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Unverified Commit f986af7c authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
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Use UTF8/InnoDB for new MySQL tables (#11742)

* Move Liquibase code to different namespace

[ci mysql]

* Test fixes; make sure read-column impls check for nil [ci drivers]
parent 857ad09f
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with 366 additions and 232 deletions
package metabase.db.liquibase;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import liquibase.database.Database;
import liquibase.database.core.MySQLDatabase;
import liquibase.exception.ValidationErrors;
import liquibase.sql.Sql;
import liquibase.sql.UnparsedSql;
import liquibase.sqlgenerator.SqlGeneratorChain;
import liquibase.sqlgenerator.core.AbstractSqlGenerator;
import liquibase.sqlgenerator.core.CreateTableGenerator;
import liquibase.statement.core.CreateTableStatement;
import liquibase.structure.DatabaseObject;
// This class is a simple wrapper around a CreateTableGenerator that appends ENGINE InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci to the generated SQL
public class MetabaseMySqlCreateTableSqlGenerator extends AbstractSqlGenerator<CreateTableStatement> {
private CreateTableGenerator parentGenerator;
public MetabaseMySqlCreateTableSqlGenerator() {
this.parentGenerator = new CreateTableGenerator();
public boolean supports(CreateTableStatement statement, Database database) {
return parentGenerator.supports(statement, database) && (database instanceof MySQLDatabase);
public int getPriority() {
return parentGenerator.getPriority() + 1;
public Sql[] generateSql(CreateTableStatement statement, Database database, SqlGeneratorChain sqlGeneratorChain) {
Sql[] sqls = this.parentGenerator.generateSql(statement, database, sqlGeneratorChain);
for (int i = 0; i < sqls.length; i++) {
Sql sql = sqls[i];
if (!sql.toSql().startsWith("CREATE TABLE")) continue;
Collection<? extends DatabaseObject> affectedObjects = sql.getAffectedDatabaseObjects();
sqls[i] = new UnparsedSql(sql.toSql() + " ENGINE InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci",
affectedObjects.toArray(new DatabaseObject[affectedObjects.size()]));
return sqls;
public ValidationErrors validate(CreateTableStatement statement, Database database, SqlGeneratorChain sqlGeneratorChain) {
return this.parentGenerator.validate(statement, database, sqlGeneratorChain);
......@@ -294,12 +294,12 @@
;; try both and wrap the first in a try-catch. As far as I know there's now way to tell whether the value has a zone
;; offset or ID without first fetching a `TIMESTAMPTZ` object. So to avoid the try-catch we can fetch the
;; `TIMESTAMPTZ` and use `.offsetDateTimeValue` instead.
(let [^TIMESTAMPTZ t (.getObject rs i TIMESTAMPTZ)
^C3P0ProxyConnection proxy-conn (.. rs getStatement getConnection)
conn (.unwrap proxy-conn OracleConnection)]
;; TIMEZONE FIXME - we need to warn if the Oracle JDBC driver is `ojdbc7.jar`, which probably won't have this method
;; I think we can call `(oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver/getJDBCVersion)` and check whether it returns 4.2+
(.offsetDateTimeValue t conn)))
(when-let [^TIMESTAMPTZ t (.getObject rs i TIMESTAMPTZ)]
(let [^C3P0ProxyConnection proxy-conn (.. rs getStatement getConnection)
conn (.unwrap proxy-conn OracleConnection)]
;; TIMEZONE FIXME - we need to warn if the Oracle JDBC driver is `ojdbc7.jar`, which probably won't have this method
;; I think we can call `(oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver/getJDBCVersion)` and check whether it returns 4.2+
(.offsetDateTimeValue t conn))))
(defmethod unprepare/unprepare-value [:oracle OffsetDateTime]
[_ t]
......@@ -274,17 +274,17 @@
;; return a String that we can parse
(defmethod sql-jdbc.execute/read-column [:snowflake Types/TIME]
[_ _ ^ResultSet rs _ ^Integer i]
(let [s (.getString rs i)
t ( s)]
(log/tracef "(.getString rs %d) [TIME] -> %s -> %s" i s t)
(when-let [s (.getString rs i)]
(let [t ( s)]
(log/tracef "(.getString rs %d) [TIME] -> %s -> %s" i s t)
(defmethod sql-jdbc.execute/read-column [:snowflake Types/TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE]
[_ _ ^ResultSet rs _ ^Integer i]
(let [s (.getString rs i)
t ( s)]
(log/tracef "(.getString rs %d) [TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE] -> %s -> %s" i s t)
(when-let [s (.getString rs i)]
(let [t ( s)]
(log/tracef "(.getString rs %d) [TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE] -> %s -> %s" i s t)
;; TODO ­ would it make more sense to use functions like `timestamp_tz_from_parts` directly instead of JDBC parameters?
......@@ -172,12 +172,15 @@
;; TIMEZONE FIXME — not sure what timezone the results actually come back as
(defmethod sql-jdbc.execute/read-column [:hive-like Types/TIME]
[_ _ ^ResultSet rs rsmeta ^Integer i]
(t/offset-time (t/local-time (.getTimestamp rs i)) (t/zone-offset 0)))
(when-let [t (.getTimestamp rs i)]
(t/offset-time (t/local-time t) (t/zone-offset 0))))
(defmethod sql-jdbc.execute/read-column [:hive-like Types/DATE]
[_ _ ^ResultSet rs rsmeta ^Integer i]
(t/zoned-date-time (t/local-date (.getDate rs i)) (t/local-time 0) (t/zone-id "UTC")))
(when-let [t (.getDate rs i)]
(t/zoned-date-time (t/local-date t) (t/local-time 0) (t/zone-id "UTC"))))
(defmethod sql-jdbc.execute/read-column [:hive-like Types/TIMESTAMP]
[_ _ ^ResultSet rs rsmeta ^Integer i]
(t/zoned-date-time (t/local-date-time (.getTimestamp rs i)) (t/zone-id "UTC")))
(when-let [t (.getTimestamp rs i)]
(t/zoned-date-time (t/local-date-time t) (t/zone-id "UTC"))))
......@@ -288,6 +288,8 @@
(defmethod sql-jdbc.execute/read-column [:sqlite Types/DATE]
[_ _ ^ResultSet rs _ ^Integer i]
(t/local-date (.getDate rs i))
(when-let [t (.getDate rs i)]
(t/local-date t))
(catch Throwable _
( (.getString rs i) (qp.timezone/results-timezone-id)))))
(when-let [s (.getString rs i)]
( s (qp.timezone/results-timezone-id))))))
......@@ -129,14 +129,14 @@
(defmethod sql-jdbc.execute/read-column [:vertica Types/TIME]
[_ _ ^ResultSet rs _ ^Integer i]
(let [s (.getString rs i)
t ( s)]
(log/tracef "(.getString rs %d) [TIME] -> %s -> %s" i s t)
(when-let [s (.getString rs i)]
(let [t ( s)]
(log/tracef "(.getString rs %d) [TIME] -> %s -> %s" i s t)
(defmethod sql-jdbc.execute/read-column [:vertica Types/TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE]
[_ _ ^ResultSet rs _ ^Integer i]
(let [s (.getString rs i)
t ( s)]
(log/tracef "(.getString rs %d) [TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE] -> %s -> %s" i s t)
(when-let [s (.getString rs i)]
(let [t ( s)]
(log/tracef "(.getString rs %d) [TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE] -> %s -> %s" i s t)
......@@ -156,6 +156,9 @@
["-target" "1.8", "-source" "1.8"]
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
(defn- h2-details [h2-connection-string-or-nil]
(let [h2-filename (add-file-prefix-if-needed h2-connection-string-or-nil)]
(mdb/jdbc-details {:type :h2, :db h2-filename})))
(mdb/jdbc-spec {:type :h2, :db h2-filename})))
;;; ------------------------------------------- Fetching & Inserting Rows --------------------------------------------
......@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@
(defn- load-data! [target-db-conn]
(println "Source db:" (mdb/jdbc-details))
(jdbc/with-db-connection [db-conn (mdb/jdbc-details)]
(println "Source db:" (mdb/jdbc-spec))
(jdbc/with-db-connection [db-conn (mdb/jdbc-spec)]
(doseq [{table-name :table, :as e} entities
:let [rows (jdbc/query db-conn [(str "SELECT * FROM " (name table-name))])]
:when (seq rows)]
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
(defn- h2-details [h2-connection-string-or-nil]
(let [h2-filename (add-file-prefix-if-needed (or h2-connection-string-or-nil @metabase.db/db-file))]
(mdb/jdbc-details {:type :h2, :db (str h2-filename ";IFEXISTS=TRUE")})))
(mdb/jdbc-spec {:type :h2, :db (str h2-filename ";IFEXISTS=TRUE")})))
;;; ------------------------------------------- Fetching & Inserting Rows --------------------------------------------
......@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
;; Update the sequence nextvals.
(defmethod update-sequence-values! :postgres []
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [target-db-conn (mdb/jdbc-details)]
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [target-db-conn (mdb/jdbc-spec)]
(println (u/format-color 'blue "Setting postgres sequence ids to proper values..."))
(doseq [e entities
:when (not (contains? entities-without-autoinc-ids e))
......@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
(assert (#{:postgres :mysql} (mdb/db-type))
(trs "Metabase can only transfer data from H2 to Postgres or MySQL/MariaDB."))
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [target-db-conn (mdb/jdbc-details)]
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [target-db-conn (mdb/jdbc-spec)]
(jdbc/db-set-rollback-only! target-db-conn)
(println (u/format-color 'blue "Testing if target DB is already populated..."))
(ns metabase.db
"Application database definition, and setup logic, and helper functions for interacting with it."
(:require [clojure
[string :as str]
[walk :as walk]]
(:require [
[io :as io]
[jdbc :as jdbc]]
[ :as log]
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[config :as config]
[connection-pool :as connection-pool]
[util :as u]]
[jdbc-protocols :as db.jdbc-protocols]
[liquibase :as liquibase]
[spec :as db.spec]]
[metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
......@@ -21,12 +20,7 @@
[ring.util.codec :as codec]
[schema.core :as s]
[toucan.db :as db])
[liquibase Contexts Liquibase]
[liquibase.database Database DatabaseFactory]
(:import liquibase.exception.LockException))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
......@@ -124,8 +118,9 @@
(or @connection-string-details
(case (db-type)
:h2 {:type :h2 ; TODO - we probably don't need to specifc `:type` here since we can just call (db-type)
:db @db-file}
;; TODO - we probably don't need to specifc `:type` here since we can just call (db-type)
:h2 {:type :h2
:db @db-file}
:mysql {:type :mysql
:host (config/config-str :mb-db-host)
:port (config/config-int :mb-db-port)
......@@ -139,10 +134,11 @@
:user (config/config-str :mb-db-user)
:password (config/config-str :mb-db-pass)}))))
(defn jdbc-details
(defn jdbc-spec
"Takes our own MB details map and formats them properly for connection details for JDBC."
(jdbc-details @db-connection-details))
(jdbc-spec @db-connection-details))
{:pre [(map? db-details)]}
;; TODO: it's probably a good idea to put some more validation here and be really strict about what's in `db-details`
......@@ -156,147 +152,6 @@
;;; | MIGRATE! |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(def ^:private ^String changelog-file "liquibase.yaml")
(defn- migrations-sql
"Return a string of SQL containing the DDL statements needed to perform unrun `liquibase` migrations."
^String [^Liquibase liquibase]
(let [writer (StringWriter.)]
(.update liquibase "" writer)
(.toString writer)))
(defn- migrations-lines
"Return a sequnce of DDL statements that should be used to perform migrations for `liquibase`.
MySQL gets snippy if we try to run the entire DB migration as one single string; it seems to only like it if we run
one statement at a time; Liquibase puts each DDL statement on its own line automatically so just split by lines and
filter out blank / comment lines. Even though this is not necessary for H2 or Postgres go ahead and do it anyway
because it keeps the code simple and doesn't make a significant performance difference.
As of 0.31.1 this is only used for printing the migrations without running or using force migrating."
[^Liquibase liquibase]
(for [line (str/split-lines (migrations-sql liquibase))
:when (not (or (str/blank? line)
(re-find #"^--" line)))]
(defn- has-unrun-migrations?
"Does `liquibase` have migration change sets that haven't been run yet?
It's a good idea to check to make sure there's actually something to do before running `(migrate :up)` so we can
skip creating and releasing migration locks, which is both slightly dangerous and a waste of time when we won't be
using them.
(I'm not 100% sure whether `Liquibase.update()` still acquires locks if the database is already up-to-date, but
`migrations-lines` certainly does; duplicating the skipping logic doesn't hurt anything.)"
^Boolean [^Liquibase liquibase]
(boolean (seq (.listUnrunChangeSets liquibase nil))))
(defn- migration-lock-exists?
"Is a migration lock in place for `liquibase`?"
^Boolean [^Liquibase liquibase]
(boolean (seq (.listLocks liquibase))))
(defn- wait-for-migration-lock-to-be-cleared
"Check and make sure the database isn't locked. If it is, sleep for 2 seconds and then retry several times. There's a
chance the lock will end up clearing up so we can run migrations normally."
[^Liquibase liquibase]
(u/auto-retry 5
(when (migration-lock-exists? liquibase)
(Thread/sleep 2000)
(trs "Database has migration lock; cannot run migrations.")
" "
(trs "You can force-release these locks by running `java -jar metabase.jar migrate release-locks`.")))))))
(defn- migrate-up-if-needed!
"Run any unrun `liquibase` migrations, if needed."
[conn, ^Liquibase liquibase]
(log/info (trs "Checking if Database has unrun migrations..."))
(when (has-unrun-migrations? liquibase)
(log/info (trs "Database has unrun migrations. Waiting for migration lock to be cleared..."))
(wait-for-migration-lock-to-be-cleared liquibase)
;; while we were waiting for the lock, it was possible that another instance finished the migration(s), so make
;; sure something still needs to be done...
(if (has-unrun-migrations? liquibase)
(log/info (trs "Migration lock is cleared. Running migrations..."))
(u/auto-retry 3 (let [^Contexts contexts nil] (.update liquibase contexts))))
(trs "Migration lock cleared, but nothing to do here! Migrations were finished by another instance.")))))
(defn- force-migrate-up-if-needed!
"Force migrating up. This does two things differently from `migrate-up-if-needed!`:
1. This doesn't check to make sure the DB locks are cleared
2. This generates a sequence of individual DDL statements with `migrations-lines` and runs them each in turn
3. Any DDL statements that fail are ignored
It can be used to fix situations where the database got into a weird state, as was common before the fixes made in
Each DDL statement is ran inside a nested transaction; that way if the nested transaction fails we can roll it back
without rolling back the entirety of changes that were made. (If a single statement in a transaction fails you can't
do anything futher until you clear the error state by doing something like calling `.rollback`.)"
[conn, ^Liquibase liquibase]
(.clearCheckSums liquibase)
(when (has-unrun-migrations? liquibase)
(doseq [line (migrations-lines liquibase)]
(log/info line)
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [nested-transaction-connection conn]
(try (jdbc/execute! nested-transaction-connection [line])
(log/info (u/format-color 'green "[SUCCESS]"))
(catch Throwable e
(.rollback (jdbc/get-connection nested-transaction-connection))
(log/error (u/format-color 'red "[ERROR] %s" (.getMessage e)))))))))
(def ^{:arglists '([])} ^DatabaseFactory database-factory
"Return an instance of the Liquibase `DatabaseFactory`. This is done on a background thread at launch because
otherwise it adds 2 seconds to startup time."
(when-not *compile-files*
(partial deref (future (DatabaseFactory/getInstance)))))
(defn- conn->liquibase
"Get a `Liquibase` object from JDBC `conn`."
(^Liquibase []
(conn->liquibase (jdbc-details)))
(^Liquibase [conn]
(let [^JdbcConnection liquibase-conn (JdbcConnection. (jdbc/get-connection conn))
^Database database (.findCorrectDatabaseImplementation (database-factory) liquibase-conn)]
(Liquibase. changelog-file (ClassLoaderResourceAccessor.) database))))
(defn- consolidate-liquibase-changesets!
"Consolidate all previous DB migrations so they come from single file.
Previously migrations where stored in many small files which added seconds per file to the startup time because
liquibase was checking the jar signature for each file. This function is required to correct the liquibase tables to
reflect that these migrations where moved to a single file.
(let [liquibase-table-name (if (#{:h2 :mysql} (:type conn))
fresh-install? (jdbc/with-db-metadata [meta (jdbc-details conn)] ;; don't migrate on fresh install
(empty? (jdbc/metadata-query
(.getTables meta nil nil liquibase-table-name (u/varargs String ["TABLE"])))))
statement (format "UPDATE %s SET FILENAME = ?" liquibase-table-name)]
(when-not fresh-install?
(jdbc/execute! conn [statement "migrations/000_migrations.yaml"]))))
(defn- release-lock-if-needed!
"Attempts to release the liquibase lock if present. Logs but does not bubble up the exception if one occurs as it's
intended to be used when a failure has occurred and bubbling up this exception would hide the real exception."
[^Liquibase liquibase]
(when (migration-lock-exists? liquibase)
(.forceReleaseLocks liquibase)
(catch Exception e
(log/error e (trs "Unable to release the Liquibase lock after a migration failure"))))))
(defn migrate!
"Migrate the database (this can also be ran via command line like `java -jar metabase.jar migrate up` or `lein run
migrate up`):
......@@ -318,23 +173,23 @@
(migrate! @db-connection-details direction))
([db-details direction]
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [conn (jdbc-details db-details)]
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [conn (jdbc-spec db-details)]
;; Tell transaction to automatically `.rollback` instead of `.commit` when the transaction finishes
(jdbc/db-set-rollback-only! conn)
;; Disable auto-commit. This should already be off but set it just to be safe
(.setAutoCommit (jdbc/get-connection conn) false)
;; Set up liquibase and let it do its thing
(log/info (trs "Setting up Liquibase..."))
(let [liquibase (conn->liquibase conn)]
(liquibase/with-liquibase [liquibase conn]
(consolidate-liquibase-changesets! conn)
(liquibase/consolidate-liquibase-changesets! conn)
(log/info (trs "Liquibase is ready."))
(case direction
:up (migrate-up-if-needed! conn liquibase)
:force (force-migrate-up-if-needed! conn liquibase)
:down-one (.rollback liquibase 1 "")
:print (println (migrations-sql liquibase))
:release-locks (.forceReleaseLocks liquibase))
:up (liquibase/migrate-up-if-needed! conn liquibase)
:force (liquibase/force-migrate-up-if-needed! conn liquibase)
:down-one (liquibase/rollback-one liquibase)
:print (println (liquibase/migrations-sql liquibase))
:release-locks (liquibase/force-release-locks! liquibase))
;; Migrations were successful; disable rollback-only so `.commit` will be called instead of `.rollback`
(jdbc/db-unset-rollback-only! conn)
......@@ -353,7 +208,7 @@
(.rollback (jdbc/get-connection conn))
;; With some failures, it's possible that the lock won't be released. To make this worse, if we retry the
;; operation without releasing the lock first, the real error will get hidden behind a lock error
(release-lock-if-needed! liquibase)
(liquibase/release-lock-if-needed! liquibase)
(throw e)))))))
......@@ -438,23 +293,11 @@
[auto-migrate? db-details]
(log/info (trs "Running Database Migrations..."))
(if auto-migrate?
;; There is a weird situation where running the migrations can cause a race condition: if two (or more) instances
;; in a horizontal cluster are started at the exact same time, they can all start running migrations (and all
;; acquire a lock) at the exact same moment. Since they all acquire a lock at the same time, none of them would
;; have been blocked from starting by the lock being in place. (Yes, this not working sort of defeats the whole
;; purpose of the lock in the first place, but this *is* Liquibase.)
;; So what happens is one instance will ultimately end up commiting the transaction first (and succeed), while the
;; others will fail due to duplicate tables or the like and have their transactions rolled back.
;; However, we don't want to have that instance killed because its migrations failed for that reason, so retry a
;; second time; this time, it will either run into the lock, or see that there are no migrations to run in the
;; first place, and launch normally.
(u/auto-retry 1
(migrate! db-details :up))
(migrate! db-details :up)
;; if `MB_DB_AUTOMIGRATE` is false, and we have migrations that need to be ran, print and quit. Otherwise continue
;; to start normally
(when (has-unrun-migrations? (conn->liquibase))
(when (liquibase/with-liquibase [liquibase (jdbc-spec)]
(liquibase/has-unrun-migrations? liquibase))
(print-migrations-and-quit! db-details)))
(log/info (trs "Database Migrations Current ... ") (u/emoji "✅")))
......@@ -465,7 +308,6 @@
(classloader/require 'metabase.db.migrations)
((resolve 'metabase.db.migrations/run-all!))))
(defn setup-db!*
"Connects to db and runs migrations."
[db-details auto-migrate]
......@@ -473,7 +315,7 @@
(verify-db-connection db-details)
(run-schema-migrations! auto-migrate db-details)
(create-connection-pool! (jdbc-details db-details))
(create-connection-pool! (jdbc-spec db-details))
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
;; Check and see if the column type is `TIMESTAMP` (as opposed to `DATETIME`, which is the equivalent of
;; LocalDateTime), and normalize it to a UTC timestamp if so.
(let [t (.getObject rs i LocalDateTime)]
(when-let [t (.getObject rs i LocalDateTime)]
(if (= (.getColumnTypeName rsmeta i) "TIMESTAMP")
(t/with-offset-same-instant (t/offset-date-time t (t/zone-id)) (t/zone-offset 0))
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
(.getObject rs i LocalTime)
(catch Throwable _
(let [s (.getString rs i)]
(when-let [s (.getString rs i)]
(log/tracef "Error in Postgres JDBC driver reading TIME value, fetching as string '%s'" s)
( s))))
(ns metabase.db.liquibase
(:require [ :as jdbc]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :as log]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs]])
[liquibase Contexts Liquibase]
[liquibase.database Database DatabaseFactory]
(.register (SqlGeneratorFactory/getInstance) (MetabaseMySqlCreateTableSqlGenerator.))
(def ^:private ^String changelog-file "liquibase.yaml")
(defn- liquibase-connection ^JdbcConnection [^java.sql.Connection jdbc-connection]
(JdbcConnection. jdbc-connection))
(defn- database ^Database [^JdbcConnection liquibase-conn]
(.findCorrectDatabaseImplementation (DatabaseFactory/getInstance) liquibase-conn))
(defn- liquibase ^Liquibase [^Database database]
(Liquibase. changelog-file (ClassLoaderResourceAccessor.) database))
(defn do-with-liquibase
"Impl for `with-liquibase-macro`."
[jdbc-spec-or-conn f]
;; closing the `LiquibaseConnection`/`Database` closes the parent JDBC `Connection`, so only use it in combination
;; with `with-open` *if* we are opening a new JDBC `Connection` from a JDBC spec. If we're passed in a `Connection`,
;; it's safe to assume the caller is managing its lifecycle.
(letfn []
(instance? java.sql.Connection jdbc-spec-or-conn)
(f (-> jdbc-spec-or-conn liquibase-connection database liquibase))
(:connection jdbc-spec-or-conn)
(recur (:connection jdbc-spec-or-conn) f)
(with-open [jdbc-conn (jdbc/get-connection jdbc-spec-or-conn)
liquibase-conn (liquibase-connection jdbc-conn)
database (database liquibase-conn)]
(f (liquibase database))))))
(defmacro with-liquibase
"Execute body with an instance of a `Liquibase` bound to `liquibase-binding`.
(liquibase/with-liquibase [liquibase {:subname :postgres, ...}]
(liquibase/migrate-up-if-needed! liquibase))"
{:style/indent 1}
[[liquibase-binding jdbc-spec-or-conn] & body]
(fn [~(vary-meta liquibase-binding assoc :tag (symbol (.getCanonicalName Liquibase)))]
(defn migrations-sql
"Return a string of SQL containing the DDL statements needed to perform unrun `liquibase` migrations."
^String [^Liquibase liquibase]
(let [writer (StringWriter.)]
(.update liquibase "" writer)
(.toString writer)))
(defn migrations-lines
"Return a sequnce of DDL statements that should be used to perform migrations for `liquibase`.
MySQL gets snippy if we try to run the entire DB migration as one single string; it seems to only like it if we run
one statement at a time; Liquibase puts each DDL statement on its own line automatically so just split by lines and
filter out blank / comment lines. Even though this is not necessary for H2 or Postgres go ahead and do it anyway
because it keeps the code simple and doesn't make a significant performance difference.
As of 0.31.1 this is only used for printing the migrations without running or using force migrating."
[^Liquibase liquibase]
(for [line (str/split-lines (migrations-sql liquibase))
:when (not (or (str/blank? line)
(re-find #"^--" line)))]
(defn has-unrun-migrations?
"Does `liquibase` have migration change sets that haven't been run yet?
It's a good idea to check to make sure there's actually something to do before running `(migrate :up)` so we can
skip creating and releasing migration locks, which is both slightly dangerous and a waste of time when we won't be
using them.
(I'm not 100% sure whether `Liquibase.update()` still acquires locks if the database is already up-to-date, but
`migrations-lines` certainly does; duplicating the skipping logic doesn't hurt anything.)"
^Boolean [^Liquibase liquibase]
(boolean (seq (.listUnrunChangeSets liquibase nil))))
(defn- migration-lock-exists?
"Is a migration lock in place for `liquibase`?"
^Boolean [^Liquibase liquibase]
(boolean (seq (.listLocks liquibase))))
(defn- wait-for-migration-lock-to-be-cleared
"Check and make sure the database isn't locked. If it is, sleep for 2 seconds and then retry several times. There's a
chance the lock will end up clearing up so we can run migrations normally."
[^Liquibase liquibase]
(u/auto-retry 5
(when (migration-lock-exists? liquibase)
(Thread/sleep 2000)
(trs "Database has migration lock; cannot run migrations.")
" "
(trs "You can force-release these locks by running `java -jar metabase.jar migrate release-locks`.")))))))
(defn migrate-up-if-needed!
"Run any unrun `liquibase` migrations, if needed."
[conn, ^Liquibase liquibase]
(log/info (trs "Checking if Database has unrun migrations..."))
(when (has-unrun-migrations? liquibase)
(log/info (trs "Database has unrun migrations. Waiting for migration lock to be cleared..."))
(wait-for-migration-lock-to-be-cleared liquibase)
;; while we were waiting for the lock, it was possible that another instance finished the migration(s), so make
;; sure something still needs to be done...
(if (has-unrun-migrations? liquibase)
(log/info (trs "Migration lock is cleared. Running migrations..."))
(u/auto-retry 3 (let [^Contexts contexts nil] (.update liquibase contexts))))
(trs "Migration lock cleared, but nothing to do here! Migrations were finished by another instance.")))))
(defn force-migrate-up-if-needed!
"Force migrating up. This does two things differently from `migrate-up-if-needed!`:
1. This doesn't check to make sure the DB locks are cleared
2. This generates a sequence of individual DDL statements with `migrations-lines` and runs them each in turn
3. Any DDL statements that fail are ignored
It can be used to fix situations where the database got into a weird state, as was common before the fixes made in
Each DDL statement is ran inside a nested transaction; that way if the nested transaction fails we can roll it back
without rolling back the entirety of changes that were made. (If a single statement in a transaction fails you can't
do anything futher until you clear the error state by doing something like calling `.rollback`.)"
[conn, ^Liquibase liquibase]
(.clearCheckSums liquibase)
(when (has-unrun-migrations? liquibase)
(doseq [line (migrations-lines liquibase)]
(log/info line)
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [nested-transaction-connection conn]
(try (jdbc/execute! nested-transaction-connection [line])
(log/info (u/format-color 'green "[SUCCESS]"))
(catch Throwable e
(.rollback (jdbc/get-connection nested-transaction-connection))
(log/error (u/format-color 'red "[ERROR] %s" (.getMessage e)))))))))
(defn consolidate-liquibase-changesets!
"Consolidate all previous DB migrations so they come from single file.
Previously migrations where stored in many small files which added seconds per file to the startup time because
liquibase was checking the jar signature for each file. This function is required to correct the liquibase tables to
reflect that these migrations where moved to a single file.
(let [liquibase-table-name (if (#{:h2 :mysql} (:type jdbc-spec))
fresh-install? (jdbc/with-db-metadata [meta jdbc-spec] ;; don't migrate on fresh install
(empty? (jdbc/metadata-query
(.getTables meta nil nil liquibase-table-name (u/varargs String ["TABLE"])))))
statement (format "UPDATE %s SET FILENAME = ?" liquibase-table-name)]
(when-not fresh-install?
(jdbc/execute! jdbc-spec [statement "migrations/000_migrations.yaml"]))))
(defn rollback-one
"Roll back the last migration."
[^Liquibase liquibase]
(.rollback liquibase 1 ""))
(defn force-release-locks!
"(Attempt to) force release Liquibase migration locks."
[^Liquibase liquibase]
(.forceReleaseLocks liquibase))
(defn release-lock-if-needed!
"Attempts to release the liquibase lock if present. Logs but does not bubble up the exception if one occurs as it's
intended to be used when a failure has occurred and bubbling up this exception would hide the real exception."
[^Liquibase liquibase]
(when (migration-lock-exists? liquibase)
(force-release-locks! liquibase)
(catch Exception e
(log/error e (trs "Unable to release the Liquibase lock after a migration failure"))))))
......@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
[driver & body]
`(do-with-driver ~driver (fn [] ~@body)))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; | Driver Registration / Hierarchy / Multimethod Dispatch |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
......@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
;; LocalDateTime), and normalize it to a UTC timestamp if so.
(defmethod sql-jdbc.execute/read-column [:mysql Types/TIMESTAMP]
[_ _ ^ResultSet rs ^ResultSetMetaData rsmeta ^Integer i]
(let [t (.getObject rs i LocalDateTime)]
(when-let [t (.getObject rs i LocalDateTime)]
(if (= (.getColumnTypeName rsmeta i) "TIMESTAMP")
(t/with-offset-same-instant (t/offset-date-time t (t/zone-id (qp.timezone/results-timezone-id))) (t/zone-offset 0))
......@@ -55,21 +55,21 @@
(defmethod sql-jdbc.execute/read-column [:use-legacy-classes-for-read-and-set Types/TIME]
[_ _ ^ResultSet rs _ ^Integer i]
(let [s (.getString rs i)
t ( s)]
(log/tracef "(.getString rs i) [TIME] -> %s -> %s" (pr-str s) (pr-str t))
(when-let [s (.getString rs i)]
(let [t ( s)]
(log/tracef "(.getString rs i) [TIME] -> %s -> %s" (pr-str s) (pr-str t))
(defmethod sql-jdbc.execute/read-column [::use-legacy-classes-for-read-and-set Types/DATE]
[_ _ ^ResultSet rs _ ^Integer i]
(let [s (.getString rs i)
t ( s)]
(log/tracef "(.getString rs i) [DATE] -> %s -> %s" (pr-str s) (pr-str t))
(when-let [s (.getString rs i)]
(let [t ( s)]
(log/tracef "(.getString rs i) [DATE] -> %s -> %s" (pr-str s) (pr-str t))
(defmethod sql-jdbc.execute/read-column [::use-legacy-classes-for-read-and-set Types/TIMESTAMP]
[_ _ ^ResultSet rs _ ^Integer i]
(let [s (.getString rs i)
t ( s)]
(log/tracef "(.getString rs i) [TIMESTAMP] -> %s -> %s" (pr-str s) (pr-str t))
(when-let [s (.getString rs i)]
(let [t ( s)]
(log/tracef "(.getString rs i) [TIMESTAMP] -> %s -> %s" (pr-str s) (pr-str t))
......@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@
(valid-timezone-id (report-timezone-id*)))
(defn results-timezone-id
"The timezone that a query is actually ran in -- report timezone, if set and supported by the current driver;
"The timezone that a query is actually ran in ­ report timezone, if set and supported by the current driver;
otherwise the timezone of the database (if known), otherwise the system timezone. Guaranteed to always return a
timezone ID never returns `nil`."
timezone ID ­ never returns `nil`."
(^String []
(results-timezone-id driver/*driver* ::db-from-store))
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
(u/varargs String)
(u/varargs String [\"A\" \"B\"])"
{:style/indent 1}
{:style/indent 1, :arglists '([klass] [klass xs])}
[klass & [objects]]
(vary-meta `(into-array ~klass ~objects)
assoc :tag (format "[L%s;" (.getCanonicalName ^Class (ns-resolve *ns* klass)))))
(ns metabase.db.liquibase-test
(:require [clojure
[string :as str]
[test :refer :all]]
[ :as jdbc]
[metabase.db.liquibase :as liquibase]
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.connection :as sql-jdbc.conn]
[metabase.test :as mt]))
(deftest mysql-engine-charset-test
(mt/test-driver :mysql
(testing "Make sure MySQL CREATE DATABASE statements have ENGINE/CHARACTER SET appended to them (#10691)"
(jdbc/with-db-connection [conn (sql-jdbc.conn/connection-details->spec :mysql
(mt/dbdef->connection-details :mysql :server nil))]
(doseq [statement ["DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS liquibase_test;"
"CREATE DATABASE liquibase_test;"]]
(jdbc/execute! conn statement)))
(liquibase/with-liquibase [liquibase (sql-jdbc.conn/connection-details->spec :mysql
(mt/dbdef->connection-details :mysql :db {:database-name "liquibase_test"}))]
(testing "Make sure the first line actually matches the shape we're testing against"
(is (= (str "CREATE TABLE liquibase_test.DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK ("
") ENGINE InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;")
(first (liquibase/migrations-lines liquibase)))))
(testing "Make sure *every* line contains ENGINE ... CHARACTER SET ... COLLATE"
(doseq [line (liquibase/migrations-lines liquibase)
:when (str/starts-with? line "CREATE TABLE")]
(is (= true
(str/includes? line "ENGINE InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci"))
(format "%s should include ENGINE ... CHARACTER SET ... COLLATE ..." (pr-str line)))))))))
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