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Unverified Commit e3d817a4 authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
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Snowflake Honey SQL 2 (#28478)

* Snowflake Honey SQL 2

* Test fix :wrench:

* Use Honey SQL 2 for GTAP compilation in sandboxing tests

* Test fix :wrench:
parent cde7ff70
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......@@ -596,14 +596,13 @@
;; #"(?:sql(?:-jdbc)?)"
;; "bigquery-cloud-sdk"
;; [:and "presto" [:? [:or "-common" "-jdbc"]]]
;; "snowflake"
;; "sqlserver"]
;; [:? "-test"]
;; [:or #"\." #"$"]]]
;; ".*"))
;; Please keep this form updated when you change the generated regex! <3
{:pattern "^metabase\\.(?!util\\.(?:(?:honeysql-extensions)|(?:honey-sql-1)))(?!query-processor-test)(?!(?:(?:driver)|(?:test\\.data))\\.(?:(?:sql(?:-jdbc)?)|(?:(?:sql(?:-jdbc)?))|(?:bigquery-cloud-sdk)|(?:presto(?:(?:(?:-common)|(?:-jdbc)))?)|(?:snowflake)|(?:sqlserver))(?:-test)?(?:(?:\\.)|(?:$))).*"
{:pattern "^metabase\\.(?!util\\.(?:(?:honeysql-extensions)|(?:honey-sql-1)))(?!query-processor-test)(?!(?:(?:driver)|(?:test\\.data))\\.(?:(?:sql(?:-jdbc)?)|(?:(?:sql(?:-jdbc)?))|(?:bigquery-cloud-sdk)|(?:presto(?:(?:(?:-common)|(?:-jdbc)))?)|(?:sqlserver))(?:-test)?(?:(?:\\.)|(?:$))).*"
:name honey-sql-2-namespaces}]
......@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ jobs:
needs: files-changed
if: github.event.pull_request.draft == false && needs.files-changed.outputs.backend_all == 'true'
runs-on: buildjet-2vcpu-ubuntu-2004
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
timeout-minutes: 60
CI: 'true'
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
[clojure.core.async :as a]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[honeysql.core :as hsql]
[medley.core :as m]
:refer [GroupTableAccessPolicy]]
......@@ -72,61 +71,66 @@
;; have one.) HACK
(= driver/*driver* :sparksql)
(update :from (fn [[table]]
[[table (sql.qp/->honeysql
(hx/identifier :table-alias @(resolve 'metabase.driver.sparksql/source-table-alias)))]])))]
(first (hsql/format honeysql, :quoting (sql.qp/quote-style driver/*driver*), :allow-dashed-names? true))))
[[table [(sql.qp/->honeysql
(hx/identifier :table-alias @(resolve 'metabase.driver.sparksql/source-table-alias)))]]])))]
(first (sql.qp/format-honeysql driver/*driver* honeysql))))
(defn- venues-category-native-gtap-def []
(driver/with-driver (or driver/*driver* :h2)
(assert (driver/supports? driver/*driver* :native-parameters))
{:query (mt/native-query
{:select [:*]
:from [(identifier :venues)]
:where [:= (identifier :venues :category_id) (hx/raw "{{cat}}")]
:order-by [(identifier :venues :id)]})
{:cat {:name "cat" :display_name "cat" :type "number" :required true}}})
:remappings {:cat ["variable" ["template-tag" "cat"]]}}))
(binding [hx/*honey-sql-version* (sql.qp/honey-sql-version driver/*driver*)]
{:query (mt/native-query
{:select [:*]
:from [(sql.qp/maybe-wrap-unaliased-expr (identifier :venues))]
:where [:= (identifier :venues :category_id) (hx/raw "{{cat}}")]
:order-by [[(identifier :venues :id) :asc]]})
{:cat {:name "cat" :display_name "cat" :type "number" :required true}}})
:remappings {:cat ["variable" ["template-tag" "cat"]]}})))
(defn- parameterized-sql-with-join-gtap-def []
(driver/with-driver (or driver/*driver* :h2)
(assert (driver/supports? driver/*driver* :native-parameters))
{:query (mt/native-query
{:select [(identifier :checkins :id)
(identifier :checkins :user_id)
(identifier :venues :name)
(identifier :venues :category_id)]
:from [(identifier :checkins)]
:left-join [(identifier :venues)
[:= (identifier :checkins :venue_id) (identifier :venues :id)]]
:where [:= (identifier :checkins :user_id) (hx/raw "{{user}}")]
:order-by [[(identifier :checkins :id) :asc]]})
{"user" {:name "user"
:display-name "User ID"
:type :number
:required true}}})
:remappings {:user ["variable" ["template-tag" "user"]]}}))
(binding [hx/*honey-sql-version* (sql.qp/honey-sql-version driver/*driver*)]
{:query (mt/native-query
{:select [(sql.qp/maybe-wrap-unaliased-expr (identifier :checkins :id))
(sql.qp/maybe-wrap-unaliased-expr (identifier :checkins :user_id))
(sql.qp/maybe-wrap-unaliased-expr (identifier :venues :name))
(sql.qp/maybe-wrap-unaliased-expr (identifier :venues :category_id))]
:from [(sql.qp/maybe-wrap-unaliased-expr (identifier :checkins))]
:left-join [(sql.qp/maybe-wrap-unaliased-expr (identifier :venues))
[:= (identifier :checkins :venue_id) (identifier :venues :id)]]
:where [:= (identifier :checkins :user_id) (hx/raw "{{user}}")]
:order-by [[(identifier :checkins :id) :asc]]})
{"user" {:name "user"
:display-name "User ID"
:type :number
:required true}}})
:remappings {:user ["variable" ["template-tag" "user"]]}})))
(defn- venue-names-native-gtap-def []
{:query (mt/native-query
{:select [(identifier :venues :id) (identifier :venues :name)]
:from [(identifier :venues)]
:order-by [(identifier :venues :id)]})})})
(driver/with-driver (or driver/*driver* :h2)
(binding [hx/*honey-sql-version* (sql.qp/honey-sql-version driver/*driver*)]
{:query (mt/native-query
{:select [(sql.qp/maybe-wrap-unaliased-expr (identifier :venues :id))
(sql.qp/maybe-wrap-unaliased-expr (identifier :venues :name))]
:from [(sql.qp/maybe-wrap-unaliased-expr (identifier :venues))]
:order-by [[(identifier :venues :id) :asc]]})})})))
(defn- run-venues-count-query []
(mt/format-rows-by [int]
(mt/run-mbql-query venues {:aggregation [[:count]]}))))
(mt/run-mbql-query venues {:aggregation [[:count]]}))))
(defn- run-checkins-count-broken-out-by-price-query []
(mt/format-rows-by [#(some-> % int) int]
......@@ -229,7 +233,7 @@
:query {:aggregation [[:count]]
:source-query {:native (str "SELECT * FROM \"PUBLIC\".\"VENUES\" "
:params []}}
::row-level-restrictions/original-metadata [{:base_type :type/BigInteger
......@@ -354,15 +358,16 @@
"card) to see if row level permissions apply. This was broken when it wasn't expecting a card and "
"only expecting resolved source-tables")
(mt/with-temp Card [card {:dataset_query (mt/mbql-query venues)}]
(mt/with-test-user :rasta
(is (= [[100]]
(mt/format-rows-by [int]
{:database (mt/id)
:type :query
:query {:source-table (format "card__%s" (u/the-id card))
:aggregation [["count"]]}}))))))))))
(let [query {:database (mt/id)
:type :query
:query {:source-table (format "card__%s" (u/the-id card))
:aggregation [["count"]]}}]
(mt/with-test-user :rasta
(mt/with-native-query-testing-context query
(is (= [[100]]
(mt/format-rows-by [int]
(qp/process-query query))))))))))))
;; Test that we can follow FKs to related tables and breakout by columns on those related tables. This test has
;; several things wrapped up which are detailed below
......@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
[metabase.query-processor.util.add-alias-info :as add]
[metabase.util :as u]
[ :as]
[metabase.util.honey-sql-2 :as h2x]
#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:discouraged-namespace]}
[metabase.util.honeysql-extensions :as hx]
[metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs tru]]
[metabase.util.log :as log]
......@@ -33,8 +35,7 @@
( File)
(java.nio.charset StandardCharsets)
(java.sql ResultSet Types)
(java.time OffsetDateTime ZonedDateTime)
(metabase.util.honey_sql_1 Identifier)))
(java.time OffsetDateTime ZonedDateTime)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
......@@ -174,23 +175,27 @@
:OBJECT :type/Dictionary
:ARRAY :type/*} base-type))
(defmethod sql.qp/unix-timestamp->honeysql [:snowflake :seconds] [_ _ expr] (hx/call :to_timestamp expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/unix-timestamp->honeysql [:snowflake :milliseconds] [_ _ expr] (hx/call :to_timestamp expr 3))
(defmethod sql.qp/unix-timestamp->honeysql [:snowflake :microseconds] [_ _ expr] (hx/call :to_timestamp expr 6))
(defmethod sql.qp/honey-sql-version :snowflake
(defmethod sql.qp/unix-timestamp->honeysql [:snowflake :seconds] [_ _ expr] [:to_timestamp expr])
(defmethod sql.qp/unix-timestamp->honeysql [:snowflake :milliseconds] [_ _ expr] [:to_timestamp expr 3])
(defmethod sql.qp/unix-timestamp->honeysql [:snowflake :microseconds] [_ _ expr] [:to_timestamp expr 6])
(defmethod sql.qp/current-datetime-honeysql-form :snowflake
(hx/with-database-type-info :%current_timestamp :TIMESTAMPTZ))
(h2x/with-database-type-info :%current_timestamp :TIMESTAMPTZ))
(defmethod sql.qp/add-interval-honeysql-form :snowflake
[_ hsql-form amount unit]
(hx/call :dateadd
(hx/raw (name unit))
(hx/raw (int amount))
(hx/->timestamp hsql-form)))
[:raw (name unit)]
[:raw (int amount)]
(h2x/->timestamp hsql-form)])
(defn- extract [unit expr] (hx/call :date_part unit (hx/->timestamp expr)))
(defn- date-trunc [unit expr] (hx/call :date_trunc unit (hx/->timestamp expr)))
(defn- extract [unit expr] [:date_part unit (h2x/->timestamp expr)])
(defn- date-trunc [unit expr] [:date_trunc unit (h2x/->timestamp expr)])
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :default] [_ _ expr] expr)
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:snowflake :minute] [_ _ expr] (date-trunc :minute expr))
......@@ -235,55 +240,61 @@
before calculating date boundaries. This is needed when an argument could be of
timestamptz type and the unit is day, week, month, quarter or year."
[unit x y]
(let [x (cond->> x
(hx/is-of-type? x "timestamptz")
(hx/call :convert_timezone (qp.timezone/results-timezone-id)))
y (cond->> y
(hx/is-of-type? y "timestamptz")
(hx/call :convert_timezone (qp.timezone/results-timezone-id)))]
(hx/call :datediff (hx/raw (name unit)) x y)))
(let [x (if (h2x/is-of-type? x "timestamptz")
[:convert_timezone (qp.timezone/results-timezone-id) x]
y (if (h2x/is-of-type? y "timestamptz")
[:convert_timezone (qp.timezone/results-timezone-id) y]
[:datediff [:raw (name unit)] x y]))
(defn- time-zoned-extract
"Same as `extract` but converts the arg to the results time zone if it's a timestamptz."
[unit x]
(let [x (cond->> x
(hx/is-of-type? x "timestamptz")
(hx/call :convert_timezone (qp.timezone/results-timezone-id)))]
(let [x (if (h2x/is-of-type? x "timestamptz")
[:convert_timezone (qp.timezone/results-timezone-id) x]
(extract unit x)))
(defn- sub-day-datediff
"Same as snowflake's `datediff`, but accurate to the millisecond for sub-day units."
[unit x y]
(let [milliseconds (hx/call :datediff (hx/raw "milliseconds") x y)]
(let [milliseconds [:datediff [:raw "milliseconds"] x y]]
;; millseconds needs to be cast to float because division rounds incorrectly with large integers
(hx/call :trunc (hx// (hx/cast :float milliseconds)
(case unit :hour 3600000 :minute 60000 :second 1000)))))
[:trunc (h2x// (h2x/cast :float milliseconds)
(case unit :hour 3600000 :minute 60000 :second 1000))]))
(defmethod sql.qp/datetime-diff [:snowflake :year]
[driver _unit x y]
(hx/call :trunc (hx// (sql.qp/datetime-diff driver :month x y) 12)))
[:trunc (h2x// (sql.qp/datetime-diff driver :month x y) 12)])
(defmethod sql.qp/datetime-diff [:snowflake :quarter]
[driver _unit x y]
(hx/call :trunc (hx// (sql.qp/datetime-diff driver :month x y) 3)))
[:trunc (h2x// (sql.qp/datetime-diff driver :month x y) 3)])
(defmethod sql.qp/datetime-diff [:snowflake :month]
[_driver _unit x y]
(hx/+ (time-zoned-datediff :month x y)
;; datediff counts month boundaries not whole months, so we need to adjust
;; if x<y but x>y in the month calendar then subtract one month
;; if x>y but x<y in the month calendar then add one month
(hx/call :and (hx/call :< x y) (hx/call :> (time-zoned-extract :day x) (time-zoned-extract :day y)))
(hx/call :and (hx/call :> x y) (hx/call :< (time-zoned-extract :day x) (time-zoned-extract :day y)))
:else 0)))
(h2x/+ (time-zoned-datediff :month x y)
;; datediff counts month boundaries not whole months, so we need to adjust
;; if x<y but x>y in the month calendar then subtract one month
;; if x>y but x<y in the month calendar then add one month
[:< x y]
[:> (time-zoned-extract :day x) (time-zoned-extract :day y)]]
[:> x y]
[:< (time-zoned-extract :day x) (time-zoned-extract :day y)]]
(defmethod sql.qp/datetime-diff [:snowflake :week]
[_driver _unit x y]
(hx/call :trunc (hx// (time-zoned-datediff :day x y) 7)))
[:trunc (h2x// (time-zoned-datediff :day x y) 7)])
(defmethod sql.qp/datetime-diff [:snowflake :day]
[_driver _unit x y]
......@@ -295,7 +306,7 @@
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:snowflake :regex-match-first]
[driver [_ arg pattern]]
(hx/call :regexp_substr (sql.qp/->honeysql driver arg) (sql.qp/->honeysql driver pattern)))
[:regexp_substr (sql.qp/->honeysql driver arg) (sql.qp/->honeysql driver pattern)])
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:snowflake :median]
[driver [_ arg]]
......@@ -327,13 +338,16 @@
;; This takes care of Table identifiers. We handle Field identifiers in the [[sql.qp/->honeysql]] method for `[:sql
;; :field]` below.
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:snowflake Identifier]
[_ {:keys [identifier-type], :as identifier}]
(defn- qualify-identifier [[_identifier identifier-type components, :as identifier]]
{:pre [(h2x/identifier? identifier)]}
(apply h2x/identifier identifier-type (query-db-name) components))
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:snowflake ::h2x/identifier]
[_driver [_identifier identifier-type :as identifier]]
(let [qualify? (and (seq (query-db-name))
(= identifier-type :table))]
(cond-> identifier
(update :components (partial cons (query-db-name))))))
qualify? qualify-identifier)))
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:snowflake :field]
[driver [_ _ {::add/keys [source-table]} :as field-clause]]
......@@ -346,30 +360,31 @@
(integer? source-table))
identifier (parent-method driver field-clause)]
(cond-> identifier
qualify? (update :components (partial cons (query-db-name))))))
(and qualify? (h2x/identifier? identifier))
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:snowflake :time]
[driver [_ value _unit]]
(hx/->time (sql.qp/->honeysql driver value)))
(h2x/->time (sql.qp/->honeysql driver value)))
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:snowflake :convert-timezone]
[driver [_ arg target-timezone source-timezone]]
(let [hsql-form (sql.qp/->honeysql driver arg)
timestamptz? (hx/is-of-type? hsql-form "timestamptz")]
timestamptz? (h2x/is-of-type? hsql-form "timestamptz")]
(sql.u/validate-convert-timezone-args timestamptz? target-timezone source-timezone)
(-> (if timestamptz?
(hx/call :convert_timezone target-timezone hsql-form)
(->> hsql-form
(hx/call :convert_timezone (or source-timezone (qp.timezone/results-timezone-id)) target-timezone)
(hx/call :to_timestamp_ntz)))
(hx/with-database-type-info "timestampntz"))))
[:convert_timezone target-timezone hsql-form]
[:convert_timezone (or source-timezone (qp.timezone/results-timezone-id)) target-timezone hsql-form]])
(h2x/with-database-type-info "timestampntz"))))
(defmethod driver/table-rows-seq :snowflake
[driver database table]
(sql-jdbc/query driver database {:select [:*]
:from [(
(! (u/the-id database))
(sql.qp/->honeysql driver table))]}))
:from [[(
(! (u/the-id database))
(binding [hx/*honey-sql-version* (sql.qp/honey-sql-version driver)]
(sql.qp/->honeysql driver table)))]]}))
(defmethod driver/describe-database :snowflake [driver database]
(let [db-name (db-name database)
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
[metabase.models.database :refer [Database]]
[metabase.query-processor :as qp]
[metabase.sync :as sync]
[metabase.sync.util :as sync-util]
[metabase.test :as mt]
[ :as defs]
[ :as tx]
......@@ -17,10 +18,29 @@
[ :as sql.tx]
[ :as ddl]
[metabase.util :as u]
#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:discouraged-namespace]}
[metabase.util.honeysql-extensions :as hx]
[toucan.db :as db]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(use-fixtures :each (fn [thunk]
;; 1. If sync fails when loading a test dataset, don't swallow the error; throw an Exception so we
;; can debug it. This is much less confusing when trying to fix broken tests.
;; 2. Make sure we're in Honey SQL 2 mode for all the little SQL snippets we're compiling in these
;; tests.
(binding [sync-util/*log-exceptions-and-continue?* false
hx/*honey-sql-version* 2]
(deftest sanity-check-test
(mt/test-driver :snowflake
(is (= [100]
(mt/run-mbql-query venues
{:aggregation [[:count]]}))))))
(deftest ^:parallel ddl-statements-test
(testing "make sure we didn't break the code that is used to generate DDL statements when we add new test datasets"
(binding [*database-prefix-fn* (constantly "v3_")]
......@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
[driver ^Connection conn [sql & params]]
{:pre [(string? sql)]}
(with-open [stmt (sql-jdbc.sync.common/prepare-statement driver conn sql params)]
(log/tracef "[%s] %s" (name driver) sql)
;; attempting to execute the SQL statement will throw an Exception if we don't have permissions; otherwise it will
;; truthy wheter or not it returns a ResultSet, but we can ignore that since we have enough info to proceed at
;; this point.
......@@ -92,8 +93,8 @@
(execute-select-probe-query driver conn sql-args)
(log/trace "SELECT privileges confirmed")
(catch Throwable _
(log/trace "No SELECT privileges")
(catch Throwable e
(log/trace e "Assuming no SELECT privileges: caught exception")
(defn- db-tables
......@@ -122,66 +122,66 @@
(testing "Should be able to use temporal arithmetic expressions in filters (#22531)"
(mt/test-drivers (timezone-arithmetic-drivers)
(mt/dataset attempted-murders
(doseq [offset-unit [:year :day]
interval-unit [:year :day]
compare-op [:between := :< :<= :> :>=]
compare-order (cond-> [:field-first]
(not= compare-op :between) (conj :value-first))]
(let [query (mt/mbql-query attempts
{:aggregation [[:count]]
:filter (cond-> [compare-op]
(= compare-order :field-first)
(conj [:+ !default.datetime_tz [:interval 3 offset-unit]]
[:relative-datetime -7 interval-unit])
(= compare-order :value-first)
(conj [:relative-datetime -7 interval-unit]
[:+ !default.datetime_tz [:interval 3 offset-unit]])
(= compare-op :between)
(conj [:relative-datetime 0 interval-unit]))})]
;; we are not interested in the exact result, just want to check
;; that the query can be compiled and executed
(mt/with-native-query-testing-context query
(let [[[result]] (mt/formatted-rows [int]
(qp/process-query query))]
(if (= driver/*driver* :mongo)
(is (or (nil? result)
(pos-int? result)))
(is (nat-int? result)))))))))))
(doseq [offset-unit [:year :day]
interval-unit [:year :day]
compare-op [:between := :< :<= :> :>=]
compare-order (cond-> [:field-first]
(not= compare-op :between) (conj :value-first))]
(let [query (mt/mbql-query attempts
{:aggregation [[:count]]
:filter (cond-> [compare-op]
(= compare-order :field-first)
(conj [:+ !default.datetime_tz [:interval 3 offset-unit]]
[:relative-datetime -7 interval-unit])
(= compare-order :value-first)
(conj [:relative-datetime -7 interval-unit]
[:+ !default.datetime_tz [:interval 3 offset-unit]])
(= compare-op :between)
(conj [:relative-datetime 0 interval-unit]))})]
;; we are not interested in the exact result, just want to check
;; that the query can be compiled and executed
(mt/with-native-query-testing-context query
(let [[[result]] (mt/formatted-rows [int]
(qp/process-query query))]
(if (= driver/*driver* :mongo)
(is (or (nil? result)
(pos-int? result)))
(is (nat-int? result)))))))))))
(deftest nonstandard-temporal-arithmetic-test
(testing "Nonstandard temporal arithmetic should also be supported"
(mt/test-drivers (timezone-arithmetic-drivers)
(mt/dataset attempted-murders
(doseq [offset-unit [:year :day]
interval-unit [:year :day]
compare-op [:between := :< :<= :> :>=]
add-op [:+ #_:-] ; TODO support subtraction like sql.qp/add-interval-honeysql-form (#23423)
compare-order (cond-> [:field-first]
(not= compare-op :between) (conj :value-first))]
(let [add-fn (fn [field interval]
(if (= add-op :-)
[add-op field interval interval]
[add-op interval field interval]))
query (mt/mbql-query attempts
{:aggregation [[:count]]
:filter (cond-> [compare-op]
(= compare-order :field-first)
(conj (add-fn !default.datetime_tz [:interval 3 offset-unit])
[:relative-datetime -7 interval-unit])
(= compare-order :value-first)
(conj [:relative-datetime -7 interval-unit]
(add-fn !default.datetime_tz [:interval 3 offset-unit]))
(= compare-op :between)
(conj [:relative-datetime 0 interval-unit]))})]
;; we are not interested in the exact result, just want to check
;; that the query can be compiled and executed
(mt/with-native-query-testing-context query
(let [[[result]] (mt/formatted-rows [int]
(qp/process-query query))]
(if (= driver/*driver* :mongo)
(is (or (nil? result)
(pos-int? result)))
(is (nat-int? result)))))))))))
(doseq [offset-unit [:year :day]
interval-unit [:year :day]
compare-op [:between := :< :<= :> :>=]
add-op [:+ #_:-] ; TODO support subtraction like sql.qp/add-interval-honeysql-form (#23423)
compare-order (cond-> [:field-first]
(not= compare-op :between) (conj :value-first))]
(let [add-fn (fn [field interval]
(if (= add-op :-)
[add-op field interval interval]
[add-op interval field interval]))
query (mt/mbql-query attempts
{:aggregation [[:count]]
:filter (cond-> [compare-op]
(= compare-order :field-first)
(conj (add-fn !default.datetime_tz [:interval 3 offset-unit])
[:relative-datetime -7 interval-unit])
(= compare-order :value-first)
(conj [:relative-datetime -7 interval-unit]
(add-fn !default.datetime_tz [:interval 3 offset-unit]))
(= compare-op :between)
(conj [:relative-datetime 0 interval-unit]))})]
;; we are not interested in the exact result, just want to check
;; that the query can be compiled and executed
(mt/with-native-query-testing-context query
(let [[[result]] (mt/formatted-rows [int]
(qp/process-query query))]
(if (= driver/*driver* :mongo)
(is (or (nil? result)
(pos-int? result)))
(is (nat-int? result)))))))))))
(deftest or-test
(mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers)
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