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Unverified Commit ef7095af authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul
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Add :sensitive? Settings; move Settings cache logic into new ns

parent 593d28f1
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...@@ -22,11 +22,7 @@ ...@@ -22,11 +22,7 @@
[key] [key]
{key su/NonBlankString} {key su/NonBlankString}
(api/check-superuser) (api/check-superuser)
(let [k (keyword key) (setting/user-facing-value key))
v (setting/get k)]
;; for security purposes, don't return value of a setting if it was defined via env var
(when (not= v (setting/env-var-value k))
(api/defendpoint PUT "/:key" (api/defendpoint PUT "/:key"
"Create/update a `Setting`. You must be a superuser to do this. "Create/update a `Setting`. You must be a superuser to do this.
...@@ -12,13 +12,25 @@ ...@@ -12,13 +12,25 @@
(:import javax.mail.Session)) (:import javax.mail.Session))
(defsetting email-from-address
(tru "Email address you want to use as the sender of Metabase.")
:default "")
(defsetting email-smtp-host
(tru "The address of the SMTP server that handles your emails."))
(defsetting email-smtp-username
(tru "SMTP username."))
(defsetting email-smtp-password
(tru "SMTP password.")
:sensitive? true)
;; TODO - smtp-port should be switched to type :integer ;; TODO - smtp-port should be switched to type :integer
(defsetting email-smtp-port
(tru "The port your SMTP server uses for outgoing emails."))
(defsetting email-from-address (tru "Email address you want to use as the sender of Metabase.") :default "")
(defsetting email-smtp-host (tru "The address of the SMTP server that handles your emails."))
(defsetting email-smtp-username (tru "SMTP username."))
(defsetting email-smtp-password (tru "SMTP password."))
(defsetting email-smtp-port (tru "The port your SMTP server uses for outgoing emails."))
(defsetting email-smtp-security (defsetting email-smtp-security
(tru "SMTP secure connection protocol. (tls, ssl, starttls, or none)") (tru "SMTP secure connection protocol. (tls, ssl, starttls, or none)")
:default (tru "none") :default (tru "none")
...@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ ...@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
(tru "The Distinguished Name to bind as (if any), this user will be used to lookup information about other users.")) (tru "The Distinguished Name to bind as (if any), this user will be used to lookup information about other users."))
(defsetting ldap-password (defsetting ldap-password
(tru "The password to bind with for the lookup user.")) (tru "The password to bind with for the lookup user.")
:sensitive? true)
(defsetting ldap-user-base (defsetting ldap-user-base
(tru "Search base for users. (Will be searched recursively)")) (tru "Search base for users. (Will be searched recursively)"))
This diff is collapsed.
(ns metabase.models.setting.cache
"Settings cache. Cache is a 1:1 mapping of what's in the DB. Cached lookup time is ~60µs, compared to ~1800µs for DB
(:require [clojure.core :as core]
[clojure.core.memoize :as memoize]
[ :as jdbc]
[ :as log]
[honeysql.core :as hsql]
[db :as mdb]
[util :as u]]
[honeysql-extensions :as hx]
[i18n :as ui18n :refer [trs]]]
[toucan.db :as db]))
(def ^:private cache*
"Settings cache. Map of Setting key (string) -> Setting value (string)."
(atom nil))
(defn cache
"Fetch the current contents of the Settings cache, a map of key (string) -> value (string)."
(defn update-cache!
"Update the String value of a Setting in the Settings cache."
[setting-name, ^String new-value]
(if (seq new-value)
(swap! cache* assoc setting-name new-value)
(swap! cache* dissoc setting-name)))
;; When running multiple Metabase instances (horizontal scaling), it is of course possible for one instance to update
;; a Setting, and, since Settings are cached (to avoid tons of DB calls), for the other instances to then have an
;; out-of-date cache. Thus we need a way for instances to know when their caches are out of date, so they can update
;; them accordingly. Here is our solution:
;; We will record the last time *any* Setting was updated in a special Setting called `settings-last-updated`.
;; Since `settings-last-updated` itself is a Setting, it will get fetched as part of each instance's local cache; we
;; can then periodically compare the locally cached value of `settings-last-updated` with the value in the DB. If our
;; locally cached value is older than the one in the DB, we will flush our cache. When the cache is fetched again, it
;; will have the up-to-date value.
;; Because different machines can have out-of-sync clocks, we'll rely entirely on the application DB for caclulating
;; and comparing values of `settings-last-updated`. Because the Setting table itself only stores text values, we'll
;; need to cast it between TEXT and TIMESTAMP SQL types as needed.
(def ^String settings-last-updated-key "settings-last-updated")
(defn update-settings-last-updated!
"Update the value of `settings-last-updated` in the DB; if the row does not exist, insert one."
(log/debug (trs "Updating value of settings-last-updated in DB..."))
;; for MySQL, cast(current_timestamp AS char); for H2 & Postgres, cast(current_timestamp AS text)
(let [current-timestamp-as-string-honeysql (hx/cast (if (= (mdb/db-type) :mysql) :char :text)
(hsql/raw "current_timestamp"))]
;; attempt to UPDATE the existing row. If no row exists, `update-where!` will return false...
(or (db/update-where! 'Setting {:key settings-last-updated-key} :value current-timestamp-as-string-honeysql)
;; which point we will try to INSERT a new row. Note that it is entirely possible two instances can both
;; try to INSERT it at the same time; one instance would fail because it would violate the PK constraint on
;; `key`, and throw a SQLException. As long as one instance updates the value, we are fine, so we can go ahead
;; and ignore that Exception if one is thrown.
;; Use `simple-insert!` because we do *not* want to trigger pre-insert behavior, such as encrypting `:value`
(db/simple-insert! 'Setting :key settings-last-updated-key, :value current-timestamp-as-string-honeysql)
(catch java.sql.SQLException e
;; go ahead and log the Exception anyway on the off chance that it *wasn't* just a race condition issue
(log/error (trs "Error inserting a new Setting: {0}"
(with-out-str (jdbc/print-sql-exception-chain e))))))))
;; Now that we updated the value in the DB, go ahead and update our cached value as well, because we know about the
;; changes
(swap! cache* assoc settings-last-updated-key (db/select-one-field :value 'Setting :key settings-last-updated-key)))
(defn- cache-out-of-date?
"Check whether our Settings cache is out of date. We know the cache is out of date if either of the following
conditions is true:
* The cache is empty (the `cache*` atom is `nil`), which of course means it needs to be updated
* There is a value of `settings-last-updated` in the cache, and it is older than the value of in the DB. (There
will be no value until the first time a normal Setting is updated; thus if it is not yet set, we do not yet need
to invalidate our cache.)"
(log/debug (trs "Checking whether settings cache is out of date (requires DB call)..."))
;; is the cache empty?
(not @cache*)
;; if not, get the cached value of `settings-last-updated`, and if it exists...
(when-let [last-known-update (core/get @cache* settings-last-updated-key)]
;; compare it to the value in the DB. This is done be seeing whether a row exists
;; WHERE value > <local-value>
(u/prog1 (db/select-one 'Setting
{:where [:and
[:= :key settings-last-updated-key]
[:> :value last-known-update]]})
(when <>
(log/info (u/format-color 'red
(str (trs "Settings have been changed on another instance, and will be reloaded here."))))))))))
(def ^:private cache-update-check-interval-ms
"How often we should check whether the Settings cache is out of date (which requires a DB call)?"
;; once a minute
(* 60 1000))
(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([])} should-restore-cache?
"TTL-memoized version of `cache-out-of-date?`. Call this function to see whether we need to repopulate the cache with
values from the DB."
(memoize/ttl cache-out-of-date? :ttl/threshold cache-update-check-interval-ms))
(def ^:private restore-cache-if-needed-lock (Object.))
(defn restore-cache-if-needed!
"Check whether we need to repopulate the cache with fresh values from the DB (because the cache is either empty or
known to be out-of-date), and do so if needed. This is intended to be called every time a Setting value is
retrieved, so it should be efficient; thus the calculation (`should-restore-cache?`) is itself TTL-memoized."
;; There's a potential race condition here where two threads both call this at the exact same moment, and both get
;; `true` when they call `should-restore-cache`, and then both simultaneously try to update the cache (or, one
;; updates the cache, but the other calls `should-restore-cache?` and gets `true` before the other calls
;; `memo-swap!` (see below))
;; This is not desirable, since either situation would result in duplicate work. Better to just add a quick lock
;; here so only one of them does it, since at any rate waiting for the other thread to finish the task in progress is
;; certainly quicker than starting the task ourselves from scratch
(locking restore-cache-if-needed-lock
(when (should-restore-cache?)
(log/debug (trs "Refreshing Settings cache..."))
(reset! cache* (db/select-field->field :key :value 'Setting))
;; Now the cache is up-to-date. That is all good, but if we call `should-restore-cache?` again in a second it
;; will still return `true`, because its result is memoized, and we would be on the hook to (again) update the
;; cache. So go ahead and clear the memozied results for `should-restore-cache?`. The next time around when
;; someone calls this it will cache the latest value (which should be `false`)
;; NOTE: I tried using `memo-swap!` instead to set the cached response to `false` here, avoiding the extra DB
;; call the next fn call would make, but it didn't seem to work correctly (I think it was still discarding the
;; new value because of the TTL). So we will just stick with `memo-clear!` for now. (One extra DB call whenever
;; the cache gets invalidated shouldn't be a huge deal)
(memoize/memo-clear! should-restore-cache?))))
(ns metabase.api.setting-test (ns metabase.api.setting-test
(:require [expectations :refer :all] (:require [expectations :refer [expect]]
[metabase.models.setting-test :refer [set-settings! test-setting-1 test-setting-2]] [metabase.models.setting-test :refer [set-settings! test-sensitive-setting test-setting-1 test-setting-2]]
[ :refer :all])) [ :refer [user->client]]))
;; ## Helper Fns ;; ## Helper Fns
(defn- fetch-test-settings [] (defn- fetch-test-settings []
...@@ -15,8 +15,18 @@ ...@@ -15,8 +15,18 @@
;; ## GET /api/setting ;; ## GET /api/setting
;; Check that we can fetch all Settings for Org ;; Check that we can fetch all Settings for Org
(expect (expect
[{:key "test-setting-1", :value nil, :is_env_setting true, :env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_1", :description "Test setting - this only shows up in dev (1)", :default "Using $MB_TEST_SETTING_1"} [{:key "test-setting-1"
{:key "test-setting-2", :value "FANCY", :is_env_setting false, :env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_2", :description "Test setting - this only shows up in dev (2)", :default "[Default Value]"}] :value nil
:is_env_setting true
:env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_1"
:description "Test setting - this only shows up in dev (1)"
:default "Using value of env var $MB_TEST_SETTING_1"}
{:key "test-setting-2"
:value "FANCY"
:is_env_setting false
:env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_2"
:description "Test setting - this only shows up in dev (2)"
:default "[Default Value]"}]
(do (set-settings! nil "FANCY") (do (set-settings! nil "FANCY")
(fetch-test-settings))) (fetch-test-settings)))
...@@ -44,3 +54,52 @@ ...@@ -44,3 +54,52 @@
;; ## Check non-superuser can't set a Setting ;; ## Check non-superuser can't set a Setting
(expect "You don't have permissions to do that." (expect "You don't have permissions to do that."
((user->client :rasta) :put 403 "setting/test-setting-1" {:value "NICE!"})) ((user->client :rasta) :put 403 "setting/test-setting-1" {:value "NICE!"}))
;;; ----------------------------------------------- Sensitive Settings -----------------------------------------------
;; Sensitive settings should always come back obfuscated
;; GET /api/setting/:name should obfuscate sensitive settings
(test-sensitive-setting "ABCDEF")
(fetch-setting :test-sensitive-setting)))
;; GET /api/setting should obfuscate sensitive settings
{:key "test-sensitive-setting"
:value "**********LM"
:is_env_setting false
:description "This is a sample sensitive Setting."
:default nil}
(test-sensitive-setting "GHIJKLM")
(some (fn [{setting-name :key, :as setting}]
(when (= setting-name "test-sensitive-setting")
((user->client :crowberto) :get 200 "setting"))))
;; Setting the Setting via an endpoint should still work as expected; the normal getter functions should *not*
;; obfuscate sensitive Setting values -- that should be done by the API
((user->client :crowberto) :put 200 "setting/test-sensitive-setting" {:value "123456"})
;; Attempts to set the Setting to an obfuscated value should be ignored
(test-sensitive-setting "123456")
((user->client :crowberto) :put 200 "setting/test-sensitive-setting" {:value "**********56"})
(test-sensitive-setting "123456")
((user->client :crowberto) :put 200 "setting" {:test-sensitive-setting "**********56"})
(ns metabase.models.setting.cache-test
(:require [clojure.core.memoize :as memoize]
[expectations :refer [expect]]
[honeysql.core :as hsql]
[metabase.db :as mdb]
[setting :refer [Setting]]
[setting-test :as setting-test]]
[metabase.models.setting.cache :as cache]
[toucan.db :as db]))
;;; --------------------------------------------- Cache Synchronization ----------------------------------------------
(defn- clear-cache! []
(reset! @#'metabase.models.setting.cache/cache* nil))
(defn- settings-last-updated-value-in-cache []
(get (cache/cache) cache/settings-last-updated-key))
(defn- update-settings-last-updated-value-in-db!
"Simulate a different instance updating the value of `settings-last-updated` in the DB by updating its value without
updating our locally cached value.."
(db/update-where! Setting {:key cache/settings-last-updated-key}
:value (hsql/raw (case (mdb/db-type)
;; make it one second in the future so we don't end up getting an exact match when we try to test
;; to see if things update below
:h2 "cast(dateadd('second', 1, current_timestamp) AS text)"
:mysql "cast((current_timestamp + interval 1 second) AS char)"
:postgres "cast((current_timestamp + interval '1 second') AS text)"))))
(defn- simulate-another-instance-updating-setting! [setting-name new-value]
(db/update-where! Setting {:key (name setting-name)} :value new-value)
(defn- flush-memoized-results-for-should-restore-cache!
"Remove any memoized results for `should-restore-cache?`, so we can test `restore-cache-if-needed!` works the way we'd
(memoize/memo-clear! @#'cache/should-restore-cache?))
;; When I update a Setting, does it set/update `settings-last-updated`?
(setting-test/toucan-name "Bird Can")
(string? (setting-test/settings-last-updated-value-in-db))))
;; ...and is the value updated in the cache as well?
(setting-test/toucan-name "Bird Can")
(string? (settings-last-updated-value-in-cache))))
;; ...and if I update it again, will the value be updated?
(setting-test/toucan-name "Bird Can")
(let [first-value (setting-test/settings-last-updated-value-in-db)]
;; MySQL only has the resolution of one second on the timestamps here so we should wait that long to make sure
;; the second-value actually ends up being greater than the first
(Thread/sleep 1200)
(setting-test/toucan-name "Bird Can")
(let [second-value (setting-test/settings-last-updated-value-in-db)]
;; first & second values should be different, and first value should be "less than" the second value
(and (not= first-value second-value)
(neg? (compare first-value second-value)))))))
;; If there is no cache, it should be considered out of date!`
;; But if I set a setting, it should cause the cache to be populated, and be up-to-date
(setting-test/toucan-name "Reggae Toucan")
;; If another instance updates a Setting, `cache-out-of-date?` should return `true` based on DB comparisons...
;; be true!
(setting-test/toucan-name "Reggae Toucan")
(simulate-another-instance-updating-setting! :setting-test/toucan-name "Bird Can")
;; of course, `restore-cache-if-needed!` should use TTL memoization, and the cache should not get updated right away
;; even if another instance updates a value...
(setting-test/toucan-name "Sam") ; should restore cache, and put in {"setting-test/toucan-name" "Sam"}
;; since we cleared the memoized value of `should-restore-cache?` call it again to make sure it gets set to
;; `false` as it would IRL if we were calling it again from the same instance
;; now have another instance change the value
(simulate-another-instance-updating-setting! :setting-test/toucan-name "Bird Can")
;; our cache should not be updated yet because it's on a TTL
;; ...and when it comes time to check our cache for updating (when calling `restore-cache-if-needed!`, it should get
;; the updated value. (we're not actually going to wait a minute for the memoized values of `should-restore-cache?` to
;; be invalidated, so we will manually flush the memoization cache to simulate it happening)
"Bird Can"
(setting-test/toucan-name "Reggae Toucan")
(simulate-another-instance-updating-setting! :setting-test/toucan-name "Bird Can")
;; calling `setting-test/toucan-name` will call `restore-cache-if-needed!`, which will in turn call `should-restore-cache?`.
;; Since memoized value is no longer present, this should call `cache-out-of-date?`, which checks the DB; it will
;; detect a cache out-of-date situation and flush the cache as appropriate, giving us the updated value when we
;; call! :wow:
(ns metabase.models.setting-test (ns metabase.models.setting-test
(:require [clojure.core.memoize :as memoize] (:require [expectations :refer [expect]]
[expectations :refer :all]
[honeysql.core :as hsql]
[db :as mdb]
[util :as u]]
[metabase.models.setting :as setting :refer [defsetting Setting]] [metabase.models.setting :as setting :refer [defsetting Setting]]
[metabase.models.setting.cache :as cache]
[metabase.test.util :refer :all] [metabase.test.util :refer :all]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util [metabase.util
[encryption :as encryption] [encryption :as encryption]
[encryption-test :as encryption-test] [encryption-test :as encryption-test]
...@@ -151,12 +148,12 @@ ...@@ -151,12 +148,12 @@
;; #'setting/user-facing-info w/ no db value, env var value, no default value -- shouldn't leak env var value ;; #'setting/user-facing-info w/ no db value, env var value, no default value -- shouldn't leak env var value
(expect (expect
{:value nil, :is_env_setting true, :env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_1", :default "Using $MB_TEST_SETTING_1"} {:value nil, :is_env_setting true, :env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_1", :default "Using value of env var $MB_TEST_SETTING_1"}
(user-facing-info-with-db-and-env-var-values :test-setting-1 nil "TOUCANS")) (user-facing-info-with-db-and-env-var-values :test-setting-1 nil "TOUCANS"))
;; #'setting/user-facing-info w/ no db value, env var value, default value ;; #'setting/user-facing-info w/ no db value, env var value, default value
(expect (expect
{:value nil, :is_env_setting true, :env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_2", :default "Using $MB_TEST_SETTING_2"} {:value nil, :is_env_setting true, :env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_2", :default "Using value of env var $MB_TEST_SETTING_2"}
(user-facing-info-with-db-and-env-var-values :test-setting-2 nil "TOUCANS")) (user-facing-info-with-db-and-env-var-values :test-setting-2 nil "TOUCANS"))
;; #'setting/user-facing-info w/ db value, no env var value, no default value ;; #'setting/user-facing-info w/ db value, no env var value, no default value
...@@ -172,13 +169,13 @@ ...@@ -172,13 +169,13 @@
;; #'setting/user-facing-info w/ db value, env var value, no default value -- the DB value should take precedence over ;; #'setting/user-facing-info w/ db value, env var value, no default value -- the DB value should take precedence over
;; #the env var ;; #the env var
(expect (expect
{:value "WOW", :is_env_setting true, :env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_1", :default "Using $MB_TEST_SETTING_1"} {:value "WOW", :is_env_setting true, :env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_1", :default "Using value of env var $MB_TEST_SETTING_1"}
(user-facing-info-with-db-and-env-var-values :test-setting-1 "WOW" "ENV VAR")) (user-facing-info-with-db-and-env-var-values :test-setting-1 "WOW" "ENV VAR"))
;; #'setting/user-facing-info w/ db value, env var value, default value -- env var should take precedence over default ;; #'setting/user-facing-info w/ db value, env var value, default value -- env var should take precedence over default
;; #value ;; #value
(expect (expect
{:value "WOW", :is_env_setting true, :env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_2", :default "Using $MB_TEST_SETTING_2"} {:value "WOW", :is_env_setting true, :env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_2", :default "Using value of env var $MB_TEST_SETTING_2"}
(user-facing-info-with-db-and-env-var-values :test-setting-2 "WOW" "ENV VAR")) (user-facing-info-with-db-and-env-var-values :test-setting-2 "WOW" "ENV VAR"))
;; all ;; all
...@@ -202,7 +199,7 @@ ...@@ -202,7 +199,7 @@
:is_env_setting true :is_env_setting true
:env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_1" :env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_1"
:description "Test setting - this only shows up in dev (1)" :description "Test setting - this only shows up in dev (1)"
:default "Using $MB_TEST_SETTING_1"} :default "Using value of env var $MB_TEST_SETTING_1"}
{:key :test-setting-2 {:key :test-setting-2
:value "S2" :value "S2"
:is_env_setting false, :is_env_setting false,
...@@ -240,7 +237,7 @@ ...@@ -240,7 +237,7 @@
;; boolean settings shouldn't be obfuscated when set by env var ;; boolean settings shouldn't be obfuscated when set by env var
(expect (expect
{:value true, :is_env_setting true, :env_name "MB_TEST_BOOLEAN_SETTING", :default "Using $MB_TEST_BOOLEAN_SETTING"} {:value true, :is_env_setting true, :env_name "MB_TEST_BOOLEAN_SETTING", :default "Using value of env var $MB_TEST_BOOLEAN_SETTING"}
(user-facing-info-with-db-and-env-var-values :test-boolean-setting nil "true")) (user-facing-info-with-db-and-env-var-values :test-boolean-setting nil "true"))
;; env var values should be case-insensitive ;; env var values should be case-insensitive
...@@ -291,7 +288,7 @@ ...@@ -291,7 +288,7 @@
;; make sure that if for some reason the cache gets out of sync it will reset so we can still set new settings values ;; make sure that if for some reason the cache gets out of sync it will reset so we can still set new settings values
;; (#4178) ;; (#4178)
(setting/defsetting ^:private toucan-name (setting/defsetting toucan-name
"Name for the Metabase Toucan mascot." "Name for the Metabase Toucan mascot."
:internal? true) :internal? true)
...@@ -301,7 +298,7 @@ ...@@ -301,7 +298,7 @@
;; clear out any existing values of `toucan-name` ;; clear out any existing values of `toucan-name`
(db/simple-delete! setting/Setting {:key "toucan-name"}) (db/simple-delete! setting/Setting {:key "toucan-name"})
;; restore the cache ;; restore the cache
((resolve 'metabase.models.setting/restore-cache-if-needed!)) (cache/restore-cache-if-needed!)
;; now set a value for the `toucan-name` setting the wrong way ;; now set a value for the `toucan-name` setting the wrong way
(db/insert! setting/Setting {:key "toucan-name", :value "Reggae"}) (db/insert! setting/Setting {:key "toucan-name", :value "Reggae"})
;; ok, now try to set the Setting the correct way ;; ok, now try to set the Setting the correct way
...@@ -361,130 +358,13 @@ ...@@ -361,130 +358,13 @@
(test-timestamp-setting))) (test-timestamp-setting)))
;;; --------------------------------------------- Cache Synchronization ---------------------------------------------- ;;; ----------------------------------------------- Uncached Settings ------------------------------------------------
(def ^:private settings-last-updated-key @(resolve 'metabase.models.setting/settings-last-updated-key))
(defn- clear-settings-last-updated-value-in-db! []
(db/simple-delete! Setting {:key settings-last-updated-key}))
(defn- settings-last-updated-value-in-db []
(db/select-one-field :value Setting :key settings-last-updated-key))
(defn- clear-cache! []
(reset! @(resolve 'metabase.models.setting/cache) nil))
(defn- settings-last-updated-value-in-cache []
(get @@(resolve 'metabase.models.setting/cache) settings-last-updated-key))
(defn- update-settings-last-updated-value-in-db!
"Simulate a different instance updating the value of `settings-last-updated` in the DB by updating its value without
updating our locally cached value.."
(db/update-where! Setting {:key settings-last-updated-key}
:value (hsql/raw (case (mdb/db-type)
;; make it one second in the future so we don't end up getting an exact match when we try to test
;; to see if things update below
:h2 "cast(dateadd('second', 1, current_timestamp) AS text)"
:mysql "cast((current_timestamp + interval 1 second) AS char)"
:postgres "cast((current_timestamp + interval '1 second') AS text)"))))
(defn- simulate-another-instance-updating-setting! [setting-name new-value]
(db/update-where! Setting {:key (name setting-name)} :value new-value)
(defn- flush-memoized-results-for-should-restore-cache!
"Remove any memoized results for `should-restore-cache?`, so we can test `restore-cache-if-needed!` works the way we'd
(memoize/memo-clear! @(resolve 'metabase.models.setting/should-restore-cache?)))
;; When I update a Setting, does it set/update `settings-last-updated`?
(toucan-name "Bird Can")
(string? (settings-last-updated-value-in-db))))
;; ...and is the value updated in the cache as well?
(toucan-name "Bird Can")
(string? (settings-last-updated-value-in-cache))))
;; ...and if I update it again, will the value be updated?
(toucan-name "Bird Can")
(let [first-value (settings-last-updated-value-in-db)]
;; MySQL only has the resolution of one second on the timestamps here so we should wait that long to make sure
;; the second-value actually ends up being greater than the first
(Thread/sleep 1200)
(toucan-name "Bird Can")
(let [second-value (settings-last-updated-value-in-db)]
;; first & second values should be different, and first value should be "less than" the second value
(and (not= first-value second-value)
(neg? (compare first-value second-value)))))))
;; If there is no cache, it should be considered out of date!`
;; But if I set a setting, it should cause the cache to be populated, and be up-to-date
(toucan-name "Reggae Toucan")
;; If another instance updates a Setting, `cache-out-of-date?` should return `true` based on DB comparisons...
;; be true!
(toucan-name "Reggae Toucan")
(simulate-another-instance-updating-setting! :toucan-name "Bird Can")
;; of course, `restore-cache-if-needed!` should use TTL memoization, and the cache should not get updated right away
;; even if another instance updates a value...
(toucan-name "Sam") ; should restore cache, and put in {"toucan-name" "Sam"}
;; since we cleared the memoized value of `should-restore-cache?` call it again to make sure it gets set to
;; `false` as it would IRL if we were calling it again from the same instance
;; now have another instance change the value
(simulate-another-instance-updating-setting! :toucan-name "Bird Can")
;; our cache should not be updated yet because it's on a TTL
;; ...and when it comes time to check our cache for updating (when calling `restore-cache-if-needed!`, it should get
;; the updated value. (we're not actually going to wait a minute for the memoized values of `should-restore-cache?` to
;; be invalidated, so we will manually flush the memoization cache to simulate it happening)
"Bird Can"
(toucan-name "Reggae Toucan")
(simulate-another-instance-updating-setting! :toucan-name "Bird Can")
;; calling `toucan-name` will call `restore-cache-if-needed!`, which will in turn call `should-restore-cache?`.
;; Since memoized value is no longer present, this should call `cache-out-of-date?`, which checks the DB; it will
;; detect a cache out-of-date situation and flush the cache as appropriate, giving us the updated value when we
;; call! :wow:
(defn clear-settings-last-updated-value-in-db! []
(db/simple-delete! Setting {:key cache/settings-last-updated-key}))
;;; ----------------------------------------------- Uncached Settings ------------------------------------------------ (defn settings-last-updated-value-in-db []
(db/select-one-field :value Setting :key cache/settings-last-updated-key))
(defsetting ^:private uncached-setting (defsetting ^:private uncached-setting
"A test setting that should *not* be cached." "A test setting that should *not* be cached."
...@@ -514,3 +394,25 @@ ...@@ -514,3 +394,25 @@
(clear-settings-last-updated-value-in-db!) (clear-settings-last-updated-value-in-db!)
(uncached-setting "abcdef") (uncached-setting "abcdef")
(settings-last-updated-value-in-db))) (settings-last-updated-value-in-db)))
;;; ----------------------------------------------- Sensitive Settings -----------------------------------------------
(defsetting test-sensitive-setting
(tru "This is a sample sensitive Setting.")
:sensitive? true)
;; `user-facing-value` should obfuscate sensitive settings
(test-sensitive-setting "ABC123")
(setting/user-facing-value "test-sensitive-setting")))
;; Attempting to set a sensitive setting to an obfuscated value should be ignored -- it was probably done accidentally
(test-sensitive-setting "123456")
(test-sensitive-setting "**********56")
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