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Unverified Commit db39083e authored by Sameer Al-Sakran's avatar Sameer Al-Sakran Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #7617 from metabase/let-the-sparks-fly

Separate SparkSQL dependencies [ci drivers]
parents cd88fcea 5a53a3c8
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......@@ -129,6 +129,10 @@ install-presto() {
install-sparksql() {
# first, download the Spark Deps JAR and put it in the plugins/ dir
wget --output-document=plugins/spark-deps.jar
# next, download Spark and run it
spark_version='2.1.1' # Java 7 support was removed in Spark 2.2 so don't upgrade until we upgrade CI
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Now you’ll see a list of your databases. To connect another database to Metaba
* [Vertica](databases/
* Presto
* Google Analytics
* [SparkSQL](databases/
To add a database, you'll need its connection information.
## Working with SparkSQL in Metabase
Starting in v0.29.0, Metabase provides a driver for connecting to SparkSQL databases. Under the hood, Metabase uses SparkSQL's
JDBC driver and other dependencies; due to the sheer size of this dependency, we can't include it as part of Metabase. Luckily, downloading it yourself
and making it available to Metabase is straightforward and only takes a few minutes.
### Downloading the SparkSQL JDBC Driver JAR
You can download the required dependencies [here](
### Adding the SparkSQL JDBC Driver JAR to the Metabase Plugins Directory
Metabase will automatically make the SparkSQL driver available if it finds the SparkSQL dependencies JAR in the Metabase plugins
directory when it starts up. All you need to do is create the directory, move the JAR you just downloaded into it, and restart
By default, the plugins directory is called `plugins`, and lives in the same directory as the Metabase JAR.
For example, if you're running Metabase from a directory called `/app/`, you should move the SparkSQL dependencies JAR to
# example directory structure for running Metabase with SparkSQL support
If you're running Metabase from the Mac App, the plugins directory defaults to `~/Library/Application Support/Metabase/Plugins/`:
# example directory structure for running Metabase Mac App with SparkSQL support
/Users/camsaul/Library/Application Support/Metabase/Plugins/metabase-sparksql-deps-1.2.1.spark2-standalone.jar
Finally, you can choose a custom plugins directory if the default doesn't suit your needs by setting the environment variable
### Enabling Plugins on Java 9
Java 9 disables dynamically adding JARs to the Java classpath by default for security reasons. For the time being, we recommend you
run Metabase with Java 8 when using the SparkSQL driver.
You may be able to get Java 9 to work by passing an extra JVM option:
java --add-opens=java.base/ -jar metabase.jar
The default Docker images already include this option.
......@@ -92,16 +92,6 @@
[org.liquibase/liquibase-core "3.5.3"] ; migration management (Java lib)
[org.postgresql/postgresql "42.1.4.jre7"] ; Postgres driver
[org.slf4j/slf4j-log4j12 "1.7.25"] ; abstraction for logging frameworks -- allows end user to plug in desired logging framework at deployment time
[org.spark-project.hive/hive-jdbc "1.2.1.spark2" ; JDBC Driver for Apache Spark
:exclusions [org.apache.curator/curator-framework
[org.tcrawley/dynapath "0.2.5"] ; Dynamically add Jars (e.g. Oracle or Vertica) to classpath
[org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc ""] ; SQLite driver
[org.yaml/snakeyaml "1.18"] ; YAML parser (required by liquibase)
......@@ -164,10 +154,7 @@
:env {:mb-run-mode "dev"}
:jvm-opts ["-Dlogfile.path=target/log"]
;; Log appender class needs to be compiled for log4j to use it,
;; classes for fixed Hive driver in must be compiled for tests
:aot [metabase.logger
:aot [metabase.logger]}
:ci {:jvm-opts ["-Xmx3g"]}
:reflection-warnings {:global-vars {*warn-on-reflection* true}} ; run `lein check-reflection-warnings` to check for reflection warnings
:expectations {:injections [(require 'metabase.test-setup ; for test setup stuff
(ns metabase.driver.FixedHiveConnection
(:import [org.apache.hive.jdbc HiveConnection]
[java.sql ResultSet SQLException]
:extends org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveConnection
:init init
:constructors {[String java.util.Properties] [String java.util.Properties]}))
(defn -init
"Initializes the connection"
[uri properties]
[[uri properties] nil])
(defn -getHoldability
"Returns the holdability setting for this JDBC driver"
[^org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveConnection this]
(defn -setReadOnly
"Sets this connection to read only"
[^org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveConnection this read-only?]
(when (.isClosed this)
(throw (SQLException. "Connection is closed")))
(when read-only?
(throw (SQLException. "Enabling read-only mode is not supported"))))
(ns metabase.driver.FixedHiveDriver
(:import [org.apache.hive.jdbc HiveDriver]
:extends org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
:init init
:prefix "driver-"
:constructors {[] []}))
(defn driver-init
"Initializes the Hive driver, fixed to work with Metabase"
[[] nil])
(defn driver-connect
"Connects to a Hive compatible database"
[^org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver this ^String url ^java.util.Properties info]
(when (.acceptsURL this url)
(clojure.lang.Reflector/invokeConstructor (Class/forName "metabase.driver.FixedHiveConnection") (to-array [url info]))))
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
[set :as set]
[string :as s]]
[ :as jdbc]
[ :as log]
[core :as hsql]
[helpers :as h]]
......@@ -15,7 +16,8 @@
[hive-like :as hive-like]]
[metabase.driver.generic-sql.query-processor :as sqlqp]
[metabase.query-processor.util :as qputil]
[metabase.util.honeysql-extensions :as hx])
[metabase.util.honeysql-extensions :as hx]
[puppetlabs.i18n.core :refer [trs]])
(:import clojure.lang.Reflector
......@@ -94,23 +96,6 @@
[{:keys [host port db jdbc-flags]
:or {host "localhost", port 10000, db "", jdbc-flags ""}
:as opts}]
;; manually register our FixedHiveDriver with java.sql.DriverManager and make sure it's the only driver returned for
;; jdbc:hive2, since we do not want to use the driver registered by the super class of our FixedHiveDriver.
;; Class/forName and invokeConstructor is required to make this compile, but it may be possible to solve this with
;; the right project.clj magic
(Class/forName "metabase.driver.FixedHiveDriver")
(into-array [])))
(loop []
(when-let [driver (try
(DriverManager/getDriver "jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000")
(catch java.sql.SQLException _
(when-not (instance? (Class/forName "metabase.driver.FixedHiveDriver") driver)
(DriverManager/deregisterDriver driver)
(merge {:classname "metabase.driver.FixedHiveDriver"
:subprotocol "hive2"
:subname (str "//" host ":" port "/" db jdbc-flags)}
......@@ -223,7 +208,39 @@
:string-length-fn (u/drop-first-arg hive-like/string-length-fn)
:unix-timestamp->timestamp (u/drop-first-arg hive-like/unix-timestamp->timestamp)}))
(defn- register-hive-jdbc-driver! [& {:keys [remaining-tries], :or {remaining-tries 5}}]
;; manually register our FixedHiveDriver with java.sql.DriverManager
(Class/forName "metabase.driver.FixedHiveDriver")
(into-array [])))
;; now make sure it's the only driver returned
;; for jdbc:hive2, since we do not want to use the driver registered by the super class of our FixedHiveDriver.
(when-let [driver (u/ignore-exceptions
(DriverManager/getDriver "jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000"))]
(let [registered? (instance? (Class/forName "metabase.driver.FixedHiveDriver") driver)]
;; if it's not the registered driver, deregister the current driver (if applicable) and try a couple more times
;; before giving up :(
(and (not registered?)
(> remaining-tries 0))
(when driver
(DriverManager/deregisterDriver driver))
(recur {:remaining-tries (dec remaining-tries)}))
(trs "Error: metabase.driver.FixedHiveDriver is registered, but JDBC does not seem to be using it."))))))
(defn -init-driver
"Register the SparkSQL driver."
"Register the SparkSQL driver if the SparkSQL dependencies are available."
(driver/register-driver! :sparksql (SparkSQLDriver.)))
(when (u/ignore-exceptions (Class/forName "metabase.driver.FixedHiveDriver"))
(log/info (trs "Found metabase.driver.FixedHiveDriver."))
(when (u/ignore-exceptions (register-hive-jdbc-driver!))
(log/info (trs "Successfully registered metabase.driver.FixedHiveDriver with JDBC."))
(driver/register-driver! :sparksql (SparkSQLDriver.)))))
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