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Unverified Commit ff46a3a0 authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul
Browse files

Test data loading improvements :race_car: [ci drivers]

parent 11884ebe
No related merge requests found
with 429 additions and 353 deletions
......@@ -30,13 +30,14 @@
;;; Generating Data File
(defn- flattened-test-data []
(let [dbdef (tx/flatten-dbdef defs/test-data "checkins")
(let [dbdef (tx/get-dataset-definition
(tx/flattened-dataset-definition defs/test-data "checkins"))
tabledef (first (:table-definitions dbdef))]
(->> (:rows tabledef)
(map (partial zipmap (map :field-name (:field-definitions tabledef))))
(map-indexed (fn [i row]
(assoc row :id (inc i))))
(sort-by (u/rpartial get "date")))))
(sort-by #(get % "date")))))
(defn- write-dbdef-to-json [db-def filename]
(io/delete-file filename :silently)
......@@ -126,12 +126,12 @@
(driver/describe-table :mongo (data/db) (Table (data/id :venues))))
;; Make sure that all-NULL columns work and are synced correctly (#6875)
(tx/def-database-definition ^:private all-null-columns
(tx/defdataset ^:private all-null-columns
[{:field-name "name", :base-type :type/Text}
{:field-name "favorite_snack", :base-type :type/Text}]
[["House Finch" nil]
["Mourning Dove" nil]]]])
[{:field-name "name", :base-type :type/Text}
{:field-name "favorite_snack", :base-type :type/Text}]
[["House Finch" nil]
["Mourning Dove" nil]]]])
(datasets/expect-with-driver :mongo
[{:name "_id", :database_type "java.lang.Long", :base_type :type/Integer, :special_type :type/PK}
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
;;; Check that we support Mongo BSON ID and can filter by it (#1367)
(tx/def-database-definition ^:private with-bson-ids
(tx/defdataset ^:private with-bson-ids
[{:field-name "name", :base-type :type/Text}
{:field-name "bird_id", :base-type :type/MongoBSONID}]
......@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@
[util :as tu :refer [obj->json->obj]]]
[datasets :as datasets]
[interface :as tx :refer [def-database-definition]]]))
[interface :as tx]]))
;;; -------------------------------------------------- VARCHAR(MAX) --------------------------------------------------
;; Make sure something long doesn't come back as some weird type like `ClobImpl`
(def ^:private ^:const a-gene
(def ^:private a-gene
"Really long string representing a gene like \"GGAGCACCTCCACAAGTGCAGGCTATCCTGTCGAGTAAGGCCT...\""
(apply str (repeatedly 1000 (partial rand-nth [\A \G \C \T]))))
(def-database-definition ^:private ^:const genetic-data
(tx/defdataset ^:private genetic-data
[{:field-name "gene", :base-type {:native "VARCHAR(MAX)"}}]
......@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@
(verify-db-connection db-details)
(run-schema-migrations! auto-migrate db-details)
(create-connection-pool! (du/profile (jdbc-details db-details)))
(create-connection-pool! (jdbc-details db-details))
(reset! db-setup-finished? true))))
......@@ -233,9 +233,11 @@
(def ^:private default-pipeline (qp-pipeline execute-query))
(def ^:private QueryResponse
{:status (s/enum :completed :failed :canceled), s/Any s/Any}))
{:status (s/enum :completed :failed :canceled), s/Any s/Any})
"Valid query response (core.async channel or map with :status)"))
(s/defn process-query :- QueryResponse
"Process an MBQL query. This is the main entrypoint to the magical realm of the Query Processor. Returns a
......@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
["3" "2014-09-15" "" "8" "56"]
["4" "2014-03-11" "" "5" "4"]
["5" "2013-05-05" "" "3" "49"]]
(data/with-db (data/get-or-create-database! defs/test-data-with-null-date-checkins)
(data/dataset defs/test-data-with-null-date-checkins
(let [result ((test-users/user->client :rasta) :post 200 "dataset/csv" :query
(json/generate-string (data/mbql-query checkins)))]
(take 5 (parse-and-sort-csv result)))))
......@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
[data :as data]
[util :as tu :refer [match-$]]]
[dataset-definitions :as defs]
[datasets :as datasets]
[users :refer [user->client]]]
[metabase.test.mock.util :as mutil]
......@@ -205,24 +204,6 @@
:fields_hash $}))
((user->client :rasta) :get 200 (format "table/%d/query_metadata" (data/id :categories))))
(def ^:private user-last-login-date-strs
"In an effort to be really annoying, the date strings returned by the API are different on Circle than they are
locally. Generate strings like '2014-01-01' at runtime so we get matching values."
(let [format-inst (fn [^java.util.Date inst]
(format "%d-%02d-%02d"
(+ (.getYear inst) 1900)
(+ (.getMonth inst) 1)
(.getDate inst)))]
(->> (defs/field-values defs/test-data-map "users" "last_login")
(map format-inst)
(def ^:private user-full-names
(defs/field-values defs/test-data-map "users" "name"))
;;; GET api/table/:id/query_metadata?include_sensitive_fields
;; Make sure that getting the User table *does* include info about the password field, but not actual values
;; themselves
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
[util :as tu]]
[datasets :refer [expect-with-driver]]
[interface :as tx :refer [def-database-definition]]]
[interface :as tx]]
[metabase.test.util.timezone :as]
[ :as du]
[toucan.db :as db]
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
;; Test how TINYINT(1) columns are interpreted. By default, they should be interpreted as integers, but with the
;; correct additional options, we should be able to change that -- see
(def-database-definition ^:private ^:const tiny-int-ones
(tx/defdataset ^:private tiny-int-ones
[{:field-name "thing", :base-type :type/Text}
{:field-name "number-of-cans", :base-type {:native "tinyint(1)"}}]
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
#{{:name "number-of-cans", :base_type :type/Boolean, :special_type :type/Category}
{:name "id", :base_type :type/Integer, :special_type :type/PK}
{:name "thing", :base_type :type/Text, :special_type :type/Category}}
(data/with-temp-db [db tiny-int-ones]
(data/with-db-for-dataset [db tiny-int-ones]
(db->fields db)))
;; if someone says specifies `tinyInt1isBit=false`, it should come back as a number instead
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
#{{:name "number-of-cans", :base_type :type/Integer, :special_type :type/Quantity}
{:name "id", :base_type :type/Integer, :special_type :type/PK}
{:name "thing", :base_type :type/Text, :special_type :type/Category}}
(data/with-temp-db [db tiny-int-ones]
(data/with-db-for-dataset [db tiny-int-ones]
(tt/with-temp Database [db {:engine "mysql"
:details (assoc (:details db)
:additional-options "tinyInt1isBit=false")}]
......@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
;; Verify that we identify JSON columns and mark metadata properly during sync
(datasets/expect-with-driver :postgres
(tx/create-database-definition "Postgres with a JSON Field"
(tx/dataset-definition "Postgres with a JSON Field"
[{:field-name "address", :base-type {:native "json"}}]
[[(hsql/raw "to_json('{\"street\": \"431 Natoma\", \"city\": \"San Francisco\", \"state\": \"CA\", \"zip\": 94103}'::text)")]]])]
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
;;; # UUID Support
(tx/def-database-definition ^:private with-uuid
(tx/defdataset ^:private with-uuid
[{:field-name "user_id", :base-type :type/UUID}]
[[#uuid "4f01dcfd-13f7-430c-8e6f-e505c0851027"]
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
;; Make sure that Tables / Fields with dots in their names get escaped properly
(tx/def-database-definition ^:private dots-in-names
(tx/defdataset ^:private dots-in-names
[{:field-name "", :base-type :type/Text}]
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
;; Make sure that duplicate column names (e.g. caused by using a FK) still return both columns
(tx/def-database-definition ^:private duplicate-names
(tx/defdataset ^:private duplicate-names
[{:field-name "name", :base-type :type/Text}]
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
;;; Check support for `inet` columns
(tx/def-database-definition ^:private ip-addresses
(tx/defdataset ^:private ip-addresses
[{:field-name "ip", :base-type {:native "inet"}}]
[[(hsql/raw "''::inet")]
......@@ -9,20 +9,21 @@
;; running a query async should give you the same results as running that query synchronously
(let [query
{:database (data/id)
:type :query
:query {:source-table (data/id :venues)
:fields [[:field-id (data/id :venues :name)]]
:limit 5}}
{:database (data/id)
:type :query
:query {:source-table (data/id :venues)
:fields [[:field-id (data/id :venues :name)]]
:limit 5}})
;; Metadata checksum might be encrypted if a encryption key is set on this system (to make it hard for bad
;; actors to forge one) in which case the checksums won't be equal.
#(some-> % (update-in [:data :results_metadata :checksum] encrypt/maybe-decrypt))]
(qp/process-query query))
(qp/process-query @query))
(tu.async/with-open-channels [result-chan (qp.async/process-query query)]
(tu.async/with-open-channels [result-chan (qp.async/process-query @query)]
(first (a/alts!! [result-chan (a/timeout 1000)]))))))
......@@ -335,7 +335,8 @@
(when (= (:status results) :failed)
(println "Error running query:" (u/pprint-to-str 'red results))
(throw (ex-info (:error results) results)))
(throw (ex-info (str (or (:error results) "Error running query"))
(if (map? results) results {:results results}))))
(:data results))
(defn rows
......@@ -14,9 +14,7 @@
[data :as data]
[util :as tu]]
[dataset-definitions :as defs]
[datasets :as datasets]]
[ :as datasets]
[metabase.test.util.log :as tu.log]
[toucan.db :as db]
[toucan.util.test :as tt]))
......@@ -107,7 +105,7 @@
:native_form true}
(fn []
(let [venue-names (defs/field-values defs/test-data-map "categories" "name")]
(let [venue-names (data/dataset-field-values "categories" "name")]
[(db/insert! Dimension {:field_id (data/id :venues :category_id)
:name "Foo"
:type :internal})
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"Tests for the remapping results"
(:require [metabase
[query-processor :as qp]
[query-processor-test :refer :all]]
[query-processor-test :as qp.test :refer :all]]
[dimension :refer [Dimension]]
[field :refer [Field]]]
......@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
[toucan.db :as db]))
{:rows [["20th Century Cafe" 12 "Café Sweets"]
["25°" 11 "Café"]
["33 Taps" 7 "Beer Garden"]
["800 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria" 58 "Ramen"]]
{:rows [["20th Century Cafe" 12 "Café"]
["25°" 11 "Burger"]
["33 Taps" 7 "Bar"]
["800 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria" 58 "Pizza"]]
:columns [(data/format-name "name")
(data/format-name "category_id")
......@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
{:fields [$name $category_id]
:order-by [[:asc $name]]
:limit 4})
(format-rows-by [str int str])
(qp.test/format-rows-by [str int str])
(defn- select-columns
......@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@
(->> (data/run-mbql-query venues
{:order-by [[:asc $name]]
:limit 4})
(format-rows-by [int str int double double int str])
(qp.test/format-rows-by [int str int double double int str])
(select-columns (set (map data/format-name ["name" "price" "name_2"])))
......@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@
{:fields [$name $price $category_id]
:order-by [[:asc $name]]
:limit 4})
(format-rows-by [str int str str])
(qp.test/format-rows-by [str int str str])
(select-columns (set (map data/format-name ["name" "price" "name_2"])))
......@@ -87,10 +87,7 @@
[[1 "Plato Yeshua" "08:30:00.000Z"]
[4 "Simcha Yan" "08:30:00.000Z"]])
(tu/with-temporary-setting-values [report-timezone "America/Los_Angeles"]
(time-query {:filter (vec (cons
(if (qpt/supports-report-timezone? driver/*driver*)
["08:00:00" "09:00:00"]
["08:00:00-00:00" "09:00:00-00:00"]))))})))
(time-query {:filter (into [:between $last_login_time]
(if (qpt/supports-report-timezone? driver/*driver*)
["08:00:00" "09:00:00"]
["08:00:00-00:00" "09:00:00-00:00"]))})))
......@@ -12,16 +12,10 @@
[dataset-definitions :as defs]
[datasets :refer [expect-with-drivers]]
[interface :as i]
[sql :as sql.tx]]
[toucan.db :as db]))
(defn- call-with-timezones-db [f]
;; Does the database exist?
(when-not (i/metabase-instance defs/test-data-with-timezones driver/*driver*)
;; The database doesn't exist, so we need to create it
(data/get-or-create-database! defs/test-data-with-timezones))
;; The database can now be used in tests
(data/with-db (data/get-or-create-database! defs/test-data-with-timezones)
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
(set (map (partial into {}) (db/select ['Field :name :description] :table_id [:in table-ids])))))
;; test basic field comments sync
(tx/def-database-definition ^:const ^:private basic-field-comments
(tx/defdataset ^:private basic-field-comments
[{:field-name "with_comment", :base-type :type/Text, :field-comment "comment"}
{:field-name "no_comment", :base-type :type/Text}]
......@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@
#{{:name (data/format-name "id"), :description nil}
{:name (data/format-name "with_comment"), :description "comment"}
{:name (data/format-name "no_comment"), :description nil}}
(data/with-temp-db [db basic-field-comments]
(data/with-db-for-dataset [db basic-field-comments]
(db->fields db)))
;; test changing the description in metabase db so we can check it is not overwritten by comment in source db when resyncing
(tx/def-database-definition ^:const ^:private update-desc
(tx/defdataset ^:private update-desc
[{:field-name "updated_desc", :base-type :type/Text, :field-comment "original comment"}]
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
(datasets/expect-with-drivers #{:h2 :postgres}
#{{:name (data/format-name "id"), :description nil}
{:name (data/format-name "updated_desc"), :description "updated description"}}
(data/with-temp-db [db update-desc]
(data/with-db-for-dataset [db update-desc]
;; change the description in metabase while the source table comment remains the same
(db/update-where! Field {:id (data/id "update_desc" "updated_desc")}, :description "updated description")
;; now sync the DB again, this should NOT overwrite the manually updated description
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
(db->fields db)))
;; test adding a comment to the source data that was initially empty, so we can check that the resync picks it up
(tx/def-database-definition ^:const ^:private comment-after-sync
(tx/defdataset ^:private comment-after-sync
[{:field-name "comment_after_sync", :base-type :type/Text}]
......@@ -59,14 +59,20 @@
(datasets/expect-with-drivers #{:h2 :postgres}
#{{:name (data/format-name "id"), :description nil}
{:name (data/format-name "comment_after_sync"), :description "added comment"}}
(data/with-temp-db [db comment-after-sync]
(data/with-db-for-dataset [db comment-after-sync]
;; modify the source DB to add the comment and resync. The easiest way to do this is just destroy the entire DB
;; and re-create a modified version. As such, let the SQL JDBC driver know the DB is being "modified" so it can
;; destroy its current connection pool
(driver/notify-database-updated driver/*driver* db)
(let [modified-dbdef (assoc-in comment-after-sync
[:table-definitions 0 :field-definitions 0 :field-comment]
"added comment")]
(let [modified-dbdef (update
(fn [[tabledef]]
(fn [[fielddef]]
[(assoc fielddef :field-comment "added comment")]))]))]
(tx/create-db! driver/*driver* modified-dbdef))
(sync/sync-table! (Table (data/id "comment_after_sync")))
(db->fields db)))
......@@ -87,13 +93,13 @@
;; test basic comments on table
(datasets/expect-with-drivers #{:h2 :postgres}
#{{:name (data/format-name "table_with_comment"), :description "table comment"}}
(data/with-temp-db [db (basic-table "table_with_comment" "table comment")]
(data/with-db-for-dataset [db (basic-table "table_with_comment" "table comment")]
(db->tables db)))
;; test changing the description in metabase on table to check it is not overwritten by comment in source db when resyncing
(datasets/expect-with-drivers #{:h2 :postgres}
#{{:name (data/format-name "table_with_updated_desc"), :description "updated table description"}}
(data/with-temp-db [db (basic-table "table_with_updated_desc" "table comment")]
(data/with-db-for-dataset [db (basic-table "table_with_updated_desc" "table comment")]
;; change the description in metabase while the source table comment remains the same
(db/update-where! Table {:id (data/id "table_with_updated_desc")}, :description "updated table description")
;; now sync the DB again, this should NOT overwrite the manually updated description
......@@ -103,7 +109,7 @@
;; test adding a comment to the source table that was initially empty, so we can check that the resync picks it up
(datasets/expect-with-drivers #{:h2 :postgres}
#{{:name (data/format-name "table_with_comment_after_sync"), :description "added comment"}}
(data/with-temp-db [db (basic-table "table_with_comment_after_sync" nil)]
(data/with-db-for-dataset [db (basic-table "table_with_comment_after_sync" nil)]
;; modify the source DB to add the comment and resync
(driver/notify-database-updated driver/*driver* db)
(tx/create-db! driver/*driver* (basic-table "table_with_comment_after_sync" "added comment"))
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
[toucan.db :as db]
[toucan.util.test :as tt]))
(tx/def-database-definition ^:private db-with-some-cruft
(tx/defdataset ^:private db-with-some-cruft
[{:field-name "species", :base-type :type/Text}
{:field-name "cam_has_acquired_one", :base-type :type/Boolean}]
"Code related to creating and deleting test databases + datasets."
"Super-useful test utility functions.
Basic way stuff in here, which you'll see everywhere in the tests, is:
1. Get the DB you're currently testing by calling `db`. Get IDs of the DB or of its Fields and Tables in that DB by
calling `id`.
(data/db) ; -> Get current test DB
(data/id) ; -> Get ID of current test DB
(data/id :table) ; -> Get ID of Table named `table` in current test DB
(data/id :table :field) ; -> Get ID of Field named `field` belonging to Table `table` in current test DB
Normally this database is the `test-data` database for the current driver, and is created the first time `db` or
`id` is called.
2. Bind the current driver with `driver/with-driver`. Defaults to `:h2`
(driver/with-driver :postgres
;; -> Get ID of Postgres `test-data` database, creating it if needed
3. Bind a different database for use with for `db` and `id` functions with `with-db`.
(data/with-db [db some-database]
(data/id :table :field)))
;; -> Return ID of Field named `field` in Table `table` in `some-db`
4. You can use helper macros like `$ids` to replace symbols starting with `$` (for Fields) or `$$` (for Tables) with
calls to `id` in a form:
($ids {:source-table $$venues, :fields [$]})
;; -> {:source-table (data/id :venues), :fields [(data/id :venues :name)]}
(There are several variations of this macro; see documentation below for more details.)"
(:require [cheshire.core :as json]
[string :as str]
......@@ -22,18 +55,19 @@
[dataset-definitions :as defs]
[interface :as tx]]
[metabase.test.util.timezone :as]
[toucan.db :as db])
(:import [ DatabaseDefinition TableDefinition]))
[schema.core :as s]
[toucan.db :as db]))
(declare get-or-create-database!)
;;; ------------------------------------------ Dataset-Independent Data Fns ------------------------------------------
;; These functions offer a generic way to get bits of info like Table + Field IDs from any of our many driver/dataset
;; combos.
(defn get-or-create-test-data-db!
"Get or create the Test Data database for DRIVER, which defaults to driver/`*driver*`."
"Get or create the Test Data database for `driver`, which defaults to `driver/*driver*`, or `:h2` if that is unbound."
([] (get-or-create-test-data-db! (tx/driver)))
([driver] (get-or-create-database! driver defs/test-data)))
......@@ -54,8 +88,7 @@
(defmacro with-db
"Run body with DB as the current database.
Calls to `db` and `id` use this value."
"Run body with `db` as the current database. Calls to `db` and `id` use this value."
[db & body]
`(do-with-db ~db (fn [] ~@body)))
......@@ -98,23 +131,23 @@
to `id`.
Optionally wraps IDs in `:field-id` or `:fk->` clauses as appropriate; this defaults to true."
[table-name body & {:keys [wrap-field-ids?], :or {wrap-field-ids? true}}]
[table-name-or-nil body & {:keys [wrap-field-ids?], :or {wrap-field-ids? true}}]
(fn [form]
(not (symbol? form))
(= form '$$table)
`(id ~(keyword table-name))
(and table-name-or-nil (= form '$$table))
`(id ~(keyword table-name-or-nil))
(str/starts-with? form "$$")
(let [table-name (str/replace form #"^\$\$" "")]
`(id ~(keyword table-name)))
(let [table-name-or-nil (str/replace form #"^\$\$" "")]
`(id ~(keyword table-name-or-nil)))
(str/starts-with? form "$")
(let [field-name (str/replace form #"^\$" "")]
(token->id-call wrap-field-ids? table-name field-name))
(token->id-call wrap-field-ids? table-name-or-nil field-name))
......@@ -125,7 +158,7 @@
With no `.` delimiters, it is assumed we're referring to a Field belonging to `table-name`, which is passed implicitly
as the first arg. With one or more `.` delimiters, no implicit `table-name` arg is passed to `id`:
$venue_id -> (id :sightings :venue_id) ; TABLE-NAME is implicit first arg
$venue_id -> (id :sightings :venue_id) ; `table-name` is implicit first arg
$ -> (id :cities :id) ; specify non-default Table
Use `$$table` to refer to the table itself.
......@@ -141,13 +174,16 @@
($ids [venues {:wrap-field-ids? true}]
;; -> [:fk-> [:field-id (id :venues :category_id(] [:field-id (id :categories :name)]]"
{:arglists '([table & body] [[table {:keys [wrap-field-ids?]}] & body]), :style/indent 1}
[table-and-options & body]
(let [[table-name options] (if (sequential? table-and-options)
(m/mapply $->id (keyword table-name) `(do ~@body) (merge {:wrap-field-ids? false}
{:arglists '([form] [table & body] [[table {:keys [wrap-field-ids?], :or {wrap-field-ids? false}}] & body])}
(^{:style/indent 0} [form]
`($ids nil ~form))
(^{:style/indent 1} [table-and-options & body]
(let [[table-name options] (if (sequential? table-and-options)
(m/mapply $->id (keyword table-name) `(do ~@body) (merge {:wrap-field-ids? false}
(declare id)
......@@ -266,14 +302,14 @@
(defn- add-extra-metadata!
"Add extra metadata like Field base-type, etc."
[database-definition db]
(doseq [^TableDefinition table-definition (:table-definitions database-definition)]
(let [table-name (:table-name table-definition)
table (delay (or (tx/metabase-instance table-definition db)
(throw (Exception. (format "Table '%s' not loaded from definiton:\n%s\nFound:\n%s"
(u/pprint-to-str (dissoc table-definition :rows))
(u/pprint-to-str (db/select [Table :schema :name], :db_id (:id db))))))))]
[{:keys [table-definitions], :as database-definition} db]
{:pre [(seq table-definitions)]}
(doseq [{:keys [table-name], :as table-definition} table-definitions]
(let [table (delay (or (tx/metabase-instance table-definition db)
(throw (Exception. (format "Table '%s' not loaded from definiton:\n%s\nFound:\n%s"
(u/pprint-to-str (dissoc table-definition :rows))
(u/pprint-to-str (db/select [Table :schema :name], :db_id (:id db))))))))]
(doseq [{:keys [field-name visibility-type special-type], :as field-definition} (:field-definitions table-definition)]
(let [field (delay (or (tx/metabase-instance field-definition @table)
(throw (Exception. (format "Field '%s' not loaded from definition:\n"
......@@ -286,7 +322,8 @@
(log/debug (format "SET SPECIAL TYPE %s.%s -> %s" table-name field-name special-type))
(db/update! Field (:id @field) :special_type (u/keyword->qualified-name special-type))))))))
(defn- create-database! [{:keys [database-name], :as database-definition} driver]
(defn- create-database! [driver {:keys [database-name], :as database-definition}]
{:pre [(seq database-name)]}
;; Create the database and load its data
;; ALWAYS CREATE DATABASE AND LOAD DATA AS UTC! Unless you like broken tests
( "UTC"
......@@ -299,10 +336,14 @@
;; sync newly added DB
(sync/sync-database! db)
;; add extra metadata for fields
(add-extra-metadata! database-definition db)
(add-extra-metadata! database-definition db)
(catch Throwable e
(println "Error adding extra metadata:" e)))
;; make sure we're returing an up-to-date copy of the DB
(Database (u/get-id db))))
(defonce ^:private ^{:arglists '([driver]), :doc "We'll have a very bad time if any sort of test runs that calls
`data/db` for the first time calls it multiple times in parallel -- for example my Oracle test that runs 30 sync
calls at the same time to make sure nothing explodes and cursors aren't leaked. To make sure this doesn't happen
......@@ -318,28 +359,38 @@
(swap! locks update driver #(or % (Object.)))
(@locks driver)))))))
(defn get-or-create-database!
"Create DBMS database associated with DATABASE-DEFINITION, create corresponding Metabase
`Databases`/`Tables`/`Fields`, and sync the `Database`. DRIVER should be an object that implements
`IDriverTestExtensions`; it defaults to the value returned by the method `driver` for the current
dataset (driver/`*driver*`), which is H2 by default."
(get-or-create-database! (tx/driver) database-definition))
([driver database-definition]
(let [driver (tx/the-driver-with-test-extensions driver)]
(defmulti get-or-create-database!
"Create DBMS database associated with `database-definition`, create corresponding Metabase Databases/Tables/Fields,
and sync the Database. `driver` is a keyword name of a driver that implements test extension methods (as defined in
the `` namespace); `driver` defaults to `driver/*driver*` if bound, or `:h2` if not.
`database-definition` is anything that implements the `tx/get-database-definition` method."
{:arglists '([database-definition] [driver database-definition])}
(tx/dispatch-on-driver-with-test-extensions (tx/driver)))
([driver _]
(tx/dispatch-on-driver-with-test-extensions driver)))
:hierarchy #'driver/hierarchy)
(defmethod get-or-create-database! :default
(get-or-create-database! (tx/driver) dbdef))
([driver dbdef]
(let [dbdef (tx/get-dataset-definition dbdef)]
(tx/metabase-instance database-definition driver)
(tx/metabase-instance dbdef driver)
(locking (driver->create-database-lock driver)
(tx/metabase-instance database-definition driver)
(create-database! database-definition driver)))))))
(tx/metabase-instance dbdef driver)
(create-database! driver dbdef)))))))
(defn do-with-temp-db
"Execute F with DBDEF loaded as the current dataset. F takes a single argument, the `DatabaseInstance` that was
loaded and synced from DBDEF."
[^DatabaseDefinition dbdef, f]
(let [dbdef (tx/map->DatabaseDefinition dbdef)]
(s/defn do-with-db-for-dataset
"Execute `f` with `dbdef` loaded as the current dataset. `f` takes a single argument, the DatabaseInstance that was
loaded and synced from `dbdef`."
[dataset-definition, f :- (s/pred fn?)]
(let [dbdef (tx/get-dataset-definition dataset-definition)]
(binding [db/*disable-db-logging* true]
(let [db (get-or-create-database! (tx/driver) dbdef)]
(assert db)
......@@ -348,11 +399,11 @@
(f db))))))
(defmacro with-temp-db
"Load and sync DATABASE-DEFINITION with DRIVER and execute BODY with the newly created `Database` bound to
DB-BINDING, and make it the current database for `` functions like `id`.
(defmacro with-db-for-dataset
"Load and sync `database-definition` with `driver` and execute `body` with the newly created Database bound to
`db-binding`, and make it the current database for `` functions like `id`.
(with-temp-db [db tupac-sightings]
(with-db-for-dataset [db tupac-sightings]
(driver/process-quiery {:database (:id db)
:type :query
:query {:source-table (:id &events)
......@@ -361,29 +412,29 @@
A given Database is only created once per run of the test suite, and is automatically destroyed at the conclusion
of the suite."
[[db-binding, ^DatabaseDefinition database-definition] & body]
`(do-with-temp-db ~database-definition
[[db-binding dataset-def] & body]
`(do-with-db-for-dataset ~dataset-def
(fn [~db-binding]
(defn resolve-dbdef [symb]
@(or (resolve symb)
(defn resolve-dbdef [namespace-symb symb]
@(or (ns-resolve namespace-symb symb)
(ns-resolve ' symb)
(throw (Exception. (format "Dataset definition not found: '%s' or ''"
symb symb)))))
(throw (Exception. (format "Dataset definition not found: '%s/%s' or ''"
namespace-symb symb symb)))))
(defmacro dataset
"Load and sync a temporary `Database` defined by DATASET, make it the current DB (for `` functions
like `id`), and execute BODY.
"Load and sync a temporary Database defined by `dataset`, make it the current DB (for `` functions
like `id` and `db`), and execute `body`.
Like `with-temp-db`, but takes an unquoted symbol naming a `DatabaseDefinition` rather than the dbef itself.
DATASET is optionally namespace-qualified; if not, `` is assumed.
Like `with-db-for-dataset`, but takes an unquoted symbol naming a DatabaseDefinition rather than the dbef itself. `dataset`
is optionally namespace-qualified; if not, `` is assumed.
(dataset sad-toucan-incidents
{:style/indent 1}
[dataset & body]
`(with-temp-db [~'_ (resolve-dbdef '~dataset)]
`(with-db-for-dataset [~'_ (resolve-dbdef '~(ns-name *ns*) '~dataset)]
(defn- delete-model-instance!
......@@ -392,7 +443,7 @@
(db/delete! (-> instance name symbol) :id id))
(defn call-with-data
"Takes a thunk `DATA-LOAD-FN` that returns a seq of toucan model instances that will be deleted after `BODY-FN`
"Takes a thunk `data-load-fn` that returns a seq of toucan model instances that will be deleted after `body-fn`
[data-load-fn body-fn]
(let [result-instances (data-load-fn)]
......@@ -402,30 +453,51 @@
(doseq [instance result-instances]
(delete-model-instance! instance))))))
(defmacro with-data [data-load-fn & body]
(defmacro with-data
"Calls `data-load-fn` to create a sequence of objects, then runs `body`; finally, deletes the objects."
[data-load-fn & body]
`(call-with-data ~data-load-fn (fn [] ~@body)))
(def ^:private venue-categories
(map vector (defs/field-values defs/test-data-map "categories" "name")))
(defn dataset-field-values
"Get all the values for a field in a `dataset-definition`.
(dataset-field-values \"categories\" \"name\") ; -> [\"African\" \"American\" \"Artisan\" ...]"
([table-name field-name]
(dataset-field-values defs/test-data table-name field-name))
([dataset-definition table-name field-name]
(fn [{:keys [field-definitions rows], :as tabledef}]
(when (= table-name (:table-name tabledef))
(fn [[i fielddef]]
(when (= field-name (:field-name fielddef))
(map #(nth % i) rows)))
(m/indexed field-definitions))))
(:table-definitions (tx/get-dataset-definition dataset-definition)))))
(def ^:private category-names
(delay (vec (dataset-field-values "categories" "name"))))
;; TODO - you should always call these functions with the `with-data` macro. We should enforce this
(defn create-venue-category-remapping
"Returns a thunk that adds an internal remapping for category_id in the venues table aliased as `REMAPPING-NAME`.
"Returns a thunk that adds an internal remapping for category_id in the venues table aliased as `remapping-name`.
Can be used in a `with-data` invocation."
(fn []
[(db/insert! Dimension {:field_id (id :venues :category_id)
:name remapping-name
:type :internal})
(db/insert! FieldValues {:field_id (id :venues :category_id)
:values (json/generate-string (range 0 (count venue-categories)))
:human_readable_values (json/generate-string (map first venue-categories))})]))
:name remapping-name
:type :internal})
(db/insert! FieldValues {:field_id (id :venues :category_id)
:values (json/generate-string (range 1 (inc (count @category-names))))
:human_readable_values (json/generate-string @category-names)})]))
(defn create-venue-category-fk-remapping
"Returns a thunk that adds a FK remapping for category_id in the venues table aliased as `REMAPPING-NAME`. Can be
"Returns a thunk that adds a FK remapping for category_id in the venues table aliased as `remapping-name`. Can be
used in a `with-data` invocation."
(fn []
[(db/insert! Dimension {:field_id (id :venues :category_id)
:name remapping-name
:type :external
[(db/insert! Dimension {:field_id (id :venues :category_id)
:name remapping-name
:type :external
:human_readable_field_id (id :categories :name)})]))
"Definitions of various datasets for use in tests with `with-temp-db`."
(:require [ :as di])
"Definitions of various datasets for use in tests with `data/dataset` or `data/with-db-for-dataset`."
(:require [medley.core :as m]
[ :as tx])
(:import java.sql.Time
[java.util Calendar TimeZone]))
;; ## Datasets
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; | Various Datasets |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;; The O.G. "Test Database" dataset
(di/def-database-definition-edn test-data)
(tx/defdataset-edn test-data
"The O.G. \"Test Database\" dataset.")
;; Times when the Toucan cried
(di/def-database-definition-edn sad-toucan-incidents)
(tx/defdataset-edn sad-toucan-incidents
"Times when the Toucan cried")
;; Places, times, and circumstances where Tupac was sighted. Sighting timestamps are UNIX Timestamps in seconds
(di/def-database-definition-edn tupac-sightings)
(tx/defdataset-edn tupac-sightings
"Places, times, and circumstances where Tupac was sighted. Sighting timestamps are UNIX Timestamps in seconds")
;; Dataset with nested columns, for testing a MongoDB-style database
(di/def-database-definition-edn geographical-tips)
(tx/defdataset-edn geographical-tips
"Dataset with nested columns, for testing a MongoDB-style database")
;; A very tiny dataset with a list of places and a booleans
(di/def-database-definition-edn places-cam-likes)
(tx/defdataset-edn places-cam-likes
"A very tiny dataset with a list of places and a booleans")
;; A small dataset with users and a set of messages between them. Each message has *2* foreign keys to user --
;; sender and receiver -- allowing us to test situations where multiple joins for a *single* table should occur.
(di/def-database-definition-edn avian-singles)
(tx/defdataset-edn avian-singles
"A small dataset with users and a set of messages between them. Each message has *2* foreign keys to user -- sender
and receiver -- allowing us to test situations where multiple joins for a *single* table should occur.")
;; A small dataset that includes an integer column with some NULL and ZERO values, meant for testing things like
;; expressions to make sure they behave correctly
;; As an added "bonus" this dataset has a table with a name in a slash in it, so the driver will need to support that
;; correctly in order for this to work!
(di/def-database-definition-edn daily-bird-counts)
(tx/defdataset-edn daily-bird-counts
"A small dataset that includes an integer column with some NULL and ZERO values, meant for testing things like
expressions to make sure they behave correctly.
As an added bonus this dataset has a table with a name in a slash in it, so the driver will need to support that
correctly in order for this to work!")
(tx/defdataset-edn office-checkins
"A small dataset that includes TIMESTAMP dates. People who stopped by the Metabase office and the time they did so.")
(tx/defdataset-edn bird-flocks
"A small dataset with birds and the flocks they belong to (a many-to-one relationship). Some birds belong to no
flocks, and one flock has no birds, so this is useful for testing behavior of various types of joins. (`flock_id` is
not explicitly marked as a foreign key, because the test dataset syntax does not yet have a way to support nullable
foreign keys.)")
;; A small dataset that includes TIMESTAMP dates. People who stopped by the Metabase office and the time they did so.
(di/def-database-definition-edn office-checkins)
(defn- calendar-with-fields ^Calendar [date & fields]
(let [cal-from-date (doto (Calendar/getInstance (TimeZone/getTimeZone "UTC"))
(.setTime date))
blank-calendar (doto (.clone cal-from-date)
(let [^Calendar cal-from-date (doto (Calendar/getInstance (TimeZone/getTimeZone "UTC"))
(.setTime date))
^Calendar blank-calendar (doto ^Calendar (.clone cal-from-date)
(doseq [field fields]
(.set blank-calendar field (.get cal-from-date field)))
......@@ -57,66 +67,72 @@
(Time. (.getTimeInMillis (calendar-with-fields date Calendar/HOUR_OF_DAY Calendar/MINUTE Calendar/SECOND))))
(di/def-database-definition test-data-with-time
(di/update-table-def "users"
(fn [table-def]
[(first table-def)
{:field-name "last_login_date", :base-type :type/Date}
{:field-name "last_login_time", :base-type :type/Time}
(peek table-def)])
(fn [rows]
(mapv (fn [[username last-login password-text]]
[username (date-only last-login) (time-only last-login) password-text])
(for [[table-name :as orig-def] (di/slurp-edn-table-def "test-data")
:when (= table-name "users")]
(di/def-database-definition test-data-with-null-date-checkins
(di/update-table-def "checkins"
#(vec (concat % [{:field-name "null_only_date" :base-type :type/Date}]))
(fn [rows]
(mapv #(conj % nil) rows))
(di/slurp-edn-table-def "test-data")))
(di/def-database-definition test-data-with-timezones
(di/update-table-def "users"
(fn [table-def]
[(first table-def)
{:field-name "last_login", :base-type :type/DateTimeWithTZ}
(peek table-def)])
(di/slurp-edn-table-def "test-data")))
(def test-data-map
"Converts data from `test-data` to a map of maps like the following:
{<table-name> [{<field-name> <field value> ...}]."
(reduce (fn [acc {:keys [table-name field-definitions rows]}]
(let [field-names (mapv :field-name field-definitions)]
(assoc acc table-name
(for [row rows]
(zipmap field-names row)))))
{} (:table-definitions test-data)))
(defn field-values
"Returns the field values for the given `TABLE` and `COLUMN` found
in the data-map `M`."
[m table column]
(mapv #(get % column) (get m table)))
;; Takes the `test-data` dataset and adds a `created_by` column to the users table that is self referencing
(di/def-database-definition test-data-self-referencing-user
(di/update-table-def "users"
(fn [table-def]
(conj table-def {:field-name "created_by", :base-type :type/Integer, :fk :users}))
(fn [rows]
(mapv (fn [[username last-login password-text] idx]
[username last-login password-text (if (= 1 idx)
(dec idx))])
(iterate inc 1)))
(for [[table-name :as orig-def] (di/slurp-edn-table-def "test-data")
:when (= table-name "users")]
(defonce ^{:doc "The main `test-data` dataset, but only the `users` table, and with `last_login_date` and
`last_login_time` instead of `last_login`."}
(tx/transformed-dataset-definition "test-data-with-time" test-data
(tx/transform-dataset-only-tables "users")
(tx/transform-dataset-update-table "users"
(fn [tabledef]
(fn [[name-field-def _ password-field-def]]
(tx/map->FieldDefinition {:field-name "last_login_date", :base-type :type/Date})
(tx/map->FieldDefinition {:field-name "last_login_time", :base-type :type/Time})
(fn [rows]
(for [[username last-login password-text] rows]
[username (date-only last-login) (time-only last-login) password-text])))))
(defonce ^{:doc "The main `test-data` dataset, with an additional (all-null) `null_only_date` Field."}
(tx/transformed-dataset-definition "test-data-with-null-date-checkins" test-data
(tx/transform-dataset-update-table "checkins"
(fn [tabledef]
[(tx/map->FieldDefinition {:field-name "null_only_date" :base-type :type/Date})]))
(fn [rows]
(for [row rows]
(concat row [nil]))))))
(defonce ^{:doc "The main `test-data` dataset, but `last_login` has a base type of `:type/DateTimeWithTZ`."}
(tx/transformed-dataset-definition "test-data-with-timezones" test-data
(tx/transform-dataset-update-table "users"
(fn [tabledef]
(fn [[name-field-def _ password-field-def]]
(tx/map->FieldDefinition {:field-name "last_login", :base-type :type/DateTimeWithTZ})
(defonce ^{:doc "The usual `test-data` dataset, but only the `users` table; adds a `created_by` column to the users
table that is self referencing."}
(tx/transformed-dataset-definition "test-data-self-referencing-user" test-data
(tx/transform-dataset-only-tables "users")
(tx/transform-dataset-update-table "users"
(fn [tabledef]
(update tabledef :field-definitions concat [(tx/map->FieldDefinition
{:field-name "created_by", :base-type :type/Integer, :fk :users})]))
;; created_by = - 1, except for User 1, who was created by himself (?)
(fn [rows]
(for [[idx [username last-login password-text]] (m/indexed rows)]
[username last-login password-text (if (zero? idx)
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