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Commit c9452218 authored by Ryan Senior's avatar Ryan Senior
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Increase the docs and timezone related date bucketing tests

This commit recasts many of the existing date bucketing tests into
several different reporting and JVM timezones with expectations
adjusted to match. This commit also adds quite a few docs around the
various tests with explainations of what it's testing, why timezones
impact it and even some tests to help with debugging these timezone
related issues.
parent 75c6db9f
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"Tests for date bucketing."
(:require [metabase
(:require [clj-time
[core :as time]
[format :as tformat]]
[driver :as driver]
[query-processor-test :refer :all]
[util :as u]]
......@@ -11,7 +14,34 @@
[dataset-definitions :as defs]
[datasets :as datasets :refer [*driver* *engine*]]
[interface :as i]]))
[interface :as i]])
(:import java.util.TimeZone
[org.joda.time DateTime DateTimeZone]))
;; The below tests cover the various date bucketing/grouping scenarios
;; that we support. There are are always two timezones in play when
;; querying using these date bucketing features. The most visible is
;; how timestamps are returned to the user. With no report timezone
;; specified, the JVM's timezone is used to represent the timestamps
;; regardless of timezone of the database. Specifying a report
;; timezone (if the database supports it) will return the timestamps
;; in that timezone (manifesting itself as an offset for that
;; time). Using the JVM timezone that doesn't match the database
;; timezone (assuming the database doesn't support a report timezone)
;; can lead to incorrect or at least deceiving results.
;; The second place timezones can impact this is calculations in the
;; database. A good example of this is grouping something by day. In
;; that case, the start (or end) of the day will be different
;; depending on what timezone the database is in. The start of the day
;; in pacific time is 7 (or 8) hours earlier than UTC. This means
;; there might be a different number of results depending on what
;; timezone we're in. Report timezone lets the user specify that, and
;; it gets pushed into the database so calculations are made in that
;; timezone.
;; If a report timezone is specified and the database supports it, the
;; JVM timezone should have no impact on queries or their results.
(defn- ->long-if-number [x]
(if (number? x)
......@@ -28,119 +58,213 @@
(contains? #{:oracle} engine))
(defn- sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing [unit]
(tu/with-temporary-setting-values [report-timezone "America/Los_Angeles"]
(->> (data/with-db (data/get-or-create-database! defs/sad-toucan-incidents)
(data/run-query incidents
(ql/aggregation (ql/count))
(ql/breakout (ql/datetime-field $timestamp unit))
(ql/limit 10)))
rows (format-rows-by [->long-if-number int]))))
(defn- call-with-jvm-tz
"Invokes the thunk `F` with the JVM timezone set to `DTZ`, puts the
JVM timezone back the way it found it when it exits."
[^DateTimeZone dtz f]
(let [orig-tz (TimeZone/getDefault)
orig-dtz (time/default-time-zone)
orig-tz-prop (System/getProperty "user.timezone")]
;; It looks like some DB drivers cache the timezone information
;; when instantiated, this clears those to force them to reread
;; that timezone value
(reset! @#'metabase.driver.generic-sql/database-id->connection-pool {})
;; Used by JDBC, and most JVM things
(TimeZone/setDefault (.toTimeZone dtz))
;; Needed as Joda time has a different default TZ
(DateTimeZone/setDefault dtz)
;; We read the system property directly when formatting results, so this needs to be changed
(System/setProperty "user.timezone" (.getID dtz))
;; We need to ensure we always put the timezones back the way
;; we found them as it will cause test failures
(TimeZone/setDefault orig-tz)
(DateTimeZone/setDefault orig-dtz)
(System/setProperty "user.timezone" orig-tz-prop)))))
(defmacro ^:private with-jvm-tz [dtz & body]
`(call-with-jvm-tz ~dtz (fn [] ~@body)))
(defn- sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing
(->> (data/with-db (data/get-or-create-database! defs/sad-toucan-incidents)
(data/run-query incidents
(ql/aggregation (ql/count))
(ql/breakout (ql/datetime-field $timestamp unit))
(ql/limit 10)))
rows (format-rows-by [->long-if-number int])))
([unit tz]
(tu/with-temporary-setting-values [report-timezone (.getID tz)]
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing unit))))
;; Timezones and date formatters used by all date tests
(def ^:private pacific-tz (time/time-zone-for-id "America/Los_Angeles"))
(def ^:private eastern-tz (time/time-zone-for-id "America/New_York"))
(def ^:private utc-tz (time/time-zone-for-id "UTC"))
(defn- source-date-formatter
"Create a date formatter, interpretting the datestring as being in
`TZ` when timezone is omitted from the datestring"
(tformat/with-zone (tformat/formatters :date-hour-minute-second-fraction) tz))
(defn- result-date-formatter
"Create a formatter for converting a date to `TZ` and in the format
that the query processor would return"
(tformat/with-zone (tformat/formatters :date-time) tz))
(def ^:private result-date-formatter-without-tz
"sqlite and crate return datestrings that do not include their
timezone, this formatter is useful for those DBs"
(tformat/formatters :mysql))
(def ^:private date-formatter-without-time
"sqlite and crate return datestrings that do not include their
timezone, this formatter is useful for those DBs"
(tformat/formatters :date))
(defn- adjust-date
"Parses `DATES` using `SOURCE-FORMATTER` and convert them to a string via `RESULT-FORMATTER`"
[source-formatter result-formatter dates]
(map (comp #(tformat/unparse result-formatter %)
#(tformat/parse source-formatter %))
;; Default grouping tests
(def ^:private sad-toucan-dates
"This is the first 10 sad toucan dates when converted from millis
since epoch in the UTC timezone. The timezone is left off of the
timezone string so that we can emulate how certain conversions work
in the code today. As an example, the UTC dates in Oracle are
interpreted as the reporting timezone when they're UTC"
(defn- sad-toucan-result
"Creates a sad toucan resultset using the given `SOURCE-FORMATTER`
and `RESULT-FORMATTER`. Pairs the dates with the record counts
supplied in `COUNTS`"
[source-formatter result-formatter counts]
(mapv vector
(adjust-date source-formatter result-formatter sad-toucan-dates)
;; Bucket sad toucan events by their default bucketing, which is the full datetime value
;; Timezone is omitted by these databases
(contains? #{:sqlite :crate} *engine*)
[["2015-06-01 10:31:00" 1]
["2015-06-01 16:06:00" 1]
["2015-06-01 17:23:00" 1]
["2015-06-01 18:55:00" 1]
["2015-06-01 21:04:00" 1]
["2015-06-01 21:19:00" 1]
["2015-06-02 02:13:00" 1]
["2015-06-02 05:37:00" 1]
["2015-06-02 08:20:00" 1]
["2015-06-02 11:11:00" 1]]
(sad-toucan-result (source-date-formatter utc-tz) result-date-formatter-without-tz (repeat 1))
;; There's a bug here where we are reading in the UTC time as pacific, so we're 7 hours off
(oracle? *engine*)
[["2015-06-01T10:31:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T16:06:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T17:23:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T18:55:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T21:04:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T21:19:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T02:13:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T05:37:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T08:20:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T11:11:00.000-07:00" 1]]
(sad-toucan-result (source-date-formatter pacific-tz) (result-date-formatter pacific-tz) (repeat 1))
;; When the reporting timezone is applied, the same datetime value is returned, but set in the pacific timezone
(supports-report-timezone? *engine*)
[["2015-06-01T03:31:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T09:06:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T10:23:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T11:55:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T14:04:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T14:19:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T19:13:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T22:37:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T01:20:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T04:11:00.000-07:00" 1]]
(sad-toucan-result (source-date-formatter utc-tz) (result-date-formatter pacific-tz) (repeat 1))
;; Databases that don't support report timezone will always return the time using the JVM's timezone setting
;; Our tests force UTC time, so this should always be UTC
[["2015-06-01T10:31:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-01T16:06:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-01T17:23:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-01T18:55:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-01T21:04:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-01T21:19:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-02T02:13:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-02T05:37:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-02T08:20:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-02T11:11:00.000Z" 1]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :default))
(sad-toucan-result (source-date-formatter utc-tz) (result-date-formatter utc-tz) (repeat 1)))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :default pacific-tz))
;; Buckets sad toucan events like above, but uses the eastern timezone as the report timezone
;; These databases are always in UTC so aren't impacted by changes in report-timezone
(contains? #{:sqlite :crate} *engine*)
(sad-toucan-result (source-date-formatter utc-tz) result-date-formatter-without-tz (repeat 1))
(oracle? *engine*)
(sad-toucan-result (source-date-formatter eastern-tz) (result-date-formatter eastern-tz) (repeat 1))
;; The time instant is the same as UTC (or pacific) but should be offset by the eastern timezone
(supports-report-timezone? *engine*)
(sad-toucan-result (source-date-formatter utc-tz) (result-date-formatter eastern-tz) (repeat 1))
;; The change in report timezone has no affect on this group
(sad-toucan-result (source-date-formatter utc-tz) (result-date-formatter utc-tz) (repeat 1)))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :default eastern-tz))
;; Changes the JVM timezone from UTC to Pacific, this test isn't run
;; on H2 as the database stores it's timezones in the JVM timezone
;; (UTC on startup). When we change that timezone, it then assumes the
;; data was also stored in that timezone. This leads to incorrect
;; results. In this example it applies the pacific offset twice
(expect-with-non-timeseries-dbs-except #{:h2}
;; These databases are always in UTC so aren't impacted by changes in report-timezone
(contains? #{:sqlite :crate} *engine*)
[["2015-06-01 10:31:00" 1]
["2015-06-01 16:06:00" 1]
["2015-06-01 17:23:00" 1]
["2015-06-01 18:55:00" 1]
["2015-06-01 21:04:00" 1]
["2015-06-01 21:19:00" 1]
["2015-06-02 02:13:00" 1]
["2015-06-02 05:37:00" 1]
["2015-06-02 08:20:00" 1]
["2015-06-02 11:11:00" 1]]
(sad-toucan-result (source-date-formatter utc-tz) result-date-formatter-without-tz (repeat 1))
(oracle? *engine*)
[["2015-06-01T10:31:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T16:06:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T17:23:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T18:55:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T21:04:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T21:19:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T02:13:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T05:37:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T08:20:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T11:11:00.000-07:00" 1]]
(sad-toucan-result (source-date-formatter eastern-tz) (result-date-formatter eastern-tz) (repeat 1))
;; The JVM timezone should have no impact on a database that uses a report timezone
(supports-report-timezone? *engine*)
[["2015-06-01T03:31:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T09:06:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T10:23:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T11:55:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T14:04:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T14:19:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T19:13:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T22:37:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T01:20:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T04:11:00.000-07:00" 1]]
(sad-toucan-result (source-date-formatter utc-tz) (result-date-formatter eastern-tz) (repeat 1))
;; The change in report timezone has no affect on this group
[["2015-06-01T10:31:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-01T16:06:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-01T17:23:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-01T18:55:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-01T21:04:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-01T21:19:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-02T02:13:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-02T05:37:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-02T08:20:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-02T11:11:00.000Z" 1]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :minute))
(sad-toucan-result (source-date-formatter utc-tz) (result-date-formatter pacific-tz) (repeat 1)))
(with-jvm-tz pacific-tz
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :default eastern-tz)))
;; Grouping by minute tests
;; This dataset doesn't have multiple events in a minute, the results
;; are the same as the default grouping
;; Timezone is omitted by these databases
(contains? #{:sqlite :crate} *engine*)
(sad-toucan-result (source-date-formatter utc-tz) result-date-formatter-without-tz (repeat 1))
;; There's a bug here where we are reading in the UTC time as pacific, so we're 7 hours off
(oracle? *engine*)
(sad-toucan-result (source-date-formatter pacific-tz) (result-date-formatter pacific-tz) (repeat 1))
;; When the reporting timezone is applied, the same datetime value is returned, but set in the pacific timezone
(supports-report-timezone? *engine*)
(sad-toucan-result (source-date-formatter utc-tz) (result-date-formatter pacific-tz) (repeat 1))
;; Databases that don't support report timezone will always return the time using the JVM's timezone setting
;; Our tests force UTC time, so this should always be UTC
(sad-toucan-result (source-date-formatter utc-tz) (result-date-formatter utc-tz) (repeat 1)))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :minute pacific-tz))
;; Grouping by minute of hour is not affected by timezones
[[0 5]
[1 4]
......@@ -152,169 +276,460 @@
[7 1]
[8 1]
[9 1]]
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :minute-of-hour))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :minute-of-hour pacific-tz))
;; Grouping by hour tests
(def ^:private sad-toucan-dates-grouped-by-hour
"This is the first 10 groupings of sad toucan dates at the same hour
when converted from millis since epoch in the UTC timezone. The
timezone is left off of the timezone string so that we can emulate
how certain conversions are broken in the code today. As an example,
the UTC dates in Oracle are interpreted as the reporting timezone
when they're UTC"
(defn- results-by-hour
"Creates a sad toucan resultset using the given `SOURCE-FORMATTER`
and `RESULT-FORMATTER`. Pairs the dates with the the record counts"
[source-formatter result-formatter]
(mapv vector
(adjust-date source-formatter result-formatter sad-toucan-dates-grouped-by-hour)
[1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1]))
;; For this test, the results are the same for each database, but the
;; formatting of the time for that given count is different depending
;; on whether the database supports a report timezone and what
;; timezone that database is in
(contains? #{:sqlite :crate} *engine*)
[["2015-06-01 10:00:00" 1]
["2015-06-01 16:00:00" 1]
["2015-06-01 17:00:00" 1]
["2015-06-01 18:00:00" 1]
["2015-06-01 21:00:00" 2]
["2015-06-02 02:00:00" 1]
["2015-06-02 05:00:00" 1]
["2015-06-02 08:00:00" 1]
["2015-06-02 11:00:00" 1]
["2015-06-02 13:00:00" 1]]
(results-by-hour (source-date-formatter utc-tz)
(oracle? *engine*)
[["2015-06-01T10:00:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T16:00:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T17:00:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T18:00:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T21:00:00.000-07:00" 2]
["2015-06-02T02:00:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T05:00:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T08:00:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T11:00:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T13:00:00.000-07:00" 1]]
(results-by-hour (source-date-formatter pacific-tz) (result-date-formatter pacific-tz))
(supports-report-timezone? *engine*)
[["2015-06-01T03:00:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T09:00:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T10:00:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T11:00:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T14:00:00.000-07:00" 2]
["2015-06-01T19:00:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-01T22:00:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T01:00:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T04:00:00.000-07:00" 1]
["2015-06-02T06:00:00.000-07:00" 1]]
(results-by-hour (source-date-formatter utc-tz) (result-date-formatter pacific-tz))
[["2015-06-01T10:00:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-01T16:00:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-01T17:00:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-01T18:00:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-01T21:00:00.000Z" 2]
["2015-06-02T02:00:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-02T05:00:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-02T08:00:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-02T11:00:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-02T13:00:00.000Z" 1]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :hour))
(results-by-hour (source-date-formatter utc-tz) (result-date-formatter utc-tz)))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :hour pacific-tz))
;; Grouping by hour of day tests
;; The counts are affected by timezone as the times are shifted back
;; by 7 hours. These count changes can be validated by matching the
;; first three results of the pacific results to the last three of the
;; UTC results (i.e. pacific is 7 hours back of UTC at that time)
(if (and (not (oracle? *engine*))
(supports-report-timezone? *engine*))
[[0 8] [1 9] [2 7] [3 10] [4 10] [5 9] [6 6] [7 5] [8 7] [9 7]]
[[0 13] [1 8] [2 4] [3 7] [4 5] [5 13] [6 10] [7 8] [8 9] [9 7]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :hour-of-day))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :hour-of-day pacific-tz))
;; With all databases in UTC, the results should be the same for all DBs
[[0 13] [1 8] [2 4] [3 7] [4 5] [5 13] [6 10] [7 8] [8 9] [9 7]]
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :hour-of-day utc-tz))
;; Grouping by day tests
(defn- offset-time
"Add to `DATE` offset from UTC found in `TZ`"
[tz date]
(time/minus date
(/ (.getOffset tz date) 1000))))
(defn- find-events-in-range
"Find the number of sad toucan events between `START-DATE-STR` and `END-DATE-STR`"
[start-date-str end-date-str]
(-> (data/with-db (data/get-or-create-database! defs/sad-toucan-incidents)
(data/run-query incidents
(ql/aggregation (ql/count))
(ql/breakout (ql/datetime-field $timestamp :day))
(ql/between (ql/datetime-field $timestamp :default)
(or 0)))
(defn- new-events-after-tz-shift
"Given a `DATE-STR` and a `TZ`, how many new events would appear if
the time were shifted by the offset in `TZ`. This function is useful
for figuring out what the counts would be if the database was in
that timezone"
[date-str tz]
(let [date-obj (tformat/parse (tformat/formatters :date) date-str)
next-day (time/plus date-obj (time/days 1))
unparse-utc #(tformat/unparse (result-date-formatter utc-tz) %)]
;; Once the time is shifted to `TZ`, how many new events will this add
(find-events-in-range (unparse-utc next-day) (unparse-utc (offset-time tz next-day)))
;; Subtract the number of events that we will loose with the timezone shift
(find-events-in-range (unparse-utc date-obj) (unparse-utc (offset-time tz date-obj))))))
;; This test uses H2 (in UTC) to determine the difference in number of
;; events in UTC time vs pacific time. It does this using a the UTC
;; dataset and some math to figure out if our 24 hour window is
;; shifted 7 hours back, how many events to we gain and lose. Although
;; this test is technically covered by the other grouping by day
;; tests, it's useful for debugging to answer why row counts change
;; when the timezone shifts by removing timezones and the related
;; database settings
(datasets/expect-with-engines #{:h2}
[2 -1 5 -5 2 0 -2 1 -1 1]
(map #(new-events-after-tz-shift (str "2015-06-" %) pacific-tz)
["01" "02" "03" "04" "05" "06" "07" "08" "09" "10"]))
(def ^:private sad-toucan-events-grouped-by-day
(defn- results-by-day
"Creates a sad toucan resultset using the given `SOURCE-FORMATTER`
and `RESULT-FORMATTER`. Pairs the dates with the record counts
supplied in `COUNTS`"
[source-formatter result-formatter counts]
(mapv vector
(adjust-date source-formatter result-formatter sad-toucan-events-grouped-by-day)
(if (contains? #{:sqlite :crate} *engine*)
(results-by-day date-formatter-without-time
[6 10 4 9 9 8 8 9 7 9])
(results-by-day date-formatter-without-time
(result-date-formatter utc-tz)
[6 10 4 9 9 8 8 9 7 9]))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day utc-tz))
(contains? #{:sqlite :crate} *engine*)
[["2015-06-01" 6]
["2015-06-02" 10]
["2015-06-03" 4]
["2015-06-04" 9]
["2015-06-05" 9]
["2015-06-06" 8]
["2015-06-07" 8]
["2015-06-08" 9]
["2015-06-09" 7]
["2015-06-10" 9]]
(results-by-day date-formatter-without-time
[6 10 4 9 9 8 8 9 7 9])
(oracle? *engine*)
[["2015-06-01T00:00:00.000-07:00" 6]
["2015-06-02T00:00:00.000-07:00" 10]
["2015-06-03T00:00:00.000-07:00" 4]
["2015-06-04T00:00:00.000-07:00" 9]
["2015-06-05T00:00:00.000-07:00" 9]
["2015-06-06T00:00:00.000-07:00" 8]
["2015-06-07T00:00:00.000-07:00" 8]
["2015-06-08T00:00:00.000-07:00" 9]
["2015-06-09T00:00:00.000-07:00" 7]
["2015-06-10T00:00:00.000-07:00" 9]]
(results-by-day (tformat/with-zone date-formatter-without-time pacific-tz)
(result-date-formatter pacific-tz)
[6 10 4 9 9 8 8 9 7 9])
(supports-report-timezone? *engine*)
[["2015-06-01T00:00:00.000-07:00" 8]
["2015-06-02T00:00:00.000-07:00" 9]
["2015-06-03T00:00:00.000-07:00" 9]
["2015-06-04T00:00:00.000-07:00" 4]
["2015-06-05T00:00:00.000-07:00" 11]
["2015-06-06T00:00:00.000-07:00" 8]
["2015-06-07T00:00:00.000-07:00" 6]
["2015-06-08T00:00:00.000-07:00" 10]
["2015-06-09T00:00:00.000-07:00" 6]
["2015-06-10T00:00:00.000-07:00" 10]]
(results-by-day (tformat/with-zone date-formatter-without-time pacific-tz)
(result-date-formatter pacific-tz)
[8 9 9 4 11 8 6 10 6 10])
[["2015-06-01T00:00:00.000Z" 6]
["2015-06-02T00:00:00.000Z" 10]
["2015-06-03T00:00:00.000Z" 4]
["2015-06-04T00:00:00.000Z" 9]
["2015-06-05T00:00:00.000Z" 9]
["2015-06-06T00:00:00.000Z" 8]
["2015-06-07T00:00:00.000Z" 8]
["2015-06-08T00:00:00.000Z" 9]
["2015-06-09T00:00:00.000Z" 7]
["2015-06-10T00:00:00.000Z" 9]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day))
(results-by-day (tformat/with-zone date-formatter-without-time utc-tz)
(result-date-formatter utc-tz)
[6 10 4 9 9 8 8 9 7 9]))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day pacific-tz))
;; This test provides a validation of how many events are gained or
;; lost when the timezone is shifted to eastern, similar to the test
;; above with pacific
(datasets/expect-with-engines #{:h2}
[1 -1 3 -3 3 -2 -1 0 1 1]
(map #(new-events-after-tz-shift (str "2015-06-" %) eastern-tz)
["01" "02" "03" "04" "05" "06" "07" "08" "09" "10"]))
;; Similar to the pacific test above, just validating eastern timezone shifts
(contains? #{:sqlite :crate} *engine*)
(results-by-day date-formatter-without-time
[6 10 4 9 9 8 8 9 7 9])
(oracle? *engine*)
(results-by-day (tformat/with-zone date-formatter-without-time eastern-tz)
(result-date-formatter eastern-tz)
[6 10 4 9 9 8 8 9 7 9])
(supports-report-timezone? *engine*)
(results-by-day (tformat/with-zone date-formatter-without-time eastern-tz)
(result-date-formatter eastern-tz)
[7 9 7 6 12 6 7 9 8 10])
(results-by-day date-formatter-without-time
(result-date-formatter utc-tz)
[6 10 4 9 9 8 8 9 7 9]))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day eastern-tz))
;; This tests out the JVM timezone's impact on the results. For
;; databases supporting a report timezone, this should have no affect
;; on the results. When no report timezone is used it should convert
;; dates to the JVM's timezone
;; H2 doesn't support us switching timezones after the dates have been
;; stored. This causes H2 to (incorrectly) apply the timezone shift
;; twice, so instead of -07:00 it will become -14:00. Leaving out the
;; test rather than validate wrong results.
(expect-with-non-timeseries-dbs-except #{:h2}
(contains? #{:sqlite :crate} *engine*)
(results-by-day date-formatter-without-time
[6 10 4 9 9 8 8 9 7 9])
(oracle? *engine*)
(results-by-day (tformat/with-zone date-formatter-without-time pacific-tz)
(result-date-formatter pacific-tz)
[6 10 4 9 9 8 8 9 7 9])
(supports-report-timezone? *engine*)
(results-by-day (tformat/with-zone date-formatter-without-time pacific-tz)
(result-date-formatter pacific-tz)
[8 9 9 4 11 8 6 10 6 10])
(results-by-day (tformat/with-zone date-formatter-without-time utc-tz)
(result-date-formatter pacific-tz)
[6 10 4 9 9 8 8 9 7 9]))
(with-jvm-tz pacific-tz
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day pacific-tz)))
;; Grouping by day-of-week tests
(if (and (not (oracle? *engine*))
(supports-report-timezone? *engine*))
[[1 29] [2 36] [3 33] [4 29] [5 13] [6 38] [7 22]]
[[1 28] [2 38] [3 29] [4 27] [5 24] [6 30] [7 24]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day-of-week))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day-of-week pacific-tz))
[[1 28] [2 38] [3 29] [4 27] [5 24] [6 30] [7 24]]
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day-of-week utc-tz))
;; Grouping by day-of-month tests
(if (and (not (oracle? *engine*))
(supports-report-timezone? *engine*))
[[1 8] [2 9] [3 9] [4 4] [5 11] [6 8] [7 6] [8 10] [9 6] [10 10]]
[[1 6] [2 10] [3 4] [4 9] [5 9] [6 8] [7 8] [8 9] [9 7] [10 9]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day-of-month))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day-of-month pacific-tz))
[[1 6] [2 10] [3 4] [4 9] [5 9] [6 8] [7 8] [8 9] [9 7] [10 9]]
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day-of-month utc-tz))
;; Grouping by day-of-month tests
(if (and (not (oracle? *engine*))
(supports-report-timezone? *engine*))
[[152 8] [153 9] [154 9] [155 4] [156 11] [157 8] [158 6] [159 10] [160 6] [161 10]]
[[152 6] [153 10] [154 4] [155 9] [156 9] [157 8] [158 8] [159 9] [160 7] [161 9]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day-of-year))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day-of-year pacific-tz))
[[152 6] [153 10] [154 4] [155 9] [156 9] [157 8] [158 8] [159 9] [160 7] [161 9]]
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day-of-year utc-tz))
;; Grouping by week tests
(defn- results-by-week
"Creates a sad toucan resultset using the given `SOURCE-FORMATTER`
and `RESULT-FORMATTER`. Pairs the dates with the record counts
supplied in `COUNTS`"
[source-formatter result-formatter counts]
(mapv vector
(adjust-date source-formatter result-formatter ["2015-05-31"
(if (contains? #{:sqlite :crate} *engine*)
(results-by-week date-formatter-without-time
[46 47 40 60 7])
(results-by-week date-formatter-without-time
(result-date-formatter utc-tz)
[46 47 40 60 7]))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :week utc-tz))
(defn- new-weekly-events-after-tz-shift
"Finds the change in sad toucan events if the timezone is shifted to `TZ`"
[date-str tz]
(let [date-obj (tformat/parse (tformat/formatters :date) date-str)
next-week (time/plus date-obj (time/days 7))
unparse-utc #(tformat/unparse (result-date-formatter utc-tz) %)]
;; Once the time is shifted to `TZ`, how many new events will this add
(find-events-in-range (unparse-utc next-week) (unparse-utc (offset-time tz next-week)))
;; Subtract the number of events that we will loose with the timezone shift
(find-events-in-range (unparse-utc date-obj) (unparse-utc (offset-time tz date-obj))))))
;; This test helps in debugging why event counts change with a given
;; timezone. It queries only a UTC H2 datatabase to find how those
;; counts would change if time was in pacific time. The results of
;; this test are also in the UTC test above and pacific test below,
;; but this is still useful for debugging as it doesn't involve change
;; timezones or database settings
(datasets/expect-with-engines #{:h2}
[3 0 -1 -2 0]
(map #(new-weekly-events-after-tz-shift % pacific-tz)
["2015-05-31" "2015-06-07" "2015-06-14" "2015-06-21" "2015-06-28"]))
;; Sad toucan incidents by week. UTC databases should be the same as
;; the above UTC test, databases that support report timezone will
;; have different counts as the week starts and ends 7 hours earlier
(contains? #{:sqlite :crate} *engine*)
(results-by-week date-formatter-without-time
[46 47 40 60 7])
(oracle? *engine*)
(results-by-week (tformat/with-zone date-formatter-without-time pacific-tz)
(result-date-formatter pacific-tz)
[46 47 40 60 7])
(supports-report-timezone? *engine*)
(results-by-week (tformat/with-zone date-formatter-without-time pacific-tz)
(result-date-formatter pacific-tz)
[49 47 39 58 7])
(results-by-week date-formatter-without-time
(result-date-formatter utc-tz)
[46 47 40 60 7]))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :week pacific-tz))
;; Similar to above this test finds the difference in event counts for
;; each week if we were in the eastern timezone
(datasets/expect-with-engines #{:h2}
[1 1 -1 -1 0]
(map #(new-weekly-events-after-tz-shift % eastern-tz)
["2015-05-31" "2015-06-07" "2015-06-14" "2015-06-21" "2015-06-28"]))
;; Tests eastern timezone grouping by week, UTC databases don't
;; change, databases with reporting timezones need to account for the
;; 4-5 hour difference
(contains? #{:sqlite :crate} *engine*)
(results-by-week date-formatter-without-time
[46 47 40 60 7])
(oracle? *engine*)
(results-by-week (tformat/with-zone date-formatter-without-time eastern-tz)
(result-date-formatter eastern-tz)
[46 47 40 60 7])
(supports-report-timezone? *engine*)
(results-by-week (tformat/with-zone date-formatter-without-time eastern-tz)
(result-date-formatter eastern-tz)
[47 48 39 59 7])
(results-by-week date-formatter-without-time
(result-date-formatter utc-tz)
[46 47 40 60 7]))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :week eastern-tz))
;; Setting the JVM timezone will change how the datetime results are
;; displayed but don't impact the calculation of the begin/end of the
;; week
(expect-with-non-timeseries-dbs-except #{:h2}
(contains? #{:sqlite :crate} *engine*)
[["2015-05-31" 46]
["2015-06-07" 47]
["2015-06-14" 40]
["2015-06-21" 60]
["2015-06-28" 7]]
(results-by-week date-formatter-without-time
[46 47 40 60 7])
(oracle? *engine*)
[["2015-05-31T00:00:00.000-07:00" 46]
["2015-06-07T00:00:00.000-07:00" 47]
["2015-06-14T00:00:00.000-07:00" 40]
["2015-06-21T00:00:00.000-07:00" 60]
["2015-06-28T00:00:00.000-07:00" 7]]
(results-by-week (tformat/with-zone date-formatter-without-time pacific-tz)
(result-date-formatter pacific-tz)
[46 47 40 60 7])
(supports-report-timezone? *engine*)
[["2015-05-31T00:00:00.000-07:00" 49]
["2015-06-07T00:00:00.000-07:00" 47]
["2015-06-14T00:00:00.000-07:00" 39]
["2015-06-21T00:00:00.000-07:00" 58]
["2015-06-28T00:00:00.000-07:00" 7]]
(results-by-week (tformat/with-zone date-formatter-without-time pacific-tz)
(result-date-formatter pacific-tz)
[49 47 39 58 7])
[["2015-05-31T00:00:00.000Z" 46]
["2015-06-07T00:00:00.000Z" 47]
["2015-06-14T00:00:00.000Z" 40]
["2015-06-21T00:00:00.000Z" 60]
["2015-06-28T00:00:00.000Z" 7]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :week))
(results-by-week date-formatter-without-time
(result-date-formatter pacific-tz)
[46 47 40 60 7]))
(with-jvm-tz pacific-tz
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :week pacific-tz)))
;; Grouping by week-of-year tests
;; Not really sure why different drivers have different opinions on these </3
......@@ -332,8 +747,18 @@
[[23 49] [24 47] [25 39] [26 58] [27 7]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :week-of-year))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :week-of-year pacific-tz))
;; Grouping by month tests
;; All of the sad toucan events in the test data fit in June. The
;; results are the same on all databases and the only difference is
;; how the beginning of hte month is represented, since we always
;; return times with our dates
(contains? #{:sqlite :crate} *engine*)
......@@ -345,11 +770,36 @@
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :month))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :month pacific-tz))
(contains? #{:sqlite :crate} *engine*)
(supports-report-timezone? *engine*)
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :month eastern-tz))
;; Grouping by month-of-year tests
[[6 200]]
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :month-of-year))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :month-of-year pacific-tz))
;; Grouping by quarter tests
[[(cond (contains? #{:sqlite :crate} *engine*)
......@@ -361,15 +811,45 @@
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :quarter))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :quarter pacific-tz))
[[(cond (contains? #{:sqlite :crate} *engine*)
(supports-report-timezone? *engine*)
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :quarter eastern-tz))
;; Grouping by quarter-of-year tests
[[2 200]]
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :quarter-of-year))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :quarter-of-year pacific-tz))
;; Grouping by year tests
[[2015 200]]
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :year))
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :year pacific-tz))
;; Relative date tests
(defn- database-def-with-timestamps [interval-seconds]
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