- Save metrics to [collections](../exploration-and-organization/collections.md).
- Add metrics to [dashboards](../dashboards/introduction.md).
- View metrics in the [data browser](../exploration-and-organization/exploration.md#browse-your-data).
- View metrics in the [database browser](../exploration-and-organization/exploration.md#browse-your-databases).
- Pick metrics as aggregation columns in the Summarize block when creating questions, modify them or combine.
-[Pro](https://www.metabase.com/product/pro) and [Enterprise](https://www.metabase.com/product/enterprise) plans include the ability to mark metrics as verified.
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ For _which_ questions, models, and dashboards a group can view, instead see [col
Setting to **Can view** means the group can view all the data for the data source, provided they have [collection permissions](./collections.md) to view questions, models, and dashboards.
In order to view the data in the [Browse databases](../exploration-and-organization/exploration.md#browse-your-data) section, the group would additionally need to be able to [Create queries](#create-queries-permissions).
In order to view the data in the [Browse databases](../exploration-and-organization/exploration.md#browse-your-databases) section, the group would additionally need to be able to [Create queries](#create-queries-permissions).