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Commit d90ffa9f authored by Cam Saül's avatar Cam Saül Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #2924 from metabase/code-cleanup-1337

Code cleanup :shower:
parents 5f6869fe 059e059b
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
with 106 additions and 103 deletions
......@@ -16,10 +16,8 @@
(catch-api-exceptions 0)
(check 1)
(checkp 1)
(cond-as-> 2)
(context 2)
(create-database-definition 1)
(engine-case 0)
(execute-query 1)
(execute-sql! 2)
(expect 0)
......@@ -28,25 +26,18 @@
(expect-with-all-engines 0)
(expect-with-engine 1)
(expect-with-engines 1)
(ins 1)
(let-400 1)
(let-404 1)
(let-500 1)
(macrolet 1)
(match 1)
(match-$ 1)
(org-perms-case 1)
(post-select 1)
(pre-cascade-delete 1)
(pre-insert 1)
(pre-update 1)
(project 1)
(qp-expect-with-engines 1)
(query-with-temp-db 1)
(resolve-private-fns 1)
(select 1)
(subselect 1)
(sync-in-context 2)
(upd 2)
(when-testing-engine 1)
(with-credentials 1)))))))
(when-testing-engine 1)))))))
......@@ -181,11 +181,12 @@
(typify-route \"/:id/card\") -> [\"/:id/card\" :id #\"[0-9]+\"]"
(if (vector? route) route
(let [arg-types (->> (route-arg-keywords route)
(if (empty? arg-types) route
(apply vector route arg-types)))))
(if (vector? route)
(let [arg-types (typify-args (route-arg-keywords route))]
(if (empty? arg-types)
(apply vector route arg-types)))))
......@@ -195,11 +196,11 @@
that can be used in a `let` form."
(when (symbol? arg-symbol)
(some-> (arg-type arg-symbol) ; :int
*auto-parse-types* ; {:parser ... }
:parser ; Integer/parseInt
(some-> (arg-type arg-symbol) ; :int
*auto-parse-types* ; {:parser ... }
:parser ; Integer/parseInt
((fn [parser] `(when ~arg-symbol (~parser ~arg-symbol)))) ; (when id (Integer/parseInt id))
((partial vector arg-symbol))))) ; [id (Integer/parseInt id)]
((partial vector arg-symbol))))) ; [id (Integer/parseInt id)]
(defmacro auto-parse
"Create a `let` form that applies corresponding parse-fn for any symbols in ARGS that are present in `*auto-parse-types*`."
......@@ -115,8 +115,7 @@
(assoc details :password (get-in database [:details :password])))
conn-error (test-database-connection engine details)
is_full_sync (if (nil? is_full_sync)
is_full_sync (when-not (nil? is_full_sync)
(boolean is_full_sync))]
(if-not conn-error
;; no error, proceed with update
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
(.setColor graphics color-white)
(.fillRect graphics (tile-pixel :x) (tile-pixel :y) pin-size pin-size)
(.setColor graphics color-blue)
(.fillRect graphics (+ 1 (tile-pixel :x)) (+ 1 (tile-pixel :y)) (- pin-size 2) (- pin-size 2))))
(.fillRect graphics (inc (tile-pixel :x)) (inc (tile-pixel :y)) (- pin-size 2) (- pin-size 2))))
(catch Throwable e
(.printStackTrace e))
......@@ -221,12 +221,13 @@
(filter identity)
(take max-sync-lazy-seq-results))
field-values-count (count field-values)]
(if (= field-values-count 0) 0
(int (math/round (/ (->> field-values
(map str)
(map count)
(reduce +))
(if (zero? field-values-count)
(int (math/round (/ (->> field-values
(map str)
(map count)
(reduce +))
(def IDriverDefaultsMixin
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
(defn- handle-aggregation [query-type {{ag-type :aggregation-type, ag-field :field} :aggregation} druid-query]
(when (isa? query-type ::ag-query)
(merge druid-query
(let [ag-type (if (= ag-type :rows) nil ag-type)]
(let [ag-type (when-not (= ag-type :rows) ag-type)]
(match [ag-type ag-field]
;; For 'distinct values' queries (queries with a breakout by no aggregation) just aggregate by count, but name it :___count so it gets discarded automatically
[nil nil] {:aggregations [(ag:count :___count)]}
......@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
(defn- url-percentage [url-count total-count]
(if (and total-count (> total-count 0) url-count)
(if (and total-count (pos? total-count) url-count)
(float (/ url-count total-count))
......@@ -367,13 +367,11 @@
(defn- describe-table-fks [driver database table]
(with-metadata [metadata driver database]
(set (->> (.getImportedKeys metadata nil (:schema table) (:name table))
(mapv (fn [result]
{:fk-column-name (:fkcolumn_name result)
:dest-table {:name (:pktable_name result)
:schema (:pktable_schem result)}
:dest-column-name (:pkcolumn_name result)}))))))
(set (for [result (jdbc/result-set-seq (.getImportedKeys metadata nil (:schema table) (:name table)))]
{:fk-column-name (:fkcolumn_name result)
:dest-table {:name (:pktable_name result)
:schema (:pktable_schem result)}
:dest-column-name (:pkcolumn_name result)}))))
(defn analyze-table
(ns metabase.driver.mongo
"MongoDB Driver."
(:require [clojure.set :as set]
(:require (clojure [set :as set]
[string :as s])
[ :as log]
[cheshire.core :as json]
(monger [collection :as mc]
......@@ -74,40 +75,42 @@
(recur more-keys (update fields k (partial update-field-attrs (k field-value)))))))
(defn- safe-inc [n]
(inc (or n 0)))
(defn- update-field-attrs [field-value field-def]
(let [safe-inc #(inc (or % 0))]
(-> field-def
(update :count safe-inc)
(update :len #(if (string? field-value)
(+ (or % 0) (count field-value))
(update :types (fn [types]
(update types (type field-value) safe-inc)))
(update :special-types (fn [special-types]
(if-let [st (val->special-type field-value)]
(update special-types st safe-inc)
(update :nested-fields (fn [nested-fields]
(if (isa? (type field-value) clojure.lang.IPersistentMap)
(find-nested-fields field-value nested-fields)
(-> field-def
(update :count safe-inc)
(update :len #(if (string? field-value)
(+ (or % 0) (count field-value))
(update :types (fn [types]
(update types (type field-value) safe-inc)))
(update :special-types (fn [special-types]
(if-let [st (val->special-type field-value)]
(update special-types st safe-inc)
(update :nested-fields (fn [nested-fields]
(if (isa? (type field-value) clojure.lang.IPersistentMap)
(find-nested-fields field-value nested-fields)
(defn- describe-table-field [field-kw field-info]
;; TODO: indicate preview-display status based on :len
(cond-> {:name (name field-kw)
:base-type (->> (into [] (:types field-info))
:base-type (->> (vec (:types field-info))
(sort-by second)
(= :_id field-kw) (assoc :pk? true)
(:special-types field-info) (assoc :special-type (->> (into [] (:special-types field-info))
(filter #(not (nil? (first %))))
(sort-by second)
(:nested-fields field-info) (assoc :nested-fields (set (for [field (keys (:nested-fields field-info))]
(describe-table-field field (field (:nested-fields field-info))))))))
(= :_id field-kw) (assoc :pk? true)
(:special-types field-info) (assoc :special-type (->> (vec (:special-types field-info))
(filter #(not (nil? (first %))))
(sort-by second)
(:nested-fields field-info) (assoc :nested-fields (set (for [field (keys (:nested-fields field-info))]
(describe-table-field field (field (:nested-fields field-info))))))))
(defn- describe-database [database]
(with-mongo-connection [^com.mongodb.DB conn database]
......@@ -154,7 +157,7 @@
name-components (rest (field/qualified-name-components field))]
(assert (seq name-components))
(for [row (mq/with-collection *mongo-connection* (:name table)
(mq/fields [(apply str (interpose "." name-components))]))]
(mq/fields [(s/join \. name-components)]))]
(get-in row (map keyword name-components))))))
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
(defn- field->name
"Return a single string name for FIELD. For nested fields, this creates a combined qualified name."
^String [^Field field, ^String separator]
(apply str (interpose separator (rest (qualified-name-components field)))))
(s/join separator (rest (qualified-name-components field))))
(defmacro ^:private mongo-let
{:style/indent 1}
(ns metabase.driver.sqlite
(:require [clojure.set :as set]
(:require (clojure [set :as set]
[string :as s])
(honeysql [core :as hsql]
[format :as hformat])
[metabase.config :as config]
......@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@
;; register the SQLite concatnation operator `||` with HoneySQL as `sqlite-concat`
;; (hsql/format (hsql/call :sqlite-concat :a :b)) -> "(a || b)"
(defmethod hformat/fn-handler "sqlite-concat" [_ & args]
(str "(" (apply str (interpose " || " (map hformat/to-sql args))) ")"))
(str "(" (s/join " || " (map hformat/to-sql args)) ")"))
(def ^:private ->date (partial hsql/call :date))
(def ^:private ->datetime (partial hsql/call :datetime))
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
(def ^:private events-publication
"Publication for general events channel.
Expects a map as input and the map must have a `:topic` key."
(async/pub events-channel #(:topic %)))
(async/pub events-channel :topic))
(defn publish-event
"Publish an item into the events stream.
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
(let [{:keys [slack-token metabot-enabled]} object]
(and (contains? object :metabot-enabled)
(not (= "true" metabot-enabled))) (metabot/stop-metabot!)
(not= "true" metabot-enabled)) (metabot/stop-metabot!)
(and (contains? object :slack-token)
(seq slack-token)) (metabot/start-metabot!)))
(catch Throwable e
......@@ -41,24 +41,26 @@
;; if we have no dependencies on cards then do nothing
;; otherwise pull out dependent card ids and add dashboard/pulse dependencies
(let [card-ids (mapv :model_id (get deps-by-model "Card"))]
(let [card-ids (map :model_id (get deps-by-model "Card"))]
(assoc deps-by-model
"Dashboard" (for [dashcard (db/select [DashboardCard :dashboard_id], :card_id [:in card-ids])]
(set/rename-keys dashcard {:dashboard_id :model_id}))
"Pulse" (for [pulsecard (db/select [PulseCard :pulse_id], :card_id [:in card-ids])]
(set/rename-keys pulsecard {:pulse_id :model_id}))))))
"Dashboard" (when (seq card-ids)
(for [dashcard (db/select [DashboardCard :dashboard_id], :card_id [:in card-ids])]
(set/rename-keys dashcard {:dashboard_id :model_id})))
"Pulse" (when (seq card-ids)
(for [pulsecard (db/select [PulseCard :pulse_id], :card_id [:in card-ids])]
(set/rename-keys pulsecard {:pulse_id :model_id})))))))
(defn- pull-dependencies [model model-id]
(when-let [deps (db/select [Dependency :model :model_id]
:dependent_on_model model
:dependent_on_id model-id)]
(let [deps-by-model (-> (group-by :model deps)
(let [deps-by-model (add-objects-dependent-on-cards (group-by :model deps))
deps-with-details (for [model (keys deps-by-model)
:let [ids (mapv :model_id (get deps-by-model model))]]
;; TODO: this is slightly dangerous because we assume :name and :creator_id are available
(for [object (db/select [(model->entity (keyword model)) :id :name :creator_id]
:id [:in ids])]
(for [object (when (seq ids)
(db/select [(model->entity (keyword model)) :id :name :creator_id]
:id [:in ids]))]
(assoc object :model model)))]
;; we end up with a list of lists, so flatten before returning
(flatten deps-with-details))))
......@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
([message m]
(str message " " (keys-description m)))
(apply str (interpose ", " (sort (for [[k varr] m
:when (not (:unlisted (meta varr)))]
(str \` (name k) \`)))))))
(str/join ", " (sort (for [[k varr] m
:when (not (:unlisted (meta varr)))]
(str \` (name k) \`))))))
(defn- dispatch-fn [verb tag]
(let [fn-map (into {} (for [[symb varr] (ns-interns *ns*)
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
(throw (Exception. "Not Found"))))
;; If the card name comes without spaces, e.g. (show 'my 'wacky 'card) turn it into a string an recur: (show "my wacky card")
([word & more]
(show (apply str (interpose " " (cons word more))))))
(show (str/join " " (cons word more)))))
(defn meme:up-and-to-the-right
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
;; first off, just delete all series on the dashboard card (we add them again below)
(db/cascade-delete! DashboardCardSeries :dashboardcard_id id)
;; now just insert all of the series that were given to us
(when-not (empty? card-ids)
(when (seq card-ids)
(let [cards (map-indexed (fn [i card-id]
{:dashboardcard_id id, :card_id card-id, :position i})
(ns metabase.models.field
(:require [ :as d]
[clojure.string :as s]
(:require (clojure [data :as d]
[string :as s])
[medley.core :as m]
[metabase.db :as db]
(metabase.models [common :as common]
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
(defn qualified-name
"Return a combined qualified name for FIELD, e.g. `table_name.parent_field_name.field_name`."
(apply str (interpose \. (qualified-name-components field))))
(s/join \. (qualified-name-components field)))
(defn table
"Return the `Table` associated with this `Field`."
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
;; first off, just delete any cards associated with this pulse (we add them again below)
(db/cascade-delete! PulseCard :pulse_id id)
;; now just insert all of the cards that were given to us
(when-not (empty? card-ids)
(when (seq card-ids)
(let [cards (map-indexed (fn [idx itm] {:pulse_id id :card_id itm :position idx}) card-ids)]
(db/insert-many! PulseCard cards))))
......@@ -103,9 +103,11 @@
(let [new-channels (group-by (comp keyword :channel_type) channels)
old-channels (group-by (comp keyword :channel_type) (db/select PulseChannel :pulse_id id))
handle-channel #(create-update-delete-channel! id (first (get new-channels %)) (first (get old-channels %)))]
(assert (= 0 (count (get new-channels nil))) "Cannot have channels without a :channel_type attribute")
(assert (zero? (count (get new-channels nil)))
"Cannot have channels without a :channel_type attribute")
;; for each of our possible channel types call our handler function
(dorun (map handle-channel (vec (keys pulse-channel/channel-types))))))
(doseq [[channel-type _] pulse-channel/channel-types]
(handle-channel channel-type))))
(defn retrieve-pulse
"Fetch a single `Pulse` by its ID value."
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
(not (s/blank? password))))
(assert (not (:password_salt user))
"Don't try to pass an encrypted password to (ins User). Password encryption is handled by pre-insert.")
(let [salt (.toString (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
(let [salt (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
defaults {:date_joined (u/new-sql-timestamp)
:last_login nil
:is_staff true
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
:email email-address
:first_name first-name
:last_name last-name
:password (if (not (nil? password))
:password (if-not (nil? password)
(str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))))]
(when send-welcome
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
(defn set-user-password!
"Updates the stored password for a specified `User` by hashing the password with a random salt."
[user-id password]
(let [salt (.toString (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
(let [salt (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
password (creds/hash-bcrypt (str salt password))]
;; NOTE: any password change expires the password reset token
(db/update! User user-id
(ns metabase.pulse.render
(:require [ :as io]
(clojure [pprint :refer [cl-format]]
[string :refer [upper-case]])
[string :as s])
[ :as log]
(clj-time [coerce :as c]
[core :as t]
......@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@
(style {:font-weight 400, :color \"white\"}) -> \"font-weight: 400; color: white;\""
[& style-maps]
(apply str (interpose " " (for [[k v] (into {} style-maps)
:let [v (if (keyword? v) (name v) v)]]
(str (name k) ": " v ";")))))
(s/join " " (for [[k v] (into {} style-maps)
:let [v (if (keyword? v) (name v) v)]]
(str (name k) ": " v ";"))))
(defn- datetime-field?
......@@ -109,7 +109,11 @@
:hour (f/unparse (f/formatter "h a - MMM YYYY") (c/from-long timestamp))
:week (str "Week " (f/unparse (f/formatter "w - YYYY") (c/from-long timestamp)))
:month (f/unparse (f/formatter "MMMM YYYY") (c/from-long timestamp))
:quarter (str "Q" (+ 1 (int (/ (t/month (c/from-long timestamp)) 3))) " - " (t/year (c/from-long timestamp)))
:quarter (str "Q"
(inc (int (/ (t/month (c/from-long timestamp))
" - "
(t/year (c/from-long timestamp)))
:year (str timestamp)
:hour-of-day (str timestamp) ; TODO: probably shouldn't even be showing sparkline for x-of-y groupings?
:day-of-week (str timestamp)
......@@ -127,7 +131,8 @@
(t/within? (t/interval (t/minus interval-start interval) interval-start) date) last-interval-name))
(defn- start-of-this-week [] (-> (org.joda.time.LocalDate.) .weekOfWeekyear .roundFloorCopy .toDateTimeAtStartOfDay))
(defn- start-of-this-quarter [] (t/date-midnight (year) (+ 1 (* 3 (Math/floor (/ (dec (month)) 3))))))
(defn- start-of-this-quarter [] (t/date-midnight (year) (inc (* 3 (Math/floor (/ (dec (month))
(defn- format-timestamp-relative
"Formats timestamps with relative names (today, yesterday, this *, last *) based on column :unit, if possible, otherwie returns nil"
......@@ -223,15 +228,15 @@
[:table {:style (style {:padding-bottom :8px, :border-bottom (str "4px solid " color-gray-1)})}
(for [col-idx col-indexes :let [col (-> cols (nth col-idx))]]
(for [col-idx col-indexes :let [col (nth cols col-idx)]]
[:th {:style (style bar-td-style bar-th-style {:min-width :60px})}
(h (upper-case (name (or (:display_name col) (:name col)))))])
(h (s/upper-case (name (or (:display_name col) (:name col)))))])
(when bar-column
[:th {:style (style bar-td-style bar-th-style {:width "99%"})}])]]
(map-indexed (fn [row-idx row]
[:tr {:style (style {:color (if (odd? row-idx) color-gray-2 color-gray-3)})}
(for [col-idx col-indexes :let [col (-> cols (nth col-idx))]]
(for [col-idx col-indexes :let [col (nth cols col-idx)]]
[:td {:style (style bar-td-style (when (and bar-column (= col-idx 1)) {:font-weight 700}))}
(-> row (nth col-idx) (format-cell col) h)])
(when bar-column
......@@ -319,7 +324,7 @@
(let [ft-row (if (datetime-field? (first cols))
#(.getTime ^Date (u/->Timestamp %))
rows (if (> (ft-row (first (first rows)))
rows (if (> (ft-row (ffirst rows))
(ft-row (first (last rows))))
(reverse rows)
......@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@
{:arglists '([query options])}
[query {:keys [executed_by]}]
{:pre [(integer? executed_by)]}
(let [query-uuid (.toString (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
(let [query-uuid (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
query-hash (hash query)
query-execution {:uuid query-uuid
:executor_id executed_by
0% Loading or .
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