An error occurred while fetching folder content.
Mark Bastian
* Fix clj-kondo
was getting an error:
user=> (require ’[clj-kondo.hooks-api :as hooks])
Syntax error compiling at (clj_kondo/impl/analysis/java.clj:61:6).
Unable to find static field: ASM9 in interface org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes
checking where the bad version comes from:
user=> (io/resource "org/objectweb/asm/Opcodes.class")
and running
> clj -X:deps tree :aliases '[:dev :ee :ee-dev :drivers :drivers-dev :alpha :socket :morse :reveal]' > deps
❯ grep asm deps
X org.ow2.asm/asm 9.4 :superseded
. org.ow2.asm/asm-all 5.2
. org.ow2.asm/asm 9.5 :newer-version
. org.ow2.asm/asm-commons 9.5
. org.ow2.asm/asm 9.5
. org.ow2.asm/asm-tree 9.5
. org.ow2.asm/asm 9.5
X org.ow2.asm/asm 9.2 :older-version
The 9.4 and 9.5s are all close to each other. But the asm-all 5.2 is far
too old. That's brought in by eastwood. So i'll exclude it and see if it
* Can't throw error in api endpoint for linked entities x-ray
`create-linked-dashboard` creates a dashboard if there are no linked
entities, so this is unreachable code
* unify card and query code pathways.
now it's quite clear how card and query diverge:
(defmethod automagic-analysis Card
[card {:keys [cell-query] :as opts}]
(let [root (->root card)
cell-url (format "%squestion/%s/cell/%s" public-endpoint
(u/the-id card)
(encode-base64-json cell-query))]
(query-based-analysis root opts
(when cell-query
{:cell-query cell-query
:cell-url cell-url}))))
(defmethod automagic-analysis Query
[query {:keys [cell-query] :as opts}]
(let [root (->root query)
cell-query (when cell-query (mbql.normalize/normalize-fragment [:query :filter] cell-query))
opts (cond-> opts
cell-query (assoc :cell-query cell-query))
cell-url (format "%sadhoc/%s/cell/%s" public-endpoint
(encode-base64-json (:dataset_query query))
(encode-base64-json cell-query))]
(query-based-analysis root opts
(when cell-query
{:cell-query cell-query
:cell-url cell-url}))))
* Adding frequencies to a test to prevent non-deterministic behavior
* Fixing linter check and ordering issue in test.
* Adding TODO future task to replace /rule/ with /dashboard-template/ in paths.
* Added large ns block to metabase.automagic-dashboards.core
* Fixing spelling mistakes
* Some docstrings and renaming for clarity.
* Added ->field and ->root (covering source) tests
* TODO - Fix minumum spelling error on standalone PR.
* Breaking up tests to understand what is on with bulk failures
* Broke make-cards into several logical steps so that the code is more readable. Added tests for each stage.
* Updating references to rules.clj for i18n generation.
* Inlined make-context into apply-dashboard-template. This makes the steps of creating dimensions, metrics, and filters more explicit. ATM we still need to resolve the logic around inject-root as this has dependence on the context and not the individual dimensions.
* put build stuff on classpath for lsp
* calculate base-context once before template loop
* Removed the inject-root multimethod in favor of simple functions. Introducing the idea of removing metric and filter candidates that claim dimensions that don't exist.
* Adding logic to pre-emptively remove unsatisfied metrics, filters, and dimensions.
In `card-candidates` the check:
(every? context-dimensions (map ffirst card-dimensions))
(every? context-metrics card-metrics)
(every? context-filters card-filters))
is now performed to ensure that the card is satisfied before moving forward.
* Renamed common-dimensions, common-metrics, and common-filters to satisfied-* for clarity. In card-candidates also changed context-* and card-* bindings to available-* and required-* for clarity.
* Teasing out the generated dimensions, metrics, and filters from the big-ball-of-mud context. `make-cards` now takes the base context as well as the available computed dimensions, metrics, and filters as a separate argument. Additionally, tests were added for the `(comp #(filter-tables % tables) dashboard-templates/->entity)` branch of `some-fn` in `potential-card-dimension-bindings`. However, I am not confident that this is ever called outside of the tests. In order to be called, the entity type for the table has to be a named dimension in a card, which I can't find any examples of in the templates.
* Pushing mega-context down to return value of apply-dashboard-template. Just need to take it apart where it is used downstream.
* apply-dashboard-template now just returns generated values and does not build up the base context.
* Adding tests for cases in which dimensions are defined in a native query on the dashcard template.
The only case where this happens is in the resources/automagic_dashboards/table/example.yaml and,
prior to this PR, had no test coverage.
It does add some weird complexities to the system (including bringing in dimensions from a different
approach vector) so perhaps we want to re-evaluate if we want this as a feature or not.
dan sutton <>
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