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Unverified Commit bf979161 authored by Ryan Senior's avatar Ryan Senior Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #6545 from metabase/fix-inline-rendering-of-pulses

Add inline pulse rendering
parents 46ca13d7 4ffdb1ec
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......@@ -411,11 +411,6 @@
(defn- mb-hash-str [image-hash]
(str image-hash "@metabase"))
(defn- resource-path->content-id-pair [path]
(let [external-link-url (io/resource path)]
[(mb-hash-str (hash-image-url external-link-url))
(defn- write-byte-array-to-temp-file
[^bytes img-bytes]
(let [f (doto ( "metabase_pulse_image_" ".png")
......@@ -424,22 +419,72 @@
(.write fos img-bytes))
(defn- byte-array->content-id-pair
[^bytes img-bytes]
(let [f (write-byte-array-to-temp-file img-bytes)]
[(mb-hash-str (hash-bytes img-bytes))
(io/as-url f)]))
(defn- byte-array->url [^bytes img-bytes]
(-> img-bytes write-byte-array-to-temp-file io/as-url))
(defmulti ^:private make-image-bundle
"Create an image bundle. An image bundle contains the data needed to either encode the image inline (when
`RENDER-TYPE` is `:inline`), or create the hashes/references needed for an attached image (`RENDER-TYPE` of
(fn [render-type url-or-bytes]
[render-type (class url-or-bytes)]))
(defmethod make-image-bundle [:attachment]
[render-type ^ url]
(let [content-id (mb-hash-str (hash-image-url url))]
{:content-id content-id
:image-url url
:image-src (content-id-reference content-id)
:render-type render-type}))
(defmethod make-image-bundle [:attachment (class (byte-array 0))]
[render-type image-bytes]
(let [image-url (byte-array->url image-bytes)
content-id (mb-hash-str (hash-bytes image-bytes))]
{:content-id content-id
:image-url image-url
:image-src (content-id-reference content-id)
:render-type render-type}))
(defmethod make-image-bundle [:inline]
[render-type ^ url]
{:image-src (-> url io/input-stream IOUtils/toByteArray render-img-data-uri)
:image-url url
:render-type render-type})
(defmethod make-image-bundle [:inline (class (byte-array 0))]
[render-type image-bytes]
{:image-src (render-img-data-uri image-bytes)
:render-type render-type})
(def ^:private external-link-url (io/resource "frontend_client/app/assets/img/external_link.png"))
(def ^:private no-results-url (io/resource "frontend_client/app/assets/img/pulse_no_results@2x.png"))
(def ^:private external-link-image
(resource-path->content-id-pair "frontend_client/app/assets/img/external_link.png")))
(make-image-bundle :attachment external-link-url)))
(def ^:private no-results-image
(resource-path->content-id-pair "frontend_client/app/assets/img/pulse_no_results@2x.png")))
(make-image-bundle :attachment no-results-url)))
(defn- external-link-image-bundle [render-type]
(case render-type
:attachment @external-link-image
:inline (make-image-bundle render-type external-link-url)))
(defn- no-results-image-bundle [render-type]
(case render-type
:attachment @no-results-image
:inline (make-image-bundle render-type no-results-url)))
(defn- image-bundle->attachment [{:keys [render-type content-id image-url]}]
(case render-type
:attachment {content-id image-url}
:inline nil))
(s/defn ^:private render:sparkline :- RenderedPulseCard
[timezone card {:keys [rows cols]}]
[render-type timezone card {:keys [rows cols]}]
(let [ft-row (if (datetime-field? (first cols))
#(.getTime ^Date (u/->Timestamp %))
......@@ -462,14 +507,14 @@
rows' (reverse (take-last 2 rows))
values (map (comp format-number second) rows')
labels (format-timestamp-pair timezone (map first rows') (first cols))
[content-id png-url] (byte-array->content-id-pair (render-sparkline-to-png xs' ys' 524 130))]
image-bundle (make-image-bundle render-type (render-sparkline-to-png xs' ys' 524 130))]
{:attachments (when (and content-id png-url)
{content-id png-url})
{:attachments (when image-bundle
(image-bundle->attachment image-bundle))
:content [:div
[:img {:style (style {:display :block
:width :100%})
:src (content-id-reference content-id)}]
:src (:image-src image-bundle)}]
[:td {:style (style {:color color-brand
......@@ -492,13 +537,12 @@
(second labels)]]]]}))
(s/defn ^:private render:empty :- RenderedPulseCard
[_ _]
(let [[content-id no-results-url] @no-results-image]
{:attachments (when (and content-id no-results-url)
{content-id no-results-url})
[render-type _ _]
(let [image-bundle (no-results-image-bundle render-type)]
{:attachments (image-bundle->attachment image-bundle)
:content [:div {:style (style {:text-align :center})}
[:img {:style (style {:width :104px})
:src (content-id-reference content-id)}]
:src (:image-src image-bundle)}]
[:div {:style (style {:margin-top :8px
:color color-gray-4})}
"No results"]]}))
......@@ -528,12 +572,12 @@
:else :table)))
(s/defn ^:private make-title-if-needed :- (s/maybe RenderedPulseCard)
[render-type card]
(when *include-title*
(let [[content-id link-url] (when *include-buttons*
{:attachments (when (and content-id link-url)
{content-id link-url})
(let [image-bundle (when *include-buttons*
(external-link-image-bundle render-type))]
{:attachments (when image-bundle
(image-bundle->attachment image-bundle))
:content [:table {:style (style {:margin-bottom :8px
:width :100%})}
......@@ -544,18 +588,18 @@
(when *include-buttons*
[:img {:style (style {:width :16px})
:width 16
:src (content-id-reference content-id)}])]]]]})))
:src (:image-src image-bundle)}])]]]]})))
(s/defn ^:private render-pulse-card-body :- RenderedPulseCard
[timezone card {:keys [data error]}]
[render-type timezone card {:keys [data error]}]
(when error
(let [^String msg (tru "Card has errors: {0}" error)]
(throw (Exception. msg))))
(case (detect-pulse-card-type card data)
:empty (render:empty card data)
:empty (render:empty render-type card data)
:scalar (render:scalar timezone card data)
:sparkline (render:sparkline timezone card data)
:sparkline (render:sparkline render-type timezone card data)
:bar (render:bar timezone card data)
:table (render:table timezone card data)
{:attachments nil
......@@ -572,11 +616,11 @@
:padding :16px})}
"An error occurred while displaying this card."]})))
(s/defn render-pulse-card :- RenderedPulseCard
(s/defn ^:private render-pulse-card :- RenderedPulseCard
"Render a single CARD for a `Pulse` to Hiccup HTML. RESULT is the QP results."
[timezone card results]
(let [{title :content title-attachments :attachments} (make-title-if-needed card)
{pulse-body :content body-attachments :attachments} (render-pulse-card-body timezone card results)]
[render-type timezone card results]
(let [{title :content title-attachments :attachments} (make-title-if-needed render-type card)
{pulse-body :content body-attachments :attachments} (render-pulse-card-body render-type timezone card results)]
{:attachments (merge title-attachments body-attachments)
:content [:a {:href (card-href card)
:target "_blank"
......@@ -592,13 +636,13 @@
"Same as `render-pulse-card` but isn't intended for an email, rather for previewing so there is no need for
[timezone card results]
(:content (render-pulse-card timezone card results)))
(:content (render-pulse-card :inline timezone card results)))
(s/defn render-pulse-section :- RenderedPulseCard
"Render a specific section of a Pulse, i.e. a single Card, to Hiccup HTML."
[timezone {:keys [card result]}]
(let [{:keys [attachments content]} (binding [*include-title* true]
(render-pulse-card timezone card result))]
(render-pulse-card :attachment timezone card result))]
{:attachments attachments
:content [:div {:style (style {:margin-top :10px
:margin-bottom :20px
......@@ -611,4 +655,4 @@
(defn render-pulse-card-to-png
"Render a PULSE-CARD as a PNG. DATA is the `:data` from a QP result (I think...)"
^bytes [timezone pulse-card result]
(render-html-to-png (render-pulse-card timezone pulse-card result) card-width))
(render-html-to-png (render-pulse-card :inline timezone pulse-card result) card-width))
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