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Unverified Commit f75ff350 authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
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Support Legacy Metrics in MLv1 (#31885)

* Extra Metric tests; include `:description` in the Metric `display-info`

* Add `available-metrics` function & TS wrappers

* Support passing a Metric to `lib/aggregate`

* Include `:selected` information in Metric display info

* Fix indentation

* Revert changes to arithmetic type-of calculation

* Test fixes :wrench:

* Address PR feedback

* Address PR feedback

* Update docstring
parent 310ef9ab
No related merge requests found
with 184 additions and 47 deletions
......@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
(cljs.test/is [=?])
(cljs.test/is [=? malli=])
(clojure.test/is [query= sql= =?])
(clojure.test/is [query= sql= =? malli=])
import * as ML from "cljs/metabase.lib.js";
import type { MetricMetadata, Query } from "./types";
export function availableMetrics(query: Query): MetricMetadata[] {
return ML.available_metrics(query);
......@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ export type TableMetadata = unknown & { _opaque: typeof TableMetadata };
declare const CardMetadata: unique symbol;
export type CardMetadata = unknown & { _opaque: typeof CardMetadata };
declare const MetricMetadata: unique symbol;
export type MetricMetadata = unknown & { _opaque: typeof MetricMetadata };
export type Limit = number | null;
declare const BreakoutClause: unique symbol;
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ export * from "./limit";
export * from "./order_by";
export * from "./filter";
export * from "./join";
export * from "./metrics";
export * from "./query";
export * from "./temporal_bucket";
export * from "./types";
......@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@
(setting/set-value-of-type! :json :custom-geojson new-value)))
:visibility :public)
(def ^:private connection-timeout-ms 8000)
(defn- read-url-and-respond
"Reads the provided URL and responds with the contents as a stream."
[url respond]
......@@ -114,8 +116,8 @@
(io/reader resource)
(:body (http/get url {:as :reader
:redirect-strategy :none
:socket-timeout 8000
:connection-timeout 8000})))
:socket-timeout connection-timeout-ms
:connection-timeout connection-timeout-ms})))
is (ReaderInputStream. reader)]
(respond (-> (response/response is)
(response/content-type "application/json")))))
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
[medley.core :as m]
[metabase.lib.common :as lib.common]
[metabase.lib.dispatch :as lib.dispatch]
[metabase.lib.equality :as lib.equality]
[metabase.lib.hierarchy :as lib.hierarchy]
[metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
......@@ -223,12 +224,25 @@
(def ^:private Aggregatable
"Schema for something you can pass to [[aggregate]] to add to a query as an aggregation."
(mu/defn aggregate :- ::lib.schema/query
"Adds an aggregation to query."
([query an-aggregate-clause]
(aggregate query -1 an-aggregate-clause))
([query stage-number an-aggregate-clause]
(lib.util/add-summary-clause query stage-number :aggregation an-aggregate-clause)))
([query aggregatable]
(aggregate query -1 aggregatable))
([query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
aggregatable :- Aggregatable]
;; if this is a Metric metadata, convert it to `:metric` MBQL clause before adding.
(if (= (lib.dispatch/dispatch-value aggregatable) :metadata/metric)
(recur query stage-number (lib.ref/ref aggregatable))
(lib.util/add-summary-clause query stage-number :aggregation aggregatable))))
(mu/defn aggregations :- [:maybe [:sequential ::lib.schema.aggregation/aggregation]]
"Get the aggregations in a given stage of a query."
......@@ -188,6 +188,8 @@
#?@(:cljs [->TemplateTags
......@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
(defn derive
"Like [[clojure.core/derive]], but affects [[hierarchy]] rather than the global hierarchy."
[tag parent]
(swap! hierarchy clojure.core/derive tag parent))
(swap! hierarchy clojure.core/derive tag parent)
;; for REPL convenience so we don't dump a lot of garbage
(defn isa?
"Like [[clojure.core/isa?]], but uses [[hierarchy]]."
......@@ -555,3 +555,9 @@
"Returns the native query's template tags"
(lib.core/TemplateTags-> (lib.core/template-tags a-query)))
(defn ^:export available-metrics
"Get a list of Metrics that you may consider using as aggregations for a query. Returns JS array of opaque Metric
metadata objects."
(to-array (lib.core/available-metrics a-query)))
......@@ -375,6 +375,12 @@
:when (and a-field (= (:table-id a-field) table-id))]
(defn- metrics [metadata table-id]
(for [[_id metric-delay] (some-> metadata :metrics deref)
:let [a-metric (some-> metric-delay deref)]
:when (and a-metric (= (:table-id a-metric) table-id))]
(defn metadata-provider
"Use a `metabase-lib/metadata/Metadata` as a [[metabase.lib.metadata.protocols/MetadataProvider]]."
[database-id unparsed-metadata]
......@@ -389,6 +395,7 @@
(card [_this card-id] (card metadata card-id))
(tables [_this] (tables metadata database-id))
(fields [_this table-id] (fields metadata table-id))
(metrics [_this table-id] (metrics metadata table-id))
;; for debugging: call [[clojure.datafy/datafy]] on one of these to parse all of our metadata and see the whole
;; thing at once.
......@@ -117,19 +117,27 @@
;; probably missing `:lib/type` and probably using `:snake_case` keys.
[:result-metadata {:optional true} [:maybe [:sequential :map]]]])
(def ^:private SegmentMetadata
(def SegmentMetadata
"More or less the same as a [[metabase.models.segment]], but with kebab-case keys."
[:lib/type [:= :metadata/segment]]
[:name ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]])
(def ^:private MetricMetadata
"More or less the same as a [[metabase.models.metric]], but with kebab-case keys."
(def MetricMetadata
"Malli schema for a legacy v1 [[metabase.models.metric]], but with kebab-case keys. A Metric defines an MBQL snippet
with an aggregation and optionally a filter clause. You can add a `:metric` reference to the `:aggregations` in an
MBQL stage, and the QP treats it like a macro and expands it to the underlying clauses --
see [[metabase.query-processor.middleware.expand-macros]]."
[:lib/type [:= :metadata/metric]]
[:name ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]])
[:lib/type [:= :metadata/metric]]
[:name ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]
;; the MBQL snippet defining this Metric; this may still be in legacy
;; format. [[metabase.lib.metric/metric-definition]] handles conversion to pMBQL if needed.
[:definition :map]
[:description {:optional true} [:maybe ::lib.schema.common/non-blank-string]]])
(def TableMetadata
"Schema for metadata about a specific [[metabase.models.table]]. More or less the same as a [[metabase.models.table]],
......@@ -155,7 +163,9 @@
(def MetadataProvider
"Schema for something that satisfies the [[lib.metadata.protocols/MetadataProvider]] protocol."
[:fn lib.metadata.protocols/metadata-provider?])
{:error/message "Valid MetadataProvider"}
(def MetadataProviderable
"Something that can be used to get a MetadataProvider. Either a MetadataProvider, or a map with a MetadataProvider in
......@@ -55,12 +55,13 @@
(database [_this] (get-in-cache-or-fetch cache [:metadata/database] #(lib.metadata.protocols/database metadata-provider)))
(table [_this table-id] (get-in-cache-or-fetch cache [:metadata/table table-id] #(lib.metadata.protocols/table metadata-provider table-id)))
(field [_this field-id] (get-in-cache-or-fetch cache [:metadata/column field-id] #(lib.metadata.protocols/field metadata-provider field-id)))
(field [_this field-id] (get-in-cache-or-fetch cache [:metadata/column field-id] #(lib.metadata.protocols/field metadata-provider field-id)))
(card [_this card-id] (get-in-cache-or-fetch cache [:metadata/card card-id] #(lib.metadata.protocols/card metadata-provider card-id)))
(metric [_this metric-id] (get-in-cache-or-fetch cache [:metadata/metric metric-id] #(lib.metadata.protocols/metric metadata-provider metric-id)))
(segment [_this segment-id] (get-in-cache-or-fetch cache [:metadata/segment segment-id] #(lib.metadata.protocols/segment metadata-provider segment-id)))
(tables [_this] (get-in-cache-or-fetch cache [::database-tables] #(lib.metadata.protocols/tables metadata-provider)))
(fields [_this table-id] (get-in-cache-or-fetch cache [::table-fields table-id] #(lib.metadata.protocols/fields metadata-provider table-id)))
(metrics [_this table-id] (get-in-cache-or-fetch cache [::table-metrics table-id] #(lib.metadata.protocols/metrics metadata-provider table-id)))
(cached-database [_this] (get-in-cache cache [:metadata/database]))
......@@ -174,7 +174,12 @@
;; otherwise if `:base-type` is specified, we can return that.
(:base-type options)
;; if none of the special cases are true, fall back to [[type-of-method]].
(type-of-method query stage-number x)))))
(let [calculated-type (type-of-method query stage-number x)]
;; if calculated type is not a true type but a placeholder like `:metabase.lib.schema.expression/type.unknown`
;; or a union of types then fall back to `:type/*`, an actual type.
(if (isa? calculated-type :type/*)
(defmethod type-of-method :default
[_query _stage-number expr]
......@@ -358,7 +363,7 @@
(defmethod display-info-method :metadata/table
[query stage-number table]
(merge (default-display-info query stage-number table)
{:is-source-table (= (lib.util/source-table query) (:id table))}))
{:is-source-table (= (lib.util/source-table-id query) (:id table))}))
(def ColumnsWithUniqueAliases
"Schema for column metadata that should be returned by [[visible-columns]]. This is mostly used
......@@ -50,6 +50,11 @@
(mapv #(instance->metadata % :metadata/column)
(t2/select :model/Field :table_id table-id)))
(defn- metrics [table-id]
(log/debugf "Fetching all Metrics for Table %d" table-id)
(mapv #(instance->metadata % :metadata/metric)
(t2/select :model/Metric :table_id table-id)))
(p/deftype+ UncachedApplicationDatabaseMetadataProvider [database-id]
(database [_this]
......@@ -72,6 +77,9 @@
(fields [_this table-id]
(fields table-id))
(metrics [_this table-id]
(metrics table-id))
(bulk-metadata [_this metadata-type ids]
(bulk-instances metadata-type ids))
......@@ -61,7 +61,11 @@
(fields [metadata-provider table-id]
"Return a sequence of Fields associated with a Table with the given `table-id`. Fields should satisfy
the [[metabase.lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]] schema. If no such Table exists, this should error."))
the [[metabase.lib.metadata/ColumnMetadata]] schema. If no such Table exists, this should error.")
(metrics [metadata-provider table-id]
"Return a sequence of legacy v1 Metrics associated with a Table with the given `table-id`. Metrics should satisfy
the [[metabase.lib.metadata/MetricMetadata]] schema. If no such Table exists, this should error."))
(defn metadata-provider?
"Whether `x` is a valid [[MetadataProvider]]."
......@@ -5,7 +5,11 @@
[metabase.lib.convert :as lib.convert]
[metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata]
[metabase.lib.metadata.calculation :as lib.metadata.calculation]
[metabase.lib.metadata.protocols :as lib.metadata.protocols]
[metabase.lib.ref :as lib.ref]
[metabase.lib.schema :as lib.schema]
[metabase.lib.schema.expression :as lib.schema.expression]
[ :as]
[metabase.lib.util :as lib.util]
[metabase.mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize]
[metabase.shared.util.i18n :as i18n]
......@@ -16,7 +20,7 @@
(lib.metadata/metric query metric-id)))
(mu/defn ^:private metric-definition :- [:maybe ::lib.schema/stage.mbql]
[{:keys [definition], :as _metric-metadata}]
[{:keys [definition], :as _metric-metadata} :- lib.metadata/MetricMetadata]
(when definition
(if (:mbql/type definition)
......@@ -28,6 +32,18 @@
(lib.util/query-stage -1)))))
(defmethod lib.ref/ref-method :metadata/metric
[{:keys [id], :as metric-metadata}]
(let [effective-type (or (:effective-type metric-metadata)
(:base-type metric-metadata)
(when-let [aggregation (first (:aggregation (metric-definition metric-metadata)))]
(let [ag-effective-type (lib.schema.expression/type-of aggregation)]
(when (isa? ag-effective-type :type/*)
options (cond-> {:lib/uuid (str (random-uuid))}
effective-type (assoc :effective-type effective-type))]
[:metric options id]))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/type-of-method :metadata/metric
[query stage-number metric-metadata]
......@@ -41,19 +57,58 @@
(lib.metadata.calculation/type-of query stage-number metric-metadata))
(defn- fallback-display-name []
(i18n/tru "[Unknown Metric]"))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-name-method :metadata/metric
[_query _stage-number metric-metadata _style]
(or ((some-fn :display-name :name) metric-metadata)
(i18n/tru "[Unknown Metric]")))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-name-method :metric
[query stage-number [_tag _opts metric-id-or-name] style]
(or (when-let [metric-metadata (resolve-metric query metric-id-or-name)]
(lib.metadata.calculation/display-name query stage-number metric-metadata style))
(i18n/tru "[Unknown Metric]")))
(mu/defn ^:private aggregating-by-metric? :- :boolean
"Whether a given stage of a query currently includes a `:metric` ref clause in its aggregations."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
metric-id :-]
(let [{aggregations :aggregation} (lib.util/query-stage query stage-number)]
(some (fn [[tag :as clause]]
(when (= tag :metric)
(let [[_tag _opts id] clause]
(= id metric-id))))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-info-method :metadata/metric
[query stage-number {:keys [id description], :as metric-metadata}]
((get-method lib.metadata.calculation/display-info-method :default) query stage-number metric-metadata)
{:description description}
(when (aggregating-by-metric? query stage-number id)
{:selected true})))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/display-info-method :metric
[query stage-number [_tag _opts metric-id-or-name]]
(if-let [metric-metadata (resolve-metric query metric-id-or-name)]
(lib.metadata.calculation/display-info query stage-number metric-metadata)
{:effective-type :type/*
:display-name (fallback-display-name)
:long-display-name (fallback-display-name)}))
(defmethod lib.metadata.calculation/column-name-method :metric
[query stage-number [_tag _opts metric-id-or-name]]
(or (when-let [metric-metadata (resolve-metric query metric-id-or-name)]
(lib.metadata.calculation/column-name query stage-number metric-metadata))
(mu/defn available-metrics :- [:maybe [:sequential {:min 1} lib.metadata/MetricMetadata]]
"Get a list of Metrics that you may consider using as aggregations for a query. Only Metrics that have the same
`table-id` as the `source-table` for this query will be suggested."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query]
(when-let [source-table-id (lib.util/source-table-id query)]
(not-empty (lib.metadata.protocols/metrics (lib.metadata/->metadata-provider query) source-table-id))))
......@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
[metabase.lib.schema.expression :as expression]
[metabase.lib.schema.mbql-clause :as mbql-clause]
[metabase.types :as types]
[metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))
[metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]
;;; the logic for calculating the return type of a `:case` or similar statement is not optimal nor perfect. But it
;;; should be ok for now and errors on the side of being permissive. See this Slack thread for more info:
......@@ -18,6 +19,11 @@
(nil? x)
;; if the type of either x or y is unknown, then the overall type of this has to be unknown as well.
(or (= x ::expression/type.unknown)
(= y ::expression/type.unknown))
;; if both types are keywords return their most-specific ancestor.
(and (keyword? x)
(keyword? y))
......@@ -55,25 +61,15 @@
[:pred-expr-pairs [:sequential {:min 1} [:ref ::case-subclause]]]
[:default [:? [:schema [:ref ::expression/expression]]]])
(defn- allow-unkown-type
"A hack to allow case and coalesce expressions using fields only.
The real fix would pass in metadata so that the types of fields
can be determined."
(if (= expr-type ::expression/type.unknown)
(defmethod expression/type-of-method :case
[[_tag _opts pred-expr-pairs default]]
(-> (reduce
(fn [best-guess [_pred expr]]
(let [expr-type (expression/type-of expr)]
(best-return-type best-guess expr-type)))
(when (some? default)
(expression/type-of default))
(fn [best-guess [_pred expr]]
(let [expr-type (expression/type-of expr)]
(best-return-type best-guess expr-type)))
(when (some? default)
(expression/type-of default))
;;; TODO -- add constraint that these types have to be compatible
(mbql-clause/define-tuple-mbql-clause :coalesce
......@@ -82,5 +78,4 @@
(defmethod expression/type-of-method :coalesce
[[_tag _opts expr null-value]]
(-> (best-return-type (expression/type-of expr) (expression/type-of null-value))
(best-return-type (expression/type-of expr) (expression/type-of null-value)))
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
([tag :- simple-keyword?
_arrow :- [:= :-]
return-type :- [:fn {:error/message "valid base type"} #(isa? % :type/*)]
return-type :- ::expression/base-type
(define-mbql-clause tag schema)
(defmethod expression/type-of-method tag
(ns metabase.lib.schema.ref
"Malli schema for a Field, aggregation, or expression reference (etc.)"
[clojure.string :as str]
[metabase.lib.dispatch :as lib.dispatch]
[metabase.lib.hierarchy :as lib.hierarchy]
[metabase.lib.schema.common :as common]
[metabase.lib.schema.expression :as expression]
[ :as id]
......@@ -55,6 +57,8 @@
[:dispatch-type/string ::field.literal]]])
(lib.hierarchy/derive :field ::ref)
(defmethod expression/type-of-method :field
[[_tag opts _id-or-name]]
(or ((some-fn :effective-type :base-type) opts)
......@@ -68,6 +72,8 @@
(or ((some-fn :effective-type :base-type) opts)
(lib.hierarchy/derive :expression ::ref)
(mr/def ::aggregation-options
......@@ -86,10 +92,19 @@
(or ((some-fn :effective-type :base-type) opts)
(lib.hierarchy/derive :aggregation ::ref)
(mbql-clause/define-tuple-mbql-clause :metric :- ::expression/type.unknown
#_metric-id [:schema [:ref ::id/metric]])
(lib.hierarchy/derive :metric ::ref)
(mr/def ::ref
{:error/message ":field, :expression, :or :aggregation reference"}
{:error/fn (fn [_ _]
(str "Valid reference, must be one of these clauses: "
(str/join ", " (sort (descendants @lib.hierarchy/hierarchy ::ref)))))}
(fn [[tag :as _clause]]
(#{:field :expression :aggregation} tag))]])
(lib.hierarchy/isa? tag ::ref))]])
......@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
(when-let [[_match card-id-str] (re-find #"^card__(\d+)$" table-id)]
(parse-long card-id-str))))
(mu/defn source-table :- [:maybe]
(mu/defn source-table-id :- [:maybe]
"If this query has a `:source-table` ID, return it."
(-> query :stages first :source-table))
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