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Unverified Commit f5cf4748 authored by Jeff Evans's avatar Jeff Evans Committed by GitHub
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Add Kerberos support to Presto JDBC Driver (#16307)

* Add Kerberos support to Presto JDBC Driver

Adding Kerberos properties as DB details properties

Refactoring utility methods for dealing with additional options

Adding test for Kerb properties -> connection string

Adding GitHub action to run integration test

Start to move logic for capturing necessary files to new script, and calling that from mba run

Adjust settings in `` to capture test parameters
parent ee73902a
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# GitHub Action Test Scripts
Scripts related to running integration tests (ex: through GitHub actions)
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# runs one or more Metabase test(s) against a Kerberized Presto instance
set -eo pipefail
# Need Java commands on $PATH, which apparently is not yet the case
export PATH="$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin"
# ensure java commmand is available
which java
# install clojure version needed for Metabase
curl -O
chmod +x
# ensure the expected files are in place, in the resources dir
if [ ! -f "$RESOURCES_DIR/ssl_keystore.jks" ]; then
echo "$RESOURCES_DIR/ssl_keystore.jks does not exist; cannot run test" >&2
exit 11
if [ ! -f "$RESOURCES_DIR/krb5.conf" ]; then
echo "$RESOURCES_DIR/krb5.conf does not exist; cannot run test" >&2
exit 12
if [ ! -f "$RESOURCES_DIR/client.keytab" ]; then
echo "$RESOURCES_DIR/client.keytab does not exist; cannot run test" >&2
exit 13
# Copy the JDK cacerts file to our resources
cp $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts $RESOURCES_DIR/cacerts-with-presto-ca.jks
# Capture the Presto server self signed CA in PEM format
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect presto-kerberos:7778 </dev/null \
| openssl x509 -outform PEM >$RESOURCES_DIR/presto-ssl-root-ca.pem
# Convert the Presto server self signed CA to DER format
openssl x509 -outform der -in $RESOURCES_DIR/presto-ssl-root-ca.pem -out $RESOURCES_DIR/presto-ssl-root-ca.der
# Add Presto's self signed CA to the truststore
keytool -noprompt -import -alias presto-kerberos -keystore $RESOURCES_DIR/cacerts-with-presto-ca.jks \
-storepass changeit -file $RESOURCES_DIR/presto-ssl-root-ca.der -trustcacerts
# Prepare dependencies
source "./bin/"
# Set up the environment variables pointing to all of this, and run some tests
DRIVERS=presto-jdbc \
MB_PRESTO_JDBC_TEST_HOST=presto-kerberos \
clojure -X:dev:test:drivers:drivers-dev :only metabase.driver.presto-jdbc-test
name: Kerberized Presto Integration Test
- master
- 'release**'
- 'feature**'
- '**'
- '**/presto_jdbc/**'
- '**/presto_jdbc.clj'
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
timeout-minutes: 40
- name: Install babashka
run: >
mkdir -p /tmp/babashka-install \
&& cd /tmp/babashka-install \
&& curl -sLO \
&& chmod +x install \
&& sudo ./install \
&& cd -
- name: Checkout Metabase repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Check out Presto Kerberos Docker Compose
uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: metabase/presto-kerberos-docker
ref: add-test_data-catalog
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
path: presto-kerberos-docker
- name: Bring up Presto+Kerberos cluster
run: cd presto-kerberos-docker && docker-compose up -d && cd ..
- name: Run Presto test query from command line (sanity check)
run: cd presto-kerberos-docker && ./ && cd ..
# Since we are managing the Docker containers from the GitHub action container, we need to copy all the
# relevant resources now, into the resources dir for later consumption by the app
- name: Copy Presto SSL keystore to resources
run: docker cp presto-kerberos:/tmp/ssl_keystore.jks resources
- name: Copy krb5.conf file to resources
run: docker cp presto-kerberos:/etc/krb5.conf resources
- name: Copy client.keytab file to resources
run: docker cp presto-kerberos:/home/presto/client.keytab resources
- name: Checkout mba
uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: metabase/mba
ref: master
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
path: mba-src
- name: ls mba
run: ls -latr mba-src
- name: Symlink mba
run: cd mba-src && sudo ln -s $(pwd)/src/main.clj /usr/local/bin/mba && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mba && cd ..
- name: Ensure mba
run: which mba
- name: Run Metabase via MBA
run: /home/runner/work/metabase/metabase/mba-src/src/main.clj --mb . --data-db postgres-data -n up
- name: Run test script in MBA instance
run: >
mba --mb . --data-db postgres-data -n \
run .github/scripts/
......@@ -23,12 +23,53 @@ driver:
- name: schema
display-name: Schema (optional)
required: false
- user
- password
- merge:
- user
- required: false
- merge:
- password
- required: false
- ssl
- merge:
- additional-options
- placeholder: "trustServerCertificate=false"
- name: kerberos
type: boolean
display-name: Authenticate with Kerberos?
default: false
- name: kerberos-principal
display-name: Kerberos principal
placeholder: service/instance@REALM
required: false
- name: kerberos-remote-service-name
display-name: Kerberos coordinator service
placeholder: presto
required: false
- name: kerberos-use-canonical-hostname
type: boolean
display-name: Use canonical hostname
default: false
required: false
- name: kerberos-credential-cache-path
display-name: Kerberos credential cache file
placeholder: /tmp/kerberos-credential-cache
required: false
- name: kerberos-keytab-path
display-name: Kerberos keytab file
placeholder: /path/to/kerberos.keytab
required: false
- name: kerberos-config-path
display-name: Kerberos configuration file
placeholder: /etc/krb5.conf
required: false
- name: kerberos-service-principal-pattern
display-name: Presto coordinator Kerberos service principal pattern
placeholder: ${SERVICE}@${HOST}. ${SERVICE}
required: false
- name: additional-options
display-name: Additional JDBC options
placeholder: SSLKeyStorePath=/path/to/keystore.jks&SSLKeyStorePassword=whatever
required: false
- step: load-namespace
namespace: metabase.driver.presto-common
......@@ -189,6 +189,39 @@
;;; | Connectivity |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; Kerberos related definitions
(def ^:private ^:const kerb-props->url-param-names
{:kerberos-principal "KerberosPrincipal"
:kerberos-remote-service-name "KerberosRemoteServiceName"
:kerberos-use-canonical-hostname "KerberosUseCanonicalHostname"
:kerberos-credential-cache-path "KerberosCredentialCachePath"
:kerberos-keytab-path "KerberosKeytabPath"
:kerberos-service-principal-pattern "KerberosServicePrincipalPattern"
:kerberos-config-path "KerberosConfigPath"})
(defn- details->kerberos-url-params [details]
(let [remove-blank-vals (fn [m] (into {} (remove (comp str/blank? val) m)))
ks (keys kerb-props->url-param-names)]
(-> (select-keys details ks)
(set/rename-keys kerb-props->url-param-names))))
(defn- prepare-addl-opts [{:keys [SSL kerberos additional-options] :as details}]
(let [det (if kerberos
(if-not SSL
(throw (ex-info (trs "SSL must be enabled to use Kerberos authentication")
{:db-details details}))
(update details
;; add separator if there are already additional-options
(when-not (str/blank? additional-options) "&")
;; convert Kerberos options map to URL string
(sql-jdbc.common/additional-opts->string :url (details->kerberos-url-params details))))
;; in any case, remove the standalone Kerberos properties from details map
(apply dissoc (cons det (keys kerb-props->url-param-names)))))
(defn- db-name
"Creates a \"DB name\" for the given catalog `c` and (optional) schema `s`. If both are specified, a slash is
used to separate them. See examples at:
......@@ -208,33 +241,43 @@
"Creates a spec for `` to use for connecting to Presto via JDBC, from the given `opts`."
[{:keys [host port catalog schema]
:or {host "localhost", port 5432, catalog ""}
:as opts}]
(-> (merge
{:classname "com.facebook.presto.jdbc.PrestoDriver"
:subprotocol "presto"
:subname (db.spec/make-subname host port (db-name catalog schema))}
(dissoc opts :host :port :db :catalog :schema))
:as details}]
(-> details
(merge {:classname "com.facebook.presto.jdbc.PrestoDriver"
:subprotocol "presto"
:subname (db.spec/make-subname host port (db-name catalog schema))})
(dissoc :host :port :db :catalog :schema :tunnel-enabled :engine :kerberos)
(defn- str->bool [v]
(if (string? v)
(Boolean/parseBoolean v)
(defmethod sql-jdbc.conn/connection-details->spec :presto-jdbc
[_ {ssl? :ssl, :as details-map}]
[_ details-map]
(let [props (-> details-map
(update :port (fn [port]
(if (string? port)
(Integer/parseInt port)
(assoc :SSL ssl?)
(update :ssl str->bool)
(update :kerberos str->bool)
(assoc :SSL (:ssl details-map))
;; remove any Metabase specific properties that are not recognized by the PrestoDB JDBC driver, which is
;; very picky about properties (throwing an error if any are unrecognized)
;; all valid properties can be found in the JDBC Driver source here:
(select-keys [:host :port :catalog :schema :additional-options ; needed for [jdbc-spec]
;; JDBC driver specific properties
:user :password :socksProxy :httpProxy :applicationNamePrefix :disableCompression :SSL
:SSLKeyStorePath :SSLKeyStorePassword :SSLTrustStorePath :SSLTrustStorePassword
:KerberosRemoteServiceName :KerberosPrincipal :KerberosUseCanonicalHostname
:KerberosConfigPath :KerberosKeytabPath :KerberosCredentialCachePath :accessToken
:extraCredentials :sessionProperties :protocols :queryInterceptors]))]
(select-keys (concat
[:host :port :catalog :schema :additional-options ; needed for `jdbc-spec`
;; JDBC driver specific properties
:kerberos ; we need our boolean property indicating if Kerberos is enabled
; but the rest of them come from `kerb-props->url-param-names` (below)
:user :password :socksProxy :httpProxy :applicationNamePrefix :disableCompression :SSL
:SSLKeyStorePath :SSLKeyStorePassword :SSLTrustStorePath :SSLTrustStorePassword
:accessToken :extraCredentials :sessionProperties :protocols :queryInterceptors]
(keys kerb-props->url-param-names))))]
(jdbc-spec props)))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
......@@ -200,3 +200,20 @@
;; JSON blob)
(let [db-details (assoc (:details (mt/db)) :let-user-control-scheduling false)]
(is (nil? (database-api/test-database-connection :presto-jdbc db-details)))))))
(deftest kerberos-properties-test
(testing "Kerberos related properties are set correctly"
(let [details {:host "presto-server"
:port 7778
:catalog "my-catalog"
:kerberos true
:ssl true
:kerberos-config-path "/path/to/krb5.conf"
:kerberos-principal "alice@DOMAIN.COM"
:kerberos-remote-service-name "HTTP"
:kerberos-keytab-path "/path/to/client.keytab"}
jdbc-spec (sql-jdbc.conn/connection-details->spec :presto-jdbc details)]
(is (= (str "//presto-server:7778/my-catalog?KerberosPrincipal=alice@DOMAIN.COM"
(:subname jdbc-spec))))))
......@@ -38,13 +38,21 @@
(defmethod tx/dbdef->connection-details :presto-jdbc
[_ _ {:keys [database-name]}]
{:host (tx/db-test-env-var-or-throw :presto-jdbc :host "localhost")
:port (tx/db-test-env-var :presto-jdbc :port "8080")
:user (tx/db-test-env-var-or-throw :presto-jdbc :user "metabase")
:additional-options (tx/db-test-env-var :presto-jdbc :additional-options nil)
:ssl (tx/db-test-env-var :presto-jdbc :ssl "false")
:catalog (dash->underscore database-name)
:schema (tx/db-test-env-var :presto-jdbc :schema nil)})
{:host (tx/db-test-env-var-or-throw :presto-jdbc :host "localhost")
:port (tx/db-test-env-var :presto-jdbc :port "8080")
:user (tx/db-test-env-var-or-throw :presto-jdbc :user "metabase")
:additional-options (tx/db-test-env-var :presto-jdbc :additional-options nil)
:ssl (tx/db-test-env-var :presto-jdbc :ssl "false")
:kerberos (tx/db-test-env-var :presto-jdbc :kerberos "false")
:kerberos-principal (tx/db-test-env-var :presto-jdbc :kerberos-principal nil)
:kerberos-remote-service-name (tx/db-test-env-var :presto-jdbc :kerberos-remote-service-name nil)
:kerberos-use-canonical-hostname (tx/db-test-env-var :presto-jdbc :kerberos-use-canonical-hostname nil)
:kerberos-credential-cache-path (tx/db-test-env-var :presto-jdbc :kerberos-credential-cache-path nil)
:kerberos-keytab-path (tx/db-test-env-var :presto-jdbc :kerberos-keytab-path nil)
:kerberos-config-path (tx/db-test-env-var :presto-jdbc :kerberos-config-path nil)
:kerberos-service-principal-pattern (tx/db-test-env-var :presto-jdbc :kerberos-service-principal-pattern nil)
:catalog (dash->underscore database-name)
:schema (tx/db-test-env-var :presto-jdbc :schema nil)})
(defmethod execute/execute-sql! :presto-jdbc
[& args]
(ns metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.common
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(def ^:private valid-separator-styles #{:url :comma :semicolon})
(defn conn-str-with-additional-opts
"Adds `additional-opts` (a string) to the given `connection-string` based on the given `separator-style`. See
documentation for `handle-additional-options` for further details."
{:added "0.41.0", :arglists '([connection-string separator-style additional-opts])}
[connection-string separator-style additional-opts]
{:pre [(string? connection-string)
(or (nil? additional-opts) (string? additional-opts))
(contains? valid-separator-styles separator-style)]}
(str connection-string (when-not (str/blank? additional-opts)
(str (case separator-style
:comma ","
:semicolon ";"
:url (if (str/includes? connection-string "?")
(defn additional-opts->string
"Turns a map of `additional-opts` into a single string, based on the `separator-style`."
{:added "0.41.0"}
[separator-style additional-opts]
{:pre [(or (nil? additional-opts) (map? additional-opts)) (contains? valid-separator-styles separator-style)]}
(when (some? additional-opts)
(reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
(str m
(when (seq m)
(case separator-style :comma "," :semicolon ";" :url "&"))
(if (keyword? k)
(name k)
(str k))
v)) "" additional-opts)))
(defn handle-additional-options
"If DETAILS contains an `:addtional-options` key, append those options to the connection string in CONNECTION-SPEC.
(Some drivers like MySQL provide this details field to allow special behavior where needed).
......@@ -16,11 +51,4 @@
([{connection-string :subname, :as connection-spec} {additional-options :additional-options, :as details} & {:keys [seperator-style]
:or {seperator-style :url}}]
(-> (dissoc connection-spec :additional-options)
(assoc :subname (str connection-string (when (seq additional-options)
(str (case seperator-style
:comma ","
:semicolon ";"
:url (if (str/includes? connection-string "?")
(assoc :subname (conn-str-with-additional-opts connection-string seperator-style additional-options)))))
(ns metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.common-test
(:require [clojure.test :as t]
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.common :as sql-jdbc.common]))
(t/deftest conn-str-with-additional-opts-testc
(t/testing "conn-str-with-additional-opts combined with additional-opts->string works as expected"
(doseq [[exp-str sep-style conn-str opts] [["localhost:4321" :comma "localhost:4321" nil]
["localhost:4321" :comma "localhost:4321" {}]
["localhost:4321,a=1" :comma "localhost:4321" {:a 1}]
["localhost:4321,a=1,b=2" :comma "localhost:4321" {:a 1 :b 2}]
["localhost:4321" :semicolon "localhost:4321" nil]
["localhost:4321" :semicolon "localhost:4321" {}]
["localhost:4321;a=1" :semicolon "localhost:4321" {:a 1}]
["localhost:4321;a=1;b=2" :semicolon "localhost:4321" {:a 1 :b 2}]
["localhost:4321" :url "localhost:4321" nil]
["localhost:4321" :url "localhost:4321" {}]
["localhost:4321?a=1" :url "localhost:4321" {:a 1}]
["localhost:4321?a=1&b=2" :url "localhost:4321" {:a 1 :b 2}]]]
(let [opts-str (sql-jdbc.common/additional-opts->string sep-style opts)]
(t/is (= exp-str (sql-jdbc.common/conn-str-with-additional-opts conn-str sep-style opts-str)))))))
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