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Unverified Commit 83cbaae0 authored by Chris Truter's avatar Chris Truter Committed by GitHub
Browse files

EE endpoint for deleting CSV uploads (#41293)

parent e0e4ade0
No related merge requests found
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
[metabase-enterprise.llm.api :as llm.api]
[metabase-enterprise.sandbox.api.routes :as sandbox]
[metabase-enterprise.serialization.api :as api.serialization]
[metabase-enterprise.upload-management.api :as api.uploads]
[metabase.api.common :refer [context defroutes]]
[metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru]]))
......@@ -47,4 +48,7 @@
(ee.api.common/+require-premium-feature :serialization (deferred-tru "Serialization") api.serialization/routes))
"/autodescribe" []
(ee.api.common/+require-premium-feature :llm-autodescription (deferred-tru "LLM Auto-description") llm.api/routes))))
(ee.api.common/+require-premium-feature :llm-autodescription (deferred-tru "LLM Auto-description") llm.api/routes))
"/upload-management" []
(ee.api.common/+require-premium-feature :upload-management (deferred-tru "Upload Management") api.uploads/routes))))
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
;;; Querying DB
(defn granular-duration-hours
(defn- granular-duration-hours
"Returns the granular cache duration (in hours) for a card. On EE, this first checking whether there is a stored value
for the card, dashboard, or database (in that order of decreasing preference). Returns nil on OSS."
[card dashboard-id]
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
;;; Strategy execution
(defmulti fetch-cache-stmt-ee*
(defmulti ^:private fetch-cache-stmt-ee*
"Generate prepared statement for a db cache backend for a given strategy"
(fn [strategy _hash _conn] (:type strategy)))
(ns metabase-enterprise.upload-management.api
[compojure.core :refer [DELETE]]
[metabase.api.common :as api]
[metabase.api.routes.common :refer [+auth]]
[metabase.models.interface :as mi]
[metabase.upload :as upload]
[metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
[metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]
[toucan2.core :as t2]))
(api/defendpoint GET "/tables/"
"Get all `Tables` visible to the current user which were created by uploading a file."
(as-> (t2/select :model/Table, :active true, :is_upload true, {:order-by [[:name :asc]]}) tables
;; See
(map #(update % :schema str) tables)
(filterv mi/can-read? tables)))
(api/defendpoint DELETE "/tables/:id"
"Delete the uploaded table from the database, optionally archiving cards for which it is the primary source."
[id archive-cards]
{id ms/PositiveInt
archive-cards [:maybe {:default false} ms/BooleanValue]}
;; To be idempotent, we do not check whether the table has already been deactivated.
(let [table (api/check-404 (t2/select-one :model/Table id))
result (upload/delete-upload! table :archive-cards? archive-cards)]
{:status 200
:body (= :done result)})
(catch Throwable e
{:status (or (-> e ex-data :status-code)
:body {:message (or (ex-message e)
(tru "There was an error deleting the table"))}})))
(api/define-routes +auth)
(ns metabase-enterprise.upload-management.api-test
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[java-time.api :as t]
[metabase.api.table-test :as oss-test]
[metabase.test :as mt]
[ :as t2.with-temp]))
(def list-url "ee/upload-management/tables/")
(deftest list-uploaded-tables-test
(testing "GET ee/upload-management/tables"
(testing "These should come back in alphabetical order and include relevant metadata"
(mt/with-premium-features #{:upload-management}
(oss-test/with-tables-as-uploads [:categories :reviews]
(t2.with-temp/with-temp [:model/Card {} {:table_id (mt/id :categories)}
:model/Card {} {:table_id (mt/id :reviews)}
:model/Card {} {:table_id (mt/id :reviews)}]
(let [result (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 list-url)]
;; =? doesn't currently know how to treat sets as literals, only as predicates, so we can't use it.
;; See
(is (every? t/offset-date-time? (map :created_at result)))
(is (= #{{:name (mt/format-name "categories")
:display_name "Categories"
:id (mt/id :categories)
:schema "PUBLIC"
:entity_type "entity/GenericTable"}
{:name (mt/format-name "reviews")
:display_name "Reviews"
:id (mt/id :reviews)
:schema "PUBLIC"
:entity_type "entity/GenericTable"}}
(->> result
(filter #(= (:db_id %) (mt/id))) ; prevent stray tables from affecting unit test results
(map #(select-keys % [:name :display_name :id :entity_type :schema :usage_count]))
(defn- delete-url [table-id]
(str "ee/upload-management/tables/" table-id))
(defn- listed-table-ids []
(into #{} (map :id) (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :get 200 list-url)))
(deftest delete-csv-test
(testing "DELETE ee/upload-management/:id"
(mt/test-driver :h2
(testing "Behind a feature flag"
(is (str/starts-with? (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :delete 402 (delete-url 1))
"Upload Management is a paid feature not currently available to your instance.")))
(mt/with-premium-features #{:upload-management}
(testing "Happy path\n"
(let [table-id (:id (oss-test/create-csv!))]
(testing "We can see the table in the list"
(is (contains? (listed-table-ids) table-id)))
(testing "We can make a successful call to delete the table"
(is (true? (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :delete 200 (delete-url table-id)))))
(testing "The table is gone from the list"
(is (not (contains? (listed-table-ids) table-id))))))
(testing "Uploads may be deleted even when *uploading* has been disabled"
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [uploads-enabled false]
(let [table-id (:id (oss-test/create-csv!))]
(is (true? (mt/user-http-request :crowberto :delete 200 (delete-url table-id)))))))
(testing "The table must be uploaded"
(mt/with-temp [:model/Table {table-id :id}]
(is (= {:message "The table must be an uploaded table."}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :delete 422 (delete-url table-id))))))
(testing "Write permissions to the table are required to delete it\n"
(let [table-id (:id (oss-test/create-csv!))]
(testing "The delete request is rejected"
(is (= {:message "You don't have permissions to do that."}
(mt/user-http-request :rasta :delete 403 (delete-url table-id)))))
(testing "The table remains in the list"
(is (contains? (listed-table-ids) table-id))))))))))
......@@ -53,13 +53,6 @@
(map fix-schema))
(api/defendpoint GET "/uploaded"
"Get all `Tables` visible to the current user which were created by uploading a file."
(as-> (t2/select Table, :active true, :is_upload true, {:order-by [[:name :asc]]}) tables
(map #(update % :schema str) tables)
(filterv mi/can-read? tables)))
(api/defendpoint GET "/:id"
"Get `Table` with ID."
[id include_editable_data_model]
......@@ -520,15 +513,16 @@
(-> (t2/select-one Table :id id) api/write-check (table/custom-order-fields! field_order)))
(mu/defn ^:private update-csv!
"This helper function exists to make testing the POST /api/table/:id/append-csv endpoint easier."
"This helper function exists to make testing the POST /api/table/:id/{action}-csv endpoints easier."
[options :- [:map
[:table-id ms/PositiveInt]
[:file (ms/InstanceOfClass]
[:action upload/update-action-schema]]]
(let [model (upload/update-csv! options)]
(let [_result (upload/update-csv! options)]
{:status 200
:body (:id model)})
;; There is scope to return something more interesting.
:body nil})
(catch Throwable e
{:status (or (-> e ex-data :status-code)
......@@ -609,10 +609,65 @@
[db table]
(nil? (can-update-error db table)))
(defn- can-delete-error
"Returns an ExceptionInfo object if the user cannot delete the given upload. Returns nil otherwise."
(not (:is_upload table))
(ex-info (tru "The table must be an uploaded table.")
{:status-code 422})
(not (mi/can-write? table))
(ex-info (tru "You don''t have permissions to do that.")
{:status-code 403})))
(defn- check-can-delete
"Throws an error if the given table is not an upload, or if the user does not have permission to delete it."
;; For now anyone that can update a table is allowed to delete it.
(when-let [error (can-delete-error table)]
(throw error)))
;;; +--------------------------------------------------
;;; | public interface for updating an uploaded table
;;; +--------------------------------------------------
(defn delete-upload!
"Delete the given table from both the app-db and the customer database."
[table & {:keys [archive-cards?]}]
(let [database (table/database table)
driver (driver.u/database->driver database)
table-name (table-identifier table)]
(check-can-delete table)
;; Attempt to delete the underlying data from the customer database.
;; We perform this before marking the table as inactive in the app db so that even if it false, the table is still
;; visible to administrators and the operation is easy to retry again later.
(driver/drop-table! driver (:id database) table-name)
;; We mark the table as inactive synchronously, so that it will no longer shows up in the admin list.
(t2/update! :model/Table :id (:id table) {:active false})
;; Ideally we would immediately trigger any further clean-up associated with the table being deactivated, but at
;; the time of writing this sync isn't wired up to do anything with explicitly inactive tables, and rather
;; relies on their absence from the tables being described during the database sync itself.
;; TODO update the [[metabase.sync]] module to support direct per-table clean-up
;; Ideally this will also clean up more the metadata which we had created around it, e.g. advanced field values.
#_(future (sync/retire-table! (assoc table :active false)))
;; Archive the related cards if the customer opted in.
;; For now, this only covers instances where the card has this as its "primary table", i.e.
;; 1. A MBQL question or model that has this table as their first or only data source, or
;; 2. A MBQL question or model that depends on such a model as their first or only data source.
;; Note that this does not include cases where we join to this table, or even native queries which depend .
(when archive-cards?
(t2/update-returning-pks! :model/Card
{:table_id (:id table) :archived false}
{:archived true}))
(def update-action-schema
"The :action values supported by [[update-csv!]]"
[:enum ::append ::replace])
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
"Tests for /api/table endpoints."
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[java-time.api :as t]
[medley.core :as m]
[metabase.api.table :as api.table]
[metabase.driver :as driver]
......@@ -145,31 +144,6 @@
(t2/update! :model/Table where-clause# {:is_upload false}))))))
(deftest list-uploaded-tables-test
(testing "GET /api/table/uploaded"
(testing "These should come back in alphabetical order and include relevant metadata"
(with-tables-as-uploads [:categories :reviews]
(t2.with-temp/with-temp [Card {} {:table_id (mt/id :categories)}
Card {} {:table_id (mt/id :reviews)}
Card {} {:table_id (mt/id :reviews)}]
(let [result (mt/user-http-request :rasta :get 200 "table/uploaded")]
;; =? doesn't seem to allow predicates inside maps, inside a set
(is (every? t/offset-date-time? (map :created_at result)))
(is (= #{{:name (mt/format-name "categories")
:display_name "Categories"
:id (mt/id :categories)
:schema "PUBLIC"
:entity_type "entity/GenericTable"}
{:name (mt/format-name "reviews")
:display_name "Reviews"
:id (mt/id :reviews)
:schema "PUBLIC"
:entity_type "entity/GenericTable"}}
(->> result
(filter #(= (:db_id %) (mt/id))) ; prevent stray tables from affecting unit test results
(map #(select-keys % [:name :display_name :id :entity_type :schema :usage_count]))
(deftest get-table-test
(testing "GET /api/table/:id"
(is (= (merge
......@@ -966,19 +940,22 @@
;;; | POST /api/table/:id/append-csv |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(defn- append-csv! [options]
(@#'api.table/update-csv! (assoc options :action :metabase.upload/append)))
(defn create-csv! []
(mt/with-current-user (mt/user->id :rasta)
(defn- update-csv! [options]
(@#'api.table/update-csv! options))
(defn- append-csv-via-api!
(defn- update-csv-via-api!
"Upload a small CSV file to the given collection ID. Default args can be overridden"
(mt/with-current-user (mt/user->id :rasta)
(let [file (upload-test/csv-file-with ["name" "Luke Skywalker" "Darth Vader"] (mt/random-name))
table (upload-test/create-upload-table!)]
(mt/with-current-user (mt/user->id :crowberto)
(append-csv! {:table-id (:id table)
:file file}))))))
(let [table (create-csv!)
file (upload-test/csv-file-with ["name" "Luke Skywalker" "Darth Vader"] (mt/random-name))]
(mt/with-current-user (mt/user->id :crowberto)
(update-csv! {:action action
:table-id (:id table)
:file file}))))
(deftest append-csv-test
(mt/test-driver :h2
......@@ -986,11 +963,11 @@
(testing "Happy path"
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [uploads-enabled true]
(is (= {:status 200, :body nil}
(update-csv-via-api! :metabase.upload/append)))))
(testing "Failure paths return an appropriate status code and a message in the body"
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [uploads-enabled false]
(is (= {:status 422, :body {:message "Uploads are not enabled."}}
(update-csv-via-api! :metabase.upload/append))))))))
(deftest append-csv-deletes-file-test
(testing "File gets deleted after appending"
......@@ -1002,7 +979,8 @@
table (upload-test/create-upload-table!)]
(is (.exists file) "File should exist before append-csv!")
(mt/with-current-user (mt/user->id :crowberto)
(append-csv! {:table-id (:id table)
(update-csv! {:action :metabase.upload/append
:table-id (:id table)
:file file}))
(is (not (.exists file)) "File should be deleted after append-csv!")))))))
......@@ -1010,31 +988,17 @@
;;; | POST /api/table/:id/replace-csv |
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(defn- replace-csv! [options]
(@#'api.table/update-csv! (assoc options :action :metabase.upload/replace)))
(defn- replace-csv-via-api!
"Upload a small CSV file to the given collection ID. Default args can be overridden"
(mt/with-current-user (mt/user->id :rasta)
(let [file (upload-test/csv-file-with ["name" "Luke Skywalker" "Darth Vader"] (mt/random-name))
table (upload-test/create-upload-table!)]
(mt/with-current-user (mt/user->id :crowberto)
(replace-csv! {:table-id (:id table)
:file file}))))))
(deftest replace-csv-test
(mt/test-driver :h2
(testing "Happy path"
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [uploads-enabled true]
(is (= {:status 200, :body nil}
(update-csv-via-api! :metabase.upload/replace)))))
(testing "Failure paths return an appropriate status code and a message in the body"
(mt/with-temporary-setting-values [uploads-enabled false]
(is (= {:status 422, :body {:message "Uploads are not enabled."}}
(update-csv-via-api! :metabase.upload/replace))))))))
(deftest replace-csv-deletes-file-test
(testing "File gets deleted after replacing"
......@@ -1046,6 +1010,7 @@
table (upload-test/create-upload-table!)]
(is (.exists file) "File should exist before replace-csv!")
(mt/with-current-user (mt/user->id :crowberto)
(replace-csv! {:table-id (:id table)
:file file}))
(update-csv! {:action :metabase.upload/replace
:table-id (:id table)
:file file}))
(is (not (.exists file)) "File should be deleted after replace-csv!")))))))
......@@ -1752,3 +1752,43 @@
(rows-for-table table)))
(io/delete-file file))))))))
(defn- upload-table-exists? [table]
;; we don't need to worry about sql injection here
(-> (format "SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = '%s'" (:name table))
((fn [sql] {:database (:db_id table), :type :native, :native {:query sql}}))
(deftest delete-upload!-test
(mt/test-drivers (mt/normal-drivers-with-feature :uploads)
(doseq [archive-cards? [true false]]
(with-upload-table! [table (create-upload-table!
:col->upload-type (ordered-map/ordered-map
:_mb_row_id auto-pk-type
:number_1 int-type
:number_2 int-type)
:rows [[1, 1]])]
(testing "The upload table and the expected application data are created\n"
(is (upload-table-exists? table))
(is (seq (t2/select :model/Table :id (:id table))))
(testing "The expected metadata is synchronously sync'd"
(is (seq (t2/select :model/Field :table_id (:id table))))))
(mt/with-temp [:model/Card {card-id :id} {:table_id (:id table)}]
(is (false? (:archived (t2/select-one :model/Card :id card-id))))
(upload/delete-upload! table :archive-cards? archive-cards?)
(testing (format "We %s the related cards if archive-cards? is %s"
(if archive-cards? "archive" "do not archive")
(is (= archive-cards? (:archived (t2/select-one :model/Card :id card-id)))))
(testing "The upload table and related application data are deleted\n"
(is (not (upload-table-exists? table)))
(is (= [false] (mapv :active (t2/select :model/Table :id (:id table)))))
(testing "We do not clean up any of the child resources synchronously (yet?)"
(is (seq (t2/select :model/Field :table_id (:id table)))))))))))
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