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Pass UTF8 as a literal into grouping by a bytes->temporal column (#16336)
Repro: db setup: ```sql create table wut2 (t bytea, ts text); insert into wut2 (t, ts) values ('20210421164300'::bytea, '20210421164300'); ``` Mark t as :Coercion/YYYYMMDDHHMMSSBytes->Temporal, ts as :Coercion/YYYYMMDDHHMMSSString->Temporal Do a simple query, and then aggregate count by the two dates. ts should succeed and t fails. We are passing in the UTF8 as a parameter rather than just emitting a literal. Before: ```clojure {:sql "-- Metabase\nSELECT CAST(to_timestamp(convert_from(\"public\".\"wut\".\"t\", ?), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') AS date) AS \"t\", count(*) AS \"count\" FROM \"public\".\"wut\" GROUP BY CAST(to_timestamp(convert_from(\"public\".\"wut\".\"t\", ?), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') AS date) ORDER BY CAST(to_timestamp(convert_from(\"public\".\"wut\".\"t\", ?), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') AS date) ASC", :params ("UTF8" "UTF8" "UTF8"), :type :invalid-query} ``` After: ```sql SELECT CAST(to_timestamp(convert_from(\"public\".\"wut\".\"t\", 'UTF8'), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') AS date) AS \"t\", count(*) AS \"count\" FROM \"public\".\"wut\" GROUP BY CAST(to_timestamp(convert_from(\"public\".\"wut\".\"t\", 'UTF8'), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') AS date) ORDER BY CAST(to_timestamp(convert_from(\"public\".\"wut\".\"t\", 'UTF8'), 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') AS date) ASC ``` Note there's a lot of extra casting that perhaps we can clean up
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