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yaml.clj 2.81 KiB
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  • Learn to ignore specific revisions
  • (ns metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.utils.yaml
      (:require [ :as io])
    (def ^:private max-label-length 100)
    (defn- truncate-label [s]
      (if (> (count s) max-label-length)
          (subs s 0 max-label-length)
    (defn- leaf-file-name
      ([id]       (str id ".yaml"))
      ;; + is a legal, unescaped character on all common filesystems,
      ;; but doesn't appear in `identity-hash` or NanoID!
      ([id label] (if (nil? label)
                    (leaf-file-name id)
                    (str id "+" (truncate-label label) ".yaml"))))
    (defn hierarchy->file
      "Given a :serdes/meta abstract path, return a [[File]] corresponding to it."
      ^File [root-dir hierarchy]
      (let [;; All earlier parts of the hierarchy form Model/id/ pairs.
            prefix                   (apply concat (for [{:keys [model id]} (drop-last hierarchy)]
                                                     [model id]))
            ;; The last part of the hierarchy is used for the basename; this is the only part with the label.
            {:keys [id model label]} (last hierarchy)
            leaf-name                (leaf-file-name id label)
            as-given                 (apply io/file root-dir (concat prefix [model leaf-name]))]
        (if (.exists ^File as-given)
          ; If that file name doesn't exist, check the directory to see if there's one that's the requested file plus a
          ; human-readable portion.
          (let [dir       (apply io/file root-dir (concat prefix [model]))
                matches   (filter #(and (.startsWith ^String % (str id "+"))
                                        (.endsWith ^String % ".yaml"))
                                  (.list ^File dir))]
            (if (empty? matches)
              (io/file dir leaf-name)
              (io/file dir (first matches)))))))
    (defn path-split
      "Given a root directory and a file underneath it, return a sequence of path parts to get there.
      Given a root of /foo and file /foo/bar/baz/this.file, returns `[\"bar\" \"baz\" \"this.file\"]`."
      [^File root-dir ^File file]
      (let [relative (.relativize (.toPath root-dir) (.toPath file))]
        (for [^Path path (iterator-seq (.iterator relative))]
          (.getName (.toFile path)))))
    (defn path->hierarchy
      "Given the list of file path chunks as returned by [[path-split]], reconstruct the `:serdes/meta` abstract path
      corresponding to it."
      (let [parentage        (into [] (for [[model id] (partition 2 (drop-last 2 path-parts))]
                                        {:model model :id id}))
            [model basename] (take-last 2 path-parts)
            [_ id label]     (or (re-matches #"^([A-Za-z0-9_\.:-]+)(?:\+(.*))?\.yaml$" basename)
                                 (re-matches #"^(.+)\.yaml$" basename))]
        (conj parentage (cond-> {:model model :id id}
                          label (assoc :label label)))))