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This project is mirrored from Pull mirroring updated .
  1. Apr 05, 2023
  2. Apr 04, 2023
  3. Apr 03, 2023
  4. Apr 01, 2023
  5. Mar 31, 2023
    • Cam Saul's avatar
      Metadata/refs overhaul. RIP `field_ref` (#29711) · 006d182f
      Cam Saul authored
      * Metadata/refs overhaul
      * Fix Kondo error
      * Fix #29702
      * Fix #29701
      * Revert silly changes
      * Fix syntax error
    • dpsutton's avatar
      Create `cache_info` table in our persisted schemas (#29632) · 6b5791ea
      dpsutton authored
      * Create `cache_info` table in our persisted schemas
      -- postgres/redshift
      test-data=# select * from metabase_cache_424a9_379.cache_info ;
             key        |                value
       settings-version | 1
       created-at       | 2023-03-28
       instance-uuid    | 407e4ba8-2bab-470f-aeb5-9fc63fd18c4e
       instance-name    | Metabase Test
      (4 rows)
      mysql> select * from metabase_cache_424a9_435.cache_info;
      | key              | value                                |
      | settings-version | 1                                    |
      | created-at       | 2023-03-28                           |
      | instance-uuid    | 407e4ba8-2bab-470f-aeb5-9fc63fd18c4e |
      | instance-name    | Metabase Test                        |
      our key values in v1:
      (defn kv-table-values
        "Version 1 of the values to go in the key/value table `cache_info` table."
        [{:key   "settings-version"
          :value "1"}
         {:key   "created-at"
          ;; "2023-03-28"
          :value (.format (LocalDate/now) DateTimeFormatter/ISO_LOCAL_DATE)}
         {:key   "instance-uuid"
          :value (public-settings/site-uuid)}
         {:key   "instance-name"
          :value (public-settings/site-name)}])
      This will enable us to delete cached schemas in shared databases (cloud
      versions like redshift) without risking wiping out a cached schema
      during an active test run.
      The code to delete the schemas will be something like,
      (def spec (sql-jdbc.conn/connection-details->spec
                 {:host ""
                  :db "db"
                  :port 5439
                  :user "user"
                  :password "password"}))
      (let [days-prior 1 ;; probably 2 to handle crossing day time. Can also adjust to 6 hours, etc
            threshold (.minus (java.time.LocalDate/now)
        (doseq [schema (->> ["select nspname from pg_namespace where nspname like 'metabase_cache%'"]
                            (jdbc/query spec)
                            (map :nspname))]
          (let [[{created :value}] (jdbc/query spec (sql/format {:select [:value]
                                                                 :from [(keyword schema "cache_info")]
                                                                 :where [:= :key "created-at"]}
                                                                {:dialect :ansi}))]
            (when created
              (let [creation-day (java.time.LocalDate/parse created)]
                (when (.isBefore creation-day threshold)
                  (jdbc/execute! spec [(format "drop schema %s cascade" schema)])))))))
      or if we want to do it in a single query:
      schemas=> (let [days-prior 1
                      threshold  (.minus (java.time.LocalDate/now)
                  (let [schemas (->> ["select nspname
                               from pg_namespace
                               where nspname like 'metabase_cache%'"]
                                     (jdbc/query spec)
                                     (map :nspname))]
                    (jdbc/with-db-connection [conn spec]
                      (jdbc/execute! conn [(format "set search_path= %s;" (str/join ", " schemas))])
                      (let [sql               (sql/format {:select [:schema :created-at]
                                                           :from   {:union-all
                                                                    (for [schema schemas]
                                                                      {:select [[[:inline schema] :schema]
                                                                                [{:select [:value]
                                                                                  :from   [(keyword schema "cache_info")]
                                                                                  :where  [:= :key [:inline "created-at"]]}
                                                          {:dialect :ansi})
                            old?              (fn [{create-str :created-at}]
                                                (let [created (java.time.LocalDate/parse create-str)]
                                                  (.isBefore created threshold)))
                            schemas-to-delete (->> (jdbc/query spec sql)
                                                   (filter old?)
                                                   (map :schema))]
      ("metabase_cache_424a9_503") ;; when there are any, string join them and delete them as above
      * Use Instants so we can compare by hours instead of just days
    • dpsutton's avatar
      Don't log in bigquery results hotpath (#29727) · dbc4a37d
      dpsutton authored
      * Don't log in bigquery results hotpath
      Right now we log in the parser of bigquery results for unrecognized
      types. But the problem is that we log for each _value_ and not each
      column. This is causing an _enormous_ amount of logs and performance
      - (performance)
      - (filling disk space)
      This log was added between 45.1 and 45.3
      ❯ git diff v0.45.1..v0.45.3 modules/drivers/bigquery-cloud-sdk/src/metabase/driver/bigquery_cloud_sdk/**
      diff --git a/modules/drivers/bigquery-cloud-sdk/src/metabase/driver/bigquery_cloud_sdk/query_processor.clj b/modules/drivers/bigquery-cloud-sdk/src/metabase/driver/bigquery_cloud_sdk/query_processor.clj
      index a0d8081c30..f367199b55 100644
      --- a/modules/drivers/bigquery-cloud-sdk/src/metabase/driver/bigquery_cloud_sdk/query_processor.clj
      +++ b/modules/drivers/bigquery-cloud-sdk/src/metabase/driver/bigquery_cloud_sdk/query_processor.clj
      @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
                   [metabase.util :as u]
                   [ :as]
                   [metabase.util.honeysql-extensions :as hx]
      -            [metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
      +            [metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs tru]]
                   [pretty.core :refer [PrettyPrintable]]
                   [schema.core :as s])
         (:import [ Field$Mode FieldValue]
      @@ -88,7 +88,8 @@
           (parse-fn v)))
       (defmethod parse-result-of-type :default
      -  [_ column-mode _ v]
      +  [column-type column-mode _ v]
      +  (log/warn (trs "Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results of type {0}." column-type))
         (parse-value column-mode v identity))
      The result is that selecting 50,000 rows for download in excel:
      | version                      | time       |
      | 0.45.1                       | 28 seconds |
      | 0.45.3                       | 52 seconds |
      | 0.45.3 with logging disabled | 30 seconds |
      (disable logging by adding `<Logger
      level="ERROR"/>` and `-Dlog4j2.configurationFile=log4j2.xml` to jar
      For the query (3 string columns, 5 rows):
      SELECT game_id, first_name, last_name
      FROM `bigquery-public-data.ncaa_basketball.mbb_players_games_sr`
      LIMIT 5
      2023-03-31 17:17:52,146 WARN bigquery-cloud-sdk.query-processor :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:17:52,147 WARN bigquery-cloud-sdk.query-processor :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:17:52,147 WARN bigquery-cloud-sdk.query-processor :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:17:52,149 WARN bigquery-cloud-sdk.query-processor :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:17:52,149 WARN bigquery-cloud-sdk.query-processor :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:17:52,149 WARN bigquery-cloud-sdk.query-processor :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:17:52,149 WARN bigquery-cloud-sdk.query-processor :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:17:52,149 WARN bigquery-cloud-sdk.query-processor :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:17:52,149 WARN bigquery-cloud-sdk.query-processor :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:17:52,150 WARN bigquery-cloud-sdk.query-processor :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:17:52,150 WARN bigquery-cloud-sdk.query-processor :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:17:52,150 WARN bigquery-cloud-sdk.query-processor :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:17:52,150 WARN bigquery-cloud-sdk.query-processor :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:17:52,150 WARN bigquery-cloud-sdk.query-processor :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:17:52,150 WARN bigquery-cloud-sdk.query-processor :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:17:52,155 DEBUG middleware.log :: POST /api/dataset 202 [ASYNC: completed] 795.2 ms (6 DB calls) App DB connections: 0/10 Jetty threads: 4/50 (2 idle, 0 queued) (192 total active threads) Queries in flight: 0 (0 queued)
      Note this is 15 logs (3 columns x 5 rows)
      2023-03-31 17:19:15,694 WARN driver.bigquery-cloud-sdk :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results column game_id of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:19:15,694 WARN driver.bigquery-cloud-sdk :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results column first_name of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:19:15,694 WARN driver.bigquery-cloud-sdk :: Warning: missing type mapping for parsing BigQuery results column last_name of type STRING.
      2023-03-31 17:19:15,757 DEBUG middleware.log :: POST /api/dataset 202 [ASYNC: completed] 973.5 ms (6 DB calls) App DB connections: 0/10 Jetty threads: 4/50 (3 idle, 0 queued) (193 total active threads) Queries in flight: 0 (0 queued)
      * unused require to appease our overlords
    • Luis Paolini's avatar
      Update Clojure CLI on CI and Dockerfile (#29723) · 6c62db77
      Luis Paolini authored
      * Update Clojure CLI
      Most important change: using stable tools.deps
    • Jeff Bruemmer's avatar
      docs - add link to cloud docs (#29733) · 14d7a90c
      Jeff Bruemmer authored
    • Denis Berezin's avatar
    • Braden Shepherdson's avatar
      [MLv2] Test `metabase.lib.convert` by round-tripping every `mbql-query` (#29487) · 61d382f1
      Braden Shepherdson authored
      This is a great way to make sure the conversion in both directions
      is robust; every feature of MBQL is exercised somewhere in the BE tests.
      In a few cases the `mbql-query` is called from a context where a
      `(is ...)` test won't work - those places can use a `mbql-query-no-test`
      instead. There were actually only two of these.
      This exposed several issues in `->legacy-MBQL` which have now been fixed.
    • Nemanja Glumac's avatar
      Revert "Toggle JSON unfolding by field (#28742)" (#29720) · b92aaea1
      Nemanja Glumac authored
      This reverts commit 25a1b259.
    • Nemanja Glumac's avatar
    • Anton Kulyk's avatar
      Clean up MLv2 usage on the FE (#29683) · de27e29e
      Anton Kulyk authored
      * Add more MLv2 wrappers
      * Don't use MLv2 directly
      * Update tests
      * Add dedicated `OrderByClause` type
      * Rename `query` to `fromLegacyQuery`
      * Remove too precise `orderableColumns` test
      Agreed that should be better covered on the CLJS side
    • Nemanja Glumac's avatar
    • Cal Herries's avatar
      Toggle JSON unfolding by field (#28742) · 25a1b259
      Cal Herries authored
      * Use type/JSON instead of type/SerializedJSON
      * Tidy migration
      * Update migration
      * Fix rollback migration for h2
      * whitespace
      * Add test for migration
      * Fix test
      * Add rollback
      * whitespace
      * Test JSONB type as well as JSON
      * Don't fingerprint JSON columns
      * Remove comment, that might be wrong in the future
      * Update test
      * Add tests for fingerprinting
      * Use base-type JSON for fingerprinting base query
      * Add test for visibility-type=details-only
      * undo .
      * Change migration id
      * Fix migration test
      * Merge master
      * Exclude mariadb from tests
      * Make is-mariadb? public
      * Migration for adding nfc_enabled
      * Add nfc_enabled to field settings
      * Update describe-nested-field-columns to only unfold fields that have not been disabled
      * Remove spy
      * Tidy
      * Fix
      * Clear nested fields immediately if folding is disabled
      * Clear nested fields on nfc_enabled change
      * Trim trailing whitespace
      * Tidy
      * Fix
      * Add enable-json-unfolding-test
      * Move to field api test
      * nfc_enabled -> json_unfolding
      * Tidy test
      * Make json-unfolding in database details just the default for new settings
      * Restore original visibility-type logic
      * Fix
      * Sync field json_unfolding according to db json_folding
      * Rename to json-unfolding-default
      * Add test for the case when the json-unfolding is false for the database
      * Implement default json unfolding for first sync
      * Update comment
      * Update comment
      * Restore PUT field
      * Migration for populating json_unfolding for mysql and postgres
      * Remove migration and use default on the frontend instead
      * Update json-unfolding database setting copy
      * Move Unfold JSON setting under semantic type setting
      * Separate sentences with spaces
      * Capitalize
      * Restore handleChangeSemanticType
      * Use base_type TYPE.JSON instead
      * Change order of migrations
      * Add h2 migration
      * Add test for migration
      * Update test description
      * Remove validCheckSum
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNgoc Khuat <>
      * Use ?? instead of ||
      * Fix tests
      * Remove outdated serdes stuff
      * Remove unnecessary and
      * Fix mysql migration
      * Remove unused require
      * Fix test
      * Add false default value for json_unfolding
      * Fix json-unfolding nil case
      * Other suggestions
      * whitespace
      * Tidy describe-nested-field-columns
      * Update comment
      * Remove unused clear-nested-fields!
      * Remove unused return value
      * Fix H2 migration to use base_type not database_type
      * Always set json-unfolding during sync
      * Fix test
      * Fix test
      * Fix test
      * Add comment explaining nested-field-column support for MySQL
      * Fix tests
      * Fix tests
      * Fix test
      * Fix test
      * Default json_unfolding to false for new fields
      * Fix merge
      * Add json_unfolding to mock tables
      * Don't capitalize prepositions
      * Update setting description
      * whitespace
      * whitespace
      * Fix fetch_metadata
      * Fix fetch_metadata
      * Fix tests
      * Fix test
      * Fix clj-kondo
      * Remove postgres database-supports test
      * Fix postgres test
      * Fix postgres test
      * Fix mysql migration
      * Fix clj-kondo
      * Don't test mariadb
      * Fix mysql test
      * Fix mysql json-unfolding nil case
      * Add comments to test
      * Add upterm step to mariadb test
      * Move upterm step before tests
      * Fix postgresql migration
      * move upterm step to test-driver action
      * Remove upterm step from drivers.yml
      * Comment out everything else in test-driver
      * Fix mariadb migration
      * Remove upterm action
      * Whitespace
      * Only handle JSONObjects with JSON_VALUE, not JSONArray
      * Fix fields.sync_metadata/update-field-metadata-if-needed!
      * Add comment explaining `json-unfolding-default`
      * Add comment for JSON_VALUE test
      * Update json-unfolding-default-true-test to use fresh db
      * Fix test descriptions
      * Don't capitalize setting display name
      * Fix update json_unfolding
      * Fix unfolding json for only one JSON column, not all
      * Add e2e test for JSON unfolding setting
      * Fix test
      * whitespace
      * Fix test
      * Fix json-unfolding for nested field columns
      * Fix mysql and postgres tests for nested field columns
      * Coerce nil json-unfolding to false for sync_metadata
      * Add test for nil json-unfolding for sync_metadata
      * Fix test
      * Don't update json_unfolding from intial sync
      * Add json_unfolding to update-field-test
      * Fix tests
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNgoc Khuat <>
  6. Mar 30, 2023