/tracef "[Snowflake] %s" sql)
(with-open [conn (jdbc/get-connection spec)]
{:tables (into
(comp (filter (fn [{schema :schema_name, table-name :name}]
(and (not (contains? excluded-schemas schema))
(driver.s/include-schema? inclusion-patterns
(sql-jdbc.sync/have-select-privilege? driver conn schema table-name))))
(map (fn [{schema :schema_name, table-name :name, remark :comment}]
{:name table-name
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
......@@ -9,9 +9,11 @@
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.common :as common]
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.interface :as i]
[metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
[metabase.driver.sync :as driver.s]
[metabase.driver.util :as driver.u]
[metabase.models :refer [Database]]
[metabase.util.honeysql-extensions :as hx])
(:import [java.sql Connection DatabaseMetaData ResultSet]
(:import [java.sql Connection DatabaseMetaData ResultSet]))
(defmethod i/excluded-schemas :sql-jdbc [_] nil)
......@@ -24,9 +26,10 @@
(fn [^ResultSet rs]
#(.getString rs "TABLE_SCHEM"))))
(defmethod i/syncable-schemas :sql-jdbc
[driver _ metadata]
(defmethod i/filtered-syncable-schemas :sql-jdbc
[driver _ metadata schema-inclusion-patterns schema-exclusion-patterns]
(eduction (remove (set (i/excluded-schemas driver)))
(filter (partial driver.s/include-schema? schema-inclusion-patterns schema-exclusion-patterns))
(all-schemas metadata)))
(defn simple-select-probe-query
......@@ -97,7 +100,7 @@
This is as much as 15x faster for Databases with lots of system tables than `post-filtered-active-tables` (4 seconds
vs 60)."
[driver ^Connection conn & [db-name-or-nil]]
[driver ^Connection conn & [db-name-or-nil schema-inclusion-filters schema-exclusion-filters]]
{:pre [(instance? Connection conn)]}
(let [metadata (.getMetaData conn)]
......@@ -105,24 +108,35 @@
(db-tables driver metadata schema db-name-or-nil)))
(filter (fn [{table-schema :schema, table-name :name}]
(i/have-select-privilege? driver conn table-schema table-name))))
(i/syncable-schemas driver conn metadata))))
(i/filtered-syncable-schemas driver conn metadata schema-inclusion-filters schema-exclusion-filters))))
(defmethod i/active-tables :sql-jdbc
[driver connection]
(fast-active-tables driver connection))
[driver connection schema-inclusion-filters schema-exclusion-filters]
(fast-active-tables driver connection nil schema-inclusion-filters schema-exclusion-filters))
(defn post-filtered-active-tables
"Alternative implementation of `active-tables` best suited for DBs with little or no support for schemas. Fetch *all*
Tables, then filter out ones whose schema is in `excluded-schemas` Clojure-side."
[driver ^Connection conn & [db-name-or-nil]]
[driver ^Connection conn & [db-name-or-nil schema-inclusion-filters schema-exclusion-filters]]
{:pre [(instance? Connection conn)]}
(filter (let [excluded (i/excluded-schemas driver)]
(fn [{table-schema :schema, table-name :name}]
(and (not (contains? excluded table-schema))
(driver.s/include-schema? schema-inclusion-filters schema-exclusion-filters table-schema)
(i/have-select-privilege? driver conn table-schema table-name)))))
(db-tables driver (.getMetaData conn) nil db-name-or-nil)))
(defn- db-or-id-or-spec->database [db-or-id-or-spec]
(cond (instance? (class Database) db-or-id-or-spec)
(int? db-or-id-or-spec)
(Database db-or-id-or-spec)
(defn describe-database
"Default implementation of `driver/describe-database` for SQL JDBC drivers. Uses JDBC DatabaseMetaData."
[driver db-or-id-or-spec]
......@@ -131,39 +145,15 @@
;; is. Not sure how much of a difference that makes since we're not running this inside a transaction,
;; but better safe than sorry
(sql-jdbc.execute/set-best-transaction-level! driver conn)
(into #{} (i/active-tables driver conn)))})
(defn- schema-pattern->re-pattern ^Pattern [schema-pattern]
(re-pattern (-> (str/replace schema-pattern #"(^|[^\\\\])\*" "$1.*")
(str/replace #"(^|[^\\\\])," "$1|"))))
(defn- schema-patterns->filter-fn*
[inclusion-patterns exclusion-patterns]
(let [inclusion-blank? (str/blank? inclusion-patterns)
exclusion-blank? (str/blank? exclusion-patterns)]
(and inclusion-blank? exclusion-blank?)
(constantly true)
(and (not inclusion-blank?) (not exclusion-blank?))
(throw (ex-info "Inclusion and exclusion patterns cannot both be specified"
{::inclusion-patterns inclusion-patterns
::exclusion-patterns exclusion-patterns}))
(let [inclusion? exclusion-blank?
pattern (schema-pattern->re-pattern (if inclusion? inclusion-patterns exclusion-patterns))]
(fn [s]
(let [m (.matcher pattern s)
matches? (.matches m)]
(if inclusion? matches? (not matches?))))))))
(def ^:private schema-patterns->filter-fn (memoize schema-patterns->filter-fn*))
(defn include-schema?
;; TODO: add more docstring details here, and move to different ns (not strictly JDBC)
"Returns true of the given `schema-name` should be included/synced, considering the given `inclusion-patterns` and
[schema-name inclusion-patterns exclusion-patterns]
(let [filter-fn (schema-patterns->filter-fn inclusion-patterns exclusion-patterns)]
(filter-fn schema-name)))
(let [schema-filter-prop (driver.u/find-schema-filters-prop driver)
has-schema-filter-prop? (some? schema-filter-prop)
default-active-tbl-fn #(into #{} (i/active-tables driver conn nil nil))]
(if has-schema-filter-prop?
(if-let [database (db-or-id-or-spec->database db-or-id-or-spec)]
(let [prop-nm (:name schema-filter-prop)
[inclusion-patterns exclusion-patterns] (driver.s/db-details->schema-filter-patterns
(into #{} (i/active-tables driver conn inclusion-patterns exclusion-patterns)))
......@@ -11,7 +11,10 @@
functions for more details on the differences.
`metabase` is an instance of `DatabaseMetaData`."
{:arglists '([driver ^java.sql.Connection connection])}
{:arglists '([driver
^java.sql.Connection connection
^String schema-inclusion-filters
^String schema-exclusion-filters])}
:hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)
......@@ -29,14 +32,36 @@
:hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)
(defmulti filtered-syncable-schemas
"Return a reducible sequence of string names of schemas that should be synced for the given database. Schemas for
which the current DB user has no `SELECT` permissions should be filtered out. The default implementation will fetch
a sequence of all schema names from the JDBC database metadata and filter out any schemas in `excluded-schemas`, along
with any that shouldn't be included based on the given inclusion and exclusion patterns (see the
`metabase.driver.sync` namespace for full explanation)."
{:added "0.43.0", :arglists '([driver
^java.sql.Connection connection
^java.sql.DatabaseMetaData metadata
^String schema-inclusion-patterns
^String schema-exclusion-patterns])}
:hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)
(defmulti syncable-schemas
"Return a reducible sequence of string names of schemas that should be synced for the given database. Schemas for
which the current DB user has no `SELECT` permissions should be filtered out. The default implementation will fetch
a sequence of all schema names from the JDBC database metadata and filter out any schemas in `excluded-schemas`."
{:added "0.39.0", :arglists '([driver ^java.sql.Connection connection ^java.sql.DatabaseMetaData metadata])}
a sequence of all schema names from the JDBC database metadata and filter out any schemas in `excluded-schemas`.
DEPRECATED - as of 0.43, this method is deprecated in favor of [[filtered-syncable-schemas]]."
{:added "0.39.0", :deprecated "0.43.0",
:arglists '([driver ^java.sql.Connection connection ^java.sql.DatabaseMetaData metadata])}
:hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)
(defmethod syncable-schemas :default
[driver connection metadata]
;; default impl; call the filtered multimethod will nil inclusion and exclusion patterns
(filtered-syncable-schemas driver connection metadata nil nil))
(defmulti database-type->base-type
"Given a native DB column type (as a keyword), return the corresponding `Field` `base-type`, which should derive from
`:type/*`. You can use `pattern-based-database-type->base-type` in this namespace to implement this using regex
(ns metabase.driver.sync
"General functions and utilities for sync operations across multiple drivers."
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(:import java.util.regex.Pattern))
(defn- schema-pattern->re-pattern
"Converts a schema pattern, as entered in the UI, into regex pattern suitable to be passed into [[re-pattern]]. The
conversion that happens is from commas into pipes (disjunction), and wildcard characters (`*`) into greedy wildcard
matchers (`.*`). These only occur if those characters are not preceded by a backslash, which serves as an escape
character for purposes of this conversion.
a,b => a|b
test* => test.*
foo*,*bar => foo.*|.*bar
crazy\\*schema => crazy\\*schema"
^Pattern [schema-pattern]
(re-pattern (-> (str/replace schema-pattern #"(^|[^\\\\])\*" "$1.*")
(str/replace #"(^|[^\\\\])," "$1|"))))
(defn- schema-patterns->filter-fn*
[inclusion-patterns exclusion-patterns]
(let [inclusion-blank? (str/blank? inclusion-patterns)
exclusion-blank? (str/blank? exclusion-patterns)]
(and inclusion-blank? exclusion-blank?)
(constantly true)
(and (not inclusion-blank?) (not exclusion-blank?))
(throw (ex-info "Inclusion and exclusion patterns cannot both be specified"
{::inclusion-patterns inclusion-patterns
::exclusion-patterns exclusion-patterns}))
(let [inclusion? exclusion-blank?
pattern (schema-pattern->re-pattern (if inclusion? inclusion-patterns exclusion-patterns))]
(fn [s]
(let [m (.matcher pattern s)
matches? (.matches m)]
(if inclusion? matches? (not matches?))))))))
(def ^:private schema-patterns->filter-fn (memoize schema-patterns->filter-fn*))
(defn include-schema?
"Returns true of the given `schema-name` should be included/synced, considering the given `inclusion-patterns` and
`exclusion-patterns`. Patterns are comma-separated, and can contain wildcard characters (`*`)."
{:added "0.42.0"}
[inclusion-patterns exclusion-patterns schema-name]
(let [filter-fn (schema-patterns->filter-fn inclusion-patterns exclusion-patterns)]
(filter-fn schema-name)))
(defn db-details->schema-filter-patterns
"Given a `prop-nm` (which is expected to be a connection property of type `:schema-filters`), and a `database`
instance, return a vector containing [inclusion-patterns exclusion-patterns]."
{:added "0.42.0"}
[prop-nm {db-details :details :as database}]
(let [schema-filter-type (get db-details (keyword (str prop-nm "-type")))
schema-filter-patterns (get db-details (keyword (str prop-nm "-patterns")))
exclusion-type? (= "exclusion" schema-filter-type)]
(if exclusion-type?
[nil schema-filter-patterns]
[schema-filter-patterns nil])))
......@@ -197,6 +197,13 @@
:required true}
(defn find-schema-filters-prop
"Finds the first property of type `:schema-filters` for the given `driver` connection properties. Returns `nil`
if the driver has no property of that type."
(first (filter (fn [conn-prop]
(= :schema-filters (keyword (:type conn-prop))))
(driver/connection-properties driver))))
(defn connection-props-server->client
"Transforms `conn-props` for the given `driver` from their server side definition into a client side definition.
......@@ -5,14 +5,18 @@
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.connection :as sql-jdbc.conn]
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.describe-database :as describe-database]
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.sync.interface :as i]
[metabase.models.table :refer [Table]]
[metabase.driver.util :as driver.u]
[metabase.models :refer [Database Table]]
[metabase.query-processor :as qp]
[metabase.sync :as sync]
[metabase.test :as mt]
[ :as one-off-dbs]
[metabase.test.fixtures :as fixtures]
[metabase.util :as u]
[toucan.db :as db])
(:import clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
(:import java.sql.ResultSet))
(use-fixtures :once (fixtures/initialize :plugins))
(deftest simple-select-probe-query-test
(testing "simple-select-probe-query shouldn't actually return any rows"
......@@ -38,7 +42,7 @@
;; We have to mock this to make it work with all DBs
(with-redefs [describe-database/all-schemas (constantly #{"PUBLIC"})]
(->> (into [] (describe-database/fast-active-tables (or driver/*driver* :h2) conn))
(->> (into [] (describe-database/fast-active-tables (or driver/*driver* :h2) conn nil nil))
(map :name)
......@@ -46,7 +50,7 @@
(let [spec (sql-jdbc.conn/db->pooled-connection-spec (mt/db))]
(with-open [conn (jdbc/get-connection spec)]
(->> (into [] (describe-database/post-filtered-active-tables :h2 conn))
(->> (into [] (describe-database/post-filtered-active-tables :h2 conn nil nil))
(map :name)
......@@ -104,24 +108,45 @@
(is (= 0
(describe-database-with-open-resultset-count driver/*driver* (mt/db)))))))
(deftest schema-filter-test
(doseq [[test-kind expect-match? schema-name inclusion-filters exclusion-filters]
[["nil filters" true "foo" nil nil]
["blank filters" true "foo" "" ""]
["simple inclusion filter (include)" true "foo" "foo" ""]
["simple inclusion filter (exclude)" false "bar" "foo" ""]
["wildcard inclusion filter" true "foo" "f*" ""]
["simple exclusion filter (include)" true "bar" "" "foo"]
["simple exclusion filter (exclude)" false "foo" "" "foo"]
["wildcard exclusion filter" true "foo" "" "b*"]
["inclusion filter with commas and wildcards (include)" true "foo" "bar,f*,baz" ""]
["inclusion filter with commas and wildcards (exclude)" false "ban" "bar,f*,baz" ""]
["exclusion filter with commas and wildcards (include)" true "foo" "" "ba*,fob"]
["exclusion filter with commas and wildcards (exclude)" false "foo" "" "bar,baz,fo*"]]]
(testing (str "include-schema? works as expected for " test-kind)
(is (= expect-match? (describe-database/include-schema? schema-name inclusion-filters exclusion-filters))))
(testing "include-schema? throws an exception if both patterns are specified"
(is (thrown-with-msg?
#"Inclusion and exclusion patterns cannot both be specified"
(describe-database/include-schema? "whatever" "foo" "bar"))))))
(defn- sync-and-assert-filtered-tables [database assert-table-fn]
(mt/with-temp Database [db-filtered database]
(let [sync-results (sync/sync-database! db-filtered {:scan :schema})
tables (db/select Table :db_id (u/the-id db-filtered))]
(doseq [table tables]
(assert-table-fn table)))))
(defn- find-schema-filters-prop [driver]
(first (filter (fn [conn-prop]
(= :schema-filters (keyword (:type conn-prop))))
(driver/connection-properties driver))))
(defn- schema-filtering-drivers []
(set (for [driver (mt/normal-drivers)
:when (driver.u/find-schema-filters-prop driver)]
(deftest database-schema-filtering-test
(mt/test-drivers (schema-filtering-drivers)
(let [driver (driver.u/database->driver (mt/db))
schema-filter-prop (find-schema-filters-prop driver)
filter-type-prop (keyword (str (:name schema-filter-prop) "-type"))
patterns-type-prop (keyword (str (:name schema-filter-prop) "-patterns"))]
(testing "Filtering connections for schemas works as expected"
(testing " with an inclusion filter"
(sync-and-assert-filtered-tables {:name (format "Test %s DB with dataset inclusion filters" driver)
:engine driver
:details (-> (mt/db)
(assoc filter-type-prop "inclusion"
patterns-type-prop "s*,v*"))}
(fn [{schema-name :schema}]
(is (contains? #{\s \v} (first schema-name))))))
(testing " with an exclusion filter"
(sync-and-assert-filtered-tables {:name (format "Test %s DB with dataset exclusion filters" driver)
:engine driver
:details (-> (mt/db)
(assoc filter-type-prop "exclusion"
patterns-type-prop "v*"))}
(fn [{schema-name :schema}]
(is (not= \v (first schema-name))))))))))
(ns metabase.driver.sync-test
(:require [clojure.test :as t]
[metabase.driver.sync :as driver.s])
(:import clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo))
(t/deftest schema-filter-test
(doseq [[test-kind expect-match? schema-name inclusion-filters exclusion-filters]
[["nil filters" true "foo" nil nil]
["blank filters" true "foo" "" ""]
["simple inclusion filter (include)" true "foo" "foo" ""]
["simple inclusion filter (exclude)" false "bar" "foo" ""]
["wildcard inclusion filter" true "foo" "f*" ""]
["simple exclusion filter (include)" true "bar" "" "foo"]
["simple exclusion filter (exclude)" false "foo" "" "foo"]
["wildcard exclusion filter" true "foo" "" "b*"]
["inclusion filter with commas and wildcards (include)" true "foo" "bar,f*,baz" ""]
["inclusion filter with commas and wildcards (exclude)" false "ban" "bar,f*,baz" ""]
["exclusion filter with commas and wildcards (include)" true "foo" "" "ba*,fob"]
["exclusion filter with commas and wildcards (exclude)" false "foo" "" "bar,baz,fo*"]]]
(t/testing (str "include-schema? works as expected for " test-kind)
(t/is (= expect-match? (driver.s/include-schema? inclusion-filters exclusion-filters schema-name))))
(t/testing "include-schema? throws an exception if both patterns are specified"
(t/is (thrown-with-msg?
#"Inclusion and exclusion patterns cannot both be specified"
(driver.s/include-schema? "foo" "bar" "whatever"))))))
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