@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ You can add as many buttons as you want, and wire them up to one or more filters
## Actions are unavailable for public dashboards and dashboards in static embeds
While you can add actions to dashboards and use them in your Metabase, actions won't work on dashboards accessed via [public links](../dashboards), or dashboards in static embeds.
While you can add actions to dashboards and use them in your Metabase, actions won't work on dashboards accessed via [public links](./introduction.md#sharing-dashboards-with-public-links), or dashboards in static embeds.
If you want people outside of your Metabase to use an action, you can create a [public form for an action](../actions/custom.md#make-public), or expose actions via [interactive embedding](../embedding/interactive-embedding.md).