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Unverified Commit c73fd9e6 authored by Braden Shepherdson's avatar Braden Shepherdson Committed by GitHub
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[testing] Add appending stages to the query generators (#49567)

This also cleans up the testing to check everything more carefully,
and to expect the right things across multiple stages.

(This is a bit tricky since the order-bys get removed when the stage
gets aggregated, because the columns they were using are now gone.)
parent 4850a85b
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(ns metabase.lib.test-util.generators
#?@(:cljs (metabase.test-runner.assert-exprs.approximately-equal))
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
[medley.core :as m]
[metabase.lib.breakout :as lib.breakout]
......@@ -154,6 +155,10 @@
;; Breakouts =====================================================================================
(add-step {:kind :breakout})
(defn- breakout-exists? [query stage-number column]
(boolean (lib.breakout/breakout-column? query stage-number column {:same-binning-strategy? true
:same-temporal-bucket? true})))
(defmethod next-steps* :breakout [query _breakout]
(let [stage-number (choose-stage query)
column (gen.u/choose (only-safe-columns (lib/breakoutable-columns query stage-number)))
......@@ -164,7 +169,8 @@
brk-column (cond-> column
bucket (lib/with-temporal-bucket bucket)
binning (lib/with-binning binning))]
[:breakout stage-number (lib/ref brk-column) brk-column]))
(when (breakout-exists? query stage-number brk-column)
[:breakout stage-number (lib/ref brk-column) brk-column])))
(defmethod run-step* :breakout [query [_breakout stage-number brk-clause _column]]
(lib/breakout query stage-number brk-clause))
......@@ -173,9 +179,7 @@
;; Duplicate breakouts are not allowed! So we want to check that logic.
(let [before-breakouts (lib/breakouts before stage-number)
after-breakouts (lib/breakouts after stage-number)
opts {:same-binning-strategy? true
:same-temporal-bucket? true}
fresh? (empty? (lib.breakout/existing-breakouts before stage-number column opts))]
fresh? (not (breakout-exists? before stage-number column))]
(testing (str ":breakout stage " stage-number
"\n\nBefore query\n" (u/pprint-to-str before)
"\n\nwith column\n" (u/pprint-to-str column)
......@@ -183,9 +187,9 @@
(if fresh?
(testing "freshly added breakout columns"
(is (= false (boolean (lib.breakout/breakout-column? before stage-number column opts)))
(is (= false (breakout-exists? before stage-number column))
"are not present before")
(is (= true (boolean (lib.breakout/breakout-column? after stage-number column opts)))
(is (= true (breakout-exists? after stage-number column))
"are present after")
(testing "go at the end of the list"
(is (= (count after-breakouts)
......@@ -246,7 +250,8 @@
(let [numbers (map #(vector gen-expression:number %) (filter lib.types.isa/number? columns))
strings (map #(vector gen-expression:string %) (filter lib.types.isa/string? columns))
[f col] (gen.u/choose (concat numbers strings))]
(f col)))
(when (and f col)
(f col))))
(def ^:private identifier-chars-initial
......@@ -308,11 +313,16 @@
after-orders (lib/order-bys after stage-number)]
;; TODO: No duplicates! The new ref should never collide with one in `before` - except for the FK ambiguity.
;; I don't want to introduce a flake, but once that issue is fixed there should be a test here.
(testing "new order-by clauses are added at the end of the sort order"
(is (= (inc (count before-orders))
(count after-orders)))
(is (lib.equality/= (lib/order-by-clause orderable direction)
(last after-orders))))))
(testing (str "\n\nNew order-by"
"\n\nBefore query\n" (u/pprint-to-str before)
"\n\nAfter query\n" (u/pprint-to-str after)
"\n\nsorting " direction " on \n" (u/pprint-to-str orderable)
(testing "new order-by clauses are added at the end of the sort order"
(is (= (inc (count before-orders))
(count after-orders)))
(is (lib.equality/= (lib/order-by-clause orderable direction)
(last after-orders)))))))
;; Explicit join =================================================================================
(add-step {:kind :join
......@@ -320,16 +330,18 @@
(defmethod next-steps* :join [query _join]
(let [stage-number (choose-stage query)
;; TODO: Explicit joins against cards are possible, but we don't have cards yet.
[target conditions] (rand-nth (for [table (lib.metadata/tables query)
:let [conditions (lib/suggested-join-conditions query stage-number table)]
:when (seq conditions)]
[table conditions]))
strategy (gen.u/weighted-choice {:left-join 80
:inner-join 10
:right-join 5
:full-join 5})]
[:join stage-number target (rand-nth conditions) strategy]))
:full-join 5})
;; TODO: Explicit joins against cards are possible, but we don't have cards yet.
condition-space (for [table (lib.metadata/tables query)
:let [conditions (lib/suggested-join-conditions query stage-number table)]
:when (seq conditions)]
[table conditions])]
(when-let [[target conditions] (and (seq condition-space)
(rand-nth condition-space))]
[:join stage-number target (rand-nth conditions) strategy])))
(defmethod run-step* :join [query [_join stage-number target condition strategy]]
(lib/join query stage-number (lib/join-clause target [condition] strategy)))
......@@ -350,6 +362,34 @@
:conditions [condition]}
(last after-joins))))))))
;; Append stage ==================================================================================
(add-step {:kind :append-stage
;; Rare but it happens.
:weight 5})
(defn- all-stage-parts [query stage-number]
(mapcat #(% query stage-number)
[lib/joins lib/aggregations lib/breakouts lib/expressions lib/filters lib/order-bys]))
(defmethod next-steps* :append-stage [query _append-stage]
;; Appending a stage is allowed when there's at least one breakout or aggregation.
;; TODO: Is there a way to be more flexible here? The QP uses more nesting than the UI allows.
(when (or (seq (lib/aggregations query -1))
(seq (lib/breakouts query -1)))
(defmethod run-step* :append-stage [query [_append-stage]]
(lib/append-stage query))
(defmethod before-and-after :append-stage [before after _step]
(testing "appending a stage"
(testing "increments the stage-count"
(is (= (inc (lib/stage-count before))
(lib/stage-count after))))
(testing "adds a new, empty stage"
(is (empty? (all-stage-parts after -1))))))
;; Generator internals ===========================================================================
(defn- run-step
"Applies a step, returning the updated context."
......@@ -466,18 +506,57 @@
(for [{:keys [query] :as ctx} (random-queries-from* (context-for starting-query) limit)]
(vary-meta query assoc ::context (dissoc ctx :query)))))
(defn- expected-total [step-kind]
(fn [steps]
(->> steps
(filter (comp #{step-kind} first))
(defn- expected-order-bys [steps]
;; Each :order-by adds one, but the first `:aggregate` or `:breakout` we see drops any from that stage.
(->> steps
(reduce (fn [{:keys [aggregated stages] :as m} [step stage-number]]
(let [stage (if (= stage-number -1)
(dec stages)
(case step
(:aggregate :breakout) (if (aggregated stage)
;; If this stage was not previously aggregated, discount its orders and
;; flag it as aggregated.
(-> m
(assoc-in [:aggregated stage] true)
(assoc-in [:orders stage] 0)
;; AND all stages
:order-by (update-in m [:orders stage] (fnil inc 0))
:append-stage (update m :stages inc)
{:aggregated {}
:orders {}
:stages 1})
(reduce + 0)))
(deftest ^:parallel query-generator-test
(doseq [table (meta/tables)
q (-> (lib/query meta/metadata-provider (meta/table-metadata table))
(random-queries-from 100))]
(is (= (->> (lib/stage-count q)
(map (comp count #(lib/aggregations q %)))
(reduce +))
(->> (query->context q)
(filter (comp #{:aggregate} first))
(doseq [[item act-fn exp-fn] [["aggregations" lib/aggregations (expected-total :aggregate)]
["breakouts" lib/breakouts (expected-total :breakout)]
["joins" lib/joins (expected-total :join)]
["order bys" lib/order-bys expected-order-bys]]]
(let [ctx (query->context q)
steps (step-seq ctx)]
(testing (str "\n\nwith generated query\n" (u/pprint-to-str q)
"\n\nwith steps\n" (str/join "\n" (map pr-str steps)))
(testing (str "\n\n" item " line up")
(is (= (exp-fn steps)
(->> (lib/stage-count q)
(map (comp count #(act-fn q %)))
(reduce +))))))))))
;; Produces a map of {p-reset {p-pop {depth count}}} after generating 100 queries with those settings.
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