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Unverified Commit c3acbcf1 authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Fix sync not being triggered during setup (#12942)

* Fix :user-login activity not being recorded during setup (#12933)

* Test fixes :wrench:

* Fix Database sync not happening at setup (#12826)

* Test cleanup. Wow!

* More test cleanup

* Test/lint fix :wrench:

* test fix :wrench:

* Test fix

* Remove unneeded wait

* Some more tests & don't instrument log forms

* Exclude defmulti/defonce forms from instrumentation; more tests
parent 768d374f
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 219 additions and 183 deletions
......@@ -371,7 +371,17 @@
:plugins [[lein-cloverage "1.1.3-SNAPSHOT"]]
:source-paths ^:replace ["src" "backend/mbql/src"]
:test-paths ^:replace ["test" "backend/mbql/test"]
:cloverage {:fail-threshold 69}}]
:cloverage {:fail-threshold 69
[;; don't instrument logging forms, since they won't get executed as part of tests anyway
;; log calls expand to these
;; defonce and defmulti forms get instrumented incorrectly and are false negatives
;; -- see Once this issue is
;; fixed we can remove this exception.
;; build the uberjar with `lein uberjar`
......@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@
[400 (tru "Embedding is not enabled.")]))
(defn check-not-archived
"Check that the OBJECT exists and is not `:archived`, or throw a `404`. Returns OBJECT as-is if check passes."
"Check that the `object` exists and is not `:archived`, or throw a `404`. Returns `object` as-is if check passes."
(u/prog1 object
(check-404 object)
......@@ -54,18 +54,19 @@
;; return user ID and session ID
{:session-id session-id, :user-id user-id}))
(defn- setup-create-database! [{:keys [name driver details schedules database]}]
(defn- setup-create-database!
"Create a new Database. Returns newly created Database."
[{:keys [name driver details schedules database]}]
(when driver
(when-not (driver/available? (driver/the-driver driver))
(throw (ex-info (tru "Cannot create Database: cannot find driver {0}." driver)
{:driver driver})))
(let [db (db/insert! Database
{:name name, :engine driver, :details details}
(u/select-non-nil-keys database #{:is_on_demand :is_full_sync :auto_run_queries})
(when schedules
(database-api/schedule-map->cron-strings schedules))))]
(events/publish-event! :database-create db))))
(when-not (some-> (u/ignore-exceptions (driver/the-driver driver)) driver/available?)
(let [msg (tru "Cannot create Database: cannot find driver {0}." driver)]
(throw (ex-info msg {:errors {:database {:engine msg}}, :status-code 400}))))
(db/insert! Database
{:name name, :engine driver, :details details}
(u/select-non-nil-keys database #{:is_on_demand :is_full_sync :auto_run_queries})
(when schedules
(database-api/schedule-map->cron-strings schedules))))))
(defn- setup-set-settings! [request {:keys [email site-name site-locale allow-tracking?]}]
;; set a couple preferences
......@@ -101,27 +102,30 @@
allow_tracking (s/maybe (s/cond-pre s/Bool su/BooleanString))
schedules (s/maybe database-api/ExpandedSchedulesMap)
auto_run_queries (s/maybe s/Bool)}
(let [{:keys [session-id user-id]} (setup-create-user!
{:email email, :first-name first_name, :last-name last_name, :password password})]
(setup-create-database! {:name name, :driver engine, :details details, :schedules schedules, :database database})
{:email email, :site-name site_name, :site-locale site_locale, :allow-tracking? allow_tracking})
;; clear the setup token now, it's no longer needed
;; notify that we've got a new user in the system AND that this user logged in
(events/publish-event! :user-create {:user_id user-id})
(events/publish-event! :user-login {:user_id user-id, :session_id session-id, :first_login true})
;; return response with session ID and set the cookie as well
(mw.session/set-session-cookie request {:id session-id} (UUID/fromString session-id))))
(catch Throwable e
;; if the transaction fails, restore the Settings cache from the DB again so any changes made in this endpoint
;; (such as clearing the setup token) are reverted. We can't use `dosync` here to accomplish this because
;; there is `io!` in this block
(throw e))))
(letfn [(create! []
(let [user-info (setup-create-user!
{:email email, :first-name first_name, :last-name last_name, :password password})
db (setup-create-database!
{:name name, :driver engine, :details details, :schedules schedules, :database database})]
{:email email, :site-name site_name, :site-locale site_locale, :allow-tracking? allow_tracking})
;; clear the setup token now, it's no longer needed
(assoc user-info :database db)))
(catch Throwable e
;; if the transaction fails, restore the Settings cache from the DB again so any changes made in this
;; endpoint (such as clearing the setup token) are reverted. We can't use `dosync` here to accomplish
;; this because there is `io!` in this block
(throw e))))]
(let [{:keys [user-id session-id database]} (create!)]
(events/publish-event! :database-create database)
(events/publish-event! :user-login {:user_id user-id, :session_id session-id, :first_login true})
;; return response with session ID and set the cookie as well
(mw.session/set-session-cookie request {:id session-id} (UUID/fromString session-id)))))
(api/defendpoint POST "/validate"
"Validate that we can connect to a database given a set of details."
......@@ -11,30 +11,36 @@
(:require [clojure.core.async :as async]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :as log]
[config :as config]
[util :as u]]
[metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs]]))
;;; --------------------------------------------------- LIFECYCLE ----------------------------------------------------
(defmulti init!
"Initialize event handlers. All implementations of this method are called once when the event system is started. Add a
new implementation of this method to define new event initialization logic. All `*` namespaces are
loaded automatically during event initialization before invoking implementations of `init!`.
`unique-key` is not used internally but must be unique."
{:arglists '([unique-key])}
(defonce ^:private events-initialized?
(atom nil))
(defn- find-and-load-event-handlers!
"Search Classpath for namespaces that start with ``, and call their `events-init` function if it
"Look for namespaces that start with ``, and call their `events-init` function if it exists."
(when-not config/is-test?
(doseq [ns-symb u/metabase-namespace-symbols
:when (.startsWith (name ns-symb) "")]
(classloader/require ns-symb)
;; look for `events-init` function in the namespace and call it if it exists
(when-let [init-fn (ns-resolve ns-symb 'events-init)]
(log/info (trs "Starting events listener:") (u/format-color 'blue ns-symb) (u/emoji "👂"))
(doseq [ns-symb u/metabase-namespace-symbols
:when (.startsWith (name ns-symb) "")]
(classloader/require ns-symb))
(doseq [[k f] (methods init!)]
(log/info (trs "Starting events listener:") (u/format-color 'blue k) (u/emoji "👂"))
(f k)
(catch Throwable e
(log/error e (trs "Error starting events listener"))))))
(defn initialize-events!
"Initialize the asynchronous internal events system."
......@@ -47,12 +53,11 @@
;;; -------------------------------------------------- PUBLICATION ---------------------------------------------------
(def ^:private events-channel
"Channel to host events publications."
(defonce ^:private ^{:doc "Channel to host events publications."} events-channel
(def ^:private events-publication
"Publication for general events channel. Expects a map as input and the map must have a `:topic` key."
(defonce ^:private ^{:doc "Publication for general events channel. Expects a map as input and the map must have a
`:topic` key."} events-publication
(async/pub events-channel :topic))
(defn publish-event!
......@@ -60,7 +65,9 @@
{:style/indent 1}
[topic event-item]
{:pre [(keyword topic)]}
(async/go (async/>! events-channel {:topic (keyword topic), :item event-item}))
(let [event {:topic (keyword topic), :item event-item}]
(log/tracef "Publish event %s" (pr-str event))
(async/put! events-channel event))
......@@ -74,7 +81,7 @@
(async/sub events-publication (keyword topic) channel)
(defn- subscribe-to-topics!
(defn subscribe-to-topics!
"Convenience method for subscribing to a series of topics against a single channel."
[topics channel]
{:pre [(coll? topics)]}
......@@ -90,30 +97,30 @@
;; start listening for events we care about and do something with them
(async/go-loop []
;; try/catch here to get possible exceptions thrown by core.async trying to read from the channel
(handler-fn (async/<! channel))
(catch Throwable e
(log/error e (trs "Unexpected error listening on events"))))
(when-let [val (async/<! channel)]
(handler-fn val)
(catch Throwable e
(log/error e (trs "Unexpected error listening on events"))))
;;; ------------------------------------------------ HELPER FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------
(defn topic->model
"Determine a valid `model` identifier for the given TOPIC."
"Determine a valid `model` identifier for the given `topic`."
;; just take the first part of the topic name after splitting on dashes.
(first (str/split (name topic) #"-")))
(defn object->model-id
"Determine the appropriate `model_id` (if possible) for a given OBJECT."
"Determine the appropriate `model_id` (if possible) for a given `object`."
[topic object]
(if (contains? (set (keys object)) :id)
(:id object)
(let [model (topic->model topic)]
(get object (keyword (format "%s_id" model))))))
(defn object->user-id
"Determine the appropriate `user_id` (if possible) for a given OBJECT."
(or (:actor_id object) (:user_id object) (:creator_id object)))
(def ^{:arglists '([object])} object->user-id
"Determine the appropriate `user_id` (if possible) for a given `object`."
(some-fn :actor_id :user_id :creator_id))
......@@ -36,11 +36,10 @@
:user-login}) ; this is only used these days the first time someone logs in to record 'user-joined' events
(def ^:private activity-feed-channel
"Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for the activity feed."
(defonce ^:private ^{:doc "Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for the activity feed."}
;;; ------------------------------------------------ EVENT PROCESSING ------------------------------------------------
(defn- process-card-activity! [topic {query :dataset_query, :as object}]
......@@ -157,7 +156,6 @@
;;; ---------------------------------------------------- LIFECYLE ----------------------------------------------------
(defn events-init
"Automatically called during startup; start the events listener for the activity feed."
(defmethod events/init! ::ActivityFeed
(events/start-event-listener! activity-feed-topics activity-feed-channel process-activity-event!))
......@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
(def ^:private dependencies-channel
"Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for dependencies events."
(defonce ^:private ^{:doc "Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for dependencies events."}
......@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@
;;; ## ---------------------------------------- LIFECYLE ----------------------------------------
(defn events-init
"Automatically called during startup; start the events listener for dependencies topics."
(defmethod events/init! ::Dependencies
(events/start-event-listener! dependencies-topics dependencies-channel process-dependencies-event))
......@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
[driver :as driver]
[events :as events]]))
(def ^:const ^:private driver-notifications-topics
(def ^:private driver-notifications-topics
"The `Set` of event topics which are subscribed to for use in driver notifications."
#{:database-update :database-delete})
(def ^:private driver-notifications-channel
"Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for driver notifications events."
(defonce ^:private ^{:doc "Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for driver notifications
events."} driver-notifications-channel
......@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@
;;; ---------------------------------------------------- LIFECYLE ----------------------------------------------------
(defn events-init
"Automatically called during startup; start event listener for database sync events."
(defmethod events/init! ::DriverNotifications
(events/start-event-listener! driver-notifications-topics driver-notifications-channel process-driver-notifications-event))
......@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
"The `Set` of event topics which are subscribed to for use in last login tracking."
(def ^:private last-login-channel
"Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for last login events."
(defonce ^:private ^{:doc "Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for last login events."}
......@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@
;;; ## ---------------------------------------- LIFECYLE ----------------------------------------
(defn events-init
"Automatically called during startup; start the events listener for last login events."
(defmethod events/init! ::LastLogin
(events/start-event-listener! last-login-topics last-login-channel process-last-login-event))
......@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@
"The `Set` of event topics which are subscribed to for use in metabot lifecycle."
(def ^:private metabot-lifecycle-channel
"Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for metabot lifecycle events."
(defonce ^:private ^{:doc "Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for MetaBot lifecycle
......@@ -37,8 +38,6 @@
;;; ## ---------------------------------------- LIFECYLE ----------------------------------------
(defn events-init
"Automatically called during startup; start event listener for metabot lifecycle events."
(defmethod events/init! ::MetaBotLifecycle
(events/start-event-listener! metabot-lifecycle-topics metabot-lifecycle-channel process-metabot-lifecycle-event))
......@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
(def ^:private notifications-channel
"Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for notifications events."
(defonce ^:private ^{:doc "Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for notifications events."}
......@@ -95,7 +95,6 @@
;;; --------------------------------------------------- Lifecycle ----------------------------------------------------
(defn events-init
"Automatically called during startup; start event listener for notifications events."
(defmethod events/init! ::Notifications
(events/start-event-listener! notifications-topics notifications-channel process-notifications-event!))
......@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
(def ^:private revisions-channel
"Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for revision events."
(defonce ^:private ^{:doc "Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for revision events."}
......@@ -76,8 +76,6 @@
;;; ## ---------------------------------------- LIFECYLE ----------------------------------------
(defn events-init
"Automatically called during startup; start event listener for revision events."
(defmethod events/init! ::Revisions
(events/start-event-listener! revisions-topics revisions-channel process-revision-event!))
......@@ -12,10 +12,11 @@
(def ^:const sync-database-topics
"The `Set` of event topics which are subscribed to for use in database syncing."
;; published by POST /api/database/:id/sync -- a message to start syncing the DB right away
(def ^:private sync-database-channel
"Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for database sync events."
(defonce ^:private ^{:doc "Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for database sync events."}
......@@ -23,27 +24,27 @@
(defn process-sync-database-event
"Handle processing for a single event notification received on the sync-database-channel"
"Handle processing for a single event notification received on the `sync-database-channel`"
[{topic :topic, object :item, :as event}]
;; try/catch here to prevent individual topic processing exceptions from bubbling up. better to handle them here.
(when-let [{topic :topic object :item} sync-database-event]
(when event
(when-let [database (Database (events/object->model-id topic object))]
;; just kick off a sync on another thread
(future (try
;; only do the 'full' sync if this is a "full sync" database. Otherwise just do metadata sync only
(if (:is_full_sync database)
(sync/sync-database! database)
(sync-metadata/sync-db-metadata! database))
(catch Throwable e
(log/error e (trs "Error syncing Database {0}" (u/get-id database))))))))
;; only do the 'full' sync if this is a "full sync" database. Otherwise just do metadata sync only
(if (:is_full_sync database)
(sync/sync-database! database)
(sync-metadata/sync-db-metadata! database))
(catch Throwable e
(log/error e (trs "Error syncing Database {0}" (u/get-id database))))))))
(catch Throwable e
(log/warn e (trs "Failed to process sync-database event.") (:topic sync-database-event)))))
(log/warn e (trs "Failed to process sync-database event.") topic))))
;;; ---------------------------------------------------- LIFECYLE ----------------------------------------------------
(defn events-init
"Automatically called during startup; start event listener for database sync events."
(defmethod events/init! ::Sync
(events/start-event-listener! sync-database-topics sync-database-channel process-sync-database-event))
......@@ -5,21 +5,20 @@
[metabase.models.view-log :refer [ViewLog]]
[toucan.db :as db]))
(def ^:private ^:const view-counts-topics
(def ^:private ^:const view-log-topics
"The `Set` of event topics which we subscribe to for view counting."
(def ^:private view-counts-channel
"Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for view counting."
(defonce ^:private ^{:doc "Channel for receiving event notifications we want to subscribe to for view counting."}
;;; ## ---------------------------------------- EVENT PROCESSING ----------------------------------------
(defn- record-view
(defn- record-view!
"Simple base function for recording a view of a given `model` and `model-id` by a certain `user`."
[model model-id user-id]
;; TODO - we probably want a little code that prunes old entries so that this doesn't get too big
......@@ -28,13 +27,13 @@
:model model
:model_id model-id))
(defn process-view-count-event
"Handle processing for a single event notification received on the view-counts-channel"
(defn handle-view-event!
"Handle processing for a single event notification received on the view-log-channel"
;; try/catch here to prevent individual topic processing exceptions from bubbling up. better to handle them here.
(when-let [{topic :topic object :item} event]
(events/topic->model topic)
(events/object->model-id topic object)
(events/object->user-id object)))
......@@ -44,8 +43,6 @@
;;; ## ---------------------------------------- LIFECYLE ----------------------------------------
(defn events-init
"Automatically called during startup; start the events listener for view events."
(events/start-event-listener! view-counts-topics view-counts-channel process-view-count-event))
(defmethod events/init! ::ViewLog
(events/start-event-listener! view-log-topics view-log-channel handle-view-event!))
......@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
"Unschedule any currently pending sync operation tasks for `database`."
(classloader/require 'metabase.task.sync-databases)
((resolve 'metabase.task.sync-databases/unschedule-tasks-for-db!) database)
(catch Throwable e
......@@ -96,7 +95,6 @@
(defn- perms-objects-set [database _]
#{(perms/object-path (u/get-id database))})
(u/strict-extend (class Database)
(merge models/IModelDefaults
......@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
`:database` - use the same order as in the table definition in the DB;
`:alphabetical` - order alphabetically by name;
`:custom` - the user manually set the order in the data model
`:smart` - Try to be smart and order like you'd usually want it: first PK, followed by `:type/Name`s, then `:type/Temporal`s, and from there on in alphabetical order."
`:smart` - Try to be smart and order like you'd usually want it: first PK, followed by `:type/Name`s, then
`:type/Temporal`s, and from there on in alphabetical order."
#{:database :alphabetical :custom :smart})
......@@ -216,12 +216,12 @@
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(defn- job-detail->info [^JobDetail job-detail]
{:key (-> (.getKey job-detail) .getName)
:class (-> (.getJobClass job-detail) .getCanonicalName)
:description (.getDescription job-detail)
:concurrent-executation-disallowed? (.isConcurrentExectionDisallowed job-detail)
:durable? (.isDurable job-detail)
:requests-recovery? (.requestsRecovery job-detail)})
{:key (-> (.getKey job-detail) .getName)
:class (-> (.getJobClass job-detail) .getCanonicalName)
:description (.getDescription job-detail)
:concurrent-execution-disallowed? (.isConcurrentExectionDisallowed job-detail)
:durable? (.isDurable job-detail)
:requests-recovery? (.requestsRecovery job-detail)})
(defmulti ^:private trigger->info
{:arglists '([trigger])}
......@@ -238,32 +238,53 @@
:previous-fire-time (.getPreviousFireTime trigger)
:priority (.getPriority trigger)
:start-time (.getStartTime trigger)
:may-fire-again? (.mayFireAgain trigger)})
:may-fire-again? (.mayFireAgain trigger)
:data (.getJobDataMap trigger)})
(defmethod trigger->info CronTrigger
[^CronTrigger trigger]
((get-method trigger->info Trigger) trigger)
;; not 100% sure why `case` doesn't work here...
(condp = (.getMisfireInstruction trigger)
(format "UNKNOWN: %d" (.getMisfireInstruction trigger)))}))
(.getCronExpression trigger)
;; not 100% sure why `case` doesn't work here...
(condp = (.getMisfireInstruction trigger)
(format "UNKNOWN: %d" (.getMisfireInstruction trigger)))))
(defn- ->job-key ^JobKey [x]
(instance? JobKey x) x
(string? x) (JobKey. ^String x)))
(defn job-info
"Get info about a specific Job (`job-key` can be either a String or `JobKey`).
(task/job-info \"metabase.task.sync-and-analyze.job\")"
(let [job-key (->job-key job-key)]
(assoc (job-detail->info (qs/get-job (scheduler) job-key))
:triggers (for [trigger (sort-by #(-> ^Trigger % .getKey .getName)
(qs/get-triggers-of-job (scheduler) job-key))]
(trigger->info trigger)))
(catch Throwable e
(log/warn e (trs "Error fetching details for Job: {0}" (.getName job-key)))))))
(defn- jobs-info []
(->> (some-> (scheduler) (.getJobKeys nil))
(sort-by #(.getName ^JobKey %))
(map job-info)
(filter some?)))
(defn scheduler-info
"Return raw data about all the scheduler and scheduled tasks (i.e. Jobs and Triggers). Primarily for debugging
(str/split-lines (.getSummary (.getMetaData (scheduler))))
(for [^JobKey job-key (->> (.getJobKeys (scheduler) nil)
(sort-by #(.getName ^JobKey %) ))]
(assoc (job-detail->info (qs/get-job (scheduler) job-key))
:triggers (for [trigger (->> (qs/get-triggers-of-job (scheduler) job-key)
(sort-by #(-> ^Trigger % .getKey .getName)))]
(trigger->info trigger))))})
{:scheduler (some-> (scheduler) .getMetaData .getSummary str/split-lines)
:jobs (jobs-info)})
......@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
(def ^:private job-key "metabase.task.anonymous-stats.job")
(def ^:private trigger-key "metabase.task.anonymous-stats.trigger")
(defmethod task/init! ::SendAnonymousUsageStats [_]
(defmethod task/init! ::SendAnonymousUsageStats
(let [job (jobs/build
(jobs/of-type SendAnonymousUsageStats)
(jobs/with-identity (jobs/key job-key)))
......@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
[sync-metadata :as sync-metadata]]
[cron :as cron-util]
[i18n :refer [trs]]]
[i18n :refer [trs]]
[schema :as su]]
[schema.core :as s]
[toucan.db :as db])
(:import metabase.models.database.DatabaseInstance
......@@ -26,25 +27,31 @@
;;; | JOB LOGIC |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(s/defn ^:private job-context->database :- (s/maybe DatabaseInstance)
"Get the Database referred to in `job-context`. Returns `nil` if Database no longer exists. (Normally, a Database's
sync jobs *should* get deleted when the Database itself is deleted, but better to be safe here just in case.)"
(s/defn ^:private job-context->database-id :- (s/maybe su/IntGreaterThanZero)
"Get the Database ID referred to in `job-context`."
(Database (u/get-id (get (qc/from-job-data job-context) "db-id"))))
(u/get-id (get (qc/from-job-data job-context) "db-id")))
;; The DisallowConcurrentExecution on the two defrecords below attaches an annotation to the generated class that will
;; constrain the job execution to only be one at a time. Other triggers wanting the job to run will misfire.
(jobs/defjob ^{org.quartz.DisallowConcurrentExecution true} SyncAndAnalyzeDatabase [job-context]
(when-let [database (job-context->database job-context)]
(sync-metadata/sync-db-metadata! database)
;; only run analysis if this is a "full sync" database
(when (:is_full_sync database)
(analyze/analyze-db! database))))
(when-let [database-id (job-context->database-id job-context)]
(log/info (trs "Starting sync task for Database {0}." database-id))
(when-let [database (or (Database database-id)
(log/warn (trs "Cannot sync Database {0}: Database does not exist." database-id)))]
(sync-metadata/sync-db-metadata! database)
;; only run analysis if this is a "full sync" database
(when (:is_full_sync database)
(analyze/analyze-db! database)))))
(jobs/defjob ^{org.quartz.DisallowConcurrentExecution true} UpdateFieldValues [job-context]
(when-let [database (job-context->database job-context)]
(when (:is_full_sync database)
(field-values/update-field-values! database))))
(when-let [database-id (job-context->database-id job-context)]
(log/info (trs "Update Field values task triggered for Database {0}." database-id))
(when-let [database (or (Database database-id)
(log/warn "Cannot update Field values for Database {0}: Database does not exist." database-id))]
(if (:is_full_sync database)
(field-values/update-field-values! database)
(log/info (trs "Skipping update, automatic Field value updates are disabled for Database {0}." database-id))))))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
......@@ -183,10 +190,12 @@
(task/add-job! sync-analyze-job)
(task/add-job! field-values-job))
(defmethod task/init! ::SyncDatabases [_]
(defmethod task/init! ::SyncDatabases
(doseq [database (db/select Database)]
;; TODO -- shouldn't all the triggers be scheduled already?
(schedule-tasks-for-db! database)
(catch Throwable e
(log/error e (trs "Failed to schedule tasks for Database {0}" (:id database)))))))
......@@ -131,9 +131,8 @@
(not= hours "*")) "daily"
:else "hourly"))
(s/defn ^{:style/indent 0} cron-string->schedule-map :- ScheduleMap
"Convert a normal CRON-STRING into the expanded ScheduleMap format used by the frontend."
"Convert a normal `cron-string` into the expanded ScheduleMap format used by the frontend."
[cron-string :- CronScheduleString]
(let [[_ _ hours day-of-month _ day-of-week _] (str/split cron-string #"\s+")]
{:schedule_day (cron->day-of-week day-of-week)
......@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@
;; expecting it.
(when-not (env/env :drivers)
(t/testing "Don't write any new tests using expect!"
(t/is (<= total-expect-forms 1555))
(t/is (<= total-namespaces-using-expect 106))))))
(t/is (<= total-expect-forms 1084))
(t/is (<= total-namespaces-using-expect 97))))))
(defmacro ^:deprecated expect
"Simple macro that simulates converts an Expectations-style `expect` form into a `clojure.test` `deftest` form."
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