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Commit bc397e1a authored by Cam Saül's avatar Cam Saül
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Everything is finally working :heart_eyes:

parent 8cc8c6ae
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......@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@
:init metabase.core/init}
:eastwood {:exclude-namespaces [:test-paths]
:add-linters [:unused-private-vars]
:exclude-linters [:constant-test]} ; korma macros generate some formats with if statements that are always logically true or false
:exclude-linters [:constant-test ; korma macros generate some forms with if statements that are always logically true or false
:suspicious-expression]} ; core.match macros generate some forms like (and expr) which is "suspicious"
:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.10"] ; REPL <3
[expectations "2.1.1"] ; unit tests
[marginalia "0.8.0"] ; for documentation
......@@ -186,7 +186,8 @@
(sel :one User :id 1) -> returns the User (or nil) whose id is 1
(sel :many OrgPerm :user_id 1) -> returns sequence of OrgPerms whose user_id is 1
OPTION, if specified, is one of `:field`, `:fields`, `:id`, `:id->field`, `:field->id`, `:field->obj`, or `:id->fields`.
OPTION, if specified, is one of `:field`, `:fields`, `:id`, `:id->field`, `:field->id`, `:field->obj`, `:id->fields`,
`:field->field`, or `:field->fields`.
;; Only return IDs of objects.
(sel :one :id User :email \"\") -> 120
......@@ -215,6 +216,11 @@
-> {\"venues\" {:id 1, :name \"venues\", ...}
\"users\" {:id 2, :name \"users\", ...}}
;; Return a map of field value -> other fields.
(sel :many :field->fields [Table :name :id :db_id])
-> {\"venues\" {:id 1, :db_id 1}
\"users\" {:id 2, :db_id 1}}
;; Return a map of ID -> specified fields
(sel :many :id->fields [User :first_name :last_name])
-> {1 {:first_name \"Cam\", :last_name \"Saul\"},
......@@ -137,6 +137,17 @@
f2# ~f2]
(sel:field->field* f1# f2# (sel* [~entity f1# f2#] ~@forms))))
;;; :field->fields
(defn sel:field->fields* [key-field other-fields results]
(into {} (for [result results]
{(key-field result) (select-keys result other-fields)})))
(defmacro sel:field->fields [[entity key-field & other-fields] & forms]
`(let [key-field# ~key-field
other-fields# ~(vec other-fields)]
(sel:field->fields* key-field# other-fields# (sel* `[~~entity ~key-field# ~@other-fields#] ~@forms))))
;;; : id->field
(defmacro sel:id->field [[entity field] & forms]
......@@ -32,22 +32,26 @@
:name "MongoDB"
:example "mongodb://password:username@"}})
(def ^:const class->base-type
"Map of classes returned from DB call to metabase.models.field/base-types"
{clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap :DictionaryField ; are there other map types we need to account for ?
Boolean :BooleanField
Double :FloatField
Float :FloatField
Integer :IntegerField
Long :IntegerField
String :TextField
java.math.BigDecimal :DecimalField
java.math.BigInteger :BigIntegerField
java.sql.Date :DateField
java.sql.Timestamp :DateTimeField
java.util.Date :DateField
java.util.UUID :TextField
org.postgresql.util.PGobject :UnknownField}) ; this mapping included here since Native QP uses class->base-type directly. TODO - perhaps make *class-base->type* driver specific?
(defn class->base-type
"Return the `Field.base_type` that corresponds to a given class returned by the DB."
(or ({Boolean :BooleanField
Double :FloatField
Float :FloatField
Integer :IntegerField
Long :IntegerField
String :TextField
java.math.BigDecimal :DecimalField
java.math.BigInteger :BigIntegerField
java.sql.Date :DateField
java.sql.Timestamp :DateTimeField
java.util.Date :DateField
java.util.UUID :TextField
org.postgresql.util.PGobject :UnknownField} klass)
(isa? klass clojure.lang.IPersistentMap) :DictionaryField)
(do (log/warn (format "Don't know how to map class '%s' to a Field base_type, falling back to :UnknownField." klass))
;; ## Driver Lookup
......@@ -13,11 +13,7 @@
(defn- value->base-type
"Attempt to match a value we get back from the DB with the corresponding base-type`."
(if-not v :UnknownField
(or (driver/class->base-type (type v))
(do (log/warn (format "Missing base type mapping for %s in driver/class->base-type. Please add an entry."
(str (type v))))
(driver/class->base-type (type v)))
(defn process-and-run
"Process and run a native (raw SQL) QUERY."
......@@ -132,8 +132,7 @@
(sort-by second) ; source by count
last ; take last item (highest count)
first ; keep just the type
(#(or (driver/class->base-type %) ; convert to corresponding Field base_type if possible
:UnknownField))))))))) ; fall back to :UnknownField for things like clojure.lang.PersistentVector
driver/class->base-type))))))) ; get corresponding Field base_type
(def driver
"Concrete instance of the MongoDB driver."
......@@ -213,9 +213,9 @@
is present, this is essentialy a separate implementation :/"
[{aggregation :aggregation, breakout-fields :breakout, order-by :order-by, limit :limit, :as query}]
(let [;; Shadow the top-level definition of field->name with one that will use "___" as the separator instead of "."
field->name (u/rpartial field->name "___")
field->escaped-name (u/rpartial field->name "___")
[ag-field ag-clause] (breakout-aggregation->field-name+expression aggregation)
fields (map field->name breakout-fields)
fields (map field->escaped-name breakout-fields)
$fields (map field->$str breakout-fields)
fields->$fields (zipmap fields $fields)]
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
{field {$first $field}}))))}
{$sort (->> order-by
(mapcat (fn [{:keys [field direction]}]
[(field->name field) (case direction
[(field->escaped-name field) (case direction
:ascending 1
:descending -1)]))
(apply sorted-map))}
......@@ -90,12 +90,11 @@
;; nil)
(take 1000)
(group-by type)
;; create tuples like [Integer -count]. Make count negative so when we call (sort-by second) in the next step the rows
;; with the highest count will be returned first (e.g. [Integer -100] will be sorted ahead of [Float -20])
;; create tuples like [Integer count].
(map (fn [[klass valus]]
[klass (- 0 (count valus))]))
[klass (count valus)]))
(sort-by second)
last ; last result will be tuple with highest count
first ; keep just the type
driver/class->base-type) ; convert to Field base_type
......@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@
(let [database @(:db table)]
;; Now do the syncing for Table's Fields
(log/debug (format "Determining active Fields for Table '%s'..." (:name table)))
(let [active-column-names->type (active-column-names->type driver table)
existing-field-name->id (sel :many :field->id [Field :name], :table_id (:id table), :active true, :parent_id nil)]
(let [active-column-names->type (active-column-names->type driver table)
existing-field-name->field (sel :many :field->fields [Field :name :base_type :id], :table_id (:id table), :active true, :parent_id nil)]
(assert (map? active-column-names->type) "active-column-names->type should return a map.")
(assert (every? string? (keys active-column-names->type)) "The keys of active-column-names->type should be strings.")
......@@ -160,20 +160,27 @@
;; As above, first mark inactive Fields
(let [active-column-names (set (keys active-column-names->type))]
(doseq [[field-name field-id] existing-field-name->id]
(doseq [[field-name {field-id :id}] existing-field-name->field]
(when-not (contains? active-column-names field-name)
(upd Field field-id :active false)
(log/info (u/format-color 'cyan "Marked field '%s.%s' as inactive." (:name table) field-name)))))
;; Next, create new Fields as needed
(let [existing-field-names (set (keys existing-field-name->id))]
;; Create new Fields, update existing types if needed
(let [existing-field-names (set (keys existing-field-name->field))]
(doseq [[active-field-name active-field-type] active-column-names->type]
(when-not (contains? existing-field-names active-field-name)
(log/info (u/format-color 'blue "Found new field: '%s.%s'" (:name table) active-field-name))
(ins Field
:table_id (:id table)
:name active-field-name
:base_type active-field-type))))
;; If Field doesn't exist create it
(if-not (contains? existing-field-names active-field-name)
(do (log/info (u/format-color 'blue "Found new field: '%s.%s'" (:name table) active-field-name))
(ins Field
:table_id (:id table)
:name active-field-name
:base_type active-field-type))
;; Otherwise update the Field type if needed
(let [{existing-base-type :base_type, existing-field-id :id} (existing-field-name->field active-field-name)]
(when-not (= active-field-type existing-base-type)
(log/info (u/format-color 'blue "Field '%s.%s' has changed from a %s to a %s." (:name table) active-field-name existing-base-type active-field-type))
(upd Field existing-field-id :base_type active-field-type))))))
;; TODO - we need to add functionality to update nested Field base types as well!
;; Now mark PK fields as such if needed
(let [pk-fields (table-pks driver table)]
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