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Unverified Commit e5f9d2c4 authored by Cal Herries's avatar Cal Herries Committed by GitHub
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Create the internal user in a migration (#40907)

parent f94ec2cc
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Showing with 168 additions and 58 deletions
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
[babashka.fs :as fs]
[ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str]
[metabase-enterprise.internal-user :as ee.internal-user]
[metabase-enterprise.serialization.cmd :as serialization.cmd]
[metabase.db :as mdb]
[metabase.models.database :refer [Database]]
......@@ -251,7 +250,6 @@
(defn- maybe-load-analytics-content!
(when analytics-dir-resource
(adjust-audit-db-to-source! audit-db)
(ia-content->plugins (plugins/plugins-dir))
(let [[last-checksum current-checksum] (get-last-and-current-checksum)]
(ns metabase-enterprise.internal-user
(:require [metabase.config :as config]
[metabase.models :refer [User]]
[metabase.util.log :as log]
[toucan2.core :as t2]))
(defn- install-internal-user! []
{:id config/internal-mb-user-id
:first_name "Metabase"
:last_name "Internal"
:email ""
:password (str (random-uuid))
:is_active false
:is_superuser false
:login_attributes nil
:sso_source nil
:type :internal}))
(defn ensure-internal-user-exists!
"Creates the internal user"
(if-not (t2/exists? User :id config/internal-mb-user-id)
(do (log/info "No internal user found, creating now...")
......@@ -9,9 +9,11 @@
[ :as]
[ :as snowplow-test]
[metabase.cmd :as cmd]
[metabase.models :refer [Card Collection Dashboard DashboardCard Database User]]
[metabase.models :refer [Card Collection Dashboard DashboardCard Database
[metabase.test :as mt]
[metabase.test.fixtures :as fixtures]
[metabase.test.initialize.test-users :as test-users]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.log :as log]
[metabase.util.yaml :as yaml]
......@@ -66,17 +68,21 @@
(deftest blank-target-db-test
(testing "Loading a dump into an empty app DB still works (#16639)"
(mt/with-premium-features #{:serialization}
(let [dump-dir (ts/random-dump-dir "serdes-")
user-pre-insert-called? (atom false)]
(log/infof "Dumping to %s" dump-dir)
(cmd/dump dump-dir "--user" "")
(with-redefs [load/pre-insert-user (fn [user]
(reset! user-pre-insert-called? true)
(assoc user :password "test-password"))]
(cmd/load dump-dir "--mode" "update"
"--on-error" "abort")
(is (true? @user-pre-insert-called?))))))))
(ts/with-dbs [source-db dest-db]
(let [dump-dir (ts/random-dump-dir "serdes-")
user-pre-insert-called? (atom false)]
(log/infof "Dumping to %s" dump-dir)
(ts/with-db source-db
(ts/create! :model/Collection :name "My_Collection")
(cmd/dump dump-dir "--user" ""))
(ts/with-db dest-db
(with-redefs [load/pre-insert-user (fn [user]
(reset! user-pre-insert-called? true)
(assoc user :password "test-password"))]
(cmd/load dump-dir "--mode" "update"
"--on-error" "abort")
(is (true? @user-pre-insert-called?)))))))))
(deftest mode-update-remove-cards-test
(testing "--mode update should remove Cards in a Dashboard if they're gone from the serialized YAML (#20786)"
......@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
:pulse-channel-recipient (many-random-fks 40 {} {:pulse_channel_id [:pulse-channel 30]
:user_id [:u 100]})}))
(is (= 100 (count (t2/select-fn-set :email 'User))))
(is (= 101 (count (t2/select-fn-set :email 'User)))) ; +1 for the internal user
(testing "extraction"
(reset! extraction (serdes/with-cache (into [] (extract/extract {}))))
......@@ -6106,6 +6106,14 @@ databaseChangeLog:
nullable: false
defaultValue: true
- changeSet:
id: v50.2024-03-28T16:30:35
author: calherries
comment: Create internal user
- customChange:
class: "metabase.db.custom_migrations.CreateInternalUser"
......@@ -199,7 +199,8 @@
"Make sure [target] application DB is empty before we start copying data."
;; check that there are no Users yet
(let [[{:keys [cnt]}] (jdbc/query {:datasource data-source} "SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM core_user;")]
(let [[{:keys [cnt]}] (jdbc/query {:datasource data-source} ["SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM core_user where not id = ?;"
(assert (integer? cnt))
(when (pos? cnt)
(throw (ex-info (trs "Target DB is already populated!")
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
[clojurewerkz.quartzite.scheduler :as qs]
[clojurewerkz.quartzite.triggers :as triggers]
[medley.core :as m]
[metabase.config :as config]
[metabase.db.connection :as mdb.connection]
[metabase.models.interface :as mi]
[metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
......@@ -31,7 +32,8 @@
(liquibase.change Change)
(liquibase.change.custom CustomTaskChange CustomTaskRollback)
(liquibase.exception ValidationErrors)
(liquibase.util BooleanUtil)))
(liquibase.util BooleanUtil)
(org.mindrot.jbcrypt BCrypt)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
......@@ -1068,6 +1070,49 @@
:from [:revision]
:where [:= :model "Card"]})))))
(defn- hash-bcrypt
"Hashes a given plaintext password using bcrypt. Should be used to hash
passwords included in stored user credentials that are to be later verified
using `bcrypt-credential-fn`."
(BCrypt/hashpw password (BCrypt/gensalt)))
(defn- internal-user-exists? []
(pos? (first (vals (t2/query-one {:select [:%count.*] :from :core_user :where [:= :id config/internal-mb-user-id]})))))
(define-migration CreateInternalUser
;; the internal user may have been created in a previous version for Metabase Analytics, so don't add it again if it
;; exists already.
(when (not (internal-user-exists?))
(let [salt (str (random-uuid))
password (hash-bcrypt (str salt (random-uuid)))
user {;; we insert the internal user ID directly because it's
;; deliberately high enough to not conflict with any other
:id config/internal-mb-user-id
:password_salt salt
:password password
:email ""
:first_name "Metabase"
:locale nil
:last_login nil
:is_active false
:settings nil
:type "internal"
:is_qbnewb true
:updated_at nil
:reset_triggered nil
:is_superuser false
:login_attributes nil
:reset_token nil
:last_name "Internal"
:date_joined :%now
:sso_source nil
:is_datasetnewb true}]
(t2/query {:insert-into :core_user :values [user]}))
(let [all-users-id (first (vals (t2/query-one {:select [:id] :from :permissions_group :where [:= :name "All Users"]})))
perms-group {:user_id config/internal-mb-user-id :group_id all-users-id}]
(t2/query {:insert-into :permissions_group_membership :values [perms-group]}))))
;; This was renamed to TruncateAuditTables, so we need to delete the old job & trigger
(define-migration DeleteTruncateAuditLogTask
(ns metabase-enterprise.internal-user-test
(ns ^:mb/once metabase.db.internal-user-test
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[metabase-enterprise.internal-user :as ee.internal-user]
[metabase.config :as config]
[metabase.models :refer [User]]
[metabase.setup :as setup]
[metabase.test :as mt]
[metabase.util :as u]
[toucan2.core :as t2]))
(defmacro with-internal-user-restoration [& body]
`(let [original-audit-db# (t2/select-one User :id config/internal-mb-user-id)]
(t2/delete! User :id config/internal-mb-user-id)
(t2/delete! User :id config/internal-mb-user-id)
(when original-audit-db#
(deftest installation-of-internal-user-test
(is (= nil (t2/select-one User :id config/internal-mb-user-id)))
(is (map? (t2/select-one User :id config/internal-mb-user-id)))))
(deftest internal-user-installed-one-time-test
(is (= nil (t2/select-one User :id config/internal-mb-user-id)))
(is (map? (t2/select-one User :id config/internal-mb-user-id)))
(is (map? (t2/select-one User :id config/internal-mb-user-id)))))
(deftest has-user-setup-ignores-internal-user
(if config/ee-available?
;; ee:
(let [user-ids-minus-internal (t2/select-fn-set :id User {:where [:not= :id config/internal-mb-user-id]})]
(is (true? (setup/has-user-setup)))
(is (false? (contains? user-ids-minus-internal config/internal-mb-user-id))
"Selecting Users with a clause to ignore internal users does not return the internal user."))
;; oss:
(is (= (t2/select-fn-set :id User {:where [:not= :id config/internal-mb-user-id]})
(t2/select-fn-set :id User))
"Ignore internal user where clause does nothing in ee mode.")))
(is (= (setup/has-user-setup)
;; there's no internal-user in this block
(deftest internal-user-is-in-all-users-test
(testing "The internal user should be in the All Users group, just like any other user."
(let [memberships (-> (t2/select-one :model/User config/internal-mb-user-id)
(t2/hydrate :user_group_memberships)
(->> (map :id)))
all-users-id (t2/select-one-pk :model/PermissionsGroup :name "All Users")]
(is [all-users-id] memberships))))
(deftest internal-user-is-unmodifiable-via-api-test
;; ensure the internal user exists for these test assertions
(testing "GET /api/user"
;; since the Internal user is deactivated, we only need to check in the `:include_deactivated` `true`
(let [{:keys [data total]} (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 200 "user", :include_deactivated true)]
;; since the Internal user is inactive, we only need to check in the `:include_deactivated` `true`
(let [{:keys [data total]} (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 200 "user", :include_deactivated true)
internal-user-email (t2/select-one-fn :email :model/User config/internal-mb-user-id)]
(testing "does not return the internal user"
(is (not (some #{""} (map :email data)))))
(is (not-any? (comp #{internal-user-email} :email) data)))
(testing "does not count the internal user"
(is (= total (count data))))))
(testing "User Endpoints with :id"
......@@ -69,7 +33,7 @@
[:put "user/:id/modal/qbnewb" 400]
[:post "user/:id/send_invite" 400]]]
(let [endpoint (str/replace endpoint #":id" (str config/internal-mb-user-id))
testing-details-string (str/join " " [(u/upper-case-en (name :get))
testing-details-string (str/join " " [(u/upper-case-en (name method))
"does not allow modifying the internal user"])]
(testing testing-details-string
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
[ :as jdbc]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[java-time.api :as t]
[metabase.config :as config]
[metabase.db :as mdb]
[metabase.db.custom-migrations-test :as custom-migrations-test]
[metabase.db.query :as mdb.query]
......@@ -1180,6 +1181,47 @@
(t2/table-name :model/DataPermissions)
:db_id db-id :group_id group-id :perm_type "perms/manage-database"))))))))
(deftest create-internal-user-test
(testing "The internal user is created if it doesn't already exist"
(impl/test-migrations "v50.2024-03-28T16:30:35" [migrate!]
(let [get-users #(t2/query "SELECT * FROM core_user")]
(is (= [] (get-users)))
(is (=? [{:id config/internal-mb-user-id
:first_name "Metabase"
:last_name "Internal"
:email ""
:password some?
:password_salt some?
:is_active false
:is_superuser false
:login_attributes nil
:sso_source nil
:type "internal"
:date_joined some?}]
(testing "The internal user isn't created again if it already exists"
(impl/test-migrations "v50.2024-03-28T16:30:35" [migrate!]
;; Copied from the old `metabase-enterprise.internal-user` namespace
{:id config/internal-mb-user-id
:first_name "Metabase"
:last_name "Internal"
:email ""
:password (str (random-uuid))
:password_salt (str (random-uuid))
:is_active false
:is_superuser false
:login_attributes nil
:sso_source nil
:type "internal"
:date_joined :%now})
(let [get-users #(t2/query "SELECT * FROM core_user")
users-before (get-users)]
(is (= users-before (get-users)))))))
(deftest data-permissions-migration-rollback-test
(testing "Data permissions are correctly rolled back from `data_permissions` to `permissions`"
(impl/test-migrations ["v50.2024-01-04T13:52:51" "v50.2024-02-19T21:32:04"] [migrate!]
......@@ -107,7 +107,6 @@
(lib/aggregate (lib/avg (lib.metadata/field mp (mt/id :products :rating)))))]
(mt/with-temp [:model/Card source-metric {:dataset_query (lib.convert/->legacy-MBQL source-query)
:database_id (mt/id)
:creator_id 1
:type :metric}]
(let [query {:lib/type :mbql/query
:database (mt/id)
(ns ^:mb/once metabase.setup-test
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[metabase.core :as mbc]
[metabase.config :as config]
[metabase.db :as mdb]
[metabase.db.schema-migrations-test.impl :as schema-migrations-test.impl]
[metabase.setup :as setup]
[metabase.test :as mt]
[toucan2.core :as t2]))
(deftest has-user-setup-test
(testing "The has-user-setup getter should return falsey for an empty instance with only an internal user"
;; create a new completely empty database.
(schema-migrations-test.impl/with-temp-empty-app-db [_conn :h2]
;; make sure the DB is set up
;; install audit DB, which creates an internal user as a side effect (on EE instances))
(is (= false
(deftest has-user-setup-ignores-internal-user-test
(is (t2/exists? :model/User :id config/internal-mb-user-id)
"Sense check the internal user exists")
(testing "`has-user-setup` should return false for an empty instance with only an internal user"
(is (false? (setup/has-user-setup))))
(testing "`has-user-setup` should return true as soon as a user is created"
(mt/with-temp [:model/User _ {}]
(is (true? (setup/has-user-setup)))))))
(deftest has-user-setup-cached-test
(testing "The has-user-setup getter should cache truthy results since it can never become falsey"
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