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  • (ns metabase-enterprise.upload-management.api-test
       [clojure.string :as str]
       [clojure.test :refer :all]
       [java-time.api :as t]
       [metabase.api.table-test :as oss-test]
       [metabase.test :as mt]
       [ :as t2.with-temp]))
    (def list-url "ee/upload-management/tables/")
    (deftest list-uploaded-tables-test
      (testing "GET ee/upload-management/tables"
        (testing "These should come back in alphabetical order and include relevant metadata"
          (mt/with-premium-features #{:upload-management}
            (oss-test/with-tables-as-uploads [:categories :reviews]
              (t2.with-temp/with-temp [:model/Card {} {:table_id (mt/id :categories)}
                                       :model/Card {} {:table_id (mt/id :reviews)}
                                       :model/Card {} {:table_id (mt/id :reviews)}]
                (let [result (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 list-url)]
                  ;; =? doesn't currently know how to treat sets as literals, only as predicates, so we can't use it.
                  ;; See
                  (is (every? t/offset-date-time? (map :created_at result)))
                  (is (= #{{:name         (mt/format-name "categories")
                            :display_name "Categories"
                            :id           (mt/id :categories)
                            :schema       "PUBLIC"
                            :entity_type  "entity/GenericTable"}
                           {:name         (mt/format-name "reviews")
                            :display_name "Reviews"
                            :id           (mt/id :reviews)
                            :schema       "PUBLIC"
                            :entity_type  "entity/GenericTable"}}
                         (->> result
                              (filter #(= (:db_id %) (mt/id)))  ; prevent stray tables from affecting unit test results
                              (map #(select-keys % [:name :display_name :id :entity_type :schema :usage_count]))
    (defn- delete-url [table-id]
      (str "ee/upload-management/tables/" table-id))
    (defn- listed-table-ids []
      (into #{} (map :id) (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 200 list-url)))
    (deftest delete-csv-test
      (testing "DELETE ee/upload-management/:id"
        (mt/test-driver :h2
           (testing "Behind a feature flag"
             (is (str/starts-with? (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :delete 402 (delete-url 1))
                                   "Upload Management is a paid feature not currently available to your instance.")))
           (mt/with-premium-features #{:upload-management}
             (testing "Happy path\n"
               (let [table-id (:id (oss-test/create-csv!))]
                 (testing "We can see the table in the list"
                   (is (contains? (listed-table-ids) table-id)))
                 (testing "We can make a successful call to delete the table"
                   (is (true? (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :delete 200 (delete-url table-id)))))
                 (testing "The table is gone from the list"
                   (is (not (contains? (listed-table-ids) table-id))))))
             (testing "Uploads may be deleted even when *uploading* has been disabled"
               (mt/with-temporary-setting-values [uploads-enabled false]
                 (let [table-id (:id (oss-test/create-csv!))]
                   (is (true? (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :delete 200 (delete-url table-id)))))))
             (testing "The table must be uploaded"
               (mt/with-temp [:model/Table {table-id :id}]
                 (is (= {:message "The table must be an uploaded table."}
                        (mt/user-http-request :rasta :delete 422 (delete-url table-id))))))
             (testing "Write permissions to the table are required to delete it\n"
               (let [table-id (:id (oss-test/create-csv!))]
                 (testing "The delete request is rejected"
                   (is (= {:message "You don't have permissions to do that."}
                          (mt/user-http-request :rasta :delete 403 (delete-url table-id)))))
                 (testing "The table remains in the list"
                   (is (contains? (listed-table-ids) table-id))))))))))