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Tom Robinson authored

Circle CI

Install Prerequisites

  1. Oracle JDK 8 (
  2. Node.js for npm (
  3. Leiningen (


Install clojure + npm/bower requirements with

lein deps
lein npm

Build the application JS and CSS with

lein gulp

When developing the frontend client, you'll want to watch for changes, so run the default gulp task.



Then run the HTTP server with

lein ring server

Unit Tests / Linting

Check that the project can compile successfully with

lein uberjar

Run the linters with

lein eastwood                        # Clojure linters
lein bikeshed --max-line-length 240
./                         # JavaScript linter

Run unit tests with

lein test

By default, the tests only run against the generic-sql dataset (an H2 test database). You can run specify which datasets/drivers to run tests against with the env var MB_TEST_DATASETS:

MB_TEST_DATASETS=generic-sql,mongo lein test

At the time of this writing, the valid datasets are generic-sql and mongo.


Instant Cheatsheet

Start up an instant cheatsheet for the project + dependencies by running

lein instant-cheatsheet


Available at

You can generate and view documentation with

lein marg
open ./docs/uberdoc.html

You can update the GitHub pages documentation using

make dox

You should be on the master branch without any uncommited local changes before doing so. Also, make sure you've fetched the branch gh-pages and can push it back to origin.

Migration Summary

lein migration-summary

Will give you a list of all tables + fields in the Metabase DB.

Bootstrapping (for Development)

To quickly get your dev environment set up, use the bootstrap function to create a new User and Organization. Open a REPL in Emacs or with lein repl and enter the following:

(use 'metabase.db)
(use 'metabase.bootstrap)

You'll be walked through the steps to get started.

API Client (for Development)

You can make API calls from the REPL using metabase.http-client:

(use 'metabase.http-client)
(defn cl [& args]
  (-> (apply client {:email "", :password "blackjet"} args)
(cl :get "user/current")
;; -> {:email "",
;;     :first_name "Crowbero",
;;     :last_login #inst "2015-03-13T22:55:05.390000000-00:00",
;;     ...}

Developing with Emacs

.dir-locals.el contains some Emacs Lisp that tells clojure-mode how to indent Metabase macros and which arguments are docstrings. Whenever this file is updated, Emacs will ask you if the code is safe to load. You can answer ! to save it as safe.

By default, Emacs will insert this code as a customization at the bottom of your init.el. You'll probably want to tell Emacs to store customizations in a different file. Add the following to your init.el:

(setq custom-file (concat user-emacs-directory ".custom.el")) ; tell Customize to save customizations to ~/.emacs.d/.custom.el
(ignore-errors                                                ; load customizations from ~/.emacs.d/.custom.el
  (load-file custom-file))

Checking for Out-of-Date Dependencies

lein ancient                   # list all out-of-date dependencies
lein ancient latest lein-ring  # list latest version of artifact lein-ring

Will give you a list of out-of-date dependencies.

Once's this repo is made public, this Clojars badge will work and show the status as well:

Dependencies Status


Copyright © 2015 Metabase, Inc.