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Unverified Commit f4520fd5 authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #7960 from metabase/encrypt-settings

Encrypt Settings :lock:
parents d24e7006 eea2680d
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......@@ -68,6 +68,10 @@
:in encrypted-json-in
:out (comp cached-encrypted-json-out u/jdbc-clob->str))
(models/add-type! :encrypted-text
:in encryption/maybe-encrypt
:out (comp encryption/maybe-decrypt u/jdbc-clob->str))
(defn compress
"Compress OBJ, returning a byte array."
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
(u/strict-extend (class Setting)
(merge models/IModelDefaults
{:types (constantly {:value :clob})}))
{:types (constantly {:value :encrypted-text})}))
(def ^:private Type
......@@ -192,8 +192,13 @@
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(defn- update-setting! [setting-name new-value]
(db/update-where! Setting {:key setting-name}
:value new-value))
;; This is indeed a very annoying way of having to do things, but `update-where!` doesn't call `pre-update` (in case
;; it updates thousands of objects). So we need to manually trigger `pre-update` behavior by calling `do-pre-update`
;; so that `value` can get encrypted if `MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY` is in use. Then take that possibly-encrypted
;; value and pass that into `update-where!`.
(let [{maybe-encrypted-new-value :value} (models/do-pre-update Setting {:value new-value})]
(db/update-where! Setting {:key setting-name}
:value maybe-encrypted-new-value)))
(defn- set-new-setting!
"Insert a new row for a Setting with SETTING-NAME and SETTING-VALUE.
......@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@
(select-nested-keys v nested-keys))})))
(defn base64-string?
"Is S a Base-64 encoded string?"
"Is `s` a Base-64 encoded string?"
^Boolean [s]
(boolean (when (string? s)
(re-find #"^[0-9A-Za-z/+]+=*$" s))))
(ns metabase.util.encryption
"Utility functions for encrypting and decrypting strings using AES256 CBC + HMAC SHA512 and the `MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY` env var."
"Utility functions for encrypting and decrypting strings using AES256 CBC + HMAC SHA512 and the
(:require [buddy.core
[codecs :as codecs]
[crypto :as crypto]
......@@ -8,54 +9,62 @@
[ :as log]
[environ.core :as env]
[metabase.util :as u]
[puppetlabs.i18n.core :refer [trs]]
[ring.util.codec :as codec]))
(defn secret-key->hash
"Generate a 64-byte byte array hash of SECRET-KEY using 100,000 iterations of PBKDF2+SHA512."
"Generate a 64-byte byte array hash of `secret-key` using 100,000 iterations of PBKDF2+SHA512."
^bytes [^String secret-key]
(kdf/get-bytes (kdf/engine {:alg :pbkdf2+sha512
:key secret-key
:iterations 100000}) ; 100,000 iterations takes about ~160ms on my laptop
;; apperently if you're not tagging in an arglist, `^bytes` will set the `:tag` metadata to `clojure.core/bytes` (ick) so you have to do `^{:tag 'bytes}` instead
;; apperently if you're not tagging in an arglist, `^bytes` will set the `:tag` metadata to `clojure.core/bytes` (ick)
;; so you have to do `^{:tag 'bytes}` instead
(defonce ^:private ^{:tag 'bytes} default-secret-key
(when-let [secret-key (env/env :mb-encryption-secret-key)]
(when (seq secret-key)
(assert (>= (count secret-key) 16)
"MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY must be at least 16 characters.")
(trs "MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY must be at least 16 characters."))
(secret-key->hash secret-key))))
;; log a nice message letting people know whether DB details encryption is enabled
(format "DB details encryption is %s for this Metabase instance. %s"
(if default-secret-key "ENABLED" "DISABLED")
(u/emoji (if default-secret-key "🔐" "🔓")))
"for more information.")
(if default-secret-key
(trs "Saved credentials encryption is ENABLED for this Metabase instance.")
(trs "Saved credentials encryption is DISABLED for this Metabase instance."))
(u/emoji (if default-secret-key "🔐" "🔓"))
(trs "\nFor more information, see")
(defn encrypt
"Encrypt string S as hex bytes using a SECRET-KEY (a 64-byte byte array), by default the hashed value of `MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY`."
"Encrypt string `s` as hex bytes using a `secret-key` (a 64-byte byte array), by default the hashed value of
(^String [^String s]
(encrypt default-secret-key s))
(^String [^String secret-key, ^String s]
(let [initialization-vector (nonce/random-bytes 16)]
(codec/base64-encode (byte-array (concat initialization-vector
(crypto/encrypt (codecs/to-bytes s) secret-key initialization-vector {:algorithm :aes256-cbc-hmac-sha512})))))))
(concat initialization-vector
(crypto/encrypt (codecs/to-bytes s) secret-key initialization-vector
{:algorithm :aes256-cbc-hmac-sha512})))))))
(defn decrypt
"Decrypt string S using a SECRET-KEY (a 64-byte byte array), by default the hashed value of `MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY`."
"Decrypt string `s` using a `secret-key` (a 64-byte byte array), by default the hashed value of
(^String [^String s]
(decrypt default-secret-key s))
(^String [secret-key, ^String s]
(let [bytes (codec/base64-decode s)
[initialization-vector message] (split-at 16 bytes)]
(codecs/bytes->str (crypto/decrypt (byte-array message) secret-key (byte-array initialization-vector) {:algorithm :aes256-cbc-hmac-sha512})))))
(codecs/bytes->str (crypto/decrypt (byte-array message) secret-key (byte-array initialization-vector)
{:algorithm :aes256-cbc-hmac-sha512})))))
(defn maybe-encrypt
"If `MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY` is set, return an encrypted version of S; otherwise return S as-is."
"If `MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY` is set, return an encrypted version of `s`; otherwise return `s` as-is."
(^String [^String s]
(maybe-encrypt default-secret-key s))
(^String [secret-key, ^String s]
......@@ -65,7 +74,7 @@
(defn maybe-decrypt
"If `MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY` is set and S is encrypted, decrypt S; otherwise return S as-is."
"If `MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY` is set and `s` is encrypted, decrypt `s`; otherwise return `s` as-is."
(^String [^String s]
(maybe-decrypt default-secret-key s))
(^String [secret-key, ^String s]
......@@ -75,7 +84,10 @@
(catch Throwable e
(if (u/base64-string? s)
;; if we can't decrypt `s`, but it *is* encrypted, log an error message and return `nil`
(log/error "Cannot decrypt encrypted details. Have you changed or forgot to set MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY?" (.getMessage e))
(trs "Cannot decrypt encrypted credentials. Have you changed or forgot to set MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY?")
(.getMessage e)
(u/filtered-stacktrace e))
;; otherwise return S without decrypting. It's probably not decrypted in the first place
......@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
(:require [expectations :refer :all]
[metabase.models.setting :as setting :refer [defsetting Setting]]
[metabase.test.util :refer :all]
[metabase.util :as u]
[encryption :as encryption]
[encryption-test :as encryption-test]]
[puppetlabs.i18n.core :refer [tru]]
[toucan.db :as db]))
......@@ -167,7 +171,12 @@
;; all
{:key :test-setting-2, :value "TOUCANS", :description "Test setting - this only shows up in dev (2)", :is_env_setting false, :env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_2", :default "[Default Value]"}
{:key :test-setting-2
:value "TOUCANS"
:description "Test setting - this only shows up in dev (2)"
:is_env_setting false
:env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_2"
:default "[Default Value]"}
(do (set-settings! nil "TOUCANS")
(some (fn [setting]
(when (re-find #"^test-setting-2$" (name (:key setting)))
......@@ -176,8 +185,18 @@
;; all
[{:key :test-setting-1, :value nil, :is_env_setting true, :env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_1", :description "Test setting - this only shows up in dev (1)", :default "Using $MB_TEST_SETTING_1"}
{:key :test-setting-2, :value "S2", :is_env_setting false, :env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_2", :description "Test setting - this only shows up in dev (2)", :default "[Default Value]"}]
[{:key :test-setting-1
:value nil
:is_env_setting true
:env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_1"
:description "Test setting - this only shows up in dev (1)"
:default "Using $MB_TEST_SETTING_1"}
{:key :test-setting-2
:value "S2"
:is_env_setting false,
:env_name "MB_TEST_SETTING_2"
:description "Test setting - this only shows up in dev (2)"
:default "[Default Value]"}]
(do (set-settings! nil "S2")
(for [setting (setting/all)
:when (re-find #"^test-setting-\d$" (name (:key setting)))]
......@@ -269,3 +288,32 @@
(toucan-name "Banana Beak")
;; ok, make sure the setting was set
;;; ----------------------------------------------- Encrypted Settings -----------------------------------------------
(defn- actual-value-in-db [setting-key]
(-> (db/query {:select [:value]
:from [:setting]
:where [:= :key (name setting-key)]})
first :value u/jdbc-clob->str))
;; If encryption is *enabled*, make sure Settings get saved as encrypted!
(encryption-test/with-secret-key "ABCDEFGH12345678"
(toucan-name "Sad Can")
(u/base64-string? (actual-value-in-db :toucan-name))))
;; make sure it can be decrypted as well...
"Sad Can"
(encryption-test/with-secret-key "12345678ABCDEFGH"
(toucan-name "Sad Can")
(encryption/decrypt (actual-value-in-db :toucan-name))))
;; But if encryption is not enabled, of course Settings shouldn't get saved as encrypted.
"Sad Can"
(encryption-test/with-secret-key nil
(toucan-name "Sad Can")
(actual-value-in-db :toucan-name)))
......@@ -5,6 +5,18 @@
[metabase.test.util :as tu]
[metabase.util.encryption :as encryption]))
(defn do-with-secret-key [^String secret-key, f]
(with-redefs [encryption/default-secret-key (when (seq secret-key)
(encryption/secret-key->hash secret-key))]
(defmacro with-secret-key
"Run `body` with the encryption secret key temporarily bound to `secret-key`. Useful for testing how functions behave
with and without encryption disabled."
{:style/indent 1}
[^String secret-key, & body]
`(do-with-secret-key ~secret-key (fn [] ~@body)))
(def ^:private secret (encryption/secret-key->hash "Orw0AAyzkO/kPTLJRxiyKoBHXa/d6ZcO+p+gpZO/wSQ="))
(def ^:private secret-2 (encryption/secret-key->hash "0B9cD6++AME+A7/oR7Y2xvPRHX3cHA2z7w+LbObd/9Y="))
......@@ -49,7 +61,7 @@
(some (fn [[_ _ message]]
(str/includes? message (str "Cannot decrypt encrypted details. Have you changed or forgot to set "
(str/includes? message (str "Cannot decrypt encrypted credentials. Have you changed or forgot to set "
"MB_ENCRYPTION_SECRET_KEY? Message seems corrupt or manipulated.")))
(encryption/maybe-decrypt secret-2 (encryption/encrypt secret "WOW")))))
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