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Unverified Commit fa7a89d7 authored by Jeff Evans's avatar Jeff Evans Committed by GitHub
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Prevent secret records from being orphaned (#18714)

Delete Secret instances from the app DB, when the corresponding Database instance is deleted

Updating existing test (and renamed it to `secret-db-details-integration-test`) to confirm this behavior
parent e514ed44
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......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
[metabase.models.interface :as i]
[metabase.models.permissions :as perms]
[metabase.models.permissions-group :as perm-group]
[metabase.models.secret :as secret]
[metabase.models.secret :as secret :refer [Secret]]
[metabase.plugins.classloader :as classloader]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs]]
......@@ -60,12 +60,41 @@
(driver/normalize-db-details driver db*)
(defn- pre-delete [{id :id, driver :engine, :as database}]
(defn- conn-props->secret-props-by-name
"For the given `conn-props` (output of `driver/connection-properties`), return a map of all secret type properties,
keyed by property name."
(->> (filter #(= "secret" (:type %)) conn-props)
(reduce (fn [acc prop] (assoc acc (:name prop) prop)) {})))
(defn- delete-orphaned-secrets!
"Delete Secret instances from the app DB, that will become orphaned when `database` is deleted. For now, this will
simply delete any Secret whose ID appears in the details blob, since every Secret instance that is currently created
is exclusively associated with a single Database.
In the future, if/when we allow arbitrary association of secret instances to database instances, this will need to
change and become more complicated (likely by consulting a many-to-many join table)."
[{:keys [id details] :as database}]
(when-let [conn-props-fn (get-method driver/connection-properties (driver.u/database->driver database))]
(let [conn-props (conn-props-fn (driver.u/database->driver database))
possible-secret-prop-names (keys (conn-props->secret-props-by-name conn-props))]
(doseq [secret-id (reduce (fn [acc prop-name]
(when-let [secret-id (get details (keyword (str prop-name "-id")))]
(conj acc secret-id)))
(log/info (trs "Deleting secret ID {0} from app DB because the owning database ({1}) is being deleted"
(db/delete! Secret :id secret-id)))))
(defn- pre-delete [{id :id, driver :engine, details :details :as database}]
(unschedule-tasks! database)
(db/execute! {:delete-from (db/resolve-model 'Permissions)
:where [:or
[:like :object (str (perms/data-perms-path id) "%")]
[:= :object (perms/database-block-perms-path id)]]})
(delete-orphaned-secrets! database)
(driver/notify-database-updated driver database)
(catch Throwable e
......@@ -115,10 +144,8 @@
details ; we have details populated in this Database instance, so handle them
(let [conn-props (conn-props-fn (driver.u/database->driver database))
conn-secrets-by-name (->> (filter #(= "secret" (:type %)) conn-props)
(reduce (fn [acc prop] (assoc acc (:name prop) prop)) {}))
;; saved-details (db/select-field :details Database id)
updated-details (reduce-kv (partial handle-db-details-secret-prop! database)
conn-secrets-by-name (conn-props->secret-props-by-name conn-props)
updated-details (reduce-kv (partial handle-db-details-secret-prop! database)
(assoc database :details updated-details))
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
[metabase.models :refer [Database]]
[metabase.models.database :as mdb]
[metabase.models.permissions :as perms]
[metabase.models.secret :as secret]
[metabase.models.secret :as secret :refer [Secret]]
[metabase.models.user :as user]
[metabase.server.middleware.session :as mw.session]
[metabase.task :as task]
......@@ -161,43 +161,54 @@
(is (= driver.u/default-sensitive-fields
(mdb/sensitive-fields-for-db {})))))
(deftest secret-resolution-test
(mt/with-driver :secret-test-driver
(binding [api/*current-user-id* (mt/user->id :crowberto)]
(letfn [(check-db-fn [{:keys [details] :as database} exp-secret]
(is (not (contains? details :password-value)) "password-value was removed from details")
(is (some? (:password-created-at details)) "password-created-at was populated in details")
(is (= (mt/user->id :crowberto) (:password-creator-id details))
"password-creator-id was populated in details")
(is (= (if-let [src (:source exp-secret)]
(name src)
nil) (:password-source details)) "password-source matches the value from the secret")
(is (contains? details :password-id) "password-id was added to details")
(let [{:keys [created_at updated_at] :as secret} (secret/latest-for-id (:password-id details))]
(is (some? secret) "Loaded Secret instance by ID")
(is (some? created_at) "created_at populated for the secret instance")
(is (some? updated_at) "updated_at populated for the secret instance")
(doseq [[exp-key exp-val] exp-secret]
(testing (format "%s=%s in secret" exp-key exp-val)
(is (= exp-val (cond-> (exp-key secret)
(string? exp-val)
(deftest secret-db-details-integration-test
(testing "manipulating secret values in db-details works correctly"
(mt/with-driver :secret-test-driver
(binding [api/*current-user-id* (mt/user->id :crowberto)]
(let [secret-ids (atom #{}) ; keep track of all secret IDs created with the temp database
check-db-fn (fn [{:keys [details] :as database} exp-secret]
(is (not (contains? details :password-value)) "password-value was removed from details")
(is (some? (:password-created-at details)) "password-created-at was populated in details")
(is (= (mt/user->id :crowberto) (:password-creator-id details))
"password-creator-id was populated in details")
(is (= (if-let [src (:source exp-secret)]
(name src)
nil) (:password-source details))
"password-source matches the value from the secret")
(is (contains? details :password-id) "password-id was added to details")
(let [secret-id (:password-id details)
{:keys [created_at updated_at] :as secret} (secret/latest-for-id secret-id)]
(swap! secret-ids conj secret-id)
(is (some? secret) "Loaded Secret instance by ID")
(is (some? created_at) "created_at populated for the secret instance")
(is (some? updated_at) "updated_at populated for the secret instance")
(doseq [[exp-key exp-val] exp-secret]
(testing (format "%s=%s in secret" exp-key exp-val)
(is (= exp-val (cond-> (exp-key secret)
(string? exp-val)
(testing "values for referenced secret IDs are resolved in a new DB"
(mt/with-temp Database [{:keys [id details] :as database} {:engine :secret-test-driver
:name "Test DB with secrets"
:details {:host "localhost"
:password-value "new-password"}}]
(testing " and saved db-details looks correct"
(check-db-fn database {:kind :password
:source nil
:version 1
:value "new-password"})
(testing " updating the value works as expected"
(db/update! Database id :details (assoc details :password-path "/path/to/my/password-file"))
(check-db-fn (Database id) {:kind :password
:source :file-path
:version 2
:value "/path/to/my/password-file"})))))))))
(testing "values for referenced secret IDs are resolved in a new DB"
(mt/with-temp Database [{:keys [id details] :as database} {:engine :secret-test-driver
:name "Test DB with secrets"
:details {:host "localhost"
:password-value "new-password"}}]
(testing " and saved db-details looks correct"
(check-db-fn database {:kind :password
:source nil
:version 1
:value "new-password"})
(testing " updating the value works as expected"
(db/update! Database id :details (assoc details :password-path "/path/to/my/password-file"))
(check-db-fn (Database id) {:kind :password
:source :file-path
:version 2
:value "/path/to/my/password-file"}))))
(testing "Secret instances are deleted from the app DB when the DatabaseInstance is deleted"
(is (seq @secret-ids) "At least one Secret instance should have been created")
(doseq [secret-id @secret-ids]
(testing (format "Secret ID %d should have been deleted after the Database was" secret-id)
(is (nil? (db/select-one Secret :id secret-id))
(format "Secret ID %d was not removed from the app DB" secret-id)))))))))))
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