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Commit d1a43668 authored by Cam Saül's avatar Cam Saül
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Merge pull request #1276 from metabase/mongo-relative-dates

mongo relative dates
parents 64ceb103 afa50d0f
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
with 703 additions and 496 deletions
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
(expect-with-dataset 1)
(expect-with-datasets 1)
(format-color 2)
(if-questionable-timezone-support 0)
(if-sqlserver 0)
(ins 1)
(let-400 1)
......@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
(matche 1)
(matchu 1)
(macrolet 1)
(mongo-let 1)
(org-perms-case 1)
(pdoseq 1)
(post-insert 1)
......@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ machine:
version: 2.7.3
- sudo apt-get purge mongodb-org*
- sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 7F0CEB10
- echo "deb precise/mongodb-org/3.0 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.0.list
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
- sudo service mongod restart
- lein deps
- pip install awscli==1.7.3
......@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
"Parse param string as an [ISO 8601 date](, e.g.
[symb value :nillable]
(try (u/parse-iso8601 value)
(try (u/->Timestamp value)
(catch Throwable _
(throw (invalid-param-exception (name symb) (format "'%s' is not a valid date." value))))))
(ns metabase.db.metadata-queries
"Predefined QP queries for getting metadata about an external database."
(:require [metabase.driver :as driver]
[metabase.driver.sync :as sync]
[metabase.util :as u]))
;; TODO - These queries have to be evaluated by the query processor and macroexpanded at runtime every time they're ran.
;; It would be more efficient if we could let the QP could macroexpand normally for predefined queries like these
(defn- field-query [field query]
(->> (driver/process-query
{:type :query
:database ((u/deref-> field :table :db) :id)
:query (assoc query
:source_table ((u/deref-> field :table) :id))})
(-> (driver/process-query
{:type :query
:database ((u/deref-> field :table :db) :id)
:query (assoc query
:source_table ((u/deref-> field :table) :id))})
(defn field-distinct-values
"Return the distinct values of FIELD."
"Return the distinct values of FIELD.
This is used to create a `FieldValues` object for `:category` Fields."
[{field-id :id :as field}]
(->> (field-query field {:aggregation ["rows"] ; should we add a limit here? In case someone is dumb and tries to get millions of distinct values?
:breakout [field-id]}) ; or should we let them do it
(map first)))
(mapv first (field-query field {:breakout [field-id]
:limit sync/low-cardinality-threshold})))
(defn field-distinct-count
"Return the distinct count of FIELD."
[{field-id :id :as field}]
(->> (field-query field {:aggregation ["distinct" field-id]})
(-> (field-query field {:aggregation ["distinct" field-id]})
(defn field-count
"Return the count of FIELD."
[{field-id :id :as field}]
(->> (field-query field {:aggregation ["count" field-id]})
(-> (field-query field {:aggregation ["count" field-id]})
......@@ -116,6 +116,10 @@
(assert (fn? (f driver))
(format "Not a fn: %s" f)))))
(def ^:const driver-defaults
"Default implementations of methods for drivers."
{:date-interval u/relative-date})
(defmacro defdriver
"Define and validate a new Metabase DB driver.
......@@ -252,7 +256,8 @@
As with the other Field syncing functions in `metabase.driver.sync`, this method should return the modified FIELD, if any, or `nil`."
[driver-name driver-map]
`(def ~(vary-meta driver-name assoc :metabase.driver/driver (keyword driver-name))
(let [m# ~driver-map]
(let [m# (merge driver-defaults
(verify-driver m#)
......@@ -154,5 +154,6 @@
:process-query process-query
:process-query-in-context process-query-in-context
:sync-in-context sync-in-context
:date-interval u/relative-date
:humanize-connection-error-message humanize-connection-error-message
:active-nested-field-name->type active-nested-field-name->type})
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -82,11 +82,19 @@
(fn [{{:keys [source-table], {source-table-id :id} :source-table} :query, :as query}]
(qp (if-not (should-add-implicit-fields? query)
(let [fields (->> (sel :many :fields [Field :name :display_name :base_type :special_type :preview_display :display_name :table_id :id :position :description], :table_id source-table-id,
:active true, :field_type [not= "sensitive"], :parent_id nil, (k/order :position :asc), (k/order :id :desc))
(map resolve/rename-mb-field-keys)
(map map->Field)
(map #(resolve/resolve-table % {source-table-id source-table})))]
(let [fields (for [field (sel :many :fields [Field :name :display_name :base_type :special_type :preview_display :display_name :table_id :id :position :description]
:table_id source-table-id
:active true
:field_type [not= "sensitive"]
:parent_id nil
(k/order :position :asc) (k/order :id :desc))]
(let [field (-> (resolve/rename-mb-field-keys field)
(resolve/resolve-table {source-table-id source-table}))]
(if (or (contains? #{:DateField :DateTimeField} (:base-type field))
(contains? #{:timestamp_seconds :timestamp_milliseconds} (:special-type field)))
(map->DateTimeField {:field field, :unit :day})
(if-not (seq fields)
(do (log/warn (format "Table '%s' has no Fields associated with it." (:name source-table)))
......@@ -34,21 +34,28 @@
;;; ## Field Resolution
(defn- collect-fields
(defn collect-fields
"Return a sequence of all the `Fields` inside THIS, recursing as needed for collections.
For maps, add or `conj` to property `:path`, recording the keypath used to reach each `Field.`
(collect-fields {:name \"id\", ...}) -> [{:name \"id\", ...}]
(collect-fields [{:name \"id\", ...}]) -> [{:name \"id\", ...}]
(collect-fields {:a {:name \"id\", ...}) -> [{:name \"id\", :path [:a], ...}]"
{:post [(every? (partial instance? metabase.driver.query_processor.interface.Field) %)]}
[this & [keep-date-time-fields?]]
{:post [(every? (fn [f]
(or (instance? metabase.driver.query_processor.interface.Field f)
(when keep-date-time-fields?
(instance? metabase.driver.query_processor.interface.DateTimeField f)))) %)]}
(condp instance? this
;; For a DateTimeField we'll flatten it back into regular Field but include the :unit info for the frontend.
;; Recurse so it is otherwise handled normally
(let [{:keys [field unit]} this]
(collect-fields (assoc field :unit unit)))
(let [{:keys [field unit]} this
fields (collect-fields (assoc field :unit unit) keep-date-time-fields?)]
(if keep-date-time-fields?
(for [field fields]
(i/map->DateTimeField {:field field, :unit unit}))
(if-let [parent (:parent this)]
......@@ -61,12 +68,12 @@
(for [[k v] (seq this)
field (collect-fields v)
field (collect-fields v keep-date-time-fields?)
:when field]
(assoc field :source k))
(for [[i field] (m/indexed (mapcat collect-fields this))]
(for [[i field] (m/indexed (mapcat (u/rpartial collect-fields keep-date-time-fields?) this))]
(assoc field :clause-position i))
......@@ -107,8 +114,8 @@
_ (assert (every? keyword? expected-keys))
missing-keys (set/difference actual-keys expected-keys)]
(when (seq missing-keys)
(log/error (u/format-color 'red "Unknown fields - returned by results but not present in expanded query: %s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s"
missing-keys expected-keys actual-keys)))
(log/warn (u/format-color 'yellow "There are fields we weren't expecting in the results: %s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s"
missing-keys expected-keys actual-keys)))
(concat fields (for [k missing-keys]
{:base-type :UnknownField
:special-type nil
......@@ -198,7 +205,7 @@
:destination_id [not= nil]))))
;; Fetch the destination Fields referenced by the ForeignKeys
([fields fk-ids id->dest-id]
(when (seq (vals id->dest-id))
(when (seq id->dest-id)
(fk-field->dest-fn fields fk-ids id->dest-id (sel :many :id->fields [Field :id :name :display_name :table_id :description :base_type :special_type :preview_display]
:id [in (vals id->dest-id)]))))
;; Return a function that will return the corresponding destination Field for a given Field
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
(match value
(_ :guard u/date-string?)
(map->DateTimeValue {:field field
:value (u/parse-iso8601 value)})
:value (u/->Timestamp value)})
["relative_datetime" "current"]
(map->RelativeDateTimeValue {:amount 0, :field field})
......@@ -357,31 +357,22 @@
;; ## sync-field
(defmacro ^:private sync-field->>
"Like `->>`, but wrap each form with `try-apply`, and pass FIELD along to the next if the previous form returned `nil`."
[field & fns]
`(->> ~field
~@(->> fns
(map (fn [f]
(let [[f & args] (if (list? f) f [f])]
`((fn [field#]
(or (u/try-apply ~f ~@args field#)
(defn- sync-field!
"Sync the metadata for FIELD, marking urls, categories, etc. when applicable."
[driver field]
{:pre [driver
(sync-field->> field
(maybe-driver-specific-sync-field! driver)
(mark-url-field! driver)
(mark-no-preview-display-field! driver)
(mark-json-field! driver)
(sync-field-nested-fields! driver)))
{:pre [driver field]}
(loop [field field, [f & more] [(partial maybe-driver-specific-sync-field! driver)
(partial mark-url-field! driver)
(partial mark-no-preview-display-field! driver)
(partial mark-json-field! driver)
(partial sync-field-nested-fields! driver)]]
(let [field (or (u/try-apply f field)
(when (seq more)
(recur field more)))))
;; Each field-syncing function below should return FIELD with any updates that we made, or nil.
......@@ -453,7 +444,7 @@
;; ### mark-category-field-or-update-field-values!
(def ^:const ^:private low-cardinality-threshold
(def ^:const low-cardinality-threshold
"Fields with less than this many distinct values should automatically be marked with `special_type = :category`."
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
:joinUrl join-url
:quotation (:quote data-quote)
:quotationAuthor (:author data-quote)
:today (u/now-with-format "MMM' 'dd,' 'yyyy")}
:today (u/format-date "MMM' 'dd,' 'yyyy" (System/currentTimeMillis))}
(stencil/render-string tmpl))]
:subject (str "You're invited to join " company "'s Metabase")
(ns metabase.util
"Common utility functions useful throughout the codebase."
(:require [ :as jdbc]
(:require [clj-time.coerce :as coerce]
[clj-time.format :as time]
[ :as jdbc]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[ :as log]
[clj-time.coerce :as coerce]
[clj-time.format :as time]
[colorize.core :as color]
[medley.core :as m])
(:import ( Socket
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
;;; ### Protocols
(defprotocol ITimestampCoercible
"Coerce object to a `java.sql.Timestamp`."
(->Timestamp ^java.sql.Timestamp [this]
"Coerce this object to a `java.sql.Timestamp`.
Strings are parsed as ISO-8601."))
(extend-protocol ITimestampCoercible
nil (->Timestamp [_]
Timestamp (->Timestamp [this]
java.util.Date (->Timestamp [this]
(Timestamp. (.getTime this)))
Number (->Timestamp [this]
(Timestamp. this))
Calendar (->Timestamp [this]
(->Timestamp (.getTime this)))
;; Strings are expected to be in ISO-8601 format. `YYYY-MM-DD` strings *are* valid ISO-8601 dates.
String (->Timestamp [this]
(->Timestamp (DatatypeConverter/parseDateTime this))))
(defprotocol IDateTimeFormatterCoercible
"Protocol for converting objects to `DateTimeFormatters`."
(->DateTimeFormatter ^org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter [this]
"Coerce object to a `DateTimeFormatter`."))
(extend-protocol IDateTimeFormatterCoercible
String (->DateTimeFormatter [this] (time/formatter this))
DateTimeFormatter (->DateTimeFormatter [this] this))
;;; ## Date Stuff
(defn new-sql-timestamp
"`java.sql.Date` doesn't have an empty constructor so this is a convenience that lets you make one with the current date.
(Some DBs like Postgres will get snippy if you don't use a `java.sql.Timestamp`)."
^java.sql.Timestamp []
(->Timestamp (System/currentTimeMillis)))
(defn format-date
"Format DATE using a given FORMATTER.
DATE is anything that can be passed `->Timestamp`, such as a `Long` or ISO-8601 `String`.
DATE-FORMAT is anything that can be passed to `->DateTimeFormatter`, including a `String` or `DateTimeFormatter`."
^String [date-format date]
(time/unparse (->DateTimeFormatter date-format) (coerce/from-long (.getTime (->Timestamp date)))))
(def ^{:arglists '([date])} date->yyyy-mm-dd
"Format DATE as a `YYYY-MM-DD` string."
(partial format-date "yyyy-MM-dd"))
(def ^{:arglists '([date])} date->iso-8601
"Format DATE a an ISO-8601 string."
(partial format-date (time/formatters :date-time)))
(defn now-iso8601
"Return the current date as an ISO-8601 formatted string."
(date->iso-8601 (System/currentTimeMillis)))
(defn date-string?
"Is S a valid ISO 8601 date string?"
(boolean (when (string? s)
(try (->Timestamp s)
(catch Throwable e)))))
(defn ->Date
"Coerece DATE to a `java.util.Date`."
^java.util.Date [date]
(java.util.Date. (.getTime (->Timestamp date))))
(defn ->Calendar
"Coerce DATE to a `java.util.Calendar`."
^java.util.Calendar [date]
(doto (Calendar/getInstance)
(.setTimeInMillis (.getTime (->Timestamp date)))))
(defn relative-date
"Return a new `Timestamp` relative to the current time using a relative date UNIT.
(relative-date :year -1) -> #inst 2014-11-12 ..."
([unit amount]
(relative-date unit amount (Calendar/getInstance)))
([unit amount date]
(let [cal (->Calendar date)
[unit multiplier] (case unit
:second [Calendar/SECOND 1]
:minute [Calendar/MINUTE 1]
:hour [Calendar/HOUR 1]
:day [Calendar/DATE 1]
:week [Calendar/DATE 7]
:month [Calendar/MONTH 1]
:quarter [Calendar/MONTH 3]
:year [Calendar/YEAR 1])]
(.set cal unit (+ (.get cal unit)
(* amount multiplier)))
(->Timestamp cal))))
(def ^:private ^:const date-extract-units
#{:minute-of-hour :hour-of-day :day-of-week :day-of-month :day-of-year :week-of-year :month-of-year :quarter-of-year :year})
(defn date-extract
"Extract UNIT from DATE. DATE defaults to now.
(date-extract :year) -> 2015"
(date-extract unit (System/currentTimeMillis)))
([unit date]
(let [cal (->Calendar date)]
(case unit
:minute-of-hour (.get cal Calendar/MINUTE)
:hour-of-day (.get cal Calendar/HOUR)
:day-of-week (.get cal Calendar/DAY_OF_WEEK) ; 1 = Sunday, etc.
:day-of-month (.get cal Calendar/DAY_OF_MONTH)
:day-of-year (.get cal Calendar/DAY_OF_YEAR)
:week-of-year (.get cal Calendar/WEEK_OF_YEAR)
:month-of-year (.get cal Calendar/MONTH)
:quarter-of-year (let [month (.get cal Calendar/MONTH)]
(int (/ (+ 2 month)
:year (.get cal Calendar/YEAR)))))
(def ^:private ^:const date-trunc-units
#{:minute :hour :day :week :month :quarter})
(defn date-trunc
"Truncate DATE to UNIT. DATE defaults to now.
(date-trunc :month).
;; -> #inst \"2015-11-01T00:00:00\""
(date-trunc unit (System/currentTimeMillis)))
([unit date]
(let [trunc-with-format (fn trunc-with-format
(trunc-with-format format-string date))
([format-string d]
(->Timestamp (format-date format-string d))))]
(case unit
:minute (trunc-with-format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:00")
:hour (trunc-with-format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:00:00")
:day (trunc-with-format "yyyy-MM-dd")
:week (let [day-of-week (date-extract :day-of-week date)
date (relative-date :day (- (dec day-of-week)) date)]
(trunc-with-format "yyyy-MM-dd" date))
:month (trunc-with-format "yyyy-MM")
:quarter (let [year (date-extract :year date)
quarter (date-extract :quarter date)]
(->Timestamp (format "%d-%02d" year (* 3 quarter))))))))
(defn date-trunc-or-extract
"Apply date bucketing with UNIT to DATE. DATE defaults to now."
(date-trunc-or-extract unit (System/currentTimeMillis)))
([unit date]
(= unit :default) date
(contains? date-extract-units unit)
(date-extract unit date)
(contains? date-trunc-units unit)
(date-trunc unit date))))
;;; ## Etc
(defmacro -assoc*
"Internal. Don't use this directly; use `assoc*` instead."
[k v & more]
......@@ -34,49 +209,6 @@
(-assoc* ~@kvs))
(defn new-sql-timestamp
"`java.sql.Date` doesn't have an empty constructor so this is a convenience that lets you make one with the current date.
(Some DBs like Postgres will get snippy if you don't use a `java.sql.Timestamp`)."
(Timestamp. (System/currentTimeMillis)))
;; Actually this only supports [RFC 3339](, which is basically a subset of ISO 8601
(defn parse-iso8601
"Parse a string value expected in the iso8601 format into a `java.sql.Timestamp`.
NOTE: `YYYY-MM-DD` dates *are* valid iso8601 dates."
[^String datetime]
(some->> datetime
.getTime ; Calendar -> Date
.getTime ; Date -> ms
(def ^:private ^java.text.SimpleDateFormat yyyy-mm-dd-simple-date-format
(java.text.SimpleDateFormat. "yyyy-MM-dd"))
(defn date->yyyy-mm-dd
"Convert a date to a `YYYY-MM-DD` string."
^String [^java.util.Date date]
(.format yyyy-mm-dd-simple-date-format date))
(defn date-string?
"Is S a valid ISO 8601 date string?"
(boolean (when (string? s)
(try (parse-iso8601 s)
(catch Throwable e)))))
(defn now-iso8601
"format the current time as iso8601 date/time string."
(time/unparse (time/formatters :date-time) (coerce/from-long (System/currentTimeMillis))))
(defn now-with-format
"format the current time using a custom format."
(time/unparse (time/formatter format-string) (coerce/from-long (System/currentTimeMillis))))
(defn format-num
"format a number into a more human readable form."
......@@ -294,9 +426,20 @@
(pprint-to-str (filtered-stacktrace e))))))))))
(defn try-apply
"Like `apply`, but wraps F inside a `try-catch` block and logs exceptions caught."
"Like `apply`, but wraps F inside a `try-catch` block and logs exceptions caught.
(This is actaully more flexible than `apply` -- the last argument doesn't have to be
a sequence:
(try-apply vector :a :b [:c :d]) -> [:a :b :c :d]
(apply vector :a :b [:c :d]) -> [:a :b :c :d]
(try-apply vector :a :b :c :d) -> [:a :b :c :d]
(apply vector :a :b :c :d) -> Not ok - :d is not a sequence
This allows us to use `try-apply` in more situations than we'd otherwise be able to."
[^clojure.lang.IFn f & args]
(apply (wrap-try-catch f) args))
(apply (wrap-try-catch f) (concat (butlast args) (if (sequential? (last args))
(last args)
[(last args)]))))
(defn wrap-try-catch!
"Re-intern FN-SYMB as a new fn that wraps the original with a `try-catch`. Intended for debugging.
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
activity1 (db/ins Activity
:topic "install"
:details {}
:timestamp (u/parse-iso8601 "2015-09-09T12:13:14.888Z"))
:timestamp (u/->Timestamp "2015-09-09T12:13:14.888Z"))
activity2 (db/ins Activity
:topic "dashboard-create"
:user_id (user->id :crowberto)
......@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@
:details {:description "Because I can!"
:name "Bwahahaha"
:public_perms 2}
:timestamp (u/parse-iso8601 "2015-09-10T18:53:01.632Z"))
:timestamp (u/->Timestamp "2015-09-10T18:53:01.632Z"))
activity3 (db/ins Activity
:topic "user-joined"
:user_id (user->id :rasta)
:model "user"
:details {}
:timestamp (u/parse-iso8601 "2015-09-10T05:33:43.641Z"))]
:timestamp (u/->Timestamp "2015-09-10T05:33:43.641Z"))]
[(match-$ (db/sel :one Activity :id (:id activity2))
{:id $
:topic "dashboard-create"
......@@ -95,7 +95,8 @@
:last_login {:special_type :category
:base_type (timestamp-field-type)
:name (format-name "last_login")
:display_name "Last Login"})))
:display_name "Last Login"
:unit :day})))
;; #### venues
(defn- venues-columns
......@@ -429,10 +430,20 @@
breakout user_id
order user_id+))
;; This should act as a "distinct values" query and return ordered results
{:cols [(checkins-col :user_id)]
:columns [(format-name "user_id")]
:rows [[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]]}
(Q breakout user_id of checkins
limit 10))
;; Fields should be implicitly ordered :ASC for all the fields in `breakout` that are not specified in `order_by`
{:rows [[1 1 1] [1 5 1] [1 7 1] [1 10 1] [1 13 1] [1 16 1] [1 26 1] [1 31 1] [1 35 1] [1 36 1]],
{:rows [[1 1 1] [1 5 1] [1 7 1] [1 10 1] [1 13 1] [1 16 1] [1 26 1] [1 31 1] [1 35 1] [1 36 1]]
:columns [(format-name "user_id")
(format-name "venue_id")
......@@ -711,17 +722,22 @@
;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(defmacro if-questionable-timezone-support [then else]
`(if (contains? #{:sqlserver :mongo} *engine*)
(defmacro if-sqlserver
"SQLServer lacks timezone support; the groupings in sad-toucan-incidents happen in UTC rather than US/Pacfic time. This
macro is provided as a convenience for specifying the *slightly* different expected results in the multi-driver unit tests below."
[then else]
`(if (= *engine* :sqlserver)
`(if (= :sqlserver *engine*)
;; There were 9 "sad toucan incidents" on 2015-06-02
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
(Q dataset sad-toucan-incidents
......@@ -731,10 +747,8 @@
order timestamp+
return rows count))
;;; Unix timestamp breakouts -- SQL only
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
;; SQL Server doesn't have a concept of timezone so results are all grouped by UTC
;; This is technically correct but the results differ from less-wack DBs
[[#inst "2015-06-01T07" 6]
......@@ -817,8 +831,7 @@
[897 "Wearing a Biggie Shirt"]
[499 "In the Expa Office"]]
(Q dataset tupac-sightings
return rows
of sightings
return rows of sightings
fields id category_id->
order timestamp-
limit 10))
......@@ -952,22 +965,24 @@
;;; Nested Field in FIELDS
;; Return the first 10 tips with just
(datasets/expect-when-testing-dataset :mongo
[[{:name "Lucky's Gluten-Free Café"} 1]
[{:name "Joe's Homestyle Eatery"} 2]
[{:name "Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House"} 3]
[{:name "Oakland European Liquor Store"} 4]
[{:name "Tenderloin Gormet Restaurant"} 5]
[{:name "Marina Modern Sushi"} 6]
[{:name "Sunset Homestyle Grill"} 7]
[{:name "Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"} 8]
[{:name "Mission Homestyle Churros"} 9]
[{:name "Sameer's Pizza Liquor Store"} 10]]
(Q dataset geographical-tips use mongo
return rows
aggregate rows of tips
order id
limit 10))
{:columns [""]
:rows [["Lucky's Gluten-Free Café"]
["Joe's Homestyle Eatery"]
["Lower Pac Heights Cage-Free Coffee House"]
["Oakland European Liquor Store"]
["Tenderloin Gormet Restaurant"]
["Marina Modern Sushi"]
["Sunset Homestyle Grill"]
["Kyle's Low-Carb Grill"]
["Mission Homestyle Churros"]
["Sameer's Pizza Liquor Store"]]}
(select-keys (Q dataset geographical-tips use mongo
return :data
aggregate rows of tips
order id
limit 10)
[:columns :rows]))
;;; Nested Field w/ ordering by aggregation
......@@ -1068,7 +1083,7 @@
limit 10
return rows)))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
[[#inst "2015-06-01T17:31" 1]
[#inst "2015-06-01T23:06" 1]
......@@ -1093,8 +1108,8 @@
[#inst "2015-06-02T11:11" 1]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :default))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
[[#inst "2015-06-01T17:31" 1]
[#inst "2015-06-01T23:06" 1]
[#inst "2015-06-02T00:23" 1]
......@@ -1118,7 +1133,7 @@
[#inst "2015-06-02T11:11" 1]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :minute))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
[[0 5]
[1 4]
[2 2]
......@@ -1156,14 +1171,14 @@
[#inst "2015-06-02T13" 1]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :hour))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
[[0 13] [1 8] [2 4] [3 7] [4 5] [5 13] [6 10] [7 8] [8 9] [9 7]]
[[0 8] [1 9] [2 7] [3 10] [4 10] [5 9] [6 6] [7 5] [8 7] [9 7]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :hour-of-day))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
[[#inst "2015-06-01T07" 6]
[#inst "2015-06-02T07" 10]
[#inst "2015-06-03T07" 4]
......@@ -1187,26 +1202,26 @@
[#inst "2015-06-10T07" 10]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
[[1 28] [2 38] [3 29] [4 27] [5 24] [6 30] [7 24]]
[[1 29] [2 36] [3 33] [4 29] [5 13] [6 38] [7 22]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day-of-week))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
[[1 6] [2 10] [3 4] [4 9] [5 9] [6 8] [7 8] [8 9] [9 7] [10 9]]
[[1 8] [2 9] [3 9] [4 4] [5 11] [6 8] [7 6] [8 10] [9 6] [10 10]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day-of-month))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
[[152 6] [153 10] [154 4] [155 9] [156 9] [157 8] [158 8] [159 9] [160 7] [161 9]]
[[152 8] [153 9] [154 9] [155 4] [156 11] [157 8] [158 6] [159 10] [160 6] [161 10]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :day-of-year))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
[[#inst "2015-05-31T07" 46]
[#inst "2015-06-07T07" 47]
[#inst "2015-06-14T07" 40]
......@@ -1220,29 +1235,33 @@
[#inst "2015-06-28T07" 7]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :week))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
[[23 54] [24 46] [25 39] [26 61]]
[[23 49] [24 47] [25 39] [26 58] [27 7]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :week-of-year))
:sqlserver [[23 54] [24 46] [25 39] [26 61]]
:mongo [[23 46] [24 47] [25 40] [26 60] [27 7]] ; why are these different then ?
:h2 [[23 49] [24 47] [25 39] [26 58] [27 7]]
:postgres [[23 49] [24 47] [25 39] [26 58] [27 7]]
:mysql [[23 49] [24 47] [25 39] [26 58] [27 7]])
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :week-of-year))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
[[#inst "2015-06-01T07" 200]]
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :month))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
[[6 200]]
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :month-of-year))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
[[#inst "2015-04-01T07" 200]]
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :quarter))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
[[2 200]]
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :quarter-of-year))
[[(datasets/dataset-case :h2 2, :postgres 2, :mysql 2, :sqlserver 2, :mongo 2.0)
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :quarter-of-year))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
[[2015 200]]
(sad-toucan-incidents-with-bucketing :year))
......@@ -1268,22 +1287,22 @@
filter = ["datetime_field" (id :checkins :timestamp) "as" (name field-grouping)] (apply vector "relative_datetime" relative-datetime-args)
return first-row first)))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines 4 (count-of-grouping (checkins:4-per-minute) :minute "current"))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines 4 (count-of-grouping (checkins:4-per-minute) :minute -1 "minute"))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines 4 (count-of-grouping (checkins:4-per-minute) :minute 1 "minute"))
(datasets/expect-with-all-datasets 4 (count-of-grouping (checkins:4-per-minute) :minute "current"))
(datasets/expect-with-all-datasets 4 (count-of-grouping (checkins:4-per-minute) :minute -1 "minute"))
(datasets/expect-with-all-datasets 4 (count-of-grouping (checkins:4-per-minute) :minute 1 "minute"))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines 4 (count-of-grouping (checkins:4-per-hour) :hour "current"))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines 4 (count-of-grouping (checkins:4-per-hour) :hour -1 "hour"))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines 4 (count-of-grouping (checkins:4-per-hour) :hour 1 "hour"))
(datasets/expect-with-all-datasets 4 (count-of-grouping (checkins:4-per-hour) :hour "current"))
(datasets/expect-with-all-datasets 4 (count-of-grouping (checkins:4-per-hour) :hour -1 "hour"))
(datasets/expect-with-all-datasets 4 (count-of-grouping (checkins:4-per-hour) :hour 1 "hour"))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines 1 (count-of-grouping (checkins:1-per-day) :day "current"))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines 1 (count-of-grouping (checkins:1-per-day) :day -1 "day"))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines 1 (count-of-grouping (checkins:1-per-day) :day 1 "day"))
(datasets/expect-with-all-datasets 1 (count-of-grouping (checkins:1-per-day) :day "current"))
(datasets/expect-with-all-datasets 1 (count-of-grouping (checkins:1-per-day) :day -1 "day"))
(datasets/expect-with-all-datasets 1 (count-of-grouping (checkins:1-per-day) :day 1 "day"))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines 7 (count-of-grouping (checkins:1-per-day) :week "current"))
(datasets/expect-with-all-datasets 7 (count-of-grouping (checkins:1-per-day) :week "current"))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
(with-temp-db [_ (checkins:1-per-day)]
(-> (driver/process-query
......@@ -1294,7 +1313,7 @@
:filter ["TIME_INTERVAL" (id :checkins :timestamp) "current" "day"]}})
:data :rows first first)))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
(with-temp-db [_ (checkins:1-per-day)]
(-> (driver/process-query
......@@ -1321,22 +1340,22 @@
{:rows (-> results :row_count)
:unit (-> results :data :cols first :unit)})))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
{:rows 1, :unit :day}
(date-bucketing-unit-when-you :breakout-by "day", :filter-by "day"))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
{:rows 7, :unit :day}
(date-bucketing-unit-when-you :breakout-by "day", :filter-by "week"))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
{:rows 1, :unit :week}
(date-bucketing-unit-when-you :breakout-by "week", :filter-by "day"))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
{:rows 1, :unit :quarter}
(date-bucketing-unit-when-you :breakout-by "quarter", :filter-by "day"))
(datasets/expect-with-datasets sql-engines
{:rows 1, :unit :hour}
(date-bucketing-unit-when-you :breakout-by "hour", :filter-by "day"))
......@@ -131,11 +131,6 @@
(def auto-deserialize-dates-keys
#{:created_at :updated_at :last_login :date_joined :started_at :finished_at})
(defn- deserialize-date [date]
(some->> (u/parse-iso8601 date)
(defn- auto-deserialize-dates
"Automatically recurse over RESPONSE and look for keys that are known to correspond to dates.
Parse their values and convert to `java.sql.Timestamps`."
......@@ -144,7 +139,7 @@
(map? response) (->> response
(map (fn [[k v]]
{k (cond
(contains? auto-deserialize-dates-keys k) (deserialize-date v)
(contains? auto-deserialize-dates-keys k) (u/->Timestamp v)
(coll? v) (auto-deserialize-dates v)
:else v)}))
(into {}))
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
;; Check that setting a Field's special_type to :category will cause a corresponding FieldValues to be created asynchronously
(let [orig-special-type (sel :one :field [Field :special_type] :id (id :categories :name))
set-field-special-type (fn [special-type]
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