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Commit b8b2fb44 authored by Cam Saül's avatar Cam Saül Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #3346 from metabase/support-mongo-bson-ids

Support Mongo BSON IDs :water_buffalo:
parents eb1d23bc 4110b037
No related merge requests found
......@@ -308,6 +308,7 @@
[java.util.UUID :type/Text] ; shouldn't this be :type/UUID ?
[clojure.lang.IPersistentMap :type/Dictionary]
[clojure.lang.IPersistentVector :type/Array]
[org.bson.types.ObjectId :type/MongoBSONID]
[org.postgresql.util.PGobject :type/*]])
(log/warn (format "Don't know how to map class '%s' to a Field base_type, falling back to :type/*." klass))
......@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
:year {$year field})))))
(extend-protocol IRValue
nil (->rvalue [_] nil)
......@@ -160,10 +161,9 @@
(str \$ (->lvalue this)))
(->rvalue [{value :value, {:keys [field-name base-type]} :field}]
(if (and (= field-name "_id")
(= base-type :type/*)) ; partial workaround for BSON ID Fields -- TODO fix this propertly (#1367)
`(ObjectId. ~value)
(->rvalue [{value :value, {:keys [base-type]} :field}]
(if (isa? base-type :type/MongoBSONID)
(ObjectId. (str value))
......@@ -59,10 +59,11 @@
(derive :type/Boolean :type/*)
;;; Text-Like Types: Things that should be displayed as text for most purposes but that shouldn't support advanced filter options like starts with / contains
;;; Text-Like Types: Things that should be displayed as text for most purposes but that *shouldn't* support advanced filter options like starts with / contains
(derive :type/TextLike :type/*)
(derive :type/IPAddress :type/TextLike)
(derive :type/MongoBSONID :type/TextLike)
;;; "Virtual" Types
......@@ -7,9 +7,13 @@
[field :refer [Field]]
[table :refer [Table] :as table])
[metabase.query-processor :as qp]
[metabase.query-processor.expand :as ql]
[metabase.query-processor-test :refer [rows]]
[ :as data]
[ :as datasets])
(:import metabase.driver.mongo.MongoDriver))
[ :as datasets]
[ :as i])
(:import org.bson.types.ObjectId
;; ## Logic for selectively running mongo
......@@ -166,3 +170,19 @@
:table_id (:id (table-name->table nm))
{:order-by [:name]})]
(into {} field))))
;;; Check that we support Mongo BSON ID and can filter by it (#1367)
(i/def-database-definition ^:private with-bson-ids
[{:field-name "name", :base-type :type/Text}
{:field-name "bird_id", :base-type :type/MongoBSONID}]
[["Rasta Toucan" (ObjectId. "012345678901234567890123")]
["Lucky Pigeon" (ObjectId. "abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef")]]])
(datasets/expect-with-engine :mongo
[[2 "Lucky Pigeon" (ObjectId. "abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef")]]
(rows (data/dataset metabase.driver.mongo-test/with-bson-ids
(data/run-query birds
(ql/filter (ql/= $bird_id "abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef"))))))
......@@ -22,15 +22,14 @@
(destroy-db! dbdef)
(with-mongo-connection [mongo-db (database->connection-details dbdef)]
(doseq [{:keys [field-definitions table-name rows]} table-definitions]
(let [field-names (->> field-definitions
(map :field-name)
(map keyword))]
(let [field-names (for [field-definition field-definitions]
(keyword (:field-name field-definition)))]
;; Use map-indexed so we can get an ID for each row (index + 1)
(doseq [[i row] (map-indexed (partial vector) rows)]
(let [row (for [v row]
;; Conver all the java.sql.Timestamps to java.util.Date, because the Mongo driver insists on being obnoxious and going from
;; using Timestamps in 2.x to Dates in 3.x
(if (isa? (type v) java.sql.Timestamp)
(if (instance? java.sql.Timestamp v)
(java.util.Date. (.getTime ^java.sql.Timestamp v))
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