### I can't log into Metabase. Can you reset my password?
If you are running the Mac OS X application on your laptop, you can click on the Help menu item and click `Reset Password`.
If you are using a browser to access Metabase, then someone downloaded our software and installed it on a server. We at Metabase don't host your instance. We write software that someone at your company decided to run. You should ask whoever it is that set up your company's Metabase (a good starting point for this would be to ask whoever).
### How should I use the Mac OS X application?
Our Mac OS X application is best thought of as Metabase in single-player mode. It's meant to be a way to quickly try out the program and see if it's something you'd want to use across your team. It's also useful for use on your own.
When you need to share dashboards or pulses with others, we *strongly* recommend you run our server application.
### Does Metabase support SQL Joins?
Metabase does not expose a "Join" operator, but we do provide ways for non-SQL-proficient users to perform the tasks that joins are used for such as filtering or grouping by columns in other tables, etc.