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Commit f3c3667b authored by Allen Gilliland's avatar Allen Gilliland
Browse files

a few things happening here:

* remove the /api/database/validate endpoint
* introduce connection checking as part of the database api create/update endpoints directly
* modify the return of the Database model in the api so that if a password was provided we swap it out for a known value and prevent leaking of the real password via the api.
parent 09775d52
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......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
[ :as events]
(metabase.models common
[hydrate :refer [hydrate]]
[database :refer [Database]]
[database :refer [Database protected-password]]
[field :refer [Field]]
[table :refer [Table]])
[metabase.sample-data :as sample-data]
......@@ -19,6 +19,34 @@
[symb value :nillable]
(checkp-contains? (set (map name (keys @driver/available-drivers))) symb value))
(defn test-database-connection
"Try out the connection details for a database and useful error message if connection fails, returns `nil` if connection succeeds."
[engine {:keys [host port] :as details}]
(let [engine (keyword engine)
details (assoc details :engine engine)
response-invalid (fn [field m] {:valid false
field m ; work with the new {:field error-message} format
:message m})] ; but be backwards-compatible with the UI as it exists right now
(driver/can-connect-with-details? engine details :rethrow-exceptions) nil
(and host port (u/host-port-up? host port)) (response-invalid :dbname (format "Connection to '%s:%d' successful, but could not connect to DB." host port))
(and host (u/host-up? host)) (response-invalid :port (format "Connection to '%s' successful, but port %d is invalid." port))
host (response-invalid :host (format "'%s' is not reachable" host))
:else (response-invalid :db "Unable to connect to database."))
(catch Throwable e
(response-invalid :dbname (.getMessage e))))))
(defn supports-ssl?
"Predicate function which determines if a given `engine` supports the `:ssl` setting."
{:pre [(driver/is-engine? engine)]}
(let [driver-props (->> (driver/engine->driver engine)
(map :name)
(contains? driver-props "ssl")))
(defendpoint GET "/"
"Fetch all `Databases`."
......@@ -30,10 +58,26 @@
{name [Required NonEmptyString]
engine [Required DBEngine]
details [Required Dict]}
;; TODO - we should validate the contents of `details` here based on the engine
(let-500 [new-db (ins Database :name name :engine engine :details details)]
(events/publish-event :database-create new-db)))
;; this function tries connecting over ssl and non-ssl to establish a connection
;; if it succeeds it returns the `details` that worked, otherwise it returns an error
(let [try-connection (fn [engine details]
(let [error (test-database-connection engine details)]
(if (and error
(true? (:ssl details)))
(recur engine (assoc details :ssl false))
(or error details))))
details (if (supports-ssl? engine)
(assoc details :ssl true)
details-or-error (try-connection engine details)]
(if-not (false? (:valid details-or-error))
;; no error, proceed with creation
(let-500 [new-db (ins Database :name name :engine engine :details details-or-error)]
(events/publish-event :database-create new-db))
;; failed to connect, return error
{:status 400
:body details-or-error})))
(defendpoint POST "/sample_dataset"
"Add the sample dataset as a new `Database`."
......@@ -42,25 +86,6 @@
(sel :one Database :is_sample true))
;; Stub function that will eventually validate a connection string
(defendpoint POST "/validate"
"Validate that we can connect to a `Database`."
[:as {{:keys [host port engine] :as details} :body}]
(let [engine (keyword engine)
details (assoc details :engine engine)
response-invalid (fn [field m] {:status 400 :body {:valid false
field m ; work with the new {:field error-message} format
:message m}})] ; but be backwards-compatible with the UI as it exists right now
(driver/can-connect-with-details? engine details :rethrow-exceptions) {:valid true}
(and host port (u/host-port-up? host port)) (response-invalid :dbname (format "Connection to '%s:%d' successful, but could not connect to DB." host port))
(and host (u/host-up? host)) (response-invalid :port (format "Connection to '%s' successful, but port %d is invalid." port))
host (response-invalid :host (format "'%s' is not reachable" host))
:else (response-invalid :db "Unable to connect to database."))
(catch Throwable e
(response-invalid :dbname (.getMessage e))))))
(defendpoint GET "/:id"
"Get `Database` with ID."
......@@ -69,13 +94,28 @@
(defendpoint PUT "/:id"
"Update a `Database`."
[id :as {{:keys [name engine details]} :body}]
{name NonEmptyString, details Dict} ; TODO - check that engine is a valid choice
(write-check Database id)
(check-500 (upd-non-nil-keys Database id
:name name
:engine engine
:details details))
(Database id))
{name [Required NonEmptyString]
engine [Required DBEngine]
details [Required Dict]}
(let-404 [database (Database id)]
(let [details (if-not (= protected-password (:password details))
(assoc details :password (get-in database [:details :password])))
conn-error (test-database-connection engine details)]
(if-not conn-error
;; no error, proceed with update
;; TODO: is there really a reason to let someone change the engine on an existing database?
;; that seems like the kind of thing that will almost never work in any practical way
(check-500 (upd-non-nil-keys Database id
:name name
:engine engine
:details details))
(Database id))
;; failed to connect, return error
{:status 400
:body conn-error}))))
(defendpoint DELETE "/:id"
"Delete a `Database`."
......@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
[metabase.models.interface :refer :all]
[metabase.util :as u]))
(def ^:const protected-password
(defrecord DatabaseInstance []
;; preserve normal IFn behavior so things like ((sel :one Database) :id) work correctly
......@@ -15,6 +18,7 @@
(api-serialize [this]
;; If current user isn't an admin strip out DB details which may include things like password
(cond-> this
(get-in this [:details :password]) (assoc-in [:details :password] protected-password)
(not (:is_superuser @*current-user*)) (dissoc :details))))
(extend-ICanReadWrite DatabaseInstance :read :always, :write :superuser)
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