(ns metabase-enterprise.advanced-permissions.common-test
[clojure.test :refer :all]
:as advanced-perms.api.tu]
:as advanced-permissions.common]
[metabase-enterprise.test :as met]
[metabase.api.database :as api.database]
[metabase.driver :as driver]
Noah Moss
:refer [Dashboard DashboardCard Database Field FieldValues Table]]
[ :as data-perms]
[metabase.models.database :as database]
[metabase.models.permissions :as perms]
[metabase.models.permissions-group :as perms-group]
[metabase.sync.concurrent :as sync.concurrent]
[metabase.test :as mt]
[ :as sql.tx]
Cal Herries
[metabase.test.fixtures :as fixtures]
[metabase.upload-test :as upload-test]
[toucan2.core :as t2]
[ :as t2.with-temp]))
Cal Herries
(use-fixtures :once (fixtures/initialize :db :test-users))
(deftest current-user-test
(testing "GET /api/user/current returns additional fields if advanced-permissions is enabled"
(mt/with-premium-features #{:advanced-permissions}
(letfn [(user-permissions [user]
(-> (mt/user-http-request user :get 200 "user/current")
(testing "admins should have full advanced permisions"
(is (= {:can_access_setting true
:can_access_subscription true
:can_access_monitoring true
:can_access_data_model true
:can_access_db_details true}
(user-permissions :crowberto))))
(testing "non-admin users should only have subscriptions enabled by default"
(is (= {:can_access_setting false
:can_access_subscription true
:can_access_monitoring false
:can_access_data_model false
:can_access_db_details false}
(user-permissions :rasta))))
(testing "can_access_data_model is true if a user has any data model perms"
Noah Moss
(let [[id-1 id-2 id-3 id-4] (map u/the-id (database/tables (mt/db)))]
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :query-builder-and-native
:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {id-1 :all
id-2 :none
id-3 :none
id-4 :none}}}}}
Noah Moss
(is (partial= {:can_access_data_model true}
(user-permissions :rasta))))))
(testing "can_access_db_details is true if a user has any details perms"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:details :yes}}
(is (partial= {:can_access_db_details true}
(user-permissions :rasta)))))))))
(deftest new-database-view-data-permission-level-test
(mt/with-additional-premium-features #{:sandboxes :advanced-permissions}
(mt/with-temp [:model/PermissionsGroup {group-id :id} {}
:model/Database {db-id :id} {}]
(testing "A new database defaults to `:unrestricted` if no other perms are set"
;; First delete the default permissions for the group so we start with a clean slate
(t2/delete! :model/DataPermissions :group_id group-id)
(is (= :unrestricted (advanced-permissions.common/new-database-view-data-permission-level group-id))))
(testing "A new database defaults to `:blocked` if the group has `:blocked` for any other database"
(data-perms/set-database-permission! group-id db-id :perms/view-data :blocked)
(is (= :blocked (advanced-permissions.common/new-database-view-data-permission-level group-id))))
(testing "A new database defaults to `:blocked` if the group has any connection impersonation"
(data-perms/set-database-permission! group-id db-id :perms/view-data :unrestricted)
(advanced-perms.api.tu/with-impersonations! {:impersonations [{:db-id db-id
:attribute "impersonation_attr"
:attributes {"impersonation_attr" "impersonation_role"}}]}
(is (= :blocked (advanced-permissions.common/new-database-view-data-permission-level (u/the-id &group))))))
(testing "A new database defaults to `:blocked` if the group has any sandbox"
(data-perms/set-database-permission! group-id db-id :perms/view-data :unrestricted)
(met/with-gtaps! {:gtaps {:venues {}}, :attributes {"a" 50}}
(is (= :blocked (advanced-permissions.common/new-database-view-data-permission-level (u/the-id &group)))))))))
(deftest new-group-view-data-permission-level
(mt/with-additional-premium-features #{:sandboxes :advanced-permissions}
(mt/with-temp [:model/Database {db-id :id} {}]
(let [all-users-group-id (u/the-id (perms-group/all-users))]
(testing "A new group defaults to `:unrestricted` for a DB if All Users has `:unrestricted`"
(data-perms/set-database-permission! all-users-group-id db-id :perms/view-data :unrestricted)
(is (= :unrestricted (advanced-permissions.common/new-group-view-data-permission-level db-id))))
(testing "A new group defaults to `:blocked` for a DB if All Users has `:blocked`"
(data-perms/set-database-permission! all-users-group-id db-id :perms/view-data :blocked)
(is (= :blocked (advanced-permissions.common/new-group-view-data-permission-level db-id))))
(testing "A new group defaults to `:blocked` if All Users has any connection impersonation"
(data-perms/set-database-permission! all-users-group-id db-id :perms/view-data :unrestricted)
(advanced-perms.api.tu/with-impersonations! {:impersonations [{:db-id db-id
:attribute "impersonation_attr"
:attributes {"impersonation_attr" "impersonation_role"}}]}
(is (= :blocked (advanced-permissions.common/new-group-view-data-permission-level db-id)))))
(testing "A new database defaults to `:blocked` if All Users group has any sandbox"
(data-perms/set-database-permission! all-users-group-id db-id :perms/view-data :unrestricted)
(mt/with-temp [:model/Card {card-id :id} {}
:model/Table {table-id :id} {:db_id db-id}
:model/GroupTableAccessPolicy _ {:table_id table-id
:group_id all-users-group-id
:card_id card-id
:attribute_remappings {"foo" 1}}]
(is (= :blocked (advanced-permissions.common/new-group-view-data-permission-level db-id)))))))))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; | Data model permission enforcement |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(deftest fetch-databases-test
Noah Moss
(testing "GET /api/database?include_editable_data_model=true"
Noah Moss
(letfn [(get-test-db
Noah Moss
([] (get-test-db "database?include_editable_data_model=true"))
Noah Moss
([url] (->> (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 url)
(filter (fn [db] (= (mt/id) (:id db))))
(testing "Sanity check: a non-admin can fetch a DB when they have full data access and data model perms"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :query-builder-and-native
:data-model {:schemas :all}}}
(is (partial= {:id (mt/id)} (get-test-db)))))
Noah Moss
(testing "A non-admin cannot fetch a DB for which they do not have data model perms if
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :query-builder-and-native
:data-model {:schemas :none}}}
Tim Macdonald
(is (= nil (get-test-db)))))
Noah Moss
(let [[id-1 id-2 id-3 id-4] (map u/the-id (database/tables (mt/db)))]
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :query-builder-and-native
:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {id-1 :all
id-2 :none
id-3 :none
id-4 :none}}}}}
(testing "If a non-admin has data model perms for a single table in a DB, the DB is returned when listing
all DBs"
Noah Moss
(is (partial= {:id (mt/id)} (get-test-db))))
(testing "if include=tables, only tables with data model perms are included"
Noah Moss
(is (= [id-1] (->> (get-test-db "database?include_editable_data_model=true&include=tables")
Noah Moss
Tim Macdonald
(map :id)))))))))
(doseq [query-param ["exclude_uneditable_details=true"
(testing (format "GET /api/database?%s" query-param)
(letfn [(get-test-db
([] (get-test-db (str "database?" query-param)))
([url] (->> (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 url)
(filter (fn [db] (= (mt/id) (:id db))))
(testing "Sanity check: a non-admin can fetch a DB when they have 'manage' access"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:details :yes}}
Tim Macdonald
(is (partial= {:id (mt/id)} (get-test-db)))))
(testing "A non-admin cannot fetch a DB for which they do not not have 'manage' access"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:details :no}}
Tim Macdonald
(is (= nil (get-test-db)))))))))
Noah Moss
(deftest fetch-database-test
(testing "GET /api/database/:id?include_editable_data_model=true"
(testing "A non-admin without data model perms for a DB cannot fetch the DB when include_editable_data_model=true"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :query-builder-and-native
:data-model {:schemas :none}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 403 (format "database/%d?include_editable_data_model=true" (mt/id)))))
(testing "A non-admin with only data model perms for a DB can fetch the DB when include_editable_data_model=true"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas :all}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "database/%d?include_editable_data_model=true" (mt/id)))))))
(deftest fetch-database-metadata-test
Noah Moss
(testing "GET /api/database/:id/metadata?include_editable_data_model=true"
(let [[id-1 id-2 id-3 id-4] (map u/the-id (database/tables (mt/db)))]
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :query-builder-and-native
:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {id-1 :all
id-2 :none
id-3 :none
id-4 :none}}}}}
(let [tables (->> (mt/user-http-request :rasta
Noah Moss
(format "database/%d/metadata?include_editable_data_model=true" (mt/id)))
Noah Moss
(is (= [id-1] (map :id tables))))))
(testing "A user with data model perms can still fetch a DB name and tables if they have block perms for a DB"
(let [[id-1 id-2 id-3 id-4] (map u/the-id (database/tables (mt/db)))]
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {id-1 :all
id-2 :none
id-3 :none
id-4 :none}}}}}
Noah Moss
(let [result (mt/user-http-request :rasta
(format "database/%d/metadata?include_editable_data_model=true" (mt/id)))]
(is (= {:id (mt/id) :name (:name (mt/db))} (dissoc result :tables)))
(is (= [id-1] (map :id (:tables result))))))))))
(deftest fetch-id-fields-test
(testing "GET /api/database/:id/idfields?include_editable_data_model=true"
(testing "A non-admin without data model perms for a DB cannot fetch id fields when include_editable_data_model=true"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :query-builder-and-native
:data-model {:schemas :none}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 403 (format "database/%d/idfields?include_editable_data_model=true" (mt/id)))))
(testing "A non-admin with only data model perms for a DB can fetch id fields when include_editable_data_model=true"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas :all}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "database/%d/idfields?include_editable_data_model=true" (mt/id)))))))
Alexander Polyankin
(deftest get-schema-with-advanced-perms-test
(testing "Permissions: We can verify include_editable_data_model flag works for the `/:id/schema/:schema` endpoint"
(mt/with-temp [Database {db-id :id} {}
Table t1 {:db_id db-id :schema "schema1" :name "t1"}
Table _t2 {:db_id db-id :schema "schema2"}
Table t3 {:db_id db-id :schema "schema1" :name "t3"}]
Alexander Polyankin
(testing "If a non-admin has data model perms, but no data perms"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas :all}}}
Alexander Polyankin
(testing "and if data permissions are revoked, it should be a 403"
(is (= "You don't have permissions to do that."
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 403 (format "database/%d/schema/%s" db-id "schema1")))))
(testing "and if include_editable_data_model=true and data permissions are revoked, it should return values"
(is (= ["t1" "t3"]
(map :name (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "database/%d/schema/%s" db-id "schema1")
:include_editable_data_model true)))))))
(testing "If include_editable_data_model=true and a non-admin does not have data model perms, it should respond
with a 404"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas :none}}}
Alexander Polyankin
(is (= "Not found."
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 404 (format "database/%d/schema/%s" db-id "schema1")
:include_editable_data_model true)))))
(testing "If include_editable_data_model=true and a non-admin has data model perms for a single table in a schema,
the table is returned"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas {"schema1" {(u/the-id t1) :all
(u/the-id t3) :none}}}}}
Alexander Polyankin
(is (= ["t1"]
(map :name (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "database/%d/schema/%s" db-id "schema1")
:include_editable_data_model true)))))))))
(deftest get-schema-with-empty-name-and-advanced-perms-test
(testing "Permissions: We can verify include_editable_data_model flag works for the `/:id/schema/` endpoint"
(mt/with-temp [Database {db-id :id} {}
Table t1 {:db_id db-id :schema nil :name "t1"}
Table _t2 {:db_id db-id :schema "public"}
Table t3 {:db_id db-id :schema "" :name "t3"}]
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas :all}}}
Alexander Polyankin
(testing "If data permissions are revoked, it should be a 403"
(is (= "You don't have permissions to do that."
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 403 (format "database/%d/schema/" db-id)))))
(testing "If include_editable_data_model=true and data permissions are revoked, it should return tables with both
`nil` and \"\" as its schema"
(is (= ["t1" "t3"]
(map :name (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "database/%d/schema/" db-id)
:include_editable_data_model true))))))
(testing "If include_editable_data_model=true and a non-admin does not have data model perms, it should respond
with a 404"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas :none}}}
Alexander Polyankin
(is (= "Not found."
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 404 (format "database/%d/schema/" db-id)
:include_editable_data_model true)))))
(testing "If include_editable_data_model=true and a non-admin has data model perms for a single table in an empty
string schema, it should return the table"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas {"" {(u/the-id t1) :all
(u/the-id t3) :none}}}}}
Alexander Polyankin
(is (= ["t1"]
(map :name (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "database/%d/schema/" db-id)
:include_editable_data_model true)))))))))
(deftest get-schemas-with-advanced-perms-test
(testing "Permissions: We can verify include_editable_data_model flag works for the `/:id/:schemas` endpoint"
(mt/with-temp [Database {db-id :id} {}
Table t1 {:db_id db-id, :schema "schema1", :name "t1"}
Table _t2 {:db_id db-id, :schema "schema2"}
Table _t3 {:db_id db-id, :schema "schema1", :name "t3"}]
Alexander Polyankin
(testing "If a non-admin has data model perms, but no data perms"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas :all}}}
Alexander Polyankin
(testing "if include_editable_data_model=nil, it should be a 403"
(is (= "You don't have permissions to do that."
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 403 (format "database/%d/schemas" db-id)))))
(testing "and if include_editable_data_model=true, it should return values"
(is (= ["schema1" "schema2"]
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "database/%d/schemas" db-id)
:include_editable_data_model true))))
(testing "and if the database doesn't exist, it should be a 404"
(is (= "Not found."
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 404 (format "database/%d/schemas" Integer/MAX_VALUE)
:include_editable_data_model true))))))
(testing "If include_editable_data_model=true and a non-admin does not have data model perms, it should return []"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas :none}}}
Alexander Polyankin
(is (= []
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "database/%d/schemas" db-id)
:include_editable_data_model true)))))
(testing "If include_editable_data_model=true and a non-admin has data model perms for a schema,
it should return the schema"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas {"schema1" :all}}}}
Alexander Polyankin
(is (= ["schema1"]
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "database/%d/schemas" db-id)
:include_editable_data_model true)))))
(testing "If include_editable_data_model=true and a non-admin has data model perms for a single table in a schema,
it should return the schema"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas {"schema1" {(u/the-id t1) :all}}}}}
Alexander Polyankin
(is (= ["schema1"]
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "database/%d/schemas" db-id)
:include_editable_data_model true))))))))
(deftest get-field-hydrated-target-with-advanced-perms-test
(testing "GET /api/field/:id"
(mt/with-temp [Database {db-id :id} {}
Table table1 {:db_id db-id, :schema "schema1"}
Table table2 {:db_id db-id, :schema "schema2"}
Field fk-field {:table_id (:id table1)}
Field field {:table_id (:id table2)
:semantic_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id (:id fk-field)}]
(let [expected-target (-> fk-field
(update :base_type u/qualified-name)
(update :visibility_type u/qualified-name))
get-field (fn []
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "field/%d?include_editable_data_model=true" (:id field))))]
(testing "target should be hydrated if a non-admin has data model perms for the DB"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:data-model {:schemas :all}}}
(is (= expected-target
(:target (get-field))))))
(testing "target should not be hydrated if a non-admin does not have data model perms for the target's schema"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:data-model {:schemas {"schema1" :none
"schema2" :all}}}}
(is (nil? (:target (get-field))))))
(testing "target should not be hydrated if a non-admin does not have data model perms for the target's table"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:data-model {:schemas {"schema1" {(:id table1) :none}
"schema2" {(:id table2) :all}}}}}
(is (nil? (:target (get-field))))))
(testing "target should be hydrated if a non-admin does have data model perms for the target's table"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:data-model {:schemas {"schema1" {(:id table1) :all}
"schema2" {(:id table2) :all}}}}}
(is (= expected-target
(:target (get-field))))))))))
(deftest update-field-hydrated-target-with-advanced-perms-test
(testing "PUT /api/field/:id"
(mt/with-temp [Database {db-id :id} {}
Table table1 {:db_id db-id, :schema "schema1"}
Table table2 {:db_id db-id, :schema "schema2"}
Table table3 {:db_id db-id, :schema "schema3"}
Field fk-field-1 {:table_id (:id table1)}
Field fk-field-2 {:table_id (:id table2)}
Field field {:table_id (:id table3)
:semantic_type :type/FK
:fk_target_field_id (:id fk-field-1)}]
(let [expected-target (-> fk-field-2
(update :base_type u/qualified-name)
(update :visibility_type u/qualified-name))
update-target (fn []
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 200 (format "field/%d" (:id field)) (assoc field :fk_target_field_id (:id fk-field-2))))]
(testing "target should be hydrated if a non-admin has data model perms for the DB"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:data-model {:schemas :all}}}
(is (= expected-target
(:target (update-target))))))
(testing "target should not be hydrated if a non-admin does not have data model perms for the target's schema"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:data-model {:schemas {"schema1" :none
"schema2" :none
"schema3" :all}}}}
(is (nil? (:target (update-target))))))
(testing "target should not be hydrated if a non-admin does not have data model perms for the target's table"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:data-model {:schemas {"schema1" {(:id table1) :all}
"schema2" {(:id table2) :none}
"schema3" {(:id table3) :all}}}}}
(is (nil? (:target (update-target))))))
(testing "target should be hydrated if a non-admin does have data model perms for the target's table"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:data-model {:schemas {"schema1" {(:id table1) :none}
"schema2" {(:id table2) :all}
"schema3" {(:id table3) :all}}}}}
(is (= expected-target
(:target (update-target))))))))))
(deftest update-field-test
(t2.with-temp/with-temp [Table {table-id :id} {:db_id (mt/id) :schema "PUBLIC"}
Table {table-id-2 :id} {:db_id (mt/id) :schema "PUBLIC"}
Field {field-id :id, table-id :table_id} {:name "Field" :table_id table-id}]
(let [{table-id :id, schema :schema, db-id :db_id} (t2/select-one Table :id table-id)]
(testing "PUT /api/field/:id"
(let [endpoint (format "field/%d" field-id)]
(testing "a non-admin cannot update field metadata if the advanced-permissions feature flag is not present"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:data-model {:schemas {schema {table-id :all}}}}}
(mt/with-premium-features #{}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 403 endpoint {:name "Field Test 4"}))))
(testing "a non-admin cannot update field metadata if they have no data model permissions for the DB"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:data-model {:schemas :none}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 403 endpoint {:name "Field Test 2"})))
(testing "a non-admin cannot update field metadata if they only have data model permissions for other schemas"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:data-model {:schemas {schema :none
"different schema" :all}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 403 endpoint {:name "Field Test 2"})))
(testing "a non-admin cannot update field metadata if they only have data model permissions for other tables"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:data-model {:schemas {schema {table-id :none
table-id-2 :all}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 403 endpoint {:name "Field Test 2"})))
(testing "a non-admin can update field metadata if they have data model perms for the DB"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:data-model {:schemas :all}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 200 endpoint {:name "Field Test 2"})))
(testing "a non-admin can update field metadata if they have data model perms for the schema"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:data-model {:schemas {schema :all}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 200 endpoint {:name "Field Test 3"})))
(testing "a non-admin can update field metadata if they have data model perms for the table"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:data-model {:schemas {schema {table-id :all}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 200 endpoint {:name "Field Test 3"})))))
(testing "POST /api/field/:id/rescan_values"
(testing "A non-admin can trigger a rescan of field values if they have data model perms for the table"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas {schema {table-id :none}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 403 (format "field/%d/rescan_values" field-id)))
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas {schema {table-id :all}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 200 (format "field/%d/rescan_values" field-id))))
(testing "A non-admin with no data access can trigger a re-scan of field values if they have data model perms"
(t2/delete! FieldValues :field_id (mt/id :venues :price))
(is (= nil (t2/select-one-fn :values FieldValues, :field_id (mt/id :venues :price))))
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {(mt/id :venues) :all}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 200 (format "field/%d/rescan_values" (mt/id :venues :price))))
(is (= [1 2 3 4] (t2/select-one-fn :values FieldValues, :field_id (mt/id :venues :price))))))
(testing "POST /api/field/:id/discard_values"
(testing "A non-admin can discard field values if they have data model perms for the table"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas {schema {table-id :none}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 403 (format "field/%d/discard_values" field-id)))
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas {schema {table-id :all}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 200 (format "field/%d/discard_values" field-id))))
(testing "A non-admin with no data access can discard field values if they have data model perms"
(is (= [1 2 3 4] (t2/select-one-fn :values FieldValues, :field_id (mt/id :venues :price))))
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {(mt/id :venues) :all}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 200 (format "field/%d/discard_values" (mt/id :venues :price))))
(is (= nil (t2/select-one-fn :values FieldValues, :field_id (mt/id :venues :price)))))))))
(deftest get-field-with-advanced-perms-test
(testing "GET /api/field/:id?include_editable_data_model=true"
(testing "A non-admin can fetch a field when they have data model perms if include_editable_data_model=true"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas :all}}}
(is (partial= {:id (mt/id :users :name)}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "field/%d?include_editable_data_model=true" (mt/id :users :name)))))))
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :query-builder-and-native
:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {(mt/id :categories) :all
(mt/id :users) :none}}}}}
(testing "A non-admin can fetch a field for which they have data model perms if include_editable_data_model=true"
(is (partial= {:id (mt/id :categories :name)}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "field/%d?include_editable_data_model=true" (mt/id :categories :name))))))
(testing "A non-admin cannot fetch a field for which they do not have data model perms if include_editable_data_model=true"
(is (= "You don't have permissions to do that."
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 403 (format "field/%d?include_editable_data_model=true" (mt/id :users :name)))))))))
(deftest update-table-test
(t2.with-temp/with-temp [Table {table-id :id} {:db_id (mt/id) :schema "PUBLIC"}
Table {table-id-2 :id} {:db_id (mt/id) :schema "PUBLIC"}]
(testing "PUT /api/table/:id"
(let [endpoint (format "table/%d" table-id)]
(testing "a non-admin cannot update table metadata if the advanced-permissions feature flag is not present"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas :all}}}
(mt/with-premium-features #{}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 403 endpoint {:name "Table Test 2"}))))
(testing "a non-admin cannot update table metadata if they have no data model permissions for the DB"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas :none}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 403 endpoint {:name "Table Test 2"})))
(testing "a non-admin cannot update table metadata if they only have data model permissions for other schemas"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" :none
"different schema" :all}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 403 endpoint {:name "Table Test 2"})))
(testing "a non-admin cannot update table metadata if they only have data model permissions for other tables"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {table-id :none
table-id-2 :all}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 403 endpoint {:name "Table Test 2"})))
(testing "a non-admin can update table metadata if they have data model perms for the DB"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas :all}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 200 endpoint {:name "Table Test 2"})))
(testing "a non-admin can update table metadata if they have data model perms for the schema"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" :all}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 200 endpoint {:name "Table Test 3"})))
(testing "a non-admin can update table metadata if they have data model perms for the table"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {table-id :all}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 200 endpoint {:name "Table Test 3"})))))
(testing "POST /api/table/:id/rescan_values"
(testing "A non-admin can trigger a rescan of field values if they have data model perms for the table"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {table-id :none}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 403 (format "table/%d/rescan_values" table-id)))
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {table-id :all}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 200 (format "table/%d/rescan_values" table-id))))
(testing "A non-admin with no data access can trigger a re-scan of field values if they have data model perms"
(t2/delete! FieldValues :field_id (mt/id :venues :price))
(is (= nil (t2/select-one-fn :values FieldValues, :field_id (mt/id :venues :price))))
(with-redefs [sync.concurrent/submit-task (fn [task] (task))]
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {(mt/id :venues) :all}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 200 (format "table/%d/rescan_values" (mt/id :venues)))))
(is (= [1 2 3 4] (t2/select-one-fn :values FieldValues, :field_id (mt/id :venues :price))))))
(testing "POST /api/table/:id/discard_values"
(testing "A non-admin can discard field values if they have data model perms for the table"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {table-id :none}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 403 (format "table/%d/discard_values" table-id)))
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {table-id :all}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 200 (format "table/%d/discard_values" table-id)))))
(testing "POST /api/table/:id/fields/order"
(testing "A non-admin can set a custom field ordering if they have data model perms for the table"
(mt/with-temp [Field {field-1-id :id} {:table_id table-id}
Field {field-2-id :id} {:table_id table-id}]
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {table-id :none}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 403 (format "table/%d/fields/order" table-id)
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {table-id :all}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 200 (format "table/%d/fields/order" table-id)
(deftest audit-log-generated-when-table-manual-scan
(t2.with-temp/with-temp [Table {table-id :id} {:db_id (mt/id) :schema "PUBLIC"}]
(testing "An audit log entry is generated when a manually triggered re-scan occurs"
(mt/with-additional-premium-features #{:audit-app}
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {table-id :all}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 200 (format "table/%d/rescan_values" table-id))))
(is (= table-id (:model_id (mt/latest-audit-log-entry :table-manual-scan))))
(is (= table-id (-> (mt/latest-audit-log-entry :table-manual-scan) :details :id))))))
Noah Moss
(deftest fetch-table-test
(testing "GET /api/table/:id"
(t2.with-temp/with-temp [Table {table-id :id} {:db_id (mt/id) :schema "PUBLIC"}]
Noah Moss
(testing "A non-admin without self-service perms for a table cannot fetch the table normally"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 403 (format "table/%d?include_editable_data_model=true" table-id))))
Noah Moss
(testing "A non-admin without self-service perms for a table can fetch the table if they have data model perms for
the DB"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas :all}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "table/%d?include_editable_data_model=true" table-id))))
Noah Moss
(testing "A non-admin without self-service perms for a table can fetch the table if they have data model perms for
the schema"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" :all}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "table/%d?include_editable_data_model=true" table-id))))
Noah Moss
(testing "A non-admin without self-service perms for a table can fetch the table if they have data model perms for
the table"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas {"PUBLIC" {table-id :all}}}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "table/%d?include_editable_data_model=true" table-id)))))))
(deftest fetch-query-metadata-test
(testing "GET /api/table/:id/query_metadata?include_editable_data_model=true"
(t2.with-temp/with-temp [Table {table-id :id} {:db_id (mt/id) :schema "PUBLIC"}]
(testing "A non-admin without data model perms for a table cannot fetch the query metadata when
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :query-builder-and-native
:data-model {:schemas :none}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 403
(format "table/%d/query_metadata?include_editable_data_model=true" table-id))))
(testing "A non-admin with only data model perms for a table can fetch the query metadata when
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :no
:data-model {:schemas :all}}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200
(format "table/%d/query_metadata?include_editable_data_model=true" table-id)))))))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; | Database details permission enforcement |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(deftest update-database-test
(testing "PUT /api/database/:id"
(t2.with-temp/with-temp [Database {db-id :id}]
(testing "A non-admin cannot update database metadata if the advanced-permissions feature flag is not present"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:details :yes}}
(mt/with-premium-features #{}
(is (= "You don't have permissions to do that."
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 403 (format "database/%d" db-id) {:name "Database Test"}))))))
(testing "A non-admin cannot update database metadata if they do not have DB details permissions"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:details :no}}
(is (= "You don't have permissions to do that."
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 403 (format "database/%d" db-id) {:name "Database Test"})))))
(testing "A non-admin can update database metadata if they have DB details permissions"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:details :yes}}
(is (=? {:id db-id}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 200 (format "database/%d" db-id) {:name "Database Test"}))))))))
(deftest delete-database-test
(t2.with-temp/with-temp [Database {db-id :id}]
(testing "A non-admin cannot delete a database even if they have DB details permissions"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:details :yes}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :delete 403 (format "database/%d" db-id))))))
(deftest db-operations-test
(mt/with-temp [Database {db-id :id} {:engine "h2", :details (:details (mt/db))}
Table {table-id :id} {:db_id db-id}
Field {field-id :id} {:table_id table-id}
FieldValues {values-id :id} {:field_id field-id, :values [1 2 3 4]}]
(with-redefs [api.database/*rescan-values-async* false]
(testing "A non-admin can trigger a sync of the DB schema if they have DB details permissions"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:details :yes}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 200 (format "database/%d/sync_schema" db-id))))
(testing "A non-admin can discard saved field values if they have DB details permissions"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:details :yes}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 200 (format "database/%d/discard_values" db-id))))
(testing "A non-admin with no data access can discard field values if they have DB details perms"
(t2/insert! FieldValues :id values-id :field_id field-id :values [1 2 3 4])
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:details :yes}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 200 (format "database/%d/discard_values" db-id)))
(is (= nil (t2/select-one-fn :values FieldValues, :field_id field-id)))
(mt/user-http-request :crowberto :post 200 (format "database/%d/rescan_values" db-id)))
;; Use test database for rescan_values tests so we can verify that scan actually succeeds
(testing "A non-admin can trigger a re-scan of field values if they have DB details permissions"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:details :yes}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 200 (format "database/%d/rescan_values" (mt/id)))))
(testing "A non-admin with no data access can trigger a re-scan of field values if they have DB details perms"
(t2/delete! FieldValues :field_id (mt/id :venues :price))
(is (= nil (t2/select-one-fn :values FieldValues, :field_id (mt/id :venues :price))))
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:details :yes}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 200 (format "database/%d/rescan_values" (mt/id))))
(is (= [1 2 3 4] (t2/select-one-fn :values FieldValues, :field_id (mt/id :venues :price)))))))))
Noah Moss
(deftest fetch-db-test
(t2.with-temp/with-temp [Database {db-id :id}]
Noah Moss
(testing "A non-admin without self-service perms for a DB cannot fetch the DB normally"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :no}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 403 (format "database/%d?exclude_uneditable_details=true" db-id))))
Noah Moss
(testing "A non-admin without self-service perms for a DB can fetch the DB if they have DB details permissions"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :no
:details :yes}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "database/%d?exclude_uneditable_details=true" db-id))))
Noah Moss
(testing "A non-admin with block perms for a DB can fetch the DB if they have DB details permissions"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:details :yes}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "database/%d?exclude_uneditable_details=true" db-id))))
Noah Moss
(testing "The returned database contains a :details field for a user with DB details permissions"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:details :yes}}
Noah Moss
(is (partial= {:details {}}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "database/%d?exclude_uneditable_details=true" db-id))))))))
(deftest actions-test
(mt/with-actions [{:keys [action-id model-id]} {}]
(testing "Executing dashcard with action"
(mt/with-temp [Dashboard {dashboard-id :id} {}
DashboardCard {dashcard-id :id} {:dashboard_id dashboard-id
:action_id action-id
:card_id model-id}]
(let [execute-path (format "dashboard/%s/dashcard/%s/execute"
(testing "Works with access to the DB not blocked"
(is (= {:rows-affected 1}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 200 execute-path
{:parameters {"id" 1}})))))
(testing "Fails with access to the DB blocked"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(u/the-id (mt/db)) {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no
:details :yes}}
(is (partial= {:message "You don't have permissions to do that."}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :post 403 execute-path
{:parameters {"id" 1}}))))))))))))))
Tim Macdonald
(deftest settings-managers-can-have-uploads-db-access-revoked
(perms/grant-application-permissions! (perms-group/all-users) :setting)
(testing "Upload DB can be set with the right permission"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:details :yes}}
Tim Macdonald
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 204 "setting/" {:uploads-database-id (mt/id)})))
(testing "Upload DB cannot be set without the right permission"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {(mt/id) {:details :no}}
Tim Macdonald
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :put 403 "setting/" {:uploads-database-id (mt/id)})))
(perms/revoke-application-permissions! (perms-group/all-users) :setting))
(deftest upload-csv-test
(mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :uploads :schemas)
(testing "Uploads should be blocked without data access"
(let [schema-name (sql.tx/session-schema driver/*driver*)]
[table (upload-test/create-upload-table!)]
(let [db-id (mt/id)
upload-csv! (fn []
(upload-test/upload-example-csv! {:grant-permission? false
:schema-name (:schema table)
:table-prefix "uploaded_magic_"}))]
(doseq [[schema-perms can-upload? description]
[[:query-builder true "Data permissions on schema should succeed"]
[:no false "No data permissions on schema should fail"]
[{(:id table) :query-builder} false "Data permissions on table should fail"]]]
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries {"some_schema" :query-builder
schema-name schema-perms}}}
(if can-upload?
(is (some? (upload-csv!)))
(is (thrown-with-msg?
#"You don't have permissions to do that\."
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries :query-builder-and-native}}
(is (some? (upload-csv!))))))))))
Cal Herries
(deftest update-csv-data-perms-test
(mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :uploads)
(doseq [action [:metabase.upload/append :metabase.upload/replace]]
(testing (format "CSV %s should be blocked without data access to the schema" action)
(let [schema-name (sql.tx/session-schema driver/*driver*)]
[table-a (upload-test/create-upload-table! :schema-name schema-name)]
[table-b (upload-test/create-upload-table! :schema-name schema-name)]
(let [db-id (u/the-id (mt/db))
append-csv! #(upload-test/update-csv-with-defaults!
:table-id (:id table-a)
:user-id (mt/user->id :rasta))]
(doseq [[schema-perms can-append? test-string]
[[:query-builder true "Data permissions on schema should succeed"]
[:no false "No permissions on schema should fail"]
[{(:id table-a) :query-builder} true "Data permissions on table should succeed"]
[{(:id table-b) :query-builder} false "Data permissions only on another table in the same schema should fail"]]]
(testing test-string
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries {schema-name schema-perms}}}
(if can-append?
(is (some? (append-csv!)))
(is (thrown-with-msg?
#"You don't have permissions to do that\."
(deftest update-csv-block-perms-test
(mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :uploads)
(doseq [action [:metabase.upload/append :metabase.upload/replace]]
(testing (format "We will block %s if the user has blocked data access to the database, even if they have native query editing"
[table-a (upload-test/create-upload-table!)]
(let [db-id (u/the-id (mt/db))
append-csv! #(upload-test/update-csv-with-defaults!
:table-id (:id table-a)
:user-id (mt/user->id :rasta))]
(testing "With blocked perms it should fail"
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :blocked
:create-queries :no}}
(is (thrown-with-msg?
#"You don't have permissions to do that\."
Cal Herries
(deftest get-database-can-upload-test
(mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :uploads :schemas)
(testing "GET /api/database and GET /api/database/:id responses should include can_upload depending on unrestricted data access to the upload schema"
(mt/with-model-cleanup [:model/Table]
(let [schema-name (sql.tx/session-schema driver/*driver*)]
(upload-test/with-upload-table! [table (upload-test/create-upload-table! :schema-name schema-name)]
(let [db-id (u/the-id (mt/db))]
(mt/with-temp [:model/Table {} {:db_id db-id :schema "some_schema"}]
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [uploads-enabled true
uploads-database-id db-id
uploads-schema-name schema-name
uploads-table-prefix "uploaded_magic_"]
(doseq [[schema-perms can-upload?] {:query-builder true
:no false
{(:id table) :query-builder} false}]
(testing (format "can_upload should be %s if the user has %s access to the upload schema"
can-upload? schema-perms)
(mt/with-all-users-data-perms-graph! {db-id {:view-data :unrestricted
:create-queries {"some_schema" :query-builder
schema-name schema-perms}}}
(testing "GET /api/database"
(let [result (->> (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 "database")
(filter #(= (:id %) db-id))
(def res (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 "database"))
(is (= can-upload? (:can_upload result)))))
(testing "GET /api/database/:id"
(let [result (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 (format "database/%d" db-id))]
(is (= can-upload? (:can_upload result)))))))))))))))))