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Unverified Commit c7e270d3 authored by Paul Rosenzweig's avatar Paul Rosenzweig Committed by GitHub
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Refactor apply_tooltips (#10555)

parent 0a7f36be
No related merge requests found
/// code to "apply" chart tooltips. (How does one apply a tooltip?)
import _ from "underscore";
import d3 from "d3";
import moment from "moment";
import { formatValue } from "metabase/lib/formatting";
import type { ClickObject } from "metabase/meta/types/Visualization";
import { isNormalized, isStacked } from "./renderer_utils";
import { determineSeriesIndexFromElement } from "./tooltip";
import { getFriendlyName } from "./utils";
function clickObjectFromEvent(d, { series, isStacked, isScalarSeries }) {
let [
data: { cols },
] = series;
const seriesIndex = determineSeriesIndexFromElement(this, isStacked);
const card = series[seriesIndex].card;
const isSingleSeriesBar =
this.classList.contains("bar") && series.length === 1;
export function getClickHoverObject(
{ series, isNormalized, seriesIndex, seriesTitle, classList, event, element },
) {
let { cols } = series[0].data;
const { card } = series[seriesIndex];
const isMultiseries = series.length > 1;
const isBreakoutMultiseries = isMultiseries && card._breakoutColumn;
const isBar = classList.includes("bar");
const isSingleSeriesBar = isBar && !isMultiseries;
let clicked: ?ClickObject;
// always format the second column as the series name?
function getColumnDisplayName(col) {
// don't replace with series title for breakout multiseries since the series title is shown in the breakout value
if (col === cols[1] && !isBreakoutMultiseries && seriesTitle) {
return seriesTitle;
} else {
return getFriendlyName(col);
let data = [];
let dimensions = [];
let value;
if (Array.isArray(d.key)) {
value = d.key[2];
// scatter
clicked = {
value: d.key[2],
column: cols[2],
dimensions: [
{ value: d.key[0], column: cols[0] },
{ value: d.key[1], column: cols[1] },
({ column }) =>
// don't include aggregations since we can't filter on them
column.source !== "aggregation",
origin: d.key._origin,
} else if (isScalarSeries) {
// special case for multi-series scalar series, which should be treated as scalars
clicked = {
column: series[seriesIndex].data.cols[1],
if (d.key._origin) {
data =, index) => {
const col = d.key._origin.cols[index];
return {
key: getColumnDisplayName(col),
value: value,
} else {
data =, index) => ({
key: getColumnDisplayName(cols[index]),
value: value,
col: cols[index],
dimensions = [
{ value: d.key[0], column: cols[0] },
{ value: d.key[1], column: cols[1] },
if (isBreakoutMultiseries) {
const { _breakoutValue: value, _breakoutColumn: column } = card;
dimensions.push({ value, column });
} else if ( {
({ value } =;
// line, area, bar
if (!isSingleSeriesBar) {
cols = series[seriesIndex].data.cols;
clicked = {
column: cols[1],
dimensions: [{ value:, column: cols[0] }],
} else {
clicked = {
dimensions: [],
// handle multiseries
if (clicked && series.length > 1) {
if (card._breakoutColumn) {
// $FlowFixMe
value: card._breakoutValue,
column: card._breakoutColumn,
const seriesData = series[seriesIndex].data || {};
const rawCols = seriesData._rawCols || cols;
const { key } =;
// We look through the rows to match up they key in to the x value
// from some row.
const row = seriesData.rows.find(([x]) =>
? // for dates, we check two things:
// 1. does parsing x produce an equivalent moment value?
key.isSame(moment(x)) ||
// 2. if not, we format the key using the column info
// this catches values like years that don't parse correctly above
formatValue(key, { column: rawCols[0] }) === String(x)
: // otherwise, we just check if the string value matches
// e.g. String("123") === String(123)
String(x) === String(key),
// try to get row from _origin but fall back to the row we already have
const rawRow = (row && row._origin && row._origin.row) || row;
// Loop over *all* of the columns and create the new array
if (rawRow) {
data =, i) => {
if (isNormalized && cols[1].field_ref === col.field_ref) {
return {
key: getColumnDisplayName(cols[1]),
value: formatValue(, {
number_style: "percent",
column: cols[1],
decimals: cols[1].decimals,
col: col,
return {
key: getColumnDisplayName(col),
value: rawRow[i],
col: col,
dimensions =, i) => ({ column, value: rawRow[i] }));
} else if (isBreakoutMultiseries) {
// an area doesn't have any data, but might have a breakout series to show
const { _breakoutValue: value, _breakoutColumn: column } = card;
data = [{ key: getColumnDisplayName(column), col: column, value }];
dimensions = [{ column, value }];
if (card._seriesIndex != null) {
// $FlowFixMe
clicked.seriesIndex = card._seriesIndex;
// overwrite value/col for breakout column
data = =>
d.col === card._breakoutColumn
? {
// Use series title if it's set
value: seriesTitle ? seriesTitle : card._breakoutValue,
// Don't include the column if series title is set (it's already formatted)
col: seriesTitle ? null : card._breakoutColumn,
: d,
if (clicked) {
// NOTE: certain values such as booleans were coerced to strings at some point. fix them.
for (const dimension of clicked.dimensions || []) {
dimensions = dimensions.filter(
({ column }) =>
// don't include aggregations since we can't filter on them
column.source !== "aggregation" &&
// these columns come from scalar series names
column.source !== "query-transform",
const isLine = this.classList.contains("dot");
return {
index: isSingleSeriesBar ? -1 : seriesIndex,
element: isLine ? this : null,
event: isLine ? null : d3.event,
// NOTE: certain values such as booleans were coerced to strings at some point. fix them.
for (const dimension of dimensions) {
dimension.value = parseBooleanStringValue(dimension);
const column = series[seriesIndex].data.cols[1];
value = parseBooleanStringValue({ column, value });
// We align tooltips differently depending on the type of chart and whether
// the user is hovering/clicked.
// On hover, we want to put the tooltip statically next to the hovered element
// *unless* the element is an area. Those are weirdly shaped, so we put the
// tooltip next to the mouse.
// On click, it's somewhat reversed. Typically we want the tooltip to appear
// right next to where the user just clicked. The exception is line charts.
// There we want to snap to the closest hovered dot since the voronoi snapping
// we do means the mouse might be slightly off.
const isLine = classList.includes("dot");
const isArea = classList.includes("area");
const shouldUseMouseCoordinates =
event.type === "mousemove" ? isArea : !isLine;
return {
// for single series bar charts, fade the series and highlght the hovered element with CSS
index: isSingleSeriesBar ? -1 : seriesIndex,
element: !shouldUseMouseCoordinates ? element : null,
event: shouldUseMouseCoordinates ? event : null,
data: data.length > 0 ? data : null,
function parseValues(clicked) {
if (clicked.column && clicked.column.base_type === "type/Boolean") {
if (clicked.value === "true") {
clicked.value = true;
} else if (clicked.value === "false") {
clicked.value = false;
function parseBooleanStringValue({ column, value }) {
if (column && column.base_type === "type/Boolean") {
if (value === "true") {
return true;
} else if (value === "false") {
return false;
return value;
// series = an array of serieses (?) in the chart. There's only one thing in here unless we're dealing with a multiseries chart
function applyChartTooltips(
export function setupTooltips(
{ settings, series, isScalarSeries, onHoverChange, onVisualizationClick },
{ isBrushing },
) {
let [
data: { cols },
] = series;
const stacked = isStacked(settings, datas);
const normalized = isNormalized(settings, datas);
const getClickHoverHelper = (target, d) => {
const seriesIndex = determineSeriesIndexFromElement(target, stacked);
const seriesSettings = chart.settings.series(series[seriesIndex]);
const seriesTitle = seriesSettings && seriesSettings.title;
const classList = []; // values returns an iterator, but getClickHoverObject uses Array#includes
// no tooltips when brushing
if (isBrushing()) {
return null;
// no tooltips over lines
if (classList.includes("line")) {
return null;
return getClickHoverObject(d, {
isNormalized: normalized,
isStacked: stacked,
event: d3.event,
element: target,
chart.on("renderlet.tooltips", function(chart) {
// remove built-in tooltips
......@@ -124,178 +230,18 @@ function applyChartTooltips(
if (onHoverChange) {
.selectAll(".bar, .dot, .area, .line, .bubble")
.on("mousemove", function(d, i) {
// const clicked =, d, {
// series,
// isScalarSeries,
// isStacked,
// });
// onHoverChange(clicked);
// NOTE: preferably we could just use the above but there's some weird
// edge cases handled by the code below
const seriesIndex = determineSeriesIndexFromElement(this, isStacked);
const seriesSettings = chart.settings.series(series[seriesIndex]);
const seriesTitle = seriesSettings && seriesSettings.title;
const card = series[seriesIndex].card;
const isMultiseries = series.length > 1;
const isBreakoutMultiseries = isMultiseries && card._breakoutColumn;
const isArea = this.classList.contains("area");
const isBar = this.classList.contains("bar");
const isSingleSeriesBar = isBar && !isMultiseries;
// always format the second column as the series name?
function getColumnDisplayName(col) {
// don't replace with series title for breakout multiseries since the series title is shown in the breakout value
if (col === cols[1] && !isBreakoutMultiseries && seriesTitle) {
return seriesTitle;
} else {
return getFriendlyName(col);
let data = [];
if (Array.isArray(d.key)) {
// scatter
if (d.key._origin) {
data =, index) => {
const col = d.key._origin.cols[index];
return {
key: getColumnDisplayName(col),
value: value,
} else {
data =, index) => ({
key: getColumnDisplayName(cols[index]),
value: value,
col: cols[index],
} else if ( {
// line, area, bar
if (!isSingleSeriesBar) {
cols = series[seriesIndex].data.cols;
data = [
key: getColumnDisplayName(cols[0]),
col: cols[0],
key: getColumnDisplayName(cols[1]),
value: isNormalized
? formatValue(, {
number_style: "percent",
column: cols[1],
decimals: cols[1].decimals,
col: { ...cols[1] },
// NOTE: The below overcomplicated code is due to using index (i) of
// the element in the DOM, as returned by d3
// It would be much preferable to somehow get the row more directly
// now add entries to the tooltip for columns that aren't the X or Y axis. These aren't in
// the normal `cols` array, which is just the cols used in the graph axes; look in `_rawCols`
// for any other columns. If we find them, add them at the end of the `data` array.
// To find the actual row where data is coming from is somewhat overcomplicated because i
// seems to follow a strange pattern that doesn't directly correspond to the rows in our
// data. Not sure why but it appears values of i follow this pattern:
// seems to follow a strange pattern that doesn't directly correspond to the rows in our
// data. Not sure why but it appears values of i follow this pattern:
// [Series 1] i = 7 i = 8 i = 9 i = 10 i = 11
// [Series 0] i = 1 i = 2 i = 3 i = 4 i = 5
// [Row 0] [Row 1] [Row 2] [Row 3] [Row 4]
// Deriving the rowIndex from i can be done as follows:
// rowIndex = (i % (numRows + 1)) - 1;
// example: for series 1, i = 10
// rowIndex = (10 % 6) - 1 = 4 - 1 = 3
// for series 0, i = 3
// rowIndex = (3 % 6) - 1 = 3 - 1 = 2
const seriesData = series[seriesIndex].data || {};
const rawCols = seriesData._rawCols;
const rows = seriesData && seriesData.rows;
const rowIndex = rows && (i % (rows.length + 1)) - 1;
const row = rowIndex != null && seriesData.rows[rowIndex];
const rawRow = row && row._origin && row._origin.row; // get the raw query result row
// make sure the row index we've determined with our formula above is correct. Check the
// x/y axis values ("key" & "value") and make sure they match up with the row before setting
// the data for the tooltip
if (rawRow && row[0] === && row[1] === {
// rather than just append the additional values we'll just create a new `data` array.
// simply appending the additional values would result in tooltips whose order switches
// between different series.
// Loop over *all* of the columns and create the new array
data =, i) => {
// if this was one of the original x/y columns keep the original object because it
// may have the `isNormalized` tweak above.
if (col === data[0].col) {
return data[0];
if (col === data[1].col) {
return data[1];
// otherwise just create a new object for any other columns.
return {
key: getColumnDisplayName(col),
value: rawRow[i],
col: col,
if (isBreakoutMultiseries) {
key: getFriendlyName(card._breakoutColumn),
// Use series title if it's set
value: seriesTitle ? seriesTitle : card._breakoutValue,
// Don't include the column if series title is set (it's already formatted)
col: seriesTitle ? null : card._breakoutColumn,
data = _.uniq(data, d => d.col);
// for single series bar charts, fade the series and highlght the hovered element with CSS
index: isSingleSeriesBar ? -1 : seriesIndex,
// for area charts, use the mouse location rather than the DOM element
element: isArea ? null : this,
event: isArea ? d3.event : null,
data: data.length > 0 ? data : null,
.on("mousemove", function(d) {
const hovered = getClickHoverHelper(this, d);
.on("mouseleave", function() {
if (!onHoverChange) {
if (onVisualizationClick) {
const onClick = function(d) {
const clicked =, d, {
const clicked = getClickHoverHelper(this, d);
if (clicked) {
......@@ -313,33 +259,3 @@ function applyChartTooltips(
export function setupTooltips(
{ settings, series, isScalarSeries, onHoverChange, onVisualizationClick },
{ isBrushing },
) {
isStacked(settings, datas),
isNormalized(settings, datas),
hovered => {
// disable tooltips while brushing
if (onHoverChange && !isBrushing()) {
// disable tooltips on lines
if (
hovered &&
hovered.element &&
) {
delete hovered.element;
......@@ -82,7 +82,12 @@ export default class Scalar extends Component {
data: {
cols: [
{ base_type: TYPE.Text, display_name: t`Name`, name: "name" },
base_type: TYPE.Text,
display_name: t`Name`,
name: "name",
source: "query-transform",
{[0] },
rows: [[,[0][0]]],
......@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ export const Column = (col = {}) => ({
display_name: col.display_name || || "column_display_name",
export const BooleanColumn = (col = {}) =>
Column({ base_type: "type/Boolean", special_type: null, ...col });
export const DateTimeColumn = (col = {}) =>
Column({ base_type: "type/DateTime", special_type: null, ...col });
export const NumberColumn = (col = {}) =>
......@@ -38,8 +38,16 @@ function MainSeries(chartType, settings = {}, { key = "A", value = 1 } = {}) {
data: {
cols: [
StringColumn({ display_name: "Category", source: "breakout" }),
NumberColumn({ display_name: "Sum", source: "aggregation" }),
display_name: "Category",
source: "breakout",
field_ref: ["field-id", 1],
display_name: "Sum",
source: "aggregation",
field_ref: ["field-id", 2],
rows: [[key, value]],
......@@ -51,8 +59,16 @@ function ExtraSeries(count = 2) {
card: {},
data: {
cols: [
StringColumn({ display_name: "Category", source: "breakout" }),
NumberColumn({ display_name: "Count", source: "aggregation" }),
display_name: "Category",
source: "breakout",
field_ref: ["field-id", 3],
display_name: "Count",
source: "aggregation",
field_ref: ["field-id", 4],
rows: [["A", count]],
import moment from "moment";
import { getClickHoverObject } from "metabase/visualizations/lib/apply_tooltips";
import {
} from "../__support__/visualizations";
describe("getClickHoverObject", () => {
it("should return data for tooltip", () => {
const d = { data: { key: "foobar", value: 123 } };
const cols = [StringColumn(), NumberColumn()];
const rows = [["foobar", 123]];
const otherArgs = {
series: [{ data: { cols, rows }, card: {} }],
seriesIndex: 0,
classList: [],
event: {},
const obj = getClickHoverObject(d, otherArgs);
expect(getFormattedTooltips(obj)).toEqual(["foobar", "123"]);
it("should show the correct tooltip for dates", () => {
const d = {
data: {
key: moment("2016-04-01T00:00:00.000Z", "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSZ"),
value: 123,
const cols = [DateTimeColumn({ unit: "month" }), NumberColumn()];
const rows = [
["2016-03-01T00:00:00.000Z", 1],
["2016-04-01T00:00:00.000Z", 2],
["2016-05-01T00:00:00.000Z", 3],
const otherArgs = {
series: [{ data: { cols, rows }, card: {} }],
seriesIndex: 0,
classList: [],
event: {},
const obj = getClickHoverObject(d, otherArgs);
expect(getFormattedTooltips(obj)).toEqual(["April, 2016", "2"]);
// This is an ugly test. It's looking at whether we correctly set event and
// element properties on the returned object. Those are used to determine how
// the tooltips are positioned.
it("should return event/element target correctly", () => {
const d = { data: { key: "foobar", value: 123 } };
const cols = [StringColumn(), NumberColumn()];
const rows = [["foobar", 123]];
const otherArgs = {
series: [{ data: { cols, rows }, card: {} }],
seriesIndex: 0,
element: "DOM element",
for (const [eventType, klass, shouldUseMouseLocation] of [
["mousemove", "bar", false],
["click", "bar", true],
["mousemove", "dot", false],
["click", "dot", false],
["mousemove", "area", true],
["click", "area", true],
]) {
const { event, element } = getClickHoverObject(d, {
classList: [klass],
event: { type: eventType },
if (shouldUseMouseLocation) {
expect(event).toEqual({ type: eventType });
} else {
expect(element).toEqual("DOM element");
it("should exclude aggregation and query-transform columns from dimensions", () => {
const d = { data: { key: "foobar", value: 123 } };
const cols = [
NumberColumn({ source: "aggregation" }),
StringColumn({ source: "query-transform" }),
const rows = [["foobar", 123, "barfoo"]];
const otherArgs = {
series: [{ data: { cols, rows }, card: {} }],
seriesIndex: 0,
classList: [],
event: {},
const { data, dimensions } = getClickHoverObject(d, otherArgs);
expect( => d.col)).toEqual(cols);
expect( => d.column)).toEqual([cols[0]]);
it("should parse boolean strings in boolean columns", () => {
const d = { data: { key: "foobar", value: "true" } };
const cols = [StringColumn(), BooleanColumn()];
const rows = [["foobar", "true"]];
const otherArgs = {
series: [{ data: { cols, rows }, card: {} }],
seriesIndex: 0,
classList: [],
event: {},
seriesTitle: "better name",
const {
dimensions: [, { value: dimValue }],
value: dValue,
} = getClickHoverObject(d, otherArgs);
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