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Unverified Commit be0d5b90 authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
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Include Table info in Metric/Segment search results (#10305)

parent 3fddc4cd
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(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[compojure.core :refer [GET]]
[honeysql.helpers :as h]
[metabase.api.common :refer [*current-user-id* *current-user-permissions-set* check-403 defendpoint
[ :as ordered-map]
[core :as hsql]
[helpers :as h]]
[db :as mdb]
[util :as u]]
[metabase.api.common :as api]
[card :refer [Card]]
[card-favorite :refer [CardFavorite]]
......@@ -12,202 +17,285 @@
[dashboard-favorite :refer [DashboardFavorite]]
[metric :refer [Metric]]
[pulse :refer [Pulse]]
[segment :refer [Segment]]]
[metabase.util :as u]
[segment :refer [Segment]]
[table :refer [Table]]]
[honeysql-extensions :as hx]
[schema :as su]]
[schema.core :as s]
[toucan.db :as db]))
(def ^:private SearchContext
"Map with the various allowed search parameters, used to construct the SQL query"
{:search-string (s/maybe su/NonBlankString)
:archived? s/Bool
:visible-collections coll/VisibleCollections})
(def ^:private searchable-models
[Card Dashboard Pulse Collection Segment Metric])
(def ^:private SearchableModel
(apply s/enum searchable-models))
(def ^:private HoneySQLColumn
[(s/one s/Any "column or value")
(s/one s/Keyword "alias")]))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; | Columns for each Entity |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(def ^:private all-search-columns
"All columns that will appear in the search results, and the types of those columns. The generated search query is a
`UNION ALL` of the queries for each different entity; it looks something like:
SELECT 'card' AS model, id, cast(NULL AS integer) AS table_id, ...
FROM report_card
SELECT 'metric' as model, id, table_id, ...
FROM metric
Columns that aren't used in any individual query are replaced with `SELECT cast(NULL AS <type>)` statements. (These
are cast to the appropriate type because Postgres will assume `SELECT NULL` is `TEXT` by default and will refuse to
`UNION` two columns of two different types.)"
;; returned for all models
:model :text
:id :integer
:name :text
:description :text
:archived :boolean
;; returned for Card, Dashboard, Pulse, and Collection
:collection_id :integer
;; returned for Card and Dashboard
:collection_position :integer
:favorite :boolean
;; returned for Metric and Segment
:table_id :integer
:database_id :integer
:table_schema :text
:table_name :text
:table_description :text))
;; below are the actual columns returned for any given entity
(def ^:private default-columns
"Columns returned for all models."
[:id :name :description :archived])
(def ^:private card-columns-without-type
(concat default-columns
[:collection_id :collection_position [ :favorite]]))
(def ^:private favorite-col
"Case statement to return boolean values of `:favorite` for Card and Dashboard."
[(hsql/call :case [:not= nil] true :else false) :favorite])
(def ^:private table-columns
"Columns containing information about the table this model references. Returned for Metrics and Segments."
[:table.db_id :database_id]
[:table.schema :table_schema]
[ :table_name]
[:table.description :table_description]])
(def ^:private dashboard-columns-without-type
(concat default-columns
[:collection_id :collection_position [ :favorite]]))
(defmulti ^:private columns-for-model
"The columns that will be returned by the query for `model`, excluding `:model`, which is added automatically."
{:arglists '([model])}
(def ^:private pulse-columns-without-type
(defmethod columns-for-model (class Card)
(conj default-columns :collection_id :collection_position favorite-col))
(defmethod columns-for-model (class Dashboard)
(conj default-columns :collection_id :collection_position favorite-col))
(defmethod columns-for-model (class Pulse)
[:id :name :collection_id])
(def ^:private collection-columns-without-type
(concat default-columns
[[:id :collection_id]]))
(defmethod columns-for-model (class Collection)
(conj default-columns [:id :collection_id]))
(defmethod columns-for-model (class Segment)
(into default-columns table-columns))
(defmethod columns-for-model (class Metric)
(into default-columns table-columns))
(def ^:private segment-columns-without-type
(def ^:private metric-columns-without-type
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; | Shared Query Logic |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(defn- ->column
(s/defn ^:private model->alias :- s/Keyword
[model :- SearchableModel]
(keyword (str/lower-case (name model))))
(s/defn ^:private ->column-alias :- s/Keyword
"Returns the column name. If the column is aliased, i.e. [`:original_name` `:aliased_name`], return the aliased
column name"
[column-or-aliased :- HoneySQLColumn]
(if (sequential? column-or-aliased)
(second column-or-aliased)
(def ^:private search-columns-without-type
"The columns found in search query clauses except type. Type is added automatically"
(set (map ->column (concat card-columns-without-type
(s/defn ^:private canonical-columns :- [HoneySQLColumn]
"Returns a seq of canonicalized list of columns for the search query with the given `model` Will return column names
prefixed with the `model` name so that it can be used in criteria. Projects a `nil` for columns the `model` doesn't
have and doesn't modify aliases."
[model :- SearchableModel, col-alias->honeysql-clause :- {s/Keyword HoneySQLColumn}]
(for [[search-col col-type] all-search-columns
:let [maybe-aliased-col (get col-alias->honeysql-clause search-col)]]
(= search-col :model)
[(hx/literal (name (model->alias model))) :model]
(def ^:private SearchContext
"Map with the various allowed search parameters, used to construct the SQL query"
{:search-string (s/maybe su/NonBlankString)
:archived? s/Bool
:visible-collections coll/VisibleCollections})
;; This is an aliased column, no need to include the table alias
(sequential? maybe-aliased-col)
;; This is a column reference, need to add the table alias to the column
(hsql/qualify (model->alias model) (name maybe-aliased-col))
(defn- make-canonical-columns
"Returns a seq of canonicalized list of columns for the search query with the given `entity-type`. Will return
column names prefixed with the `entity-type` name so that it can be used in criteria. Projects a nil for columns the
`entity-type` doesn't have and doesn't modify aliases."
[entity-type col-name->columns]
(concat (for [search-col search-columns-without-type
:let [maybe-aliased-col (get col-name->columns search-col)]]
;; This is an aliased column, no need to include the table alias
(sequential? maybe-aliased-col)
;; This is a column reference, need to add the table alias to the column
(keyword (str entity-type "." (name maybe-aliased-col)))
;; This entity is missing the column, project a null for that column value
[nil search-col]))
[[(hx/literal entity-type) :model]]))
(defn- merge-search-select
;; This entity is missing the column, project a null for that column value. For Postgres and H2, cast it to the
;; correct type, e.g.
;; SELECT cast(NULL AS integer)
;; For MySQL, this is not needed.
[(if (= (mdb/db-type) :mysql)
(hx/cast col-type nil))
(s/defn ^:private select-clause-for-model :- [HoneySQLColumn]
"The search query uses a `union-all` which requires that there be the same number of columns in each of the segments
of the query. This function will take `entity-columns` and will inject constant `nil` values for any column missing
from `entity-columns` but found in `search-columns`"
[query-map entity-type entity-columns]
(let [col-name->column (u/key-by ->column entity-columns)
cols-or-nils (make-canonical-columns entity-type col-name->column)]
(apply h/merge-select query-map (concat cols-or-nils))))
;; TODO - not used anywhere except `merge-name-and-archived-search` anymore so we can roll it into that
(s/defn ^:private merge-name-search
"Add case-insensitive name query criteria to `query-map`"
[query-map {:keys [search-string]} :- SearchContext]
(if (empty? search-string)
(h/merge-where query-map [:like (str "%" (str/lower-case search-string) "%")])))
(s/defn ^:private merge-name-and-archived-search
"Add name and archived query criteria to `query-map`"
[query-map {:keys [search-string archived?] :as search-ctx} :- SearchContext]
(-> query-map
(merge-name-search search-ctx)
(h/merge-where [:= :archived archived?])))
(s/defn ^:private add-collection-criteria
of the query. This function will take the columns for `model` and will inject constant `nil` values for any column
missing from `entity-columns` but found in `all-search-columns`."
[model :- SearchableModel]
(let [entity-columns (columns-for-model model)
column-alias->honeysql-clause (u/key-by ->column-alias entity-columns)
cols-or-nils (canonical-columns model column-alias->honeysql-clause)]
(s/defn ^:private from-clause-for-model :- [(s/one [(s/one SearchableModel "model") (s/one s/Keyword "alias")]
"from clause")]
[model :- SearchableModel]
[[model (model->alias model)]])
(s/defn ^:private base-where-clause-for-model :- [(s/one (s/enum :and :=) "type") s/Any]
[model :- SearchableModel, {:keys [search-string archived?]} :- SearchContext]
(let [archived-clause [:= (hsql/qualify (model->alias model) :archived) archived?]
search-string-clause (when (seq search-string)
(hsql/call :lower (hsql/qualify (model->alias model) :name))
(str "%" (str/lower-case search-string) "%")])]
(if search-string-clause
[:and archived-clause search-string-clause]
(s/defn ^:private base-query-for-model :- {:select s/Any, :from s/Any, :where s/Any}
"Create a HoneySQL query map with `:select`, `:from`, and `:where` clauses for `model`, suitable for the `UNION ALL`
used in search."
[model :- SearchableModel, context :- SearchContext]
{:select (select-clause-for-model model)
:from (from-clause-for-model model)
:where (base-where-clause-for-model model context)})
(s/defn ^:private add-where-clause-for-collection-id
"Update the query to only include collections the user has access to"
[query-map, column-kwd :- s/Keyword, {:keys [visible-collections]} :- SearchContext]
[honeysql-query :- su/Map, collection-id-column :- s/Keyword, {:keys [visible-collections]} :- SearchContext]
(coll/visible-collection-ids->honeysql-filter-clause collection-id-column visible-collections)))
(defn- make-honeysql-search-query
"Create a HoneySQL query map to search for `entity`, suitable for the UNION ALL used in search."
[entity search-type projected-columns]
(-> {}
(merge-search-select search-type projected-columns)
(h/merge-from [entity (keyword search-type)])))
(defmulti ^:private create-search-query (fn [entity search-context] entity))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; | Search Queries for each Toucan Model |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(s/defmethod ^:private create-search-query :card
(defmulti ^:private search-query-for-model
{:arglists '([model search-context])}
(fn [model _] (class model)))
(s/defmethod ^:private search-query-for-model (class Card)
[_ search-ctx :- SearchContext]
(-> (make-honeysql-search-query Card "card" card-columns-without-type)
(h/left-join [(-> (h/select :id :card_id)
(h/merge-from CardFavorite)
(h/merge-where [:= :owner_id *current-user-id*]))
[:= :card_fav.card_id])
(merge-name-and-archived-search search-ctx)
(add-collection-criteria :collection_id search-ctx)))
(s/defmethod ^:private create-search-query :collection
(-> (base-query-for-model Card search-ctx)
(h/left-join [CardFavorite :fave]
[:= :fave.card_id]
[:= :fave.owner_id api/*current-user-id*]])
(add-where-clause-for-collection-id :card.collection_id search-ctx)))
(s/defmethod ^:private search-query-for-model (class Collection)
[_ search-ctx :- SearchContext]
(-> (make-honeysql-search-query Collection "collection" collection-columns-without-type)
(merge-name-and-archived-search search-ctx)
(add-collection-criteria :id search-ctx)))
(-> (base-query-for-model Collection search-ctx)
(add-where-clause-for-collection-id search-ctx)))
(s/defmethod ^:private create-search-query :dashboard
(s/defmethod ^:private search-query-for-model (class Dashboard)
[_ search-ctx :- SearchContext]
(-> (make-honeysql-search-query Dashboard "dashboard" dashboard-columns-without-type)
(h/left-join [(-> (h/select :id :dashboard_id)
(h/merge-from DashboardFavorite)
(h/merge-where [:= :user_id *current-user-id*]))
[:= :dashboard_fav.dashboard_id])
(merge-name-and-archived-search search-ctx)
(add-collection-criteria :collection_id search-ctx)))
(s/defmethod ^:private create-search-query :pulse
(-> (base-query-for-model Dashboard search-ctx)
(h/left-join [DashboardFavorite :fave]
[:= :fave.dashboard_id]
[:= :fave.user_id api/*current-user-id*]])
(add-where-clause-for-collection-id :dashboard.collection_id search-ctx)))
(s/defmethod ^:private search-query-for-model (class Pulse)
[_ search-ctx :- SearchContext]
;; Pulses don't currently support being archived, omit if archived is true
(-> (make-honeysql-search-query Pulse "pulse" pulse-columns-without-type)
(merge-name-and-archived-search search-ctx)
(add-collection-criteria :collection_id search-ctx)
(-> (base-query-for-model Pulse search-ctx)
(add-where-clause-for-collection-id :pulse.collection_id search-ctx)
;; We don't want alerts included in pulse results
(h/merge-where [:= :alert_condition nil])))
(s/defmethod ^:private create-search-query :metric
(s/defmethod ^:private search-query-for-model (class Metric)
[_ search-ctx :- SearchContext]
(-> (make-honeysql-search-query Metric "metric" metric-columns-without-type)
(merge-name-and-archived-search search-ctx)))
(-> (base-query-for-model Metric search-ctx)
(h/left-join [Table :table] [:= :metric.table_id])))
(s/defmethod ^:private create-search-query :segment
(s/defmethod ^:private search-query-for-model (class Segment)
[_ search-ctx :- SearchContext]
(-> (make-honeysql-search-query Segment "segment" segment-columns-without-type)
(merge-name-and-archived-search search-ctx)))
(defn- favorited->boolean [row]
(if-let [fav-value (get row :favorite)]
(assoc row :favorite (and (integer? fav-value)
(not (zero? fav-value))))
(-> (base-query-for-model Segment search-ctx)
(h/left-join [Table :table] [:= :segment.table_id])))
(s/defn ^:private search
"Builds a search query that includes all of the searchable entities and runs it"
[search-ctx :- SearchContext]
(map favorited->boolean
(db/query {:union-all (for [entity [:card :collection :dashboard :pulse :segment :metric]
:let [query-map (create-search-query entity search-ctx)]
:when query-map]
(for [row (db/query {:union-all (for [model searchable-models]
(search-query-for-model model search-ctx))})]
;; MySQL returns `:favorite` as `1` or `0` so convert those to boolean as needed
(update row :favorite (fn [favorite]
(if (integer? favorite)
(not (zero? favorite))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; | Endpoint |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(s/defn ^:private make-search-context :- SearchContext
[search-string :- (s/maybe su/NonBlankString)
archived-string :- (s/maybe su/BooleanString)]
[search-string :- (s/maybe su/NonBlankString), archived-string :- (s/maybe su/BooleanString)]
{:search-string search-string
:archived? (Boolean/parseBoolean archived-string)
:visible-collections (coll/permissions-set->visible-collection-ids @*current-user-permissions-set*)})
:visible-collections (coll/permissions-set->visible-collection-ids @api/*current-user-permissions-set*)})
(defendpoint GET "/"
(api/defendpoint GET "/"
"Search Cards, Dashboards, Collections and Pulses for the substring `q`."
[q archived]
{q (s/maybe su/NonBlankString)
archived (s/maybe su/BooleanString)}
(let [{:keys [visible-collections] :as search-ctx} (make-search-context q archived)]
;; Throw if the user doesn't have access to any collections
(check-403 (or (= :all visible-collections)
(seq visible-collections)))
(api/check-403 (or (= :all visible-collections)
(seq visible-collections)))
(search search-ctx)))
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(:require [clojure
[set :as set]
[string :as str]]
[expectations :refer :all]
[expectations :refer [expect]]
[card :refer [Card]]
[card-favorite :refer [CardFavorite]]
......@@ -14,30 +14,65 @@
[permissions-group :as group :refer [PermissionsGroup]]
[permissions-group-membership :refer [PermissionsGroupMembership]]
[pulse :refer [Pulse]]
[segment :refer [Segment]]]
[ :refer :all]
[metabase.test.util :as tu]
[segment :refer [Segment]]
[table :refer [Table]]]
[data :as data]
[util :as tu]]
[ :as test-users]
[metabase.util :as u]
[toucan.db :as db]
[toucan.util.test :as tt]))
(def default-search-row
{:description nil, :id true, :collection_id false,
:collection_position nil, :archived false, :favorite nil})
(def ^:private default-search-results
(set (map #(merge default-search-row %)
[{:name "dashboard test dashboard", :model "dashboard"}
{:name "collection test collection", :model "collection", :collection_id true}
{:name "card test card", :model "card"}
{:name "pulse test pulse", :model "pulse", :archived nil}
{:name "metric test metric", :description "Lookin' for a blueberry", :model "metric"}
{:name "segment test segment", :description "Lookin' for a blueberry", :model "segment"}])))
(def ^:private default-metric-segment-results
(set (filter (comp #{"metric" "segment"} :model) default-search-results)))
(def ^:private default-archived-results
(set (for [result default-search-results
{:id true
:description nil
:archived false
:collection_id false
:collection_position nil
:favorite nil
:table_id false
:database_id false
:table_schema nil
:table_name nil
:table_description nil})
(defn- table-search-results
"Segments and Metrics come back with information about their Tables as of 0.33.0. The `model-defaults` for Segment and
Metric put them both in the `:checkins` Table."
{:table_id true, :database_id true}
(db/select-one [Table [:name :table_name] [:schema :table_schema] [:description :table_description]]
:id (data/id :checkins))))
(defn- default-search-results []
{:name "dashboard test dashboard", :model "dashboard", :favorite false})
{:name "collection test collection", :model "collection", :collection_id true})
{:name "card test card", :model "card", :favorite false})
{:name "pulse test pulse", :model "pulse", :archived nil})
{:model "metric", :name "metric test metric", :description "Lookin' for a blueberry"}
{:model "segment", :name "segment test segment", :description "Lookin' for a blueberry"}
(defn- default-metric-segment-results []
(set (filter (comp #{"metric" "segment"} :model) (default-search-results))))
(defn- default-archived-results []
(set (for [result (default-search-results)
:when (false? (:archived result))]
(assoc result :archived true))))
......@@ -47,10 +82,10 @@
(f search-item)
(def ^:private default-results-with-collection
(defn- default-results-with-collection []
(on-search-types #{"dashboard" "pulse" "card"}
#(assoc % :collection_id true)
(defn- do-with-search-items [search-string in-root-collection? f]
(let [data-map (fn [instance-name]
......@@ -73,17 +108,17 @@
:segment segment}))))
(defmacro ^:private with-search-items-in-root-collection [search-string & body]
`(do-with-search-items ~search-string true (fn [_#] ~@body)))
`(do-with-search-items ~search-string true (fn [~'_] ~@body)))
(defmacro ^:private with-search-items-in-collection [created-items-sym search-string & body]
`(do-with-search-items ~search-string false (fn [~created-items-sym] ~@body)))
(defn- search-request [user-kwd & params]
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps (set (apply (user->client user-kwd) :get 200 "search" params))))
(tu/boolean-ids-and-timestamps (set (apply (test-users/user->client user-kwd) :get 200 "search" params))))
;; Basic search, should find 1 of each entity type, all items in the root collection
(with-search-items-in-root-collection "test"
(search-request :crowberto :q "test")))
......@@ -91,110 +126,110 @@
;; previous tests. Instead of an = comparison here, just ensure our default results are included
(with-search-items-in-root-collection "test"
(search-request :crowberto))))
;; Ensure that users without perms for the root collection don't get results
;; NOTE: Metrics and segments don't have collections, so they'll be returned
(with-search-items-in-root-collection "test"
(search-request :rasta :q "test"))))
;; Users that have root collection permissions should get root collection search results
(set (remove (comp #{"collection"} :model) default-search-results))
(set (remove (comp #{"collection"} :model) (default-search-results)))
(with-search-items-in-root-collection "test"
(tt/with-temp* [PermissionsGroup [group]
PermissionsGroupMembership [_ {:user_id (user->id :rasta), :group_id (u/get-id group)}]]
PermissionsGroupMembership [_ {:user_id (test-users/user->id :rasta), :group_id (u/get-id group)}]]
(perms/grant-permissions! group (perms/collection-read-path {:metabase.models.collection/is-root? true}))
(search-request :rasta :q "test")))))
;; Users without root collection permissions should still see other collections they have access to
(into default-results-with-collection
(map #(merge default-search-row %)
(into (default-results-with-collection)
(map #(merge default-search-row % (table-search-results))
[{:name "metric test2 metric", :description "Lookin' for a blueberry", :model "metric"}
{:name "segment test2 segment", :description "Lookin' for a blueberry", :model "segment"}]))
(with-search-items-in-collection {:keys [collection]} "test"
(with-search-items-in-root-collection "test2"
(tt/with-temp* [PermissionsGroup [group]
PermissionsGroupMembership [_ {:user_id (user->id :rasta), :group_id (u/get-id group)}]]
PermissionsGroupMembership [_ {:user_id (test-users/user->id :rasta), :group_id (u/get-id group)}]]
(perms/grant-collection-read-permissions! group (u/get-id collection))
(search-request :rasta :q "test"))))))
;; Users with root collection permissions should be able to search root collection data long with collections they
;; have access to
(into default-results-with-collection
(for [row default-search-results
(into (default-results-with-collection)
(for [row (default-search-results)
:when (not= "collection" (:model row))]
(update row :name #(str/replace % "test" "test2"))))
(with-search-items-in-collection {:keys [collection]} "test"
(with-search-items-in-root-collection "test2"
(tt/with-temp* [PermissionsGroup [group]
PermissionsGroupMembership [_ {:user_id (user->id :rasta), :group_id (u/get-id group)}]]
PermissionsGroupMembership [_ {:user_id (test-users/user->id :rasta), :group_id (u/get-id group)}]]
(perms/grant-permissions! group (perms/collection-read-path {:metabase.models.collection/is-root? true}))
(perms/grant-collection-read-permissions! group collection)
(search-request :rasta :q "test"))))))
;; Users with access to multiple collections should see results from all collections they have access to
(into default-results-with-collection
(into (default-results-with-collection)
(map (fn [row] (update row :name #(str/replace % "test" "test2")))
(with-search-items-in-collection {coll-1 :collection} "test"
(with-search-items-in-collection {coll-2 :collection} "test2"
(tt/with-temp* [PermissionsGroup [group]
PermissionsGroupMembership [_ {:user_id (user->id :rasta), :group_id (u/get-id group)}]]
PermissionsGroupMembership [_ {:user_id (test-users/user->id :rasta), :group_id (u/get-id group)}]]
(perms/grant-collection-read-permissions! group (u/get-id coll-1))
(perms/grant-collection-read-permissions! group (u/get-id coll-2))
(search-request :rasta :q "test")))))
;; User should only see results in the collection they have access to
(into default-results-with-collection
(map #(merge default-search-row %)
(into (default-results-with-collection)
(map #(merge default-search-row % (table-search-results))
[{:name "metric test2 metric", :description "Lookin' for a blueberry", :model "metric"}
{:name "segment test2 segment", :description "Lookin' for a blueberry", :model "segment"}]))
(with-search-items-in-collection {coll-1 :collection} "test"
(with-search-items-in-collection {coll-2 :collection} "test2"
(tt/with-temp* [PermissionsGroup [group]
PermissionsGroupMembership [_ {:user_id (user->id :rasta), :group_id (u/get-id group)}]]
PermissionsGroupMembership [_ {:user_id (test-users/user->id :rasta), :group_id (u/get-id group)}]]
(perms/grant-collection-read-permissions! group (u/get-id coll-1))
(search-request :rasta :q "test"))))))
;; Favorites are per user, so other user's favorites don't cause search results to be favorited
(with-search-items-in-collection {:keys [card dashboard]} "test"
(tt/with-temp* [CardFavorite [_ {:card_id (u/get-id card)
:owner_id (user->id :rasta)}]
:owner_id (test-users/user->id :rasta)}]
DashboardFavorite [_ {:dashboard_id (u/get-id dashboard)
:user_id (user->id :rasta)}]]
:user_id (test-users/user->id :rasta)}]]
(search-request :crowberto :q "test"))))
;; Basic search, should find 1 of each entity type and include favorites when available
(on-search-types #{"dashboard" "card"}
#(assoc % :favorite true)
(with-search-items-in-collection {:keys [card dashboard]} "test"
(tt/with-temp* [CardFavorite [_ {:card_id (u/get-id card)
:owner_id (user->id :crowberto)}]
:owner_id (test-users/user->id :crowberto)}]
DashboardFavorite [_ {:dashboard_id (u/get-id dashboard)
:user_id (user->id :crowberto)}]]
:user_id (test-users/user->id :crowberto)}]]
(search-request :crowberto :q "test"))))
;; Basic search should only return substring matches
(with-search-items-in-root-collection "test"
(with-search-items-in-root-collection "something different"
(search-request :crowberto :q "test"))))
......@@ -204,7 +239,7 @@
;; Should return unarchived results by default
(with-search-items-in-root-collection "test"
(tt/with-temp* [Card [_ (archived {:name "card test card 2"})]
Dashboard [_ (archived {:name "dashboard test dashboard 2"})]
......@@ -215,7 +250,7 @@
;; Should return archived results when specified
(with-search-items-in-root-collection "test2"
(tt/with-temp* [Card [_ (archived {:name "card test card"})]
Dashboard [_ (archived {:name "dashboard test dashboard"})]
......@@ -235,4 +270,4 @@
(filter (fn [{:keys [model id]}]
(and (= id (u/get-id pulse))
(= "pulse" model)))
((user->client :crowberto) :get 200 "search")))))
((test-users/user->client :crowberto) :get 200 "search")))))
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