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Commit d9688fcd authored by Cam Saül's avatar Cam Saül Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #3285 from metabase/fix-modifying-fields-with-sensitive-field-type

Fix modifying fields with legacy "sensitive" field_type :wrench:
parents edfa4cd5 b14aa712
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......@@ -123,8 +123,7 @@
-> (check (contains? #{:fav :all :mine} f)
[400 (str \"Invalid value '\" f \"' for 'f': must be one of: #{:fav :all :mine}\")])"
[valid-values-set symb value]
{:pre [(set? valid-values-set)
(symbol? symb)]}
{:pre [(set? valid-values-set) (symbol? symb)]}
(checkp-with (partial contains? valid-values-set) symb value (str "must be one of: " valid-values-set)))
......@@ -362,7 +361,7 @@
(defannotation NonEmptyString
"Param must be a non-empty string (strings that only contain whitespace are considered empty)."
[symb value :nillable]
(checkp-with (complement clojure.string/blank?) symb value "value must be a non-empty string."))
(checkp-with (complement s/blank?) symb value "value must be a non-empty string."))
(defannotation PublicPerms
"Param must be an integer and either `0` (no public permissions), `1` (public may read), or `2` (public may read and write)."
......@@ -17,10 +17,6 @@
[symb value :nillable]
(checkp-contains? field/visibility-types symb (keyword value)))
(defannotation FieldType
"Param must be a valid `Field` base type."
[symb value :nillable]
(checkp-contains? field/field-types symb (keyword value)))
(defendpoint GET "/:id"
"Get `Field` with ID."
......@@ -29,35 +25,45 @@
(hydrate [:table :db])))
(defendpoint PUT "/:id"
"Update `Field` with ID."
[id :as {{:keys [special_type visibility_type fk_target_field_id description display_name caveats points_of_interest], :as body} :body}]
{special_type FieldSpecialType
visibility_type FieldVisibilityType
display_name NonEmptyString}
[id :as {{:keys [caveats description display_name fk_target_field_id points_of_interest special_type visibility_type], :as body} :body}]
{caveats NonEmptyString
description NonEmptyString
display_name NonEmptyString
fk_target_field_id Integer
points_of_interest NonEmptyString
special_type FieldSpecialType
visibility_type FieldVisibilityType}
(let-404 [field (Field id)]
(write-check field)
(let [special_type (if (contains? body :special_type) special_type (:special_type field))
(let [special_type (keyword (get body :special_type (:special_type field)))
visibility_type (or visibility_type (:visibility_type field))
fk_target_field_id (when (= :fk special_type)
;; only let target field be set for :fk type fields,
;; and if it's not in the payload then leave the current value
(if (contains? body :fk_target_field_id)
(:fk_target_field_id field)))]
(check-400 (field/valid-metadata? (:base_type field) (:field_type field) special_type visibility_type))
;; validate that fk_target_field_id is a valid Field within the same database as our field
(when fk_target_field_id
(checkp (db/exists? Field :id fk_target_field_id)
;; only let target field be set for :fk type fields, and if it's not in the payload then leave the current value
fk-target-field-id (when (= :fk special_type)
(get body :fk_target_field_id (:fk_target_field_id field)))]
;; make sure that the special type is allowed for the base type
(check (field/valid-special-type-for-base-type? special_type (:base_type field))
[400 (format "Special type %s cannot be used for fields with base type %s. Base type must be one of: %s"
(:base_type field)
(field/special-type->valid-base-types special_type))])
;; validate that fk_target_field_id is a valid Field
;; TODO - we should also check that the Field is within the same database as our field
(when fk-target-field-id
(checkp (db/exists? Field :id fk-target-field-id)
:fk_target_field_id "Invalid target field"))
;; update the Field. start with keys that may be set to NULL then conditionally add other keys if they have values
(check-500 (db/update! Field id (merge {:description description
:caveats caveats
;; everything checks out, now update the field
(check-500 (db/update! Field id (merge {:caveats caveats
:description description
:fk_target_field_id fk_target_field_id
:points_of_interest points_of_interest
:special_type special_type
:visibility_type visibility_type
:fk_target_field_id fk_target_field_id}
:visibility_type visibility_type}
(when display_name {:display_name display_name}))))
;; return updated field
(Field id))))
(defendpoint GET "/:id/summary"
......@@ -46,8 +46,9 @@
:UUIDField ; e.g. a Postgres 'UUID' column
(def ^:const field-types
"Possible values for `Field.field_type`."
(def ^:const ^:deprecated field-types
"Possible values for `Field.field_type`.
`field_type` is deprecated, and issue #2454 is open for removing it entirely. It's no longer displayed in the UI, nor is it possible to change its value from the API."
#{:metric ; A number that can be added, graphed, etc.
:dimension ; A high or low-cardinality numerical string value that is meant to be used as a grouping
:info}) ; Non-numerical value that is not meant to be used
......@@ -60,18 +61,20 @@
:sensitive ; Strict removal of field from all places except data model listing. queries should error if someone attempts to access.
:retired}) ; For fields that no longer exist in the physical db. automatically set by Metabase. QP should error if encountered in a query.
(defn valid-metadata?
"Predicate function that checks if the set of metadata types for a field are sensible."
[base-type field-type special-type visibility-type]
(and (contains? base-types base-type)
(contains? field-types field-type)
(contains? visibility-types visibility-type)
(or (nil? special-type)
(contains? special-types special-type))
;; this verifies that we have a numeric base-type when trying to use the unix timestamp transform (#824)
(or (nil? special-type)
(not (contains? #{:timestamp_milliseconds :timestamp_seconds} special-type))
(contains? #{:BigIntegerField :DecimalField :FloatField :IntegerField} base-type))))
(def ^:const special-type->valid-base-types
"Map of special types to set of base types that are allowed to have that special type.
Special types not included in this map can be applied to any base type."
(let [numeric-base-types #{:BigIntegerField :DecimalField :FloatField :IntegerField}]
{:timestamp_seconds numeric-base-types
:timestamp_milliseconds numeric-base-types}))
(defn valid-special-type-for-base-type?
"Can SPECIAL-TYPE be used for this BASE-TYPE?"
^Boolean [special-type base-type]
(let [valid-base-types (special-type->valid-base-types (keyword special-type))]
(or (not valid-base-types)
(contains? valid-base-types (keyword base-type)))))
(i/defentity Field :metabase_field)
(ns metabase.api.field-test
(:require [expectations :refer :all]
[metabase.db :as db]
[metabase.driver :as driver]
(metabase.models [database :refer [Database]]
[field :refer [Field]]
[field-values :refer [FieldValues]]
......@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@
:is_full_sync true
:organization_id nil
:description nil
:features (mapv name (metabase.driver/features (metabase.driver/engine->driver :h2)))}))
:features (mapv name (driver/features (driver/engine->driver :h2)))}))
;; ## GET /api/field/:id
......@@ -100,23 +101,7 @@
:description nil
:special_type nil
:visibility_type :sensitive}]
(tu/with-temp* [Database [{database-id :id} {:name "Field Test"
:engine :yeehaw
:caveats nil
:points_of_interest nil
:details {}
:is_sample false}]
Table [{table-id :id} {:name "Field Test"
:db_id database-id
:active true}]
Field [{field-id :id} {:table_id table-id
:name "Field Test"
:base_type :TextField
:field_type :info
:special_type nil
:active true
:preview_display true
:position 1}]]
(tu/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} {:name "Field Test"}]]
(let [original-val (simple-field-details (Field field-id))]
;; set it
((user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "field/%d" field-id) {:name "something else"
......@@ -136,48 +121,36 @@
(tu/with-temp* [Database [{database-id :id} {:name "Field Test"
:engine :yeehaw
:caveats nil
:points_of_interest nil
:details {}
:is_sample false}]
Table [{table-id :id} {:name "Field Test"
:db_id database-id
:active true}]
Field [{field-id1 :id} {:table_id table-id
:name "Target Field"
:base_type :TextField
:field_type :info
:special_type :id
:active true
:preview_display true
:position 1}]
Field [{field-id :id} {:table_id table-id
:name "Field Test"
:base_type :TextField
:field_type :info
:special_type :fk
:fk_target_field_id field-id1
:active true
:preview_display true
:position 1}]]
(tu/with-temp* [Field [{fk-field-id :id}]
Field [{field-id :id} {:special_type :fk, :fk_target_field_id fk-field-id}]]
(let [original-val (boolean (db/select-one-field :fk_target_field_id Field, :id field-id))]
;; unset the :fk special-type
((user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (format "field/%d" field-id) {:special_type :name})
(db/select-one-field :fk_target_field_id Field, :id field-id)])))
;; check that you can't set a field to :timestamp_seconds if it's not of a proper base_type
;; check that you can't set a field to :timestamp_seconds/:timestamp_milliseconds if it's not of a proper base_type
["Invalid Request."
["Special type :timestamp_seconds cannot be used for fields with base type :TextField. Base type must be one of: #{:BigIntegerField :DecimalField :IntegerField :FloatField}"
(tu/with-temp* [Database [{database-id :id}]
Table [{table-id :id} {:db_id database-id}]
Field [{field-id :id} {:table_id table-id}]]
(tu/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} {:base_type :TextField, :special_type nil}]]
[((user->client :crowberto) :put 400 (str "field/" field-id) {:special_type :timestamp_seconds})
(db/select-one-field :special_type Field, :id field-id)]))
;; check that you *can* set it if it *is* the proper base type
(tu/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} {:base_type :IntegerField}]]
((user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (str "field/" field-id) {:special_type :timestamp_seconds})
(db/select-one-field :special_type Field, :id field-id)))
;; check that a Field with a :base_type of :sensitive can still be modified as normal.
;; This was a bug introduced when :visibility-type was added -- see issue #2678
(tu/with-temp* [Field [{field-id :id} {:field_type "sensitive"}]]
(boolean ((user->client :crowberto) :put 200 (str "field/" field-id) {:special_type :avatar}))))
(defn- field->field-values
"Fetch the `FieldValues` object that corresponds to a given `Field`."
......@@ -5,18 +5,14 @@
[ :refer :all]))
;; valid-metadata?
(expect false (valid-metadata? nil nil nil nil))
(expect false (valid-metadata? :IntegerField nil nil nil))
(expect false (valid-metadata? :IntegerField :metric nil nil))
(expect true (valid-metadata? :IntegerField :metric nil :normal))
(expect false (valid-metadata? :foo :metric nil :normal))
(expect false (valid-metadata? :IntegerField :foo nil :normal))
(expect false (valid-metadata? :IntegerField :metric nil :foo))
(expect true (valid-metadata? :IntegerField :metric :timestamp_seconds :normal))
(expect true (valid-metadata? :IntegerField :metric :timestamp_milliseconds :normal))
(expect false (valid-metadata? :DateTimeField :metric :timestamp_seconds :normal))
(expect false (valid-metadata? :DateTimeField :metric :timestamp_milliseconds :normal))
;; valid-special-type-for-base-type?
(expect true (valid-special-type-for-base-type? nil nil))
(expect true (valid-special-type-for-base-type? nil :foo))
(expect true (valid-special-type-for-base-type? nil :IntegerField))
(expect true (valid-special-type-for-base-type? :timestamp_seconds :IntegerField))
(expect true (valid-special-type-for-base-type? :timestamp_milliseconds :IntegerField))
(expect false (valid-special-type-for-base-type? :timestamp_seconds :DateTimeField))
(expect false (valid-special-type-for-base-type? :timestamp_milliseconds :DateTimeField))
;; field-should-have-field-values?
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