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Commit e5232b13 authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul
Browse files

Code to load sample dataset on launch

parent 582850d7
No related merge requests found
......@@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ profiles.clj
#! /bin/bash
echo "Running 'npm install' to download javascript dependencies..." &&
npm install &&
echo "Running 'webpack -p' to assemble and minify frontend assets..." &&
./node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js -p
fi &&
echo "Running 'lein generate-sample-dataset' to generate the sample dataset..." &&
lein generate-sample-dataset &&
echo "Running 'lein uberjar'..." &&
lein uberjar
......@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ test:
# 2) runs Eastwood linter
# 3) Bikeshed linter
# 4) runs JS linter + JS test
# 5) runs lein uberjar
- case $CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX in 0) MB_TEST_DATASETS=h2,mongo,postgres lein test ;; 1) MB_DB_TYPE=postgres MB_DB_DBNAME=circle_test MB_DB_PORT=5432 MB_DB_USER=ubuntu MB_DB_HOST=localhost lein test ;; 2) lein eastwood ;; 3) lein bikeshed --max-line-length 240 ;; 4) npm run lint && npm run build && npm run test ;; 5) CI_DISABLE_WEBPACK_MINIFICATION=1 lein uberjar ;; esac:
# 5) runs ./build-uberjar
- case $CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX in 0) MB_TEST_DATASETS=h2,mongo,postgres lein test ;; 1) MB_DB_TYPE=postgres MB_DB_DBNAME=circle_test MB_DB_PORT=5432 MB_DB_USER=ubuntu MB_DB_HOST=localhost lein test ;; 2) lein eastwood ;; 3) lein bikeshed --max-line-length 240 ;; 4) npm run lint && npm run build && npm run test ;; 5) CI_DISABLE_WEBPACK_MINIFICATION=1 ./build-uberjar ;; esac:
parallel: true
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Then run the HTTP server with
Check that the project can compile successfully with
lein uberjar
Run the linters with
(ns leiningen.npm
(defn npm [projects & args]
;; TODO - some better validations such as checking if `npm` is available
(println "Running `npm install` to download javascript dependencies")
(let [result (sh "npm" "install")]
(if (= 0 (:exit result))
(println (:out result))
(println (:err result)))))
\ No newline at end of file
(ns leiningen.webpack
(:require [ :refer :all]))
;; Set the CI_DISABLE_WEBPACK_MINIFICATION environment variable to skip minification which takes ~6+ minutes on CircleCI
(defn webpack [projects & args]
;; TODO - some better validations such as checking that we have webpack available
(println "Running `webpack -p` to assemble and minify frontend assets")
(let [result (sh (str (:root projects) "/node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js") (if (System/getenv "CI_DISABLE_WEBPACK_MINIFICATION") ""
(if (= 0 (:exit result))
(println (:out result))
(println (:err result)))))
......@@ -90,8 +90,7 @@
"-Xverify:none"]} ; disable bytecode verification when running tests so they start slightly faster
:uberjar {:aot :all
:prep-tasks ^:replace ["npm" "webpack" "generate-sample-dataset" "javac" "compile"]}
:uberjar {:aot :all}
:generate-sample-dataset {:dependencies [[faker "0.2.2"] ; Fake data generator -- port of Perl/Ruby
[incanter/incanter-core "1.5.6"]] ; Satistical functions like normal distibutions}})
:source-paths ["sample_dataset"]
......@@ -11,10 +11,8 @@
[db :as kdb]))
(:import java.util.Date))
(def ^:private ^:const sample-dataset-version "1.0.0")
(def ^:private ^:const sample-dataset-filename
(str (System/getProperty "user.dir") (format "/resources/sample-dataset-%s.db" sample-dataset-version)))
(str (System/getProperty "user.dir") "/resources/sample-dataset.db"))
(defn- normal-distribution-rand [mean median]
(dist/draw (dist/normal-distribution mean median)))
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
[medley.core :as medley]
(metabase [config :as config]
[db :as db]
[driver :as driver]
[routes :as routes]
[setup :as setup]
[task :as task])
......@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
[log-api-call :refer :all]
[format :refer :all])
(metabase.models [setting :refer [defsetting]]
[database :refer [Database]]
[user :refer [User]])))
;; ## CONFIG
......@@ -134,6 +136,30 @@
(.stop ^org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server @jetty-instance)
(reset! jetty-instance nil)))
(def ^:private ^:const sample-dataset-name "Sample Dataset")
(def ^:private ^:const sample-dataset-filename "")
(defn- add-sample-dataset! []
(db/cascade-delete Database :name sample-dataset-name)
(when-not (db/exists? Database :name sample-dataset-name)
(log/info "Loading sample dataset...")
(let [resource (-> (Thread/currentThread) ; hunt down the sample dataset DB file inside the current JAR
(.getResource sample-dataset-filename))]
(if-not resource
(log/error (format "Can't load sample dataset: the DB file '%s' can't be found by the ClassLoader." sample-dataset-filename))
(let [h2-file (-> (.getPath resource)
(s/replace #"^file:" "zip:") ; to connect to an H2 DB inside a JAR just replace file: with zip:
(s/replace #"\.mv\.db$" "") ; strip the .mv.db suffix from the path
(str ";USER=GUEST;PASSWORD=guest"))] ; specify the GUEST user account created for the DB
(driver/sync-database! (db/ins Database
:name sample-dataset-name
:details {:db h2-file}
:engine :h2)))))
(catch Throwable e
(log/error (format "Failed to load sample dataset: %s" (.getMessage e)))))))
(defn -main
"Launch Metabase in standalone mode."
......@@ -142,7 +168,10 @@
;; run our initialization process
;; add the sample dataset DB if applicable
;; launch embedded webserver
(catch Exception e
(.printStackTrace e)
(log/error "Metabase Initialization FAILED: " (.getMessage e)))))
0% Loading or .
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