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Unverified Commit be66142d authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
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MLv2 metadata calculation (#28921)

* MLv2 metadata overhaul, second try

* Stricter linting for MLv2

* Address PR feedback

* Revert fancy fn schema for now

* Remove unused import

* Test fixes :wrench:

* Oops fix bad :require form

* MLv2 mega metadata overhaul 2 of infinity

* Test fixes

* Cljc humanization

* Misc MLv2 improvements from #28921

* Fix indentation

* expression.non-integer-real

* Remove debugging stuff

* More cleanup

* Add method for `:advanced`

* non-integer-real

* Test fixes :wrench:

* Test fixes: ::ref/field shouldn't fail if checked against a non-sequential object

* MLv2 `define-mbql-clause` and `type-of` calculation

* Continued [ci skip]

* MLv2 overhaul :flex:

* Address PR feedback

* Merge type-of overhaul

* Address PR feedback
parent 473758e3
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with 1133 additions and 120 deletions
......@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
(formatted-value :date/single end locale))
;;; TODO -- sorta duplicated with [[metabase.lib.metadata.calculate.display-name/interval-display-name]] but not exactly
(defn- translated-interval
[interval n]
(case interval
......@@ -34,10 +34,22 @@
`(js-i18n ~format-string ~@args)))
(defmacro trun
"i18n a string with both singular and plural forms, using the current user's locale. The appropriate plural form will
be returned based on the value of `n`. `n` can be interpolated into the format strings using the `{0}`
syntax. (Other placeholders are not supported)."
[format-string format-string-pl n]
`(i18n/trun ~format-string ~format-string-pl ~n)
`(js-i18n-n ~format-string ~format-string-pl ~n)))
(defmacro trsn
"i18n a string with both singular and plural forms, using the site's locale. The appropriate plural form will be
returned based on the value of `n`. `n` can be interpolated into the format strings using the `{0}` syntax. (Other
placeholders are not supported). "
placeholders are not supported)."
[format-string format-string-pl n]
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
(:refer-clojure :exclude [remove replace =])
[ :as]
[metabase.lib.field :as lib.field]
[metabase.lib.filter :as lib.filter]
[metabase.lib.join :as lib.join]
[metabase.lib.order-by :as lib.order-by]
......@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
[metabase.shared.util.namespaces :as shared.ns]))
......@@ -22,6 +24,8 @@
......@@ -47,3 +47,11 @@
(->field query -1 x))
([query stage-number x]
(->field query stage-number x)))
(defn with-join-alias
"Update a `field` so that it has `join-alias`."
[field-or-fn join-alias]
(if (fn? field-or-fn)
(fn [query stage-number]
(with-join-alias (field-or-fn query stage-number) join-alias))
(lib.options/update-options field-or-fn assoc :join-alias join-alias)))
......@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
;; TODO -- should the default implementation call [[metabase.lib.query/query]]? That way if we implement a method to
;; create an MBQL query from a `Table`, then we'd also get [[join]] support for free?
(defmethod ->join-clause :mbql/join
[_query _stage-number a-join-clause]
(defmethod ->join-clause :mbql/query
[_query _stage-number another-query]
(-> {:lib/type :mbql/join
......@@ -29,6 +33,14 @@
:stages [mbql-stage]}
(defmethod ->join-clause :metadata/table
[query stage-number table-metadata]
(->join-clause query
{:lib/type :mbql.stage/mbql
:lib/options {:lib/uuid (str (random-uuid))}
:source-table (:id table-metadata)}))
(defmethod ->join-clause :dispatch-type/fn
[query stage-number f]
(->join-clause query stage-number (f query stage-number)))
......@@ -83,6 +95,9 @@
`condition` is currently required, but in the future I think we should make this smarter and try to infer a sensible
default condition for things, e.g. when joining a Table B from Table A, if there is an FK relationship between A and
B, join via that relationship. Not yet implemented!"
([query a-join-clause]
(join query -1 a-join-clause (:condition a-join-clause)))
([query x condition]
(join query -1 x condition))
(ns metabase.lib.metadata.calculate
(:refer-clojure :exclude [ref])
[metabase.lib.dispatch :as lib.dispatch]
[metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
[metabase.lib.metadata.calculate.names :as calculate.names]
[metabase.lib.metadata.calculate.resolve :as calculate.resolve]
[metabase.lib.schema :as lib.schema]
[metabase.lib.schema.aggregation :as lib.schema.aggregation]
[metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
[metabase.lib.schema.expression :as lib.schema.expresssion]
[ :as]
[metabase.lib.schema.join :as lib.schema.join]
[metabase.lib.util :as lib.util]
[metabase.mbql.util :as mbql.u]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.malli :as mu]))
(declare stage-metadata)
(mu/defn ^:private add-parent-column-metadata
"If this is a nested column, add metadata about the parent column."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
metadata :- lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]
(let [parent-metadata (lib.metadata/field query (:parent_id metadata))
{parent-name :name} (cond->> parent-metadata
(:parent_id parent-metadata) (add-parent-column-metadata query))]
(update metadata :name (fn [field-name]
(str parent-name \. field-name)))))
(defmulti ^:private metadata-for-ref
{:arglists '([query stage-number ref])}
(fn [_query _stage-number ref]
(lib.dispatch/dispatch-value ref)))
(defmethod metadata-for-ref :field
[query stage-number [_tag opts :as field-ref]]
(let [metadata (merge
{:lib/type :metadata/field
:field_ref field-ref}
(calculate.resolve/field-metadata query stage-number field-ref)
{:display_name (calculate.names/display-name query stage-number field-ref)}
(when (:base-type opts)
{:base_type (:base-type opts)}))]
(cond->> metadata
(:parent_id metadata) (add-parent-column-metadata query))))
(defmethod metadata-for-ref :expression
[query stage-number [_expression opts expression-name, :as expression-ref]]
(let [expression (calculate.resolve/expression query stage-number expression-name)]
{:lib/type :metadata/field
:field_ref expression-ref
:name expression-name
:display_name (calculate.names/display-name query stage-number expression-ref)
:base_type (or (:base-type opts)
(lib.schema.expresssion/type-of expression))}))
(mu/defn ^:private metadata-for-aggregation :- lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
aggregation :- ::lib.schema.aggregation/aggregation
index :- ::lib.schema.common/int-greater-than-or-equal-to-zero]
(let [display-name (calculate.names/display-name query stage-number aggregation)]
{:lib/type :metadata/field
:source :aggregation
:base_type (lib.schema.expresssion/type-of aggregation)
:field_ref [:aggregation {:lib/uuid (str (random-uuid))} index]
:name (calculate.names/column-name query stage-number aggregation)
:display_name display-name}))
(defmethod metadata-for-ref :aggregation
[query stage-number [_ag opts index, :as aggregation-ref]]
(let [aggregation (calculate.resolve/aggregation query stage-number index)]
(metadata-for-aggregation query stage-number aggregation index)
{:field_ref aggregation-ref}
(when (:base-type opts)
{:base_type (:base-type opts)}))))
(mu/defn ^:private breakout-columns :- [:maybe [:sequential lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]]
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int]
(when-let [{breakouts :breakout} (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)]
(mapv (fn [ref]
(assoc (metadata-for-ref query stage-number ref) :source :breakout))
(mu/defn ^:private aggregation-columns :- [:maybe [:sequential lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]]
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int]
(when-let [{aggregations :aggregation} (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)]
(map-indexed (fn [i aggregation]
(metadata-for-aggregation query stage-number aggregation i))
(mu/defn ^:private fields-columns :- [:maybe [:sequential lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]]
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int]
(when-let [{fields :fields} (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)]
(mapv (fn [ref]
(assoc (metadata-for-ref query stage-number ref) :source :fields))
(defn- remove-hidden-default-fields
"Remove Fields that shouldn't be visible from the default Fields for a source Table.
See [[metabase.query-processor.middleware.add-implicit-clauses/table->sorted-fields*]]."
(remove (fn [{visibility-type :visibility_type, active? :active, :as _field-metadata}]
(or (false? active?)
(#{:sensitive :retired} (some-> visibility-type keyword))))
(defn- sort-default-fields
"Sort default Fields for a source Table. See [[metabase.models.table/field-order-rule]]."
(sort-by (fn [{field-name :name, :keys [position], :as _field-metadata}]
[(or position 0) (u/lower-case-en (or field-name ""))])
(mu/defn ^:private source-table-default-fields :- [:maybe [:sequential lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]]
"Determine the Fields we'd normally return for a source Table.
See [[metabase.query-processor.middleware.add-implicit-clauses/add-implicit-fields]]."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
table-id :-]
(when-let [field-metadatas (lib.metadata/fields query table-id)]
(->> field-metadatas
(mu/defn ^:private default-join-alias :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string
"Generate an alias for a join that doesn't already have one."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
join :- ::lib.schema.join/join]
(calculate.names/display-name query stage-number join))
(def ^:private JoinsWithAliases
"Schema for a sequence of joins that all have aliases."
[:alias ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]]]])
(mu/defn ^:private ensure-all-joins-have-aliases :- JoinsWithAliases
"Make sure all the joins in a query have an `:alias` if they don't already have one."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
joins :- ::lib.schema.join/joins]
(let [unique-name-generator (mbql.u/unique-name-generator)]
(mapv (fn [join]
(cond-> join
(not (:alias join)) (assoc :alias (unique-name-generator (default-join-alias query stage-number join)))))
(mu/defn ^:private column-from-join-fields :- lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata
"For a column that comes from a join `:fields` list, add or update metadata as needed, e.g. include join name in the
display name."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
column-metadata :- lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata
join-alias :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]
(let [[ref-type options arg] (:field_ref column-metadata)
ref-with-join-alias [ref-type (assoc options :join-alias join-alias) arg]
column-metadata (assoc column-metadata :source_alias join-alias)]
(assoc column-metadata
:field_ref ref-with-join-alias
:display_name (calculate.names/display-name query stage-number column-metadata))))
(mu/defn ^:private default-columns-added-by-join :- [:sequential lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
{:keys [fields stages], join-alias :alias, :or {fields :none}, :as _join} :- ::lib.schema.join/join]
(when-not (= fields :none)
(let [field-metadatas (if (= fields :all)
(stage-metadata (assoc query :stages stages))
(for [field-ref fields]
;; resolve the field ref in the context of the join. Not sure if this is right.
(calculate.resolve/field-metadata query stage-number field-ref)))]
(mapv (fn [field-metadata]
(column-from-join-fields query stage-number field-metadata join-alias))
(mu/defn ^:private default-columns-added-by-joins :- [:maybe [:sequential lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]]
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int]
(when-let [joins (not-empty (:joins (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)))]
(into []
(mapcat (partial default-columns-added-by-join query stage-number))
(ensure-all-joins-have-aliases query stage-number joins)))))
(mu/defn ^:private default-columns :- [:sequential {:min 1} lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]
"Calculate the columns to return if `:aggregations`/`:breakout`/`:fields` are unspecified.
Formula for the so-called 'default' columns is
1a. Columns returned by the previous stage of the query (if there is one), OR
1b. Default 'visible' Fields for our `:source-table`, OR
1c. `:lib/stage-metadata` if this is a `:mbql.stage/native` stage
2. Columns added by joins at this stage"
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int]
;; 1: columns from the previous stage, source table or query
(if-let [previous-stage-number (lib.util/previous-stage-number query stage-number)]
;; 1a. columns returned by previous stage
(stage-metadata query previous-stage-number)
;; 1b or 1c
(let [{:keys [source-table], :as this-stage} (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)]
(if (integer? source-table)
;; 1b: default visible Fields for the source Table
(source-table-default-fields query source-table)
;; 1c: `:lib/stage-metadata` for the native query
(:columns (:lib/stage-metadata this-stage)))))
;; 2: columns added by joins at this stage
(default-columns-added-by-joins query stage-number)))
(mu/defn stage-metadata :- [:and
[:sequential {:min 1} lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]
;; should be dev-facing only, so don't need to i18n
{:error/message "Column :names must be distinct!"}
(fn [columns]
(apply distinct? (map :name columns)))]]
"Return results metadata about the expected columns in an MBQL query stage. If the query has
aggregations/breakouts/fields, then return THOSE. Otherwise return the defaults based on the source Table or
previous stage + joins."
([query :- ::lib.schema/query]
(stage-metadata query -1))
([query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int]
;; stage metadata is already present: return it as-is
(when-let [metadata (:lib/stage-metadata (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number))]
(:columns metadata))
;; otherwise recursively calculate the metadata for the previous stages and add it to them, we'll need it for
;; calculations for this stage and we don't have to calculate it more than once...
(let [query (let [previous-stage-number (lib.util/previous-stage-number query stage-number)]
(cond-> query
(lib.util/update-query-stage previous-stage-number assoc :lib/stage-metadata {:lib/type :metadata/results
:columns (stage-metadata query previous-stage-number)})))]
;; ... then calculate metadata for this stage
(not-empty (into []
[(breakout-columns query stage-number)
(aggregation-columns query stage-number)
(fields-columns query stage-number)]))
(default-columns query stage-number))))))
(ns metabase.lib.metadata.calculate.names
"Logic for calculating human-friendly display names for things."
[clojure.string :as str]
[metabase.lib.dispatch :as lib.dispatch]
[metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
[metabase.lib.metadata.calculate.resolve :as calculate.resolve]
[metabase.lib.schema :as lib.schema]
[metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
[metabase.lib.schema.temporal-bucketing :as lib.schema.temporal-bucketing]
[metabase.shared.util.i18n :as i18n]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.humanization :as u.humanization]
[metabase.util.malli :as mu]
#?@(:cljs ([goog.string :refer [format]]
[goog.string.format :as gstring.format]))))
;; The formatting functionality is only loaded if you depend on goog.string.format.
#?(:cljs (comment gstring.format/keep-me))
(defmulti ^:private display-name*
"Impl for [[display-name]]."
{:arglists '([query stage-number x])}
(fn [_query _stage-number x]
(lib.dispatch/dispatch-value x)))
(defn- options-when-mbql-clause
"If this is an MBQL clause, return its options map, if it has one."
(when (and (vector? x)
(keyword? (first x))
(map? (second x)))
(second x)))
(mu/defn display-name :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string
"Calculate a nice human-friendly display name for something."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
;; if this is an MBQL clause with `:display-name` in the options map, then use that rather than calculating a name.
(:display-name (options-when-mbql-clause x))
(display-name* query stage-number x)
(catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs js/Error) e
(throw (ex-info (i18n/tru "Error calculating display name for {0}: {1}" (pr-str x) (ex-message e))
{:x x
:query query
:stage-number stage-number}
(defmulti ^:private column-name*
"Impl for [[column-name]]."
{:arglists '([query stage-number x])}
(fn [_query _stage-number x]
(lib.dispatch/dispatch-value x)))
(mu/defn column-name :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string
"Calculate a database-friendly name to use for an expression."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
;; if this is an MBQL clause with `:name` in the options map, then use that rather than calculating a name.
(:name (options-when-mbql-clause x))
(column-name* query stage-number x)
(catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs js/Error) e
(throw (ex-info (i18n/tru "Error calculating column name for {0}: {1}" (pr-str x) (ex-message e))
{:x x
:query query
:stage-number stage-number}
(defn- slugify [s]
(-> s
(str/replace #"\+" (i18n/tru "plus"))
(str/replace #"\-" (i18n/tru "minus"))
(str/replace #"[\(\)]" "")
;;; default impl just takes the display name and slugifies it.
(defmethod column-name* :default
[query stage-number x]
(slugify (display-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod display-name* :mbql/join
[query _stage-number {[first-stage] :stages, :as _join}]
(if-let [source-table (:source-table first-stage)]
(if (integer? source-table)
(:display_name (lib.metadata/table query source-table))
;; handle card__<id> source tables.
(let [[_ card-id-str] (re-matches #"^card__(\d+)$" source-table)]
(i18n/tru "Saved Question #{0}" card-id-str)))
(i18n/tru "Native Query")))
(defmethod display-name* :metadata/field
[query stage-number {field-display-name :display_name, field-name :name, join-alias :source_alias, :as _field-metadata}]
(let [field-display-name (or field-display-name
(u.humanization/name->human-readable-name :simple field-name))
join-display-name (when join-alias
(let [join (calculate.resolve/join query stage-number join-alias)]
(display-name query stage-number join)))]
(if join-display-name
(str join-display-name " → " field-display-name)
(defmethod display-name* :field
[query stage-number [_field {:keys [join-alias], :as _opts} _id-or-name, :as field-clause]]
(let [field-metadata (cond-> (calculate.resolve/field-metadata query stage-number field-clause)
join-alias (assoc :source_alias join-alias))]
(display-name query stage-number field-metadata)))
(defmethod display-name* :expression
[_query _stage-number [_expression _opts expression-name]]
(defmethod column-name* :expression
[_query _stage-number [_expression _opts expression-name]]
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *nested*
"Whether the display name we are generated is recursively nested inside another display name. For infix math operators
we'll wrap the results in parentheses to make the display name more obvious."
(defn- wrap-str-in-parens-if-nested [s]
(if *nested*
(str \( s \))
(defn- infix-display-name*
"Generate a infix-style display name for an arithmetic expression like `:+`, e.g. `x + y`."
[query stage-number operator args]
(binding [*nested* true]
(str/join (str \space (name operator) \space)
(map (partial display-name* query stage-number)
(defmethod display-name* :+
[query stage-number [_plus _opts & args]]
(infix-display-name* query stage-number "+" args))
(defmethod display-name* :-
[query stage-number [_minute _opts & args]]
(infix-display-name* query stage-number "-" args))
(defmethod display-name* :/
[query stage-number [_divide _opts & args]]
(infix-display-name* query stage-number "÷" args))
(defmethod display-name* :*
[query stage-number [_multiply _opts & args]]
(infix-display-name* query stage-number "×" args))
(defn- infix-column-name*
[query stage-number operator-str args]
(str/join (str \_ operator-str \_)
(map (partial column-name* query stage-number)
(defmethod column-name* :+
[query stage-number [_plus _opts & args]]
(infix-column-name* query stage-number "plus" args))
(defmethod column-name* :-
[query stage-number [_minute _opts & args]]
(infix-column-name* query stage-number "minus" args))
(defmethod column-name* :/
[query stage-number [_divide _opts & args]]
(infix-column-name* query stage-number "divided_by" args))
(defmethod column-name* :*
[query stage-number [_multiply _opts & args]]
(infix-column-name* query stage-number "times" args))
(defmethod display-name* :count
[query stage-number [_count _opts x]]
;; x is optional.
(if x
(i18n/tru "Count of {0}" (display-name query stage-number x))
(i18n/tru "Count")))
(defmethod column-name* :count
[query stage-number [_count _opts x]]
(if x
(str "count_" (column-name query stage-number x))
(defmethod display-name* :case
[_query _stage-number _case]
(i18n/tru "Case"))
(defmethod column-name* :case
[_query _stage-number _case]
(defmethod display-name* :distinct
[query stage-number [_distinct _opts x]]
(i18n/tru "Distinct values of {0}" (display-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod column-name* :distinct
[query stage-number [_distinct _opts x]]
(str "distinct_" (column-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod display-name* :avg
[query stage-number [_avg _opts x]]
(i18n/tru "Average of {0}" (display-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod column-name* :avg
[query stage-number [_avg _opts x]]
(str "avg_" (column-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod display-name* :cum-count
[query stage-number [_cum-count _opts x]]
(i18n/tru "Cumulative count of {0}" (display-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod column-name* :cum-count
[query stage-number [_avg _opts x]]
(str "cum_count_" (column-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod display-name* :sum
[query stage-number [_sum _opts x]]
(i18n/tru "Sum of {0}" (display-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod column-name* :sum
[query stage-number [_sum _opts x]]
(str "sum_" (column-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod display-name* :cum-sum
[query stage-number [_cum-sum _opts x]]
(i18n/tru "Cumulative sum of {0}" (display-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod column-name* :cum-sum
[query stage-number [_avg _opts x]]
(str "cum_sum_" (column-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod display-name* :stddev
[query stage-number [_stddev _opts x]]
(i18n/tru "Standard deviation of {0}" (display-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod column-name* :stddev
[query stage-number [_avg _opts x]]
(str "std_dev_" (column-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod display-name* :min
[query stage-number [_min _opts x]]
(i18n/tru "Min of {0}" (display-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod column-name* :min
[query stage-number [_min _opts x]]
(str "min_" (column-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod display-name* :max
[query stage-number [_max _opts x]]
(i18n/tru "Max of {0}" (display-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod column-name* :max
[query stage-number [_max _opts x]]
(str "max_" (column-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod display-name* :var
[query stage-number [_var _opts x]]
(i18n/tru "Variance of {0}" (display-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod column-name* :var
[query stage-number [_var _opts x]]
(str "var_" (column-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod display-name* :median
[query stage-number [_median _opts x]]
(i18n/tru "Median of {0}" (display-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod column-name* :median
[query stage-number [_median _opts x]]
(str "median_" (column-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod display-name* :percentile
[query stage-number [_percentile _opts x p]]
(i18n/tru "{0}th percentile of {1}" p (display-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod column-name* :percentile
[query stage-number [_percentile _opts x p]]
(format "p%d_%s" p (column-name query stage-number x)))
;;; we don't currently have sophisticated logic for generating nice display names for filter clauses
(defmethod display-name* :sum-where
[query stage-number [_sum-where _opts x _pred]]
(i18n/tru "Sum of {0} matching condition" (display-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod column-name* :sum-where
[query stage-number [_sum-where _opts x]]
(str "sum_where_" (column-name query stage-number x)))
(defmethod display-name* :share
[_query _stage-number _share]
(i18n/tru "Share of rows matching condition"))
(defmethod column-name* :share
[_query _stage-number _share]
(defmethod display-name* :count-where
[_query _stage-number _count-where]
(i18n/tru "Count of rows matching condition"))
(defmethod column-name* :count-where
[_query _stage-number _count-where]
(mu/defn ^:private interval-display-name :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string
"e.g. something like \"- 2 days\""
[amount :- :int
unit :- ::lib.schema.temporal-bucketing/]
;; TODO -- sorta duplicated with [[metabase.shared.parameters.parameters/translated-interval]], but not exactly
(let [unit-str (case unit
:millisecond (i18n/trun "millisecond" "milliseconds" (abs amount))
:second (i18n/trun "second" "seconds" (abs amount))
:minute (i18n/trun "minute" "minutes" (abs amount))
:hour (i18n/trun "hour" "hours" (abs amount))
:day (i18n/trun "day" "days" (abs amount))
:week (i18n/trun "week" "weeks" (abs amount))
:month (i18n/trun "month" "months" (abs amount))
:quarter (i18n/trun "quarter" "quarters" (abs amount))
:year (i18n/trun "year" "years" (abs amount)))]
(if (pos? amount)
(format "+ %d %s" amount unit-str)
(format "- %d %s" (abs amount) unit-str)))))
(defmethod display-name* :datetime-add
[query stage-number [_datetime-add _opts x amount unit]]
(str (display-name query stage-number x)
(interval-display-name amount unit)))
;;; for now we'll just pretend `:coalesce` isn't a present and just use the display name for the expr it wraps.
(defmethod display-name* :coalesce
[query stage-number [_coalesce _opts expr _null-expr]]
(display-name query stage-number expr))
(defmethod column-name* :coalesce
[query stage-number [_coalesce _opts expr _null-expr]]
(column-name query stage-number expr))
(defmethod display-name* :dispatch-type/number
[_query _stage-number n]
(str n))
(defmethod display-name* :dispatch-type/string
[_query _stage-number s]
(str \" s \"))
(ns metabase.lib.metadata.calculate.resolve
"Logic for resolving references."
(:refer-clojure :exclude [ref])
[medley.core :as m]
[metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
[metabase.lib.schema :as lib.schema]
[metabase.lib.schema.aggregation :as lib.schema.aggregation]
[metabase.lib.schema.common :as lib.schema.common]
[metabase.lib.schema.expression :as lib.schema.expression]
[ :as]
[metabase.lib.schema.join :as lib.schema.join]
[metabase.lib.util :as lib.util]
[metabase.shared.util.i18n :as i18n]
[metabase.util.malli :as mu]))
(comment metabase.lib.schema.ref/keep-me)
(mu/defn ^:private resolve-field-id :- lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata
"Integer Field ID: get metadata from the metadata provider. This is probably not 100% the correct thing to do if
this isn't the first stage of the query, but we can fix that behavior in a follow-on"
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
_stage-number :- :int
field-id :-]
(lib.metadata/field query field-id))
(mu/defn ^:private resolve-field-name :- lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata
"String column name: get metadata from the previous stage, if it exists, otherwise if this is the first stage and we
have a native query or a Saved Question source query or whatever get it from our results metadata."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
column-name :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]
(or (some (fn [column]
(when (= (:name column) column-name)
(if-let [previous-stage-number (lib.util/previous-stage-number query stage-number)]
(let [previous-stage (lib.util/query-stage query previous-stage-number)]
(:lib/stage-metadata previous-stage))
(get-in (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number) [:lib/stage-metadata :columns])))
(throw (ex-info (i18n/tru "Invalid :field clause: column {0} does not exist" (pr-str column-name))
{:name column-name
:query query
:stage-number stage-number}))))
(mu/defn field-metadata :- lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata
"Resolve metadata for a `:field` ref."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
[_field _opts id-or-name, :as _field-clause] :- :mbql.clause/field]
(if (integer? id-or-name)
(resolve-field-id query stage-number id-or-name)
(resolve-field-name query stage-number id-or-name)))
(mu/defn join :- ::lib.schema.join/join
"Resolve a join with a specific `join-alias`."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
join-alias :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]
(or (m/find-first #(= (:alias %) join-alias)
(:joins (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)))
(throw (ex-info (i18n/tru "No join named {0}" (pr-str join-alias))
{:join-alias join-alias
:query query
:stage-number stage-number}))))
(mu/defn aggregation :- ::lib.schema.aggregation/aggregation
"Resolve an aggregation with a specific `index`."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
index :- ::lib.schema.common/int-greater-than-or-equal-to-zero]
(let [{aggregations :aggregation} (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)]
(when (<= (count aggregations) index)
(throw (ex-info (i18n/tru "No aggregation at index {0}" index)
{:index index
:query query
:stage-number stage-number})))
(nth aggregations index)))
(mu/defn expression :- ::lib.schema.expression/expression
"Find the expression with `expression-name` in a given stage of a `query`, or throw an Exception if it doesn't
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
expression-name :- ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]
(let [stage (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)]
(or (get-in stage [:expressions expression-name])
(throw (ex-info (i18n/tru "No expression named {0}" (pr-str expression-name))
{:expression-name expression-name
:query query
:stage-number stage-number})))))
......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
[metabase.lib.schema.common :as common]
[metabase.lib.schema.expression :as expression]
[ :as id]
[metabase.lib.schema.join :as join]
......@@ -20,6 +22,8 @@
[metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))
(comment metabase.lib.schema.expression.arithmetic/keep-me
(ns metabase.lib.schema.aggregation
[metabase.lib.schema.common :as common]
[metabase.lib.schema.expression :as expression]
[metabase.lib.schema.mbql-clause :as mbql-clause]
[metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))
(mr/def ::sum
[:= :sum]
[:ref ::expression/number]])
;; count has an optional expression arg
(mbql-clause/define-catn-mbql-clause :count
[:expression [:? [:ref ::expression/number]]])
(defmethod expression/type-of* :count
[[_tag _opts expr]]
(if-not expr
(expression/type-of expr)))
(mbql-clause/define-tuple-mbql-clause :sum
[:ref ::expression/number])
(defmethod expression/type-of* :sum
[[_tag _opts expr]]
(expression/type-of expr))
(mbql-clause/define-tuple-mbql-clause :avg :- :type/Float
[:ref ::expression/number])
(mr/def ::aggregation
;; placeholder!
;;; placeholder!
(mr/def ::aggregations
(ns metabase.lib.schema.expression.arithmetic
"Arithmetic expressions like `:+`."
[malli.core :as mc]
[metabase.lib.schema.common :as common]
[metabase.lib.schema.expression :as expression]
[metabase.lib.schema.mbql-clause :as mbql-clause]
[metabase.types :as types]))
[metabase.lib.schema.temporal-bucketing :as temporal-bucketing]
[metabase.types :as types]
[metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))
(mbql-clause/define-tuple-mbql-clause :interval
(defmethod expression/type-of* :interval
[[_tag _opts expr _n _unit]]
(expression/type-of expr))
(defn- valid-interval-for-type? [[_tag _opts _n unit :as _interval] expr-type]
(let [unit-schema (cond
(isa? expr-type :type/Date) ::temporal-bucketing/
(isa? expr-type :type/Time) ::temporal-bucketing/unit.time.interval
(isa? expr-type :type/DateTime) ::temporal-bucketing/]
(if unit-schema
(mc/validate unit-schema unit)
(mr/def ::args.temporal
[:expr [:schema [:ref ::expression/temporal]]]
[:intervals [:+ :mbql.clause/interval]]]
{:error/message "Temporal arithmetic expression with valid interval units for the expression type"}
(fn [[expr & intervals]]
(let [expr-type (expression/type-of expr)]
(every? #(valid-interval-for-type? % expr-type) intervals)))]])
(mr/def ::args.numbers
[:repeat {:min 2} [:schema [:ref ::expression/number]]])
(defn- plus-minus-schema [tag]
[:= tag]
[:schema [:ref ::common/options]]
[:schema [:ref ::expression/temporal]]
[:repeat {:min 1} [:schema [:ref :mbql.clause/interval]]]]
{:error/message "Temporal arithmetic expression with valid interval units for the expression type"}
(fn [[_tag _opts expr & intervals]]
(let [expr-type (expression/type-of expr)]
(every? #(valid-interval-for-type? % expr-type) intervals)))]]
[:= tag]
[:schema [:ref ::common/options]]
[:repeat {:min 2} [:schema [:ref ::expression/number]]]]])
(mbql-clause/define-mbql-clause :+
(plus-minus-schema :+))
;;; TODO -- should `:-` support just a single arg (for numbers)? What about `:+`?
(mbql-clause/define-mbql-clause :-
(plus-minus-schema :-))
(mbql-clause/define-catn-mbql-clause :*
[:args [:repeat {:min 2} [:schema [:ref ::expression/number]]]])
[:args ::args.numbers])
(defmethod expression/type-of* :*
[[_tag _opts & args]]
;;; we always do non-integer real division even if all the expressions are integers, e.g.
;;; [:/ <int-field> 2] => my_int_field / 2.0
;;; so the results are 0.5 as opposed to 0. This is what people expect division to do
(mbql-clause/define-catn-mbql-clause :/ :- :type/Float
[:args ::args.numbers])
(defn- type-of-arithmetic-args [args]
;; Okay to use reduce without an init value here since we know we have >= 2 args
#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:reduce-without-init]}
(reduce types/most-specific-common-ancestor (map expression/type-of args)))
(defmethod expression/type-of* :+
[[_tag _opts & args]]
(type-of-arithmetic-args args))
(defmethod expression/type-of* :-
[[_tag _opts & args]]
(type-of-arithmetic-args args))
(defmethod expression/type-of* :*
[[_tag _opts & args]]
(type-of-arithmetic-args args))
(ns metabase.lib.schema.expression.conditional
"Conditional expressions like `:case` and `:coalesce`."
[clojure.set :as set]
[metabase.lib.schema.expression :as expression]
[metabase.lib.schema.mbql-clause :as mbql-clause]
[metabase.types :as types]
[metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))
;;; the logic for calculating the return type of a `:case` or similar statement is not optimal nor perfect. But it
;;; should be ok for now and errors on the side of being permissive. See this Slack thread for more info:
(defn- best-return-type
"For expressions like `:case` and `:coalesce` that can return different possible expressions, determine the best
return type given all of the various options."
[x y]
(nil? x)
;; if both types are keywords return their most-specific ancestor.
(and (keyword? x)
(keyword? y))
(types/most-specific-common-ancestor x y)
;; if one type is a specific type but the other is an ambiguous union of possible types, return the specific
;; type. A case can't possibly have multiple different return types, so if one expression has an unambiguous
;; type then the whole thing has to have a compatible type.
(keyword? x)
(keyword? y)
;; if both types are ambiguous unions of possible types then return the intersection of the two. But if the
;; intersection is empty, return the union of everything instead. I don't really want to go down a rabbit
;; hole of trying to find the intersection between the most-specific common ancestors
(or (when-let [intersection (not-empty (set/intersection x y))]
(if (= (count intersection) 1)
(first intersection)
(set/union x y))))
;;; believe it or not, a `:case` clause really has the syntax [:case {} [[pred1 expr1] [pred2 expr2] ...]]
(mr/def ::case-subclause
{:error/message "Valid :case [pred expr] pair"}
#_pred [:ref ::expression/boolean]
#_expr [:ref ::expression/expression]])
(mbql-clause/define-tuple-mbql-clause :case
;; TODO -- we should further constrain this so all of the exprs are of the same type
[:sequential {:min 1} [:ref ::case-subclause]])
(defmethod expression/type-of* :case
[[_tag _opts pred-expr-pairs]]
(fn [best-guess [_pred expr]]
(let [expr-type (expression/type-of expr)]
(best-return-type best-guess expr-type)))
;;; TODO -- add constraint that these types have to be compatible
(mbql-clause/define-tuple-mbql-clause :coalesce
#_expr [:ref :metabase.lib.schema.expression/expression]
#_null-value [:ref :metabase.lib.schema.expression/expression])
(defmethod expression/type-of* :coalesce
[[_tag _opts expr null-value]]
(best-return-type (expression/type-of expr) (expression/type-of null-value)))
(ns metabase.lib.schema.expression.temporal
[metabase.lib.schema.expression :as expression]
[metabase.lib.schema.mbql-clause :as mbql-clause]
[metabase.lib.schema.temporal-bucketing :as temporal-bucketing]))
;;; TODO -- we should constrain this so that you can only use a Date unit if expr is a date, etc.
(mbql-clause/define-tuple-mbql-clause :datetime-add
#_expr [:ref ::expression/temporal]
#_amount :int
#_unit [:ref ::temporal-bucketing/])
(defmethod expression/type-of* :datetime-add
[[_tag _opts expr _amount _unit]]
(expression/type-of expr))
......@@ -2,12 +2,9 @@
"Schemas for the various types of filter clauses that you'd pass to `:filter` or use inside something else that takes
a boolean expression."
[clojure.set :as set]
[metabase.lib.schema.common :as common]
[metabase.lib.schema.expression :as expression]
[metabase.lib.schema.mbql-clause :as mbql-clause]
[metabase.types :as types]
[metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))
[metabase.lib.schema.mbql-clause :as mbql-clause]))
(doseq [op [:and :or]]
(mbql-clause/define-catn-mbql-clause op :- :type/Boolean
......@@ -102,53 +99,3 @@
[:= :segment]
[:or ::common/int-greater-than-zero ::common/non-blank-string]])
;;; believe it or not, a `:case` clause really has the syntax [:case {} [[pred1 expr1] [pred2 expr2] ...]]
(mr/def ::case-subclause
{:error/message "Valid :case [pred expr] pair"}
#_pred [:ref ::expression/boolean]
#_expr [:ref ::expression/expression]])
;;; TODO -- this is not really a filter clause and doesn't belong in here. But where does it belong?
(mbql-clause/define-tuple-mbql-clause :case
;; TODO -- we should further constrain this so all of the exprs are of the same type
[:sequential {:min 1} [:ref ::case-subclause]])
;;; the logic for calculating the return type of a `:case` statement is not optimal nor perfect. But it should be ok
;;; for now and errors on the side of being permissive. See this Slack thread for more info:
(defmethod expression/type-of* :case
[[_tag _opts pred-expr-pairs]]
(fn [best-guess [_pred expr]]
(let [return-type (expression/type-of expr)]
(nil? best-guess)
;; if both types are keywords return their most-specific ancestor.
(and (keyword? best-guess)
(keyword? return-type))
(types/most-specific-common-ancestor best-guess return-type)
;; if one type is a specific type but the other is an ambiguous union of possible types, return the specific
;; type. A case can't possibly have multiple different return types, so if one expression has an unambiguous
;; type then the whole thing has to have a compatible type.
(keyword? best-guess)
(keyword? return-type)
;; if both types are ambiguous unions of possible types then return the intersection of the two. But if the
;; intersection is empty, return the union of everything instead. I don't really want to go down a rabbit
;; hole of trying to find the intersection between the most-specific common ancestors
(or (when-let [intersection (not-empty (set/intersection best-guess return-type))]
(if (= (count intersection) 1)
(first intersection)
(set/union best-guess return-type)))))
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
(into [:catn
{:error/message (str "Valid " tag " clause")}
[:tag [:= tag]]
[:options ::common/options]]
[:options [:schema [:ref ::common/options]]]]
(defn tuple-clause-schema
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
(into [:tuple
{:error/message (str "Valid " tag " clause")}
[:= tag]
[:ref ::common/options]]
;;;; Even more convenient functions!
......@@ -64,8 +64,9 @@
(mr/def ::aggregation-options
[:name {:optional true} ::common/non-blank-string]
[:display-name {:optional true}] ::common/non-blank-string])
[:name {:optional true} ::common/non-blank-string]
[:display-name {:optional true} ::common/non-blank-string]]])
(mbql-clause/define-mbql-clause :aggregation
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
(mu/defn ^:private non-negative-stage-index :- ::lib.schema.common/int-greater-than-or-equal-to-zero
"If `stage-number` index is a negative number e.g. `-1` convert it to a positive index so we can use `nth` on
`stages`. `-1` = the last stage, `-2` = the penultimate stage, etc."
[stages :- [:sequential ::lib.schema/stage]
[stages :- [:sequential [:ref ::lib.schema/stage]]
stage-number :- :int]
(let [stage-number' (if (neg? stage-number)
(+ (count stages) stage-number)
......@@ -10,9 +10,8 @@
There used to also be `:advanced`, which was the default until enough customers
complained that we first fixed it and then the fix wasn't good enough so we removed it."
[clojure.string :as str]
[metabase.models.setting :as setting :refer [defsetting]]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.humanization :as u.humanization]
[metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru trs tru]]
[metabase.util.log :as log]
[schema.core :as s]
......@@ -20,55 +19,21 @@
(declare humanization-strategy)
(defmulti ^String name->human-readable-name
(defn name->human-readable-name
"Convert a name, such as `num_toucans`, to a human-readable name, such as `Num Toucans`. With one arg, this uses the
strategy defined by the Setting `humanization-strategy`. With two args, you may specify a custom strategy (intended
mainly for the internal implementation):
(humanization-strategy! :simple)
(name->human-readable-name \"cool_toucans\") ;-> \"Cool Toucans\"
;; this is the same as:
(name->human-readable-name (humanization-strategy) \"cool_toucans\") ;-> \"Cool Toucans\"
;; specifiy a different strategy:
(name->human-readable-name :none \"cool_toucans\") ;-> \"cool_toucans\""
{:arglists '([s] [strategy s])}
([_] (keyword (humanization-strategy)))
([strategy _] (keyword strategy))))
(def ^:private ^:const acronyms
#{"id" "url" "ip" "uid" "uuid" "guid"})
(defn- capitalize-word [word]
(if (contains? acronyms (u/lower-case-en word))
(u/upper-case-en word)
;; We are assuming that ALL_UPPER_CASE means we should be Title Casing
(if (= word (u/upper-case-en word))
(str/capitalize word)
(str (str/capitalize (subs word 0 1)) (subs word 1)))))
;; simple replaces hyphens and underscores with spaces and capitalizes
(defmethod name->human-readable-name :simple
([s] (name->human-readable-name :simple s))
([_ ^String s]
;; explode on hyphens, underscores, and spaces
(when (seq s)
(let [humanized (str/join " " (for [part (str/split s #"[-_\s]+")
:when (not (str/blank? part))]
(capitalize-word part)))]
(if (str/blank? humanized)
;; actual advanced method has been excised. this one just calls out to simple
(defmethod name->human-readable-name :advanced
([s] (name->human-readable-name :simple s))
([_ ^String s] (name->human-readable-name :simple s)))
;; :none is just an identity implementation
(defmethod name->human-readable-name :none
([s] s)
([_ s] s))
(humanization-strategy! :simple)
(name->human-readable-name \"cool_toucans\") ;-> \"Cool Toucans\"
;; this is the same as:
(name->human-readable-name (humanization-strategy) \"cool_toucans\") ;-> \"Cool Toucans\"
;; specifiy a different strategy:
(name->human-readable-name :none \"cool_toucans\") ;-> \"cool_toucans\""
(name->human-readable-name (humanization-strategy) s))
([strategy s]
(u.humanization/name->human-readable-name strategy s)))
(defn- re-humanize-names!
"Update all non-custom display names of all instances of `model` (e.g. Table or Field)."
......@@ -95,7 +60,7 @@
(defn- set-humanization-strategy! [new-value]
(let [new-strategy (keyword (or new-value :simple))]
;; check to make sure `new-strategy` is a valid strategy, or throw an Exception it is it not.
(when-not (get-method name->human-readable-name new-strategy)
(when-not (get-method u.humanization/name->human-readable-name new-strategy)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(tru "Invalid humanization strategy ''{0}''. Valid strategies are: {1}"
new-strategy (keys (methods name->human-readable-name))))))
......@@ -115,4 +80,11 @@
:type :keyword
:default :simple
:visibility :settings-manager
:getter (fn []
(let [strategy (setting/get-value-of-type :keyword :humanization-strategy)]
;; actual advanced method has been excised. Use `:simple` instead if someone had specified
;; `:advanced`.
(if (= strategy :advanced)
:setter set-humanization-strategy!)
(ns metabase.util.humanization
[clojure.string :as str]
[metabase.util :as u]))
(defmulti name->human-readable-name
"Convert a name, such as `num_toucans`, to a human-readable name, such as `Num Toucans`.
(name->human-readable-name :simple \"cool_toucans\") ;-> \"Cool Toucans\"
;; specifiy a different strategy:
(name->human-readable-name :none \"cool_toucans\") ;-> \"cool_toucans\""
{:arglists '([strategy s])}
(fn [strategy _s]
(keyword strategy)))
(def ^:private ^:const acronyms
#{"id" "url" "ip" "uid" "uuid" "guid"})
(defn- capitalize-word [word]
(if (contains? acronyms (u/lower-case-en word))
(u/upper-case-en word)
;; We are assuming that ALL_UPPER_CASE means we should be Title Casing
(if (= word (u/upper-case-en word))
(str/capitalize word)
(str (str/capitalize (subs word 0 1)) (subs word 1)))))
;; simple replaces hyphens and underscores with spaces and capitalizes
(defmethod name->human-readable-name :simple
[_strategy s]
;; explode on hyphens, underscores, and spaces
(when (seq s)
(let [humanized (str/join " " (for [part (str/split s #"[-_\s]+")
:when (not (str/blank? part))]
(capitalize-word part)))]
(if (str/blank? humanized)
;;; `:none` is just an identity implementation
(defmethod name->human-readable-name :none
[_strategy s]
;;; `:advanced` doesn't exist anymore, it used to be super fancy and do neat things. On the off chance someone still
;;; tries to use it, just do the same thing `:simple` does.
(defmethod name->human-readable-name :advanced
[strategy s]
((get-method name->human-readable-name :simple) strategy s))
(ns metabase.lib.metadata.calculate.names-test
[clojure.test :refer [are deftest is testing]]
[metabase.lib.core :as lib]
[metabase.lib.metadata.calculate.names :as calculate.names]
[metabase.lib.test-metadata :as meta]))
(def ^:private venues-query
(lib/query meta/metadata-provider (meta/table-metadata :venues)))
(defn- field-clause
([table field]
(field-clause table field nil))
([table field options]
[:field (merge {:lib/uuid (str (random-uuid))} options) (meta/id table field)]))
(deftest ^:parallel display-name-from-name-test
(testing "Use the 'simple humanization' logic to calculate a display name for a Field that doesn't have one (e.g. from results metadata)"
(is (= "Venue ID"
(calculate.names/display-name venues-query -1 {:lib/type :metadata/field
:name "venue_id"})))))
(defn- aggregation-display-name [aggregation-clause]
(calculate.names/display-name venues-query -1 aggregation-clause))
(defn- aggregation-column-name [aggregation-clause]
(calculate.names/column-name venues-query -1 aggregation-clause))
(deftest ^:parallel aggregation-names-test
(are [aggregation-clause expected] (= expected
{:column-name (aggregation-column-name aggregation-clause)
:display-name (aggregation-display-name aggregation-clause)})
[:count {}]
{:column-name "count", :display-name "Count"}
[:distinct {} (field-clause :venues :id)]
{:column-name "distinct_id", :display-name "Distinct values of ID"}
[:sum {} (field-clause :venues :id)]
{:column-name "sum_id", :display-name "Sum of ID"}
[:+ {} [:count {}] 1]
{:column-name "count_plus_1", :display-name "Count + 1"}
[:min {} (field-clause :venues :id)]
[:* {} 2 [:avg {} (field-clause :venues :price)]]]
{:column-name "min_id_plus_2_times_avg_price"
:display-name "Min of ID + (2 × Average of Price)"}
[:min {} (field-clause :venues :id)]
[:avg {} (field-clause :venues :price)]
[:- {} [:max {} (field-clause :venues :category-id)] 4]]]
{:column-name "min_id_plus_2_times_avg_price_times_3_times_max_category_id_minus_4"
:display-name "Min of ID + (2 × Average of Price × 3 × (Max of Category ID - 4))"}
;; user-specified names
{:name "generated_name", :display-name "User-specified Name"}
[:min {} (field-clause :venues :id)]
[:* {} 2 [:avg {} (field-clause :venues :price)]]]
{:column-name "generated_name", :display-name "User-specified Name"}
{:name "generated_name"}
[:min {} (field-clause :venues :id)]
[:* {} 2 [:avg {} (field-clause :venues :price)]]]
{:column-name "generated_name", :display-name "Min of ID + (2 × Average of Price)"}
{:display-name "User-specified Name"}
[:min {} (field-clause :venues :id)]
[:* {} 2 [:avg {} (field-clause :venues :price)]]]
{:column-name "min_id_plus_2_times_avg_price"
:display-name "User-specified Name"}))
(deftest ^:parallel date-interval-test
(let [clause [:datetime-add
(field-clause :checkins :date {:base-type :type/Date})
(is (= "date_minus_1_day"
(calculate.names/column-name venues-query -1 clause)))
(is (= "Date - 1 day"
(calculate.names/display-name venues-query -1 clause)))))
(deftest ^:parallel expression-reference-test
(let [query (assoc-in venues-query
[:stages 0 :expressions "double-price"]
{:lib/uuid (str (random-uuid))}
(field-clause :venues :price {:base-type :type/Integer})
expr [:sum
{:lib/uuid (str (random-uuid))}
[:expression {:lib/uuid (str (random-uuid))} "double-price"]]]
(is (= "Sum of double-price"
(calculate.names/display-name query -1 expr)))
(is (= "sum_double-price"
(calculate.names/column-name query -1 expr)))))
(deftest ^:parallel coalesce-test
(let [clause [:coalesce {} (field-clause :venues :name) "<Venue>"]]
(is (= "name"
(calculate.names/column-name venues-query -1 clause)))
(is (= "Name"
(calculate.names/display-name venues-query -1 clause)))))
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