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  1. Jun 24, 2022
  2. Jun 20, 2022
  3. Jun 15, 2022
  4. Jun 14, 2022
  5. Jun 13, 2022
  6. Jun 07, 2022
  7. Jun 06, 2022
  8. Jun 02, 2022
  9. Jun 01, 2022
  10. May 30, 2022
  11. May 28, 2022
  12. May 27, 2022
  13. May 23, 2022
  14. May 19, 2022
  15. May 17, 2022
    • Bryan Maass's avatar
      bumps outdated deps versions to be current + drop support for java 8 (#22567) · c1b73ed6
      Bryan Maass authored
      * bumps outdated deps versions to be current
      * un-upgrade h2 and jetty
      * un-upgrade joda-time and kixi/stats
      * drop Java 8 support in circle CI config
      - things that used to rely on be-tests-java-8-ee now rely on be-tests-java-11-ee
      * remove java 8 from github health check matrix
      * revert toucan to 1.17.0
      * revert mariadb java client to 2.7.5
      * Back to 18, and handle new behavior
      toucan used to just look in *.models.<model-name> for models and just
      give up apparently. I made a feature that toucan will look in a model
      registry to create models rather than using the convention
      but now we're getting errors in these tests about maps vs models.
      Check that revisions+details pulls in user info and adds description
      expected: [#metabase.models.revision.RevisionInstance{:is_reversion false,
                                                            :is_creation false,
                                                            :message nil,
                                                            {:id 1,
                                                             :common_name "Rasta Toucan",
                                                             :first_name "Rasta",
                                                             :last_name "Toucan"},
                                                            {:o1 nil, :o2 {:name "Tips Created by Day", :serialized true}},
                                                            :description nil}]
        actual: (#metabase.models.revision.RevisionInstance{:description nil,
                                                            :is_creation false,
                                                            :is_reversion false,
                                                            {:id 1,
                                                             :first_name "Rasta",
                                                             :last_name "Toucan",
                                                             :common_name "Rasta Toucan"},
                                                            :message nil,
                                                            {:o1 nil,
                                                                                                              "Tips Created by Day",
      The only difference here is `:o2` is a
      `metabase.models.revision_test.FakedCardInstance` but still has the same
      keys, `:name`, and `:serialized`. So all is well, we're just able to
      make the model.
      So a few different fixes. Some are use `partial=` which doesn't care
      about record/map distinction. Some are just make the model, and some are
      turning them into maps for revision strings (which more closely mimics
      what the real revision stuff does):
      (defn default-diff-map
        "Default implementation of `diff-map` which simply uses clojures `data/diff` function and sets the keys `:before` and `:after`."
        [_ o1 o2]
        (when o1
          (let [[before after] (data/diff o1 o2)]
            {:before before
             :after  after})))
      (defn default-diff-str
        "Default implementation of `diff-str` which simply uses clojures `data/diff` function and passes that on to `diff-string`."
        [entity o1 o2]
        (when-let [[before after] (data/diff o1 o2)]
          (diff-string (:name entity) before after)))
      So all in all this change impacts nothing in the app itself, because
      those models follow convention and are correct in
      `metabase.models.<model-name>` and are thus "modelified":
      revision-test=> (revision/revisions Card 1)
      [#metabase.models.revision.RevisionInstance{:is_creation true,
                                                  :model_id 1,
                                                  :id 1,
                                                  :is_reversion false,
                                                  :user_id 2,
                                                  :timestamp #object[java.time.OffsetDateTime
                                                  :object #metabase.models.card.CardInstance
                                                  {:description nil,
                                                   :archived false,
                                                   :collection_position nil,
                                                   :table_id 5,
                                                   :database_id 2,
                                                   :enable_embedding false,
                                                   :collection_id nil,
                                                   :query_type :query,
                                                   :name "ECVYUHSWQJYMSOCIFHQC",
                                                   :creator_id 2,
                                                   :made_public_by_id nil,
                                                   :embedding_params nil,
                                                   :cache_ttl 1234,
                                                   :dataset_query {:database 2,
                                                                   :type :query,
                                                                   :query {:source-table 5,
                                                                           :aggregation [[:count]]}},
                                                   :id 1,
                                                   :display :scalar,
                                                   :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}},
                                                   :dataset false,
                                                   :public_uuid nil},
                                                  :message nil,
                                                  :model "Card"}]
      so the model/no-model is just arbitrary distinction in the test. All of
      them in the actual app are turned into models:
      (defn- do-post-select-for-object
        "Call the appropriate `post-select` methods (including the type functions) on the `:object` this Revision recorded.
        This is important for things like Card revisions, where the `:dataset_query` property needs to be normalized when
        coming out of the DB."
        [{:keys [model], :as revision}]
        ;; in some cases (such as tests) we have 'fake' models that cannot be resolved normally; don't fail entirely in
        ;; those cases
        (let [model (u/ignore-exceptions (db/resolve-model (symbol model)))]
          (cond-> revision
          ;; this line would not find a model previously for FakedCard and
          ;; just return the map. But now the registry in toucan _finds_ the
          ;; model defintion and returns the model'd map
            model (update :object (partial models/do-post-select model)))))
      (u/strict-extend (class Revision)
        (merge models/IModelDefaults
               {:types       (constantly {:object :json})
                :pre-insert  pre-insert
                :pre-update  (fn [& _] (throw (Exception. (tru "You cannot update a Revision!"))))
                :post-select do-post-select-for-object}))
      * try using mssql-jdbc 10.2.1.jre11
      - Important that we get off the jre8 version
      * various fixes that needn't be reverted
      * Revert "various fixes that needn't be reverted"
      This reverts commit 2a820db0743d0062eff63366ebe7bc78b852e81f.
      * go back to using circle ci's java 11 docker image
      * java-16 (?) -> java-17
      * Revert "go back to using circle ci's java 11 docker image"
      This reverts commit b9b14c535a689f701d7e2541081164288c988c4e.
      Co-authored-by: default avatardan sutton <>
  16. May 13, 2022
  17. May 11, 2022
  18. May 10, 2022
  19. May 04, 2022
  20. May 03, 2022
  21. May 02, 2022
    • Braden Shepherdson's avatar
      One Clojure lint to rule them all (#22213) · 390d10e5
      Braden Shepherdson authored
      We had two lint configs: lint-config.edn which was enfored by Github Actions, and
      .clj-kondo/config.edn, the default location used by editors.
      Patchy enforcement of the (larger) config in .clj-kondo/config.edn since not
      everyone uses an editor.
      Some new lint, like canonical namespace aliases (#21738, #19930) is not enforced
      automatically and has begun to bit-rot.
      Combine both configs, fix any outstanding lint, and update our tooling to use
      the unified config.
      Anyone who has their local editor configured to use lint-config.edn will have
      their linting broken by this change.
  22. Apr 27, 2022