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Unverified Commit eea171fe authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul
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Faster test launch & other cleanup :race_car:

parent 35682984
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......@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
(driver/register! :bigquery, :parent #{:google :sql})
(defn- valid-bigquery-identifier?
"Is String `s` a valid BigQuery identifiers? Identifiers are only allowed to contain letters, numbers, and
underscores; cannot start with a number; and can be at most 128 characters long."
"Is String `s` a valid BigQuery identifier? Identifiers are only allowed to contain letters, numbers, and underscores;
cannot start with a number; and can be at most 128 characters long."
(and (string? s)
......@@ -109,7 +109,6 @@
(.setPageToken <> page-token-or-nil)))))
(defmethod driver/describe-database :bigquery [_ database]
{:pre [(map? database)]}
;; first page through all the 50-table pages until we stop getting "next page tokens"
(let [tables (loop [tables [], ^TableList table-list (list-tables database)]
(let [tables (concat tables (.getTables table-list))]
......@@ -122,18 +121,16 @@
{:schema nil, :name (.getTableId tableref)}))}))
(defmethod driver/can-connect? :bigquery [_ details-map]
{:pre [(map? details-map)]}
;; check whether we can connect by just fetching the first page of tables for the database. If that succeeds we're
;; g2g
(boolean (list-tables {:details details-map})))
(defn- ^Table get-table
(s/defn get-table :- Table
([{{:keys [project-id dataset-id]} :details, :as database} table-id]
(get-table (database->client database) project-id dataset-id table-id))
([^Bigquery client, ^String project-id, ^String dataset-id, ^String table-id]
{:pre [client (seq project-id) (seq dataset-id) (seq table-id)]}
([client :- Bigquery, project-id :- su/NonBlankString, dataset-id :- su/NonBlankString, table-id :- su/NonBlankString]
(google/execute (.get (.tables client) project-id dataset-id table-id))))
(defn- bigquery-type->base-type [field-type]
......@@ -374,7 +371,6 @@
;; parameters (`?` symbols)
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:bigquery String]
[_ s]
;; TODO - what happens if `s` contains single-quotes? Shouldn't we be escaping them somehow?
(hx/literal s))
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:bigquery Boolean]
......@@ -26,23 +26,25 @@
;;; ----------------------------------------------- Connection Details -----------------------------------------------
(def ^:private ^String normalize-name (comp (u/rpartial str/replace #"-" "_") name))
(def ^:private ^String normalize-name (comp #(str/replace % #"-" "_") name))
(def ^:private ^:const details
(datasets/when-testing-driver :bigquery
(reduce (fn [acc env-var]
(assoc acc env-var (tx/db-test-env-var-or-throw :bigquery env-var)))
[:project-id :client-id :client-secret :access-token :refresh-token])))
(def ^:private details
(datasets/when-testing-driver :bigquery
(fn [acc env-var]
(assoc acc env-var (tx/db-test-env-var-or-throw :bigquery env-var)))
[:project-id :client-id :client-secret :access-token :refresh-token]))))
(def ^:private ^:const ^String project-id (:project-id details))
(def ^:private ^String project-id (:project-id @details))
(def ^:private ^Bigquery bigquery
(datasets/when-testing-driver :bigquery
(#'bigquery/database->client {:details details})))
(#'bigquery/database->client {:details @details})))
(defmethod tx/dbdef->connection-details :bigquery [_ _ {:keys [database-name]}]
(assoc details :dataset-id (normalize-name database-name)))
(assoc @details :dataset-id (normalize-name database-name)))
;;; -------------------------------------------------- Loading Data --------------------------------------------------
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
;; startup database. validates connection & runs any necessary migrations
(log/info (trs "Setting up and migrating Metabase DB. Please sit tight, this may take a minute..."))
(mdb/setup-db! :auto-migrate (config/config-bool :mb-db-automigrate))
(init-status/set-progress! 0.5)
;; run a very quick check to see if we are doing a first time installation
(ns metabase.db
"Application database definition, and setup logic, and helper functions for interacting with it."
(:require [clojure
[string :as s]
[string :as str]
[walk :as walk]]
[io :as io]
......@@ -13,8 +13,12 @@
[connection-pool :as connection-pool]
[spec :as dbspec]]
[metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs]]
[date :as du]
[i18n :refer [trs]]
[schema :as su]]
[ring.util.codec :as codec]
[schema.core :as s]
[toucan.db :as db])
[liquibase Contexts Liquibase]
......@@ -157,8 +161,8 @@
As of 0.31.1 this is only used for printing the migrations without running or using force migrating."
[^Liquibase liquibase]
(for [line (s/split-lines (migrations-sql liquibase))
:when (not (or (s/blank? line)
(for [line (str/split-lines (migrations-sql liquibase))
:when (not (or (str/blank? line)
(re-find #"^--" line)))]
......@@ -242,15 +246,16 @@
(partial deref (future (DatabaseFactory/getInstance)))))
(defn- conn->liquibase
"Get a `Liquibase` object from JDBC CONN."
"Get a `Liquibase` object from JDBC `conn`."
(^Liquibase []
(conn->liquibase (jdbc-details)))
(^Liquibase [conn]
(let [^JdbcConnection liquibase-conn (JdbcConnection. (jdbc/get-connection conn))
^Database database (.findCorrectDatabaseImplementation (database-factory) liquibase-conn)]
(Liquibase. changelog-file (ClassLoaderResourceAccessor.) database))))
(defn consolidate-liquibase-changesets
(defn- consolidate-liquibase-changesets!
"Consolidate all previous DB migrations so they come from single file.
Previously migrations where stored in many small files which added seconds per file to the startup time because
......@@ -259,15 +264,15 @@
(let [liquibases-table-name (if (#{:h2 :mysql} (db-type))
fresh-install? (jdbc/with-db-metadata [meta (jdbc-details)] ;; don't migrate on fresh install
(empty? (jdbc/metadata-query
(.getTables meta nil nil liquibases-table-name (into-array String ["TABLE"])))))
query (format "UPDATE %s SET FILENAME = ?" liquibases-table-name)]
(let [liquibase-table-name (if (#{:h2 :mysql} (db-type))
fresh-install? (jdbc/with-db-metadata [meta (jdbc-details)] ;; don't migrate on fresh install
(empty? (jdbc/metadata-query
(.getTables meta nil nil liquibase-table-name (u/varargs String ["TABLE"])))))
statement (format "UPDATE %s SET FILENAME = ?" liquibase-table-name)]
(when-not fresh-install?
(jdbc/execute! conn [query "migrations/000_migrations.yaml"]))))
(jdbc/execute! conn [statement "migrations/000_migrations.yaml"]))))
(defn- release-lock-if-needed!
"Attempts to release the liquibase lock if present. Logs but does not bubble up the exception if one occurs as it's
......@@ -295,8 +300,10 @@
`metabase.db.migrations/run-all!`. (`setup-db!`, below, calls both this function and `run-all!`)."
(migrate! :up))
(migrate! @db-connection-details direction))
([db-details direction]
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [conn (jdbc-details db-details)]
;; Tell transaction to automatically `.rollback` instead of `.commit` when the transaction finishes
......@@ -307,7 +314,7 @@
(log/info (trs "Setting up Liquibase..."))
(let [liquibase (conn->liquibase conn)]
(consolidate-liquibase-changesets conn)
(consolidate-liquibase-changesets! conn)
(log/info (trs "Liquibase is ready."))
(case direction
:up (migrate-up-if-needed! conn liquibase)
......@@ -359,13 +366,13 @@
;;; | DB SETUP |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(def ^:private setup-db-has-been-called?
(def ^:private db-setup-finished?
(atom false))
(defn db-is-setup?
"True if the Metabase DB is setup and ready."
^Boolean []
(def ^:dynamic *allow-potentailly-unsafe-connections*
"We want to make *every* database connection made by the drivers safe -- read-only, only connect if DB file exists,
......@@ -385,12 +392,12 @@
forever after, making all other connnections \"safe\"."
(defn- verify-db-connection
(s/defn ^:private verify-db-connection
"Test connection to database with DETAILS and throw an exception if we have any troubles connecting."
(verify-db-connection (:type db-details) db-details))
([driver details]
{:pre [(keyword? driver) (map? details)]}
([driver :- s/Keyword, details :- su/Map]
(log/info (u/format-color 'cyan (trs "Verifying {0} Database Connection ..." (name driver))))
(assert (binding [*allow-potentailly-unsafe-connections* true]
(require 'metabase.driver.util)
......@@ -451,24 +458,23 @@
(require 'metabase.db.migrations)
((resolve 'metabase.db.migrations/run-all!))))
(defn setup-db!
"Do general preparation of database by validating that we can connect.
Caller can specify if we should run any pending database migrations."
[& {:keys [db-details auto-migrate]
:or {db-details @db-connection-details
auto-migrate true}}]
(verify-db-connection db-details)
(run-schema-migrations! auto-migrate db-details)
(create-connection-pool! (jdbc-details db-details))
(reset! setup-db-has-been-called? true)))
(defn setup-db-if-needed!
"Call `setup-db!` if DB is not already setup; otherwise this does nothing."
[& args]
(when-not @setup-db-has-been-called?
(apply setup-db! args)))
(defn- setup-db!* []
(let [db-details @db-connection-details
auto-migrate (config/config-bool :mb-db-automigrate)]
(du/profile (trs "Application database setup")
(verify-db-connection db-details)
(run-schema-migrations! auto-migrate db-details)
(create-connection-pool! (du/profile (jdbc-details db-details)))
(reset! db-setup-finished? true))))
(defonce ^{:arglists '([]), :doc "Do general preparation of database by validating that we can connect. Caller can
specify if we should run any pending database migrations. If DB is already set up, this function will no-op."}
(partial deref (delay (setup-db!*))))
;;; Various convenience fns (experiMENTAL)
......@@ -480,20 +486,15 @@
(mdb/join [FieldValues :field_id] [Field :id])
:active true)"
[[source-entity fk] [dest-entity pk]]
{:left-join [(db/resolve-model dest-entity) [:= (db/qualify source-entity fk)
(db/qualify dest-entity pk)]]})
{:left-join [(db/resolve-model dest-entity) [:= (db/qualify source-entity fk) (db/qualify dest-entity pk)]]})
(defn- type-keyword->descendants
(s/defn ^:private type-keyword->descendants :- (su/non-empty #{su/FieldTypeKeywordOrString})
"Return a set of descendents of Metabase `type-keyword`. This includes `type-keyword` itself, so the set will always
have at least one element.
(type-keyword->descendants :type/Coordinate) ; -> #{\"type/Latitude\" \"type/Longitude\" \"type/Coordinate\"}"
;; make sure `type-keyword` is a valid MB type. There may be some cases where we want to use these functions for
;; types outside of the `:type/` hierarchy. If and when that happens, we can reconsider this check. But since no
;; such cases currently exist, adding this check to catch typos makes sense.
{:pre [(isa? type-keyword :type/*)]}
[type-keyword :- su/FieldType]
(set (map u/keyword->qualified-name (cons type-keyword (descendants type-keyword)))))
(defn isa
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
(defmethod metabase-instance DatabaseDefinition [{:keys [database-name]} driver-kw]
(assert (string? database-name))
(assert (keyword? driver-kw))
(db/setup-db-if-needed!, :auto-migrate true)
(Database :name database-name, :engine (name driver-kw)))
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
(System/exit -2))))]
(log/info (format "Setting up %s test DB and running migrations..." (name (mdb/db-type))))
(mdb/setup-db! :auto-migrate true)
......@@ -79,7 +79,6 @@
(u/deref-with-timeout start-web-server! 10000)
(defn test-teardown
{:expectations-options :after-run}
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