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Commit ee22e0ca authored by Cam Saül's avatar Cam Saül
Browse files

Merge release-0.22.2 into master :yum:

parent ef17e31f
No related merge requests found
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ machine:
version: 4.4.7
......@@ -17,10 +17,13 @@
[metabase.models.interface :as models]
[metabase.util :as u]
metabase.util.honeysql-extensions) ; this needs to be loaded so the `:h2` quoting style gets added
(:import (java.util.jar JarFile JarFile$JarEntryIterator JarFile$JarFileEntry)
(liquibase.database DatabaseFactory Database)
;;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
......@@ -107,50 +110,97 @@
;;; | MIGRATE! |
;;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(defn- filename-without-path-or-prefix
"Strip the path and/or prefix from a migration FILENAME if it has them."
(s/replace filename #"^(?:migrations/)?([\w\d]+)(?:\.(?:json|yaml))?$" "$1"))
(defn- migration-files:jar
"Return the set of migration filenames (without path or prefix) inside the uberjar.
(`io/resource` doesn't work here; this approach adapted from [this StackOverflow answer]("
;; get path to the jar -- see this SO answer
(let [^String jar-path (s/replace (-> ComboPooledDataSource .getProtectionDomain .getCodeSource .getLocation .getPath) #"%20" " ")
^JarFile$JarEntryIterator entries (.entries (JarFile. jar-path))
^Atom files (atom #{})]
(while (.hasMoreElements entries)
(let [^JarFile$JarFileEntry entry (.nextElement entries)
^String entry-name (.getName entry)]
(when (and (.startsWith entry-name "migrations/")
(not= entry-name "migrations/")) ; skip the directory itself
(swap! files conj (filename-without-path-or-prefix entry-name)))))
(defn- migration-files
"Return the set of migration filenames (without path or prefix) in the `resources/migrations` directory or from the JAR."
;; unfortunately io/as-file doesn't seem to work for directories inside a JAR. Try it for local dev but fall back to hacky Java interop method if that fails
(try (set (map filename-without-path-or-prefix (.list (io/as-file (io/resource "migrations")))))
(catch Throwable _
(defn- migration-entries
"Return a set of migration files (without path or prefix) that have already been run.
This is fetched from the `databasechangelog` table.
(migration-entires) -> #{\"001_initial_schema\", \"002_add_session_table\", ...}"
;; an Exception will get thrown if there is no databasechangelog table yet; just return nil in that case because nil will never equal any set
(set (for [{filename :filename} (jdbc/query (jdbc-details) [(format "SELECT %s AS filename FROM %s;" ((db/quote-fn) "filename") ((db/quote-fn) "databasechangelog"))])]
(filename-without-path-or-prefix filename)))))
(defn- has-unrun-migration-files?
"`true` if the set of migration files is the same as the set of migrations that have already been run."
^Boolean []
(not= (migration-files)
(def ^:private ^:const ^String changelog-file "liquibase.yaml")
(defn- migrations-sql
"Return a string of SQL containing the DDL statements needed to perform unrun LIQUIBASE migrations."
^String [^Liquibase liquibase]
(let [writer (StringWriter.)]
(.update liquibase "" writer)
(.toString writer)))
(defn- migrations-lines
"Return a sequnce of DDL statements that should be used to perform migrations for LIQUIBASE.
MySQL gets snippy if we try to run the entire DB migration as one single string; it seems to only like it if we run one statement at a time;
Liquibase puts each DDL statement on its own line automatically so just split by lines and filter out blank / comment lines. Even though this
is not neccesary for H2 or Postgres go ahead and do it anyway because it keeps the code simple and doesn't make a significant performance difference."
[^Liquibase liquibase]
(for [line (s/split-lines (migrations-sql liquibase))
:when (not (or (s/blank? line)
(re-find #"^--" line)))]
(defn- has-unrun-migrations?
"Does LIQUIBASE have migration change sets that haven't been run yet?
It's a good idea to Check to make sure there's actually something to do before running `(migrate :up)` because `migrations-sql` will
always contain SQL to create and release migration locks, which is both slightly dangerous and a waste of time when we won't be using them."
^Boolean [^Liquibase liquibase]
(boolean (seq (.listUnrunChangeSets liquibase nil))))
(defn- has-migration-lock?
"Is a migration lock in place for LIQUIBASE?"
^Boolean [^Liquibase liquibase]
(boolean (seq (.listLocks liquibase))))
(defn- wait-for-migration-lock-to-be-cleared
"Check and make sure the database isn't locked. If it is, sleep for 2 seconds and then retry several times.
There's a chance the lock will end up clearing up so we can run migrations normally."
[^Liquibase liquibase]
(u/auto-retry 5
(when (has-migration-lock? liquibase)
(Thread/sleep 2000)
(throw (Exception. "Database has migration lock; cannot run migrations. You can force-release these locks by running `java -jar metabase.jar migrate release-locks`.")))))
(defn- migrate-up-if-needed!
"Run any unrun LIQUIBASE migrations, if needed.
This creates SQL for the migrations to be performed, then executes each DDL statement.
Running `.update` directly doesn't seem to work as we'd expect; it ends up commiting the changes made and they can't be rolled back at
the end of the transaction block. Converting the migration to SQL string and running that via `jdbc/execute!` seems to do the trick."
[conn, ^Liquibase liquibase]
(log/info "Checking if Database has unrun migrations...")
(when (has-unrun-migrations? liquibase)
(log/info "Database has unrun migrations. Waiting for migration lock to be cleared...")
(wait-for-migration-lock-to-be-cleared liquibase)
(log/info "Migration lock is cleared. Running migrations...")
(doseq [line (migrations-lines liquibase)]
(jdbc/execute! conn [line]))))
(defn- force-migrate-up-if-needed!
"Force migrating up. This does two things differently from `migrate-up-if-needed!`:
1. This doesn't check to make sure the DB locks are cleared
2. Any DDL statements that fail are ignored
It can be used to fix situations where the database got into a weird state, as was common before the fixes made in #3295.
Each DDL statement is ran inside a nested transaction; that way if the nested transaction fails we can roll it back without rolling back the entirety of changes
that were made. (If a single statement in a transaction fails you can't do anything futher until you clear the error state by doing something like calling `.rollback`.)"
[conn, ^Liquibase liquibase]
(when (has-unrun-migrations? liquibase)
(doseq [line (migrations-lines liquibase)]
(log/info line)
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [nested-transaction-connection conn]
(try (jdbc/execute! nested-transaction-connection [line])
(log/info (u/format-color 'green "[SUCCESS]"))
(catch Throwable e
(.rollback (jdbc/get-connection nested-transaction-connection))
(log/error (u/format-color 'red "[ERROR] %s" (.getMessage e)))))))))
(def ^{:arglists '([])} ^DatabaseFactory database-factory
"Return an instance of the Liquibase `DatabaseFactory`. This is done on a background thread at launch because otherwise it adds 2 seconds to startup time."
(partial deref (future (DatabaseFactory/getInstance))))
(defn- conn->liquibase
"Get a `Liquibase` object from JDBC CONN."
(^Liquibase []
(conn->liquibase (jdbc-details)))
(^Liquibase [conn]
(let [^JdbcConnection liquibase-conn (JdbcConnection. (jdbc/get-connection conn))
^Database database (.findCorrectDatabaseImplementation (database-factory) liquibase-conn)]
(Liquibase. changelog-file (ClassLoaderResourceAccessor.) database))))
(defn migrate!
"Migrate the database (this can also be ran via command line like `java -jar metabase.jar migrate up` or `lein run migrate up`):
......@@ -169,9 +219,30 @@
(migrate! @db-connection-details direction))
([db-details direction]
;; Loading Liquibase is slow slow slow so only do it if we actually need to
(require 'metabase.db.liquibase)
((resolve 'metabase.db.liquibase/migrate!) (jdbc-details db-details) direction)))
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [conn (jdbc-details db-details)]
;; Tell transaction to automatically `.rollback` instead of `.commit` when the transaction finishes
(jdbc/db-set-rollback-only! conn)
;; Disable auto-commit. This should already be off but set it just to be safe
(.setAutoCommit (jdbc/get-connection conn) false)
;; Set up liquibase and let it do its thing
(log/info "Setting up Liquibase...")
(let [liquibase (conn->liquibase conn)]
(log/info "Liquibase is ready.")
(case direction
:up (migrate-up-if-needed! conn liquibase)
:force (force-migrate-up-if-needed! conn liquibase)
:down-one (.rollback liquibase 1 "")
:print (println (migrations-sql liquibase))
:release-locks (.forceReleaseLocks liquibase)))
;; Migrations were successful; disable rollback-only so `.commit` will be called instead of `.rollback`
(jdbc/db-unset-rollback-only! conn)
;; If for any reason any part of the migrations fail then rollback all changes
(catch Throwable e
;; This should already be happening as a result of `db-set-rollback-only!` but running it twice won't hurt so better safe than sorry
(.rollback (jdbc/get-connection conn))
(throw e))))))
;;; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
......@@ -236,14 +307,16 @@
(defn- verify-db-connection
"Test connection to database with DETAILS and throw an exception if we have any troubles connecting."
[engine details]
{:pre [(keyword? engine) (map? details)]}
(log/info (u/format-color 'cyan "Verifying %s Database Connection ..." (name engine)))
(assert (binding [*allow-potentailly-unsafe-connections* true]
(require 'metabase.driver)
((resolve 'metabase.driver/can-connect-with-details?) engine details))
(format "Unable to connect to Metabase %s DB." (name engine)))
(log/info "Verify Database Connection ... " (u/emoji "✅")))
(verify-db-connection (:type db-details) db-details))
([engine details]
{:pre [(keyword? engine) (map? details)]}
(log/info (u/format-color 'cyan "Verifying %s Database Connection ..." (name engine)))
(assert (binding [*allow-potentailly-unsafe-connections* true]
(require 'metabase.driver)
((resolve 'metabase.driver/can-connect-with-details?) engine details))
(format "Unable to connect to Metabase %s DB." (name engine)))
(log/info "Verify Database Connection ... " (u/emoji "✅"))))
(def ^:dynamic ^Boolean *disable-data-migrations*
......@@ -266,27 +339,20 @@
(throw (java.lang.Exception. "Database requires manual upgrade."))))
(defn- run-schema-migrations!
"Run Liquibase migrations if needed if AUTO-MIGRATE? is enabled, otherwise print migrations and quit."
"Run through our DB migration process and make sure DB is fully prepared"
[auto-migrate? db-details]
(when-not auto-migrate?
(log/info "Running Database Migrations...")
(if auto-migrate?
(migrate! db-details :up)
(print-migrations-and-quit! db-details))
(log/info "Database has unrun migrations. Preparing to run migrations...")
(migrate! db-details :up)
(log/info "Database Migrations Current ... " (u/emoji "✅")))
(defn- run-schema-migrations-if-needed!
"Check and see if we need to run any schema migrations, and run them if needed."
[auto-migrate? db-details]
(log/info "Checking to see if database has unrun migrations...")
(if (has-unrun-migration-files?)
(run-schema-migrations! auto-migrate? db-details)
(log/info "Database migrations are up to date. Skipping loading Liquibase.")))
(defn- run-data-migrations!
"Do any custom code-based migrations once the DB structure is up to date."
"Do any custom code-based migrations now that the db structure is up to date."
(require 'metabase.db.migrations)
((resolve 'metabase.db.migrations/run-all!)))
(when-not *disable-data-migrations*
(require 'metabase.db.migrations)
((resolve 'metabase.db.migrations/run-all!))))
(defn setup-db!
"Do general preparation of database by validating that we can connect.
......@@ -295,8 +361,8 @@
:or {db-details @db-connection-details
auto-migrate true}}]
(reset! setup-db-has-been-called? true)
(verify-db-connection (:type db-details) db-details)
(run-schema-migrations-if-needed! auto-migrate db-details)
(verify-db-connection db-details)
(run-schema-migrations! auto-migrate db-details)
(create-connection-pool! (jdbc-details db-details))
(ns metabase.db.liquibase
"Internal wrapper around Liquibase migrations functionality. Used internally by `metabase.db`; don't use functions in this namespace directly."
(:require [ :as jdbc]
[clojure.string :as s]
[ :as log]
[metabase.util :as u])
(liquibase.database DatabaseFactory Database)
(def ^:private ^:const ^String changelog-file "liquibase.yaml")
(defn- migrations-sql
"Return a string of SQL containing the DDL statements needed to perform unrun LIQUIBASE migrations."
^String [^Liquibase liquibase]
(let [writer (StringWriter.)]
(.update liquibase "" writer)
(.toString writer)))
(defn- migrations-lines
"Return a sequnce of DDL statements that should be used to perform migrations for LIQUIBASE.
MySQL gets snippy if we try to run the entire DB migration as one single string; it seems to only like it if we run one statement at a time;
Liquibase puts each DDL statement on its own line automatically so just split by lines and filter out blank / comment lines. Even though this
is not neccesary for H2 or Postgres go ahead and do it anyway because it keeps the code simple and doesn't make a significant performance difference."
[^Liquibase liquibase]
(for [line (s/split-lines (migrations-sql liquibase))
:when (not (or (s/blank? line)
(re-find #"^--" line)))]
(defn- has-unrun-migrations?
"Does LIQUIBASE have migration change sets that haven't been run yet?
It's a good idea to Check to make sure there's actually something to do before running `(migrate :up)` because `migrations-sql` will
always contain SQL to create and release migration locks, which is both slightly dangerous and a waste of time when we won't be using them."
^Boolean [^Liquibase liquibase]
(boolean (seq (.listUnrunChangeSets liquibase nil))))
(defn- has-migration-lock?
"Is a migration lock in place for LIQUIBASE?"
^Boolean [^Liquibase liquibase]
(boolean (seq (.listLocks liquibase))))
(defn- wait-for-migration-lock-to-be-cleared
"Check and make sure the database isn't locked. If it is, sleep for 2 seconds and then retry several times.
There's a chance the lock will end up clearing up so we can run migrations normally."
[^Liquibase liquibase]
(u/auto-retry 5
(when (has-migration-lock? liquibase)
(Thread/sleep 2000)
(throw (Exception. "Database has migration lock; cannot run migrations. You can force-release these locks by running `java -jar metabase.jar migrate release-locks`.")))))
(defn- migrate-up-if-needed!
"Run any unrun LIQUIBASE migrations, if needed.
This creates SQL for the migrations to be performed, then executes each DDL statement.
Running `.update` directly doesn't seem to work as we'd expect; it ends up commiting the changes made and they can't be rolled back at
the end of the transaction block. Converting the migration to SQL string and running that via `jdbc/execute!` seems to do the trick."
[conn, ^Liquibase liquibase]
(log/info "Checking if Database has unrun migrations...")
(when (has-unrun-migrations? liquibase)
(log/info "Database has unrun migrations. Waiting for migration lock to be cleared...")
(wait-for-migration-lock-to-be-cleared liquibase)
(log/info "Migration lock is cleared. Running migrations...")
(doseq [line (migrations-lines liquibase)]
(jdbc/execute! conn [line]))))
(defn- force-migrate-up-if-needed!
"Force migrating up. This does two things differently from `migrate-up-if-needed!`:
1. This doesn't check to make sure the DB locks are cleared
2. Any DDL statements that fail are ignored
It can be used to fix situations where the database got into a weird state, as was common before the fixes made in #3295.
Each DDL statement is ran inside a nested transaction; that way if the nested transaction fails we can roll it back without rolling back the entirety of changes
that were made. (If a single statement in a transaction fails you can't do anything futher until you clear the error state by doing something like calling `.rollback`.)"
[conn, ^Liquibase liquibase]
(when (has-unrun-migrations? liquibase)
(doseq [line (migrations-lines liquibase)]
(log/info line)
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [nested-transaction-connection conn]
(try (jdbc/execute! nested-transaction-connection [line])
(log/info (u/format-color 'green "[SUCCESS]"))
(catch Throwable e
(.rollback (jdbc/get-connection nested-transaction-connection))
(log/error (u/format-color 'red "[ERROR] %s" (.getMessage e)))))))))
(defn- conn->liquibase
"Get a `Liquibase` object from JDBC CONN."
^Liquibase [conn]
(let [^JdbcConnection liquibase-conn (JdbcConnection. (jdbc/get-connection conn))
^Database database (.findCorrectDatabaseImplementation (DatabaseFactory/getInstance) liquibase-conn)]
(Liquibase. changelog-file (ClassLoaderResourceAccessor.) database)))
(defn migrate!
"Migrate this database via Liquibase. This command is meant for internal use by `metabase.db/migrate!`, so see that command for documentation."
[jdbc-details direction]
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [conn jdbc-details]
;; Tell transaction to automatically `.rollback` instead of `.commit` when the transaction finishes
(jdbc/db-set-rollback-only! conn)
;; Disable auto-commit. This should already be off but set it just to be safe
(.setAutoCommit (jdbc/get-connection conn) false)
;; Set up liquibase and let it do its thing
(log/info "Setting up Liquibase...")
(let [liquibase (conn->liquibase conn)]
(log/info "Liquibase is ready.")
(case direction
:up (migrate-up-if-needed! conn liquibase)
:force (force-migrate-up-if-needed! conn liquibase)
:down-one (.rollback liquibase 1 "")
:print (println (migrations-sql liquibase))
:release-locks (.forceReleaseLocks liquibase)))
;; Migrations were successful; disable rollback-only so `.commit` will be called instead of `.rollback`
(jdbc/db-unset-rollback-only! conn)
;; If for any reason any part of the migrations fail then rollback all changes
(catch Throwable e
;; This should already be happening as a result of `db-set-rollback-only!` but running it twice won't hurt so better safe than sorry
(.rollback (jdbc/get-connection conn))
(throw e)))))
......@@ -19,15 +19,3 @@
{:type :postgres, :user "tom", :password "1234", :host "localhost", :port "5432", :dbname "toms_cool_db", :ssl "true", :sslfactory "org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory"}
(parse-connection-string "postgres://tom:1234@localhost:5432/toms_cool_db?ssl=true&sslfactory=org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory"))
;; tests for filename-without-path-or-prefix
(tu/resolve-private-vars metabase.db filename-without-path-or-prefix)
(expect "my_migration" (filename-without-path-or-prefix "migrations/my_migration.json"))
(expect "my_migration" (filename-without-path-or-prefix "migrations/my_migration.yaml"))
(expect "my_migration" (filename-without-path-or-prefix "my_migration.json"))
(expect "my_migration" (filename-without-path-or-prefix "my_migration.yaml"))
(expect "my_migration" (filename-without-path-or-prefix "migrations/my_migration"))
(expect "my_migration" (filename-without-path-or-prefix "my_migration"))
......@@ -60,7 +60,10 @@
(declare client)
(defn authenticate [{:keys [email password] :as credentials}]
(defn authenticate
"Authenticate a test user with EMAIL and PASSWORD, returning their Metabase Session token;
or throw an Exception if that fails."
[{:keys [email password], :as credentials}]
{:pre [(string? email) (string? password)]}
(println "Authenticating" email) ; DEBUG
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